Redwall Abbey

General Boards => Cavern Hole => Topic started by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 08:12:33 PM

Title: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 08:12:33 PM
Welcome to the HQ of the Forum Revival Movement. Because of certain events and posts, I have taken it upon myself to start this movement. It appears that the forum has some things that could be improved. I know our mods are hard at work, but I figured the help of all members would greatly increase the likelyhood of improvement. So far, I have identified a few things that need fixing or improving:

-Redwall Discussion: As so much energy is directed towards the cellars, the Redwall Discussion Board has become far less active. In order to attract more new members, I recommend this foundational board be revived.

-RPing: The forum once had a very strong RP history. For the benefit of all members, I suggest we work to restore that status.

-General Forum Reform: Some general things that should be done, like creating an active Redwall Cooking Community, adding sub-boards and a few other things.

I suggest that we discuss as much as possible ways to improve the forum and implement these ideas. Perhaps forming member committees for specific subjects would be a possibility.

Please discuss!


Strategic Command

-Redwall Discussion crowding
-Redwall Discussion inactivity
-RP inactivity
-RP board division
-Fan Works board inactivity
-Recipe sub-board inactivity

-Pin popular Redwall Discussion topics
-Recycle unused RP ideas
-Archive older Redwall Discussion topics
-Periodic fanfiction and art contests
-Periodic fanworks award

-Redwall Discussion Committee
-RP Committee
-Fan Works Committee [Recipe Sub-Committee]
-Membership Committee

Committee Contents
RP Committee: Cornflower MM, Izeroth, Lord Ashenwyte, Gonff the Mousethief, Jukka the Sling, The Mask
Fan Works Committee: Gonff the Mousethief, Wylder Treejumper, Lord Ashenwyte, Skyblade
       Recipe Board Sub-Committee: Wylder Treejumper, ...
Redwall Discussion Committee: Wylder Treejumper, ...
Membership Committee:The Mask, Wylder Treejumper, Gonff the Mousethief...
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Skyblade on May 07, 2015, 08:45:42 PM
I have also noticed these posts and tried to improve things around here. Granted, the forums are a great place as is. However, everything can use improvement. My standard is perfection (though lately I have been very far from reaching it, sadly).

I am truly impressed you have conceived of this idea and have taken it upon yourself to start this important project. For that, Wylder, kudos.

I have been trying to post more in the Redwall Discussion boards. I also have (what I think is) a good idea for an RP to revitalize the corresponding board - a Redwall version of the Hunger Games.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 08:53:52 PM
I almost think that part of the reason the Redwall Discussion Board has not been active is the amount of topics from previous years in it. A lot of times I notice the topics seem to have been "discussed through", and thus de-incentivises new members from joing the discussion. Also, some pointless topics clog up space and rob more vital topics of their place on the first page.

Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Izeroth on May 07, 2015, 09:19:14 PM
 I think it would be a good idea to have two rp sub-boards: canon and non-canon. The canon board would deal with traditional Redwall canon, while the non-canon board would contain Rps not true to the books. (e.g. stories not based on the Redwall continent, or including things like humans or aliens)
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Skarzs on May 07, 2015, 09:41:06 PM
Actually, the discussion boards in the past few months have been more active than they have been for about six months before. But yes, it would be good to try to make those even more active.

As for the RPs, one problem is that a lot of the ideas have been done before, so trying to get an RP that is gung-ho and active will prove difficult due to the possible limitations of the ideas one might have for an RP.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Jetthebinturong on May 07, 2015, 10:10:09 PM
Does anyone remember when I tried to do the Redwall Hunger Games with the Fight Pits? Because I'd be perfectly willing to do it again if enough people are interested
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 10:23:00 PM
In regards to RP's, I personally think that story variations are endless. Imagination is a wonderful thing. In the mean time perhaps we could have people that could delve into the RP Board, find all the RPs with very good ideas that were never started, and run them?

Personally I think it would be a good idea to clear out (archive) some of the older Redwall Discussion topics, leaving more room for newer ones to grow. That way, more discussions could take place without a lot of outdated things cluttering up the space, but could still be referenced via an archive board. That would be something a mod would need to do, but...

Anybody interested on working on the recipe section of the forum with me? Because right now I'm doing my best to attract traffic in that direction.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Izeroth on May 07, 2015, 10:49:31 PM
 I think it would be a good idea to pin some of the better discussion topics, and perhaps even have a Redwall Discussion essay contest.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 07, 2015, 11:05:30 PM
@Wylder: I have not been a very cook ever, so I could not help you there. Sorry man...

Honestly, I feel like most of the boards above Cavern Hole are going down. It has been really sad to see the Fan Fiction area go down. I always loved waiting for a new part in a good story. I have no real suggestions here, but I will try to create some.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 11:23:05 PM
Exactly my point! This topic is to generate ideas for mods and members to carry out to SAVE the rest of the forum. Honestly, I feel like the emphasis on the Cellars has degraded the rest of the forum a bit, as the Cellars are not exactly the most productive of boards...

I've also been thinking that we should form commitees designated to work on specific areas of the forum. Mods are great, but they are busy. We members are on here EVERY DAY, so if those boards are failing... it's our fault! Which means it's also our responsibility to restore them.

I'm editing my main post to now include specific problems and suggestions.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Søren on May 07, 2015, 11:38:49 PM
Doesn't this belong in "Suggestions and Concerns"?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 11:46:35 PM
Not necessarily... That board is maily for mods to deal with.

Besides, I can make people look at it more if it is in Cavern Hole.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Søren on May 07, 2015, 11:49:08 PM
Well, please don't include me in any lists. I don't want to be part of a "committee". Not that I do t agree with what's being said, but I don't have the time or need for more responsibility.
Thanks. :)
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 07, 2015, 11:55:15 PM
What would it take to be part of the Fan Works Committee?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2015, 11:58:25 PM
Only a little bit of time. The comittees I am thinking of would just be made up of volunteers interested in improving that area of the forum. The comittees would discuss and then implement ideas for improvements, for example, sponsoring a fan-fiction contest and soliciting prizes and entries.

If you would like to be the first comittee member, we'd be glad to have you! (I'll join once more comittees become filled)
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Cornflower MM on May 08, 2015, 12:00:16 AM
I'll join the RP committee!

Quote from: The Skarzs on May 07, 2015, 09:41:06 PM

As for the RPs, one problem is that a lot of the ideas have been done before, so trying to get an RP that is gung-ho and active will prove difficult due to the possible limitations of the ideas one might have for an RP.

That's very true! And another problem in the RP boards is that people drop[ out. I myself have done this recently, but I think I'm actually strarting to feel a little more inspired. So, yes, recycling RP ideas sound like a great idea! What about Rain's latest Quest for Romance, for example? Or my last RP idea, the one no one wanted to do - I could think on that some more, give it more plot, and set it afloat again!

The Fan Works committee sounds cool, too, but I'm not sure I'd have tome for that as well. Can I get back to you on that?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Izeroth on May 08, 2015, 12:02:43 AM
 I'll join the RP committee, Wylder. I think the RP board is really the one most in need of improvement.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 12:04:26 AM
Welcome aboard! We're (Actually, just me right now... :-\) glad to have you! Let's get this revolution rolling!

I'd suggest starting a "RP Comittee" topic, so discussion doesn't clutter up HQ, and perhaps trying to find some more comittee members.

While we're on the topic, could a mod possibly pin this?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 08, 2015, 12:17:11 AM
I will join the Fan Work Committee! I hope I can help!

EDIT: Could I also be on the RP Committee? I would really like to help some of the older RP's.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 02:51:24 AM
You're on! Really, though, feel free to join without my permission. I just put it into Strategic Command.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on May 08, 2015, 09:29:47 AM
I would like to join the Fiction Boards revival committee.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Rusvul on May 08, 2015, 03:19:16 PM
   I have a question- If you think the current activity in the fanfiction board is inadequate, rather than sponsor fanfiction tournaments and such... why not just have your committee write some more fanfictions for people to read?

   It is my personal opinion that the changes being viewed as negative by others are simply a neutral and lateral movement, and that our graph line of forum quality as time progresses is going mostly sideways, with some minor spikes up and down. But that's just me.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 04:04:07 PM
...We will, but the point of the committee is to promote the board to the population in general.

Also, if the forum doesn't like the way things are, then I'd say the quality is going down...
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Skyblade on May 08, 2015, 05:26:58 PM
May I join the Fan Works Committee?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 05:43:52 PM
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Edraithel on May 08, 2015, 07:55:05 PM
I'll join the Fan Works Committee!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Skyblade on May 08, 2015, 10:30:58 PM
Thank you :)

Interestingly enough, I had a bold idea before this revival started... I was taking an exam in a school gym I hadn't been in since years...and there were posters on the wall about mock Olympic Games that had been held at the school. So...what if the forums did a mock Olympics? It would be a friendly conpetition and hopefully help with the revival. We could have competitions for fanfics, fanart, off-topic stories, off-topic art, 3D art, basically anything safe that allows members to display their creativity and intelligence.

... ???
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Edraithel on May 08, 2015, 10:32:20 PM
That sounds like a good idea to me!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Banya on May 08, 2015, 10:38:08 PM
@Sky: That sounds fun.  The Forum Olympics would require planning and publicity, but it sounds like a great idea.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Skyblade on May 08, 2015, 10:39:26 PM
Thank you both :)

I think this would have to get through the moderators. It's just something I thought of. If it's not pragmatic, we will be notified.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 10:57:16 PM
I have already spoken with Matthias720. You have no need to fear.

Not about a forum Olympics. Apparently I skipped the last 4 posts...
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Mask on May 08, 2015, 11:21:34 PM
A forum Olympics sounds pretty good. We should advertise on other websites. Other ROC and perhaps some similar books.

Also could I be added to the RP board commitee?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 11:23:58 PM

May I ask, what exactly do you mean by Forum Olympics?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Mask on May 08, 2015, 11:24:27 PM
Sky mentioned on a previous page.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 11:26:58 PM
Ah. Apparently I somehow managed to have missed all of those posts... Yes, that does sound like a good idea.

Why and how would we advertise on other forums?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Mask on May 08, 2015, 11:33:12 PM
A lot of people joined this forum by hearing about it from other forums. This would bring more members in and/or get them interested in Redwall.

It won't be too hard to advertise. I'm sure most of them would have 'Other redwall websites' as a board. And the non-Redwall ones would probably have a place to advertise or something.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 11:34:29 PM
In such case a "Membership Committee" should be assembled... I shall do it!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Mask on May 08, 2015, 11:43:12 PM
If needed, I can join that committee as well.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 08, 2015, 11:48:59 PM
Well, good.

Someone should join the Recipe Committee! I'm lonely! :'(
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Skarzs on May 09, 2015, 12:00:13 AM
I feel like putting recipes from the Redwall Cookbook is cheating; that's just me. Anyhow, I've put up a recipe for vegetable soup (and I think for biscuits), and I want to do one for some delicious raspberry-leaf tea, but I need to make it first.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 09, 2015, 12:01:56 AM
Well, yes. I'm pretty sure the idea is to add more recipes not available otherwise...

More importantly, adding recipes from The Redwall Cookbook would violate copyright law.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Skarzs on May 09, 2015, 12:02:47 AM
. . . I thought that's where you were getting those recipes. . . :P
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 09, 2015, 12:05:29 AM
I am highly offended! ...Just kidding. ;)

Nope. They are from The Redwall Kitchen (, a site that is totally defunct. I'm adding them because 1) I hope they will attract traffic, 2) It's convenient to have all the recipes in the same place, and 3) To enable discussion and such, as the site is dead.

In fact, it's kind of funny... If you go on, it says the site is closed and will not be updated until at least 2004.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 09, 2015, 12:41:18 AM
I love the Olympics idea!

I'll join the new committee Wylder.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Skarzs on May 09, 2015, 12:42:50 AM
Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 09, 2015, 12:05:29 AM
In fact, it's kind of funny... If you go on, it says the site is closed and will not be updated until at least 2004.
And yeah, after I had posted I looked at your topics. :P
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Luftwaffles on May 10, 2015, 12:10:08 AM
I would like to help in any way I can. What needs to be done?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Mask on May 10, 2015, 03:04:37 AM
Interesting... the revival topics have been pinned. Thanks mods!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Blaggut on May 15, 2015, 12:15:23 AM
I have two huge reasons to join this movement (which I am  :D)

1) My RPs die a lot

2) You said a Napoleonic war cry in the title

I'm in!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 22, 2015, 11:26:40 PM
Huh, this worked for probably the first week... But now discussion appears to have died down!

Come on! Let's get back on track!

[Shameless Self-Promotion] Speaking of which, please sign up for the Character Fanfic Contest! [/Shameless Self-Promotion]
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: The Skarzs on May 25, 2015, 03:48:40 AM
I've been rather busy of late. . . my apologies. I'm not sure if I'll be joining the contest, but I will hopefully be posting a new chapter in my own fanfic.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Lutra on May 30, 2015, 12:06:21 PM
I don't know if any mod or anyone higher up has spoken in this thread yet as I haven't the time to look at all the replies, but a topic like this tells me we have classic forum burnout.  Its why a lot of place just die.  This place has been online for four years, so the old guard (basically anyone who registered that first year) has seen the same things time and time again, and yes probably do get sick of repeating things over and over when the newer members bring up the topic again.  Not their fault, but its true.  How many times would you like to repeat yourself?  In real life, you'd get pretty tired of it after the second or third time. ;)

It won't be easy to "revive" the forum.  Also, remember the forum staff here have actually very little control over the place when it comes to design changes.  We cannot change the background or upgrade forum software so we're pretty much stuck with this design perpetually.  It won't even load on my phone, so I understand the design is a turn off but we cannot do anything about it.  We cannot upgrade the forum software which is four years old.  These aren't deal breakers by any means, but its hard to "freshen things up" as it were.

Just some things to consider as you discuss how to make things better.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on June 01, 2015, 07:52:53 PM
Well, I try to do what I can, but I can't do it alone... *Glares*
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Captain Tammo on June 05, 2015, 05:05:50 PM
As someone who spends most of their time looking at the fanfiction boards, I have a couple of ideas I'd like to throw around which I think could improve the quality of the board.

We should pin a topic to the fanfic section that acts like a folder for "most popular fanfics". I think it would give new people a place to start when they get to the boards, as I've found getting a huge wave of fanfictions at once can be a tad overwhelming when trying to find where a good place to begin would be. What I think this would do is serve as a sort-of spark to that person in the sense that it would then influence them to go on and read more of the entries on the board afterwards. It's a very small thing to do, but I think it could add a little bit to the forum page, as well as give fanfic writers an incentive to write more. Who wouldn't want to see their story on that page?!

This brings up another idea for the fanfic boards. You see, there are a few fanfiction competitions here and there which serve as incentive to write new stories. But what about improving the old fanfics? Right now, there are over 250 individual fanfictions on the forum, many of which have not broken the 1,000 view and 5 non-author reply mark. While putting emphasis on new content is always a vital thing in that section of the forum, what about shifting some of our focus to improving the existing fanfictions? I propose that the fanfiction boards holds an awards ceremony in which awards are given out to fanfictions for different factors, like the Oscars (i.e. Most Original Character in a Fanfiction, Longest Fanfiction, Best Drama, Best Mystery, Best Action/Adventure, Best New Fanfiction, etc.) We could make enough awards to make a good number of existing works stand out and show that they have particularly good quality. This, in theory, should increase traffic flow to those fanfics. In addition, I feel that this should be something that happens every so-often (maybe bi-annually? Details can be worked out with the committee, but I'd like to help out on this project as well, should it be supported) so that the awards are moving around the forum and directing people to the fanfics that most deserve the attention. Of course, having 250+ fanfics, it may be a good idea to have authors submit their works into the competition... What do you think? I think it's completely doable and would yield a great amount of activity to the boards, as well as add incentive for people to write new works since now there's something to actually work for besides views and replies. I really do think that this could help!
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 05, 2015, 05:38:02 PM
That is one of the best ideas I have heard in a while Tammo! It would work great, for every would want their work with some kind of award. I think Wylder would love this.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on June 08, 2015, 07:43:16 PM
You are right. I do. Tammo, you should join the Fan Works Revival Commitee.

In the mean while, I'll transcript that to the commitee board! Let's get to work on it.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Izeroth on July 02, 2015, 12:32:16 AM
Some ideas to improve the discussion boards:

•pin the most popular discussion threads

•lock or merge irrelevant or non-canonical threads
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Hickory on July 02, 2015, 12:45:55 AM
Merging threads only creates confusion.
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: Izeroth on July 02, 2015, 01:40:11 AM
Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on July 02, 2015, 12:45:55 AM
Merging threads only creates confusion.

Weren't some discussion threads merged in the past?
Title: Re: HQ of the Forum Revival Movement (Viva la Forum!)
Post by: rrrrr on July 03, 2015, 01:18:02 AM
It does, like when someone merged the two Vulpez threads. I was like  :o :o :o :o