Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Ashleg on April 29, 2015, 03:59:01 AM

Title: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on April 29, 2015, 03:59:01 AM
(OOC: Let's give them a little reason to be here...  ;))

The early morning sun filtered in through Raventail's window. He groaned, rolling on to his side in his bed.
He hated mornings! Ever since the failed attack on Redwall Abbey when he was injured by the Badgermum of that time, Cregga Rose Eyes, the ferret had had a limp. Once the battle was over, as was the hospitality of Redwallers, they'd (a little reluctantly) helped him with his wounds and tried to send him on his way--but he pretended to have fallen ill.
The truth was, the ferret did not want to go.
They had good food.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 30, 2015, 03:23:11 PM

OOC: I have no idea how this is suppose to work with characters that should have died long ago. But here goes.

Leaning against the wall of the infirmary Elmtail glanced over at Raventail. The ferret should have been thrown out long ago but it was sick. Again. Sighing Elmtail sat back annoyed. He was supposed to guard this creature and make sure it didn't try anything. The squirrel was unarmed but he didn't think he would need weapons to deal with a single sick ferret.

With a groan of boredom Elmtail waited impatiently for the relief guard. And maybe for something to happen.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on April 30, 2015, 09:37:27 PM
If they died, they'd be injured and if they're from an older book just have him/her a bit older than the age it was I the book. Sorry about the confusion.  :P
Raventail could feel the annoyance radiating from his guard, so he shot the squirrel a glare and sat up, fake-coughing a few times. He smirked mockingly and pretended to be interested.
"Y'just sittasit there? Kye arrr, Elmsquirrel better shapeup!" The ferret's voice had a jeering tone to it. It was the first time he'd spoken directly to Elmtail.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 30, 2015, 10:05:34 PM

Flicking his eyes toward the ferret Elmtail considered what Raventail had said. After a moment he straightened and glared back.

"Well all you seem to be able to do is lay there. So why don't you consider healing up so I wont have to sit here forever." Elmtail said with annoyance. He reclined against the wall once more absentmindedly tossing a pebble into the air and catching it.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on April 30, 2015, 10:40:03 PM
"Nonono, you'rea lazymouth squirrel, I 'kin walkstand!" Raventail gasped and shook his head, watching the pebble rise and fall. Perhaps Elmtail was annoyed by his strange dialect--or from boredom.
The ferret snorted and hopped out of bed, leaning unsteadily against the wall.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 02, 2015, 03:55:33 AM
Rowanoak walked down the halls of Redwall Abbey, turning her great, striped head this way and that.

What an interesting place this is...and what did the beasts here want to make me again? Oh, that's right.


It would be experience if she did become badger mother, whatever that was.

Anyway, she had to focus on the task at hand: waking up the ferret, Raventail, and his guard - a squirrel named Elmtail.

"You two," said Rowanoak as she knocked roughly on Raventail's door. "Get up. Breakfast will start any moment now."
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 02, 2015, 04:13:29 AM
Raventail's eyes lit up.
"Yeh, aye, coming!" The ferret exclaimed, stumbling toward the door.
He had no idea who was outside, but they had mentioned food.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 04, 2015, 12:27:32 PM
"Elmtail, you ready? You can't stay in bed all morning!" said Rowanoak, poking her great head into the room.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 04, 2015, 09:25:54 PM
Raventail sniggered and turned his head toward his guard.
"Hehe, come on, you lazybeast!"
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on May 22, 2015, 01:37:51 AM
corporal Butty Wopscut was walking cheerfully towards Redwall Abbey. Sure, it had been a little while since he'd last visited, and the Abbey had been n danger. . . But still, they'd be glad to know he was alive, right? Coming to the Main Gate, he baned cheerfully on it, calling, "Hey in there! Butty Wopsut out here, wot! Gonna let me in, eh?"
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 22, 2015, 03:48:33 AM
Raventail perked his ears, glancing tentatively in Rowanoak's direction.
The ferret narrowed his eyes and stepped into the hallway before poking his head back in the room.
"You heard that, yes yes?"
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 24, 2015, 03:04:33 PM
"Who in the name of fur and freedom is Butty Wopscut?" Rowanoak murmured to herself. "Come with me," she told Raventail as she made her way to the Abbey gates, "And don't you dare try something nasty or you'll feel a badger's wrath."
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 25, 2015, 03:01:06 AM
Elmtail left the site, I think.  :(
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 25, 2015, 10:56:32 PM
OOC: That's right :( Ok, I changed it to Raventail
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 26, 2015, 12:55:39 AM
"Rakkachakk, stupidbadger is bossy, huh!" Raventail muttered to himself but complied. He couldn't make any guarantees he'd do nothing nasty. The former horde leader smirked has he followed Rowanoak to the gates.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 26, 2015, 04:39:09 AM
Rowanoak hadn't heard Raventail's derisive comment but glanced at him suspiciously as the two beasts made their way to the Main Gate.

The old badger soon realized that a hare was standing outside, and felt a dull thud in her chest as she was reminded of her old friend, Ballaw. Swallowing, she walked up to the gate, keeping herself observant to Raventail's actions as well. Ah, the work of a badgermum!

"Who are you?" she asked the hare.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 27, 2015, 04:15:47 AM
"Ah, didn't'e just shout it?" Raventail sneered, glancing skeptically at the Badgermum and then at the hare. He grinned and pretended to cough, twisting the newcomer's name as he did so. "Coridal Butty Wotsisface."
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 29, 2015, 10:30:46 AM
Rowanoak snarled. "I'm not taking your filthy insults, Raven-whatever your name is. And I know what our guest is called. But, who exactly are you?" she asked, turning back to Butty Wopscut.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on May 30, 2015, 02:40:35 AM
"Arg, wot? I didn't insult you!" Raventail snorted, waving a paw in the air as if to say "Bah, forget it".
The ferret crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest and stared off into the distance.
He'd gone a long way since his days as a vermin leader, even if it was only of a small horde. He would've attacked her back then.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on May 30, 2015, 06:49:30 PM
Butty glanced at Raventail in disdain. "It's Corporal Butty Wopscut, not whatever the bloomin' blazes you just said, wot!" Butty said sternly. Turn ing to the badger, he bowed. "And who might you two be, marm?"
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 30, 2015, 08:06:58 PM
Finally, a beast who's more agreeable. "Pleased to meet you," greeted the newly-appointed and still rather confused badgermum. "I'm Rowanoak, the badger mother of Redwall. And this is Raventail, who is here with us while he is being healed. What brings you here? Our gates are always open."
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on May 31, 2015, 06:45:28 PM
"Well, y'know, I just thought I'd tell the Abbey that I'm not dead after all!" Butty said cheerfully, stepping in. "Say, any food about, wot?" He asked. Being a hare, Butty was almost always hungry.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on May 31, 2015, 11:35:35 PM
"We're about to eat breakfast," said Rowanoak. "Come with me, friend." She led the way to Cavern Hole, checking on Raventail and Butty.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 01, 2015, 02:07:37 AM
"Ah..." Raventail lagged behind Butty, every so often treading on the hare's heels. He made it look like an accident.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on June 01, 2015, 09:37:47 PM
"Excuse me, Crowtail, but would you please stop walkin' on my heels, wot?" Butty asked sternly. He got the ferret's name wrong on purpose, replatying the favor from earlier. Butty then decided to speed up his pace a little, catching up to Rowanoak and walking beside her. "Say, is Rakkety Tam still here?" He asked after a moment.

OOC I wanted Butty to have a little more conversation with Rowanoak, Skye, but I couldn't think of any better conversation starter. We can just pretend Tam and co. are returning the banner or something. . . If we like.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 01, 2015, 10:31:18 PM
"Ohh, you!" Raventail halted and gasped before continuing along in silence.
The ferret felt his blood boil. Crowtail? How offensive!
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on June 02, 2015, 12:52:26 AM
"Me what, ferret?" Butty asked over his shoulder. So, Raventail doesn't like a taste of his own medicine, wot? He thought almost cheerfully.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 02, 2015, 01:02:58 PM
Raventail hadn't expected to be asked to finish his sentance. He frowned and waved his paw dismissively.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on June 02, 2015, 10:31:38 PM
OOC: I'm not sure how Tam would fit into this or even which time period we're in. What do you say, Scartooth?
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 03, 2015, 12:56:45 AM
All sense of time has basically been merged. I've been thinking about changing it so that well known characters could be here too, so it's up to you!  ;)
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on June 04, 2015, 12:28:47 AM
OOC: Okee!

BIC: "A warrior squirrel called Tam? Yes, he's here," said Rowanoak as the three of them entered the Abbey and then Cavern Hole. Breakfast was just beginning.

OOC: Corny, I'm confused. You mean you want Tam to be here?
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 04, 2015, 01:26:12 AM
Corny, Tam can be here if you want him to be here.  ;D
Raventail grinned and sniffed the air. Food at Redwall was so good!
He limped, though very quickly, toward the table and looked everything over.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Cornflower MM on June 05, 2015, 01:22:13 AM
OOC: Gah, I'm so behind the times! Anywho, I meant that Tam being there was up to you, Skye. :P But I've just hd an idea for Tam being there, so there he seems to be now!

BIC: Butty was about to reply to Rowanoak quite happily when they entered Cavern Hole. He paused in the doorway, his eyes searching the tables. "Butty Wopscut?!" Rakkety Tam's voice rang out as the squirrel stood up. Butty grinned, walking. "In the flesh, wot!" He replied cheerfully.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Skyblade on June 05, 2015, 02:08:25 AM
Rowanoak glanced at Raventail for a moment. He seemed to be fine, so she walked over to Tam and Butty, wanting to listen to the conversation. Honestly, she didn't know what was going on between the two of them.
Title: Re: Gotta Get Along...
Post by: Ashleg on June 05, 2015, 02:27:23 AM
Raventail quickly downed a cup of strawberry coridal and scoffed two scones, all the while watching Butty's reunion with Tam through narrowed eyes. He picked up a third scone, but suddenly dropped it when he jerked his arm. Tam's loud voice had startled him! The scone bounced and rolled under the table.
Annoyed, Raventail bent to retrieve it when something caught his eye.
It was a bright red gem, shiny and small enough to fit in the center of his paw with no problems. The ferret cast a backward glance toward the other creatures and snatched the stone up.