Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Skyblade on May 25, 2015, 11:32:49 PM

Title: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on May 25, 2015, 11:32:49 PM
Eleven beasts were gathered in the famed Redwall Abbey's Cavern Hole, enjoying a feast.

Actually, "enjoying" may not be the most accurate choice of word. After all, the beasts were only hours away from starting a competition that may or may not change their entire lives. What made the situation more complicated was that they were eating with the other contenders - contenders they were supposed to "kill" in order to win.

It was going to be an awkward breakfast, or maybe a jolly one, or many neither of those. It was the competitors themselves who would decide.

OOC: We are going to start with a feast, so RP your character eating at the table with everyone.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on May 25, 2015, 11:43:11 PM
Asher had hardly touched any food. He had eaten a couple pieces of buttered toast, and a glass of greens milk, but not much else. His mind was focused on what was coming ahead. Had be waxed his bowstring enough? Had he stocked enough arrows? Luckily, Asher had long since abolished the habit of chewing his nails, and the only thing he did now was stare absentmindedly at his plate.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Rainshadow on May 26, 2015, 12:19:02 AM
  Unlike the black squirrel sitting across from her, Kana was eating at a speed so ferocious that it was amazing she had yet to bite her tongue.  At first, she had been apprehensive, not knowing whether or not the food was poisoned, but her hunger got the better of her, driving her to take as much of every dish around her as possible.  The grey squirrel didn't care that this might give her a stomach ache; she was perfectly fine dealing with the pain later.  Right now, all she cared about was getting the feeling of a full stomach for the first time in her life.

  OOC:  Little bit of PP there; you alright with that, Sage-kun?  If not, I can move where Kana's seated.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 26, 2015, 12:46:02 AM
Marshall was leaning his head onto his palm. The food all tasted the same, well, to him at least. The blue fox sat near the end of the table purposefully, so he would not be included in any conversation. He had so much on his mind. If he won, he could have a normal life with his son; If he lost, he would be ashamed and have to go back into hiding. Why couldn't his wife still be here? They could have both been happy with a family. Family. Heh, the closest thing he had to that was the bowl of soup sitting infront of him.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on May 26, 2015, 04:02:20 AM
Raymo was stuffing his face while looking around to see who was who, and also to avoid being seen eating like a pig. He felt the nervous air of the competitors around him, and then ate even faster to stop the nervousness from getting to him. Fidgeting underneath, he saw his half-empty stone pouch and resolved to pick some stones later.

- - - -

He saw some strange blue stones underneath the table and started picking them up and dropping them inside his pouch. He was full, anyway. Sitting back, he stared at the faces of the competitors, now unaffected by the tense atmosphere around.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: The Mask on May 26, 2015, 08:02:58 AM
Yexter's cheery face was deceiving. He grinned in a silly way and acted very polite. "Can I have some of that please? Pass the butter thanks!" and so on. But behind that, his mind was working overtime. Who to work with,  motives, weakness etc. He had always been like that, that's why he got kicked out of his village after all. No one one was talking, so he decided to break the ice. "So, who do you think is gonna die first? Hee hee!"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 27, 2015, 02:18:27 AM
Marshall glared up at him. He gave him a stare which signaled to him that that would not be a good question at the moment.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on May 27, 2015, 02:47:33 AM
Since the food had been tested and confirmed safe, Hallie could eat with fewer worries. The fox sat near the edge of the table at a good distance from the others but not too far away to miss their conversations. As long as it was ethical, she was going to do whatever she could to win.

Hallie ate at a moderate pace, trying to get food into her stomach but not to an excessive degree or pace. She turned as one of the other contenders, an otter called Yexter, started talking.

How was she to answer his question?
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Rainshadow on May 27, 2015, 03:24:23 AM
  "Hopefully you," Kana grumbled at the otter between mouthfuls of some sort of soup.  It had spicy fish in it, as far as she could tell, and tasted rather good.  Well, she couldn't quite taste it, as her face was burning from the spice, but she assumed that it tasted good.  She was, after all, still eating it.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Delthion on May 27, 2015, 03:27:44 AM
OOC: I'll post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on May 27, 2015, 03:05:13 PM
Asher glanced at Yexter. "I request your silence, though it will do nothing to curb your obviousness to the others. Have you been practicing?"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 27, 2015, 03:57:46 PM
Bracken was quite too busy to answer any questions. Pasties, salads, pies, tarts, puddings, cakes, breads, cheeses, and sundry other eatables dissapeared down his throat at a precocious pace. Currently he was washing his face in a damson and plum pudding. "Chmp scarf! Good stuff this is!" Down went a beaker of rasberry cordial. Grabbing a whole minted leek and potato pasty, he annointed it liberally with meadowcream, dipped it into a bowl of chestnet stew and somehow managed to shove the whole thing in his cavernous maw. "Capital scoff, wot!" He paused just long enough to yell at Kana down the table who, though eating very quickly indeed, was hardly making a dent compared to the havoc wrought on the food by him. "Hey, you, squirrel chappess! Leave some of that apple pudden for me, you greedy rotter!" He then resumed his previous activity, draining a tub of mint tea as he devoured a scanty few loaves of bread and a rather measly cheese that was only the size of his head.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on May 27, 2015, 07:43:19 PM
OOC: I'd assume he's a hare
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on May 27, 2015, 08:15:23 PM
OOC: You assume right. ;D
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on May 28, 2015, 01:00:13 AM
Raymo stared at the newly-arrived contestants who had achieved the remarkable honor of eating faster than him.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Unimaginative on May 28, 2015, 02:13:05 PM
Kajahffy was chatting amiably with everyone who was sitting by him as he scarfed his food. The large hedgehog was no rookie when he came to eating, and though he would never out do a hare, he could certainly shovel down food.

"Delicious, isn't it? Ooh, I haven't had a puddin' this good for at least a season!" He said, helping himself to said pudding. Kajahffy seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he would soon be fighting these creatures as he downed every dish that came near him.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on May 28, 2015, 10:46:43 PM
Holokai has requested a strict meal of coconuts, which he calmly chewed. He wasn't eating much, not because of nervousness, but because he felt oblivious to the dish, and all those around him. He had never felt so empty inside, he felt nothing but a spidery pulse jumping around in his stomach. He blinked his left eye and forced himself back into the meal before him.

As his fellow competitors exchanged small talk, he focused on the fox who called himself Marshall. He was trying to lean back and away from the table, but Holokai wasn't about to allow that to happen. He waved a finger at the fox to attract his attention.
"A coconut, straight from my native land, friend. It will compliment that soup of yours."
He silently passed the fox a coconut, leaning closer as he did. When the fox was close enough that Holokai judged no one else would hear, Holokai whispered in his ear:
"When this begins, I will find you, and I will finish you. Know that your time in this game is limited. Holokai will make sure of it, fox."
With wide eyes focused unceasingly on the fox, and an expressionless face, Holokai leaned back into his own chair and winked at the fox before continuing to chew on the skin of his own coconut.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 28, 2015, 11:08:18 PM
Marshall gave an odd glance at the coconut. Why would he give it to him? When he leaned over, he thought he may be telling him something about himself. However, his eyes grew wide, and he glared back at him. Why would he want to kill him? The fox  pushed away a little further. He took gulped, then set the odd choice of a meal on the floor next to his pack. Well, he knew now that this was going to be far from easy.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on May 29, 2015, 04:27:48 AM
OOC: Ooh... targeting and maliciousness...
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on May 29, 2015, 10:28:20 AM
Hallie continued eating silently at her end of the table. Though her ears were still, she was listening to whatever came out of her contenders' mouths.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on May 29, 2015, 07:42:06 PM
Asher glanced at Holokai. Under the pretense of heading over to the drinks table, very near to the seat where Holokai sat, Asher muttered, "Not before my arrows find you."

He choose a new seat right next to Marshall. Checking that Hookai was listening and looking a different directions, he whispered to Marshall. "If he is going after you, you'll need some keen eyes to spot you."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: The Mask on May 30, 2015, 12:06:49 AM
Yexter was slightly disappointed with all the grumpy responses. It was of course, to be expected but it still threw him. No matter, he should still be able to make some 'friends.' That Hallie character seemed like a safe bet. So he left his chair and toddled over to her side of the table. "Hiyo! My name's Yexter, what's yours? I'm sorry about my silly que...question before, i got a bit exit-excited. Do you wanna be friends?"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on May 30, 2015, 01:05:59 AM
Marshall turned his head and looked at Asher. He nodded his head and replied, "Aye, I'm not liking the look of that un'."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Delthion on May 30, 2015, 03:51:48 PM
Sean had been watching the various conversations intently, trying to absorb everything. But eventually he gave up. He continued eating while studying every other participants of these games. He didn't even know where many had come from. He went back to eating and listening quietly.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Unimaginative on May 31, 2015, 01:32:20 AM
Kajahffy stood up, irritated by the fact that some of his fellow feasters already seemed to have it out for each other. The Fox and Squirrel, Marshall and Asher he believed they were called, had clear disdain for Holokai.

"Now, the game 'asn't started yet, so let's all just sit down and enjoy this luverly feast we've had made for us." The large hedgehog smiled reassuringly at Holokai, incorrectly assuming that the foreign mouse had been the victim.
"If'n yer still offerin' up one o' those coconuts o' yers, I'd like to try one. I've never 'ad one o' them before."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on May 31, 2015, 05:03:55 PM
Asher hid the scornful look he cast at Hajahffy. He muttered to himself, "That fool better know what he's in for."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on May 31, 2015, 11:34:39 PM
Quote from: The Mask on May 30, 2015, 12:06:49 AM
Yexter was slightly disappointed with all the grumpy responses. It was of course, to be expected but it still threw him. No matter, he should still be able to make some 'friends.' That Hallie character seemed like a safe bet. So he left his chair and toddled over to her side of the table. "Hiyo! My name's Yexter, what's yours? I'm sorry about my silly que...question before, i got a bit exit-excited. Do you wanna be friends?"

Not used to this kindness, Hallie was surprised that someone was actually voluntarily talking to her. "Hello, Yexter," she said, giving a small smile. "I'm Hallie, and I may be a fox but I'm not evil. This I assure you." She offered her paw to shake. "Don't worry about what happened earlier. Sure, we can be friends. Do you want to form an alliance; is that what you want?"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on June 01, 2015, 03:13:15 AM
Holokai smiled disarmingly, and grabbed his last coconut, extending it to Kajahffy.
"It comes from a land far far away, an equal you will not find elsewhere. Enjoy, and the best luck."

He then turned to the rascally pair, with a hurt look on his face.
"I regret that you wish for arrows to find me, but the game is bound to unwind one way or another. I do not fear your puny wooden arrows in any case. Marshall, I am surprised at you, I offer you a rare coconut, of great value to me, and you no like the look of me? As for that 'fool', as you so kindly refer to my friend as, he is a great kindly creature, as I already can tell. You could learn much in manners from him."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 01, 2015, 03:27:51 AM
A solemn face grew on the fox. His eyes narrowed while he rose.
"Why yes. I am not fond of mice, and no one has ever given a care of "the look of me", so not only do I not feel appealed to give the glance of you or care for your intentions, but to be a target when all I want is a family back, not to add that I can see why you would have little care for others, just hinting on you that you are only about self gain and what would fare for you!"
The blue fox picked up his pack and went from the table, not wanting to return or even enter the competition at this point.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 01, 2015, 04:12:57 AM
Hallie gazed at the blue fox sympathetically, but quickly looked away. Not all beasts appreciated kindness, a fact that infuriated her. She vacillated for a few moments, wondering what to do. Finally, she told Yexter, "Sorry, excuse me. Just a moment" before cautiously approaching Marshall.

Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 01, 2015, 06:13:17 AM
Marshall glanced down at the fox who approached him. He was gripping on to a piece of paper which he was reading when she had come up.
"Hi. Hallie I presume?"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 01, 2015, 12:55:29 PM
Asher drained his water and got up. He glanced up and down the table before heading off in the direction of his quarters. Time to get ready.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on June 01, 2015, 01:41:48 PM
Holokai shrugged in response to Marshall.
"We will test your claims in the arena then, friend."
As Marshall left the table, Holokai whatched each member carefully. Having heard the fox's wish for the return of his family earlier, he had hoped for this result exactly. He knew the fragile kind when he saw it, and he planned on exploiting this as much as possible. Now he just needed to wait until... Ahha! That Hallie had already headed over-she may as well have been carrying tissues it was so obvious where she was headed, he thought to himself.

In his mind, he went over the methods of preparing a fake wound on his head again; he would approach Hallie as though on the edge of death, and then strike - such a kind creature would never expect such a thing. Marshall he would tease and torment from the shadows, allowing no rest until the fox was practically begging for death, which Holokai would provide.

Confident with his plans, Holokai leaned back and watched the remainder of the creatures, surely there were more weaknesses to unveil.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 01, 2015, 02:06:58 PM
After sharpening his arrowheads and waxing his bowstring, Asher returned to the dining hall and sat down at an empty spot. No one surrounded him. Not being hungry, he refused the server's offers of food.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on June 01, 2015, 07:51:52 PM
OOC: Would it be too soon to move on? I've got one and a half weeks to kill Bracken, and I'd prefer not to have to make him just eat till he explodes. That would be a pretty lame death for  hare.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 01, 2015, 07:58:30 PM
OOC:  ;D
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Unimaginative on June 02, 2015, 02:55:48 AM
Kajahffy took the coconut, and enjoyed immensely, first drinking the milk and then proceeding to cut off slivers of the flesh with his knife. "Thank ye for those kind words, my friend. Tell me, what is your name, and where are you from? I've never met a mouse quite like you before." Kajahffy hesitated as he finished this sentence, not wanting to accidentally offend Holokai.

OOC: I love how Kajahffy, who would probably rather not kill anyone, is getting all buddy buddy with one of the most dangerous creatures in the game.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Izeroth on June 02, 2015, 04:02:12 AM
 Vardan quietly pushed his bowl aside and rose from the table. The weasel's sharp eyes scanned the room, assessing potential rivals and victims.

Most of these woodlanders are a pushover-- look like they wouldn't hurt a fly. The Warriors should be my main concern.

Having completed his quick assessment, Vardan turned his back on the table and walked out of the room.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 02, 2015, 10:24:31 PM
Before Hallie could reply to Marshall, the Abbey bells suddenly tolled above everyone's head and the food disappeared where it stood. The contest was beginning!

Today, battle and death would erupt in the most peaceful of places - Redwall. For the abbey itself was the arena.

All the beasts knew the rules, as they had been carefully told before the feast. The entire Abbey from the inside out was territory, but going anywhere beyond the gates and ramparts would result in an automatic disqualification. Every time the bell tolled signaled one competitor's death. Food and drink could be found in the kitchens, cellars, garden, orchards, and Abbey pond. Dead bodies would disappear and be revived outside the arena.

The eleven of them were teleported to a random part of the Abbey as follows:

Marshall - Cavern Hole
Vardan - The cellars
Kana - The orchard
Yexter - Abbey pond
Asher - On the belltower
Holokai - The dormitories
Kajahffy - The infirmary
Raymo - Garden
Brackenridge - Great Hall
Sean - The gatehouse
Hallie - The library

And they knew the "game" had begun.

IC: If you need any help, we're going to go by this map I found online. It seems like a good one.

Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 02, 2015, 11:01:12 PM
Asher smiled grimly. The bellower was the perfect place. He regretted not having any food, but his plan was already played out clearly in his mind:

-Attack any beast besides Marshall who ventures onto the grounds or in his range
-When the beasts in the building start to exit, sneak in and secure food and other supplies
-Observe other beasts for their attack style
-Meet with Marshall: area undecided
-plan an offense with Marshall
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 03, 2015, 12:13:43 AM
Marshall stood, with shock that everyone was gone. Why must they have started now! The blue fox slowly moved around to see if anyone was nearby. How great was it that he just happened to be in the middle of Redwall? Oh well, he just needed to find Asher and maybe Hallie, but still be careful he didn't run into that mouse. He griped his axe, and kept his bow at the ready, and went up the stairs into Great Hall

There, he noticed far away the hare who had eaten most of the food. His best bet was to call out to him. He seemed the jolly type, so he may be able to get past him without and fighting.
"You there! What be your name?!"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 03, 2015, 12:37:26 AM
OOC: Even with the map, it may be hard to get the places of the Abbey right. Don't worry about it and just do your best with where everything is supposed to be :)

IC: As soon as Hallie had teleported, she stood up and spun around holding her one weapon: a sturdy spear. Ears pricked and eyes narrowed, the fox turned her head this way and that but saw no other beast. There were, however, books. Lots and lots of them. Hallie, who really was an odd fellow, found the ends of her mouth twitching upwards and her whispers quivering like gently plucked strings. For some reason, she found this situation at least somewhat humorous. You'll get yourself killed acting like that, she thought gravely, and quickly erased the grin and stood up straighter. Then she crouched again, looking unsure. And unsure she was.

Hallie could tell she was inside the Abbey: this appeared to be a library. Hopefully there weren't beasts very close by, for she had her own plan. Keeping her spear braced and her senses vigilant, she looked around for an exit and saw to her dismay that there was only one, and it led straight into the heart of the Abbey like some sort of death path. There were windows, but Hallie was wary of the noise she would make smashing them. She cautiously peeked her head through the library door. Seeing no sign of life, she crept outside, ready and alert. A bit of poking around revealed that there were no nearby places to exit. She would have to use the front door. And that meant traveling through pretty much half the Abbey.

Hallie groaned (inwardly) and crawled back into the library. Should she take her chances? Or stay in the library and hope nobody or few found her? It was a good thing she had filled herself up at the feast, so if she went with the latter she wouldn't have to leave for a while. The quiet fox found a hidden nook behind a bookcase and paused to think, trying to keep her observance.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Izeroth on June 03, 2015, 04:18:48 AM
 In a flash of bright light, Vardan disappeared from the hall and re-materialized elsewhere. After a brief period of shock, the stoat looked around.

The Cellars. Looks like the old mice weren't lying about magic.

Vardan drew his sword-- a thin, sharp blade of steel. There was nothing left to do but find beasts to kill.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on June 03, 2015, 05:02:25 AM
Raymo quickly climbed up a nearby tree, the Garden had many big trees in which he could sling from and not be detected. It also had plenty of food. He waited for the nearby contestants to come and hoped he could make an alliance. If not, his position was better than the other enemies.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 03, 2015, 02:06:48 PM
Asher noticed Raymo, but dismissed the movement as a stray bird. Turning, he surveyed the counrtyard west of the infirmary. No one in their right mind would venture there (if they knew he was in the belltower, of course). He turned left and glanced at the gardens. Excellent. All he had to do was mark the area. By that he meant make sure it had a low rate of "visitors".

Asher turned 180ยบ and glanced at the roof to Caven Hole and Great Hall. With a quick scan of the grounds to make sure no one was watching, he climbed out the belltower window, down the side, and onto the roof. Keeping as low as possible, he headed across the roof and partially down the side and looked in the window. Marshall!
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Unimaginative on June 03, 2015, 06:30:16 PM
Kajahffy looked confused. He stared at his paws for a moment, looking for the coconut he'd just been holding, before glancing around and recognizing that he was no longer in the great hall. The large hedgehog walked to the nearest window, and looked around. He could see the pond and orchard from his location, and was also able to see competitors near both. However, he was unable to place either of the beasts. Kajahffy turned and studied the infirmary. Other than possibly climbing through the windows, the only entrance was a door that opened to a hallway. Happy with his location, the hedgehog drew his weapon, a hammer he used to break up stones on the quarry, and settled down on one of the beds, content to wait in the infirmary until he needed food.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Rainshadow on June 03, 2015, 09:01:14 PM
  Kana knew only one thing about her situation: she was no longer in the Great Hall.  Why was that?  What had happened?  How was she out in the middle of the orchard?  She looked around, her mind racing as her paw reached for the dagger tucked into her rope belt.  The games must have started, she realized suddenly.  How had she not thought of that already?

  Panic started welling up in the squirrel, and the food she'd just eaten began to feel like a stormy sea in her stomach.  She had to get somewhere safe; somewhere hidden.  Scanning her surroundings once again, Kana spotted a large tree in the distance, located near the great stone wall.  She could climb that, which would give her a hiding spot and a good vantage point.  Yes, she should go there.

  Treading softly and low to the ground, Kana walked among the trees of the orchard, peering this way and that to make sure nobeast was near.  She wished it was a bit darker so that she would have shadows to hide in, but alas, it could not be.  So, with the food in her belly threatening to resurface due to her nerves, the squirrelmaid made it to the edge of the orchard, glanced left and right, and made a mad dash to the tree.  Well, as mad a dash as she could manage, what with her being crouched the entire time.  Kana wasn't much of the praying type, but in that moment, she prayed to whatever being there might be that she would survive this.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 03, 2015, 09:23:17 PM
OOC: I would take advatage of being in the orchard to get some food supplies.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on June 03, 2015, 10:13:52 PM
Holokai had opened his mouth to respond, and found himself suddenly addressing a bunk bed. He cracked his neck, and drew his machete from its sling on his back. He hadn't expected the games to start so suddenly, but he was definitely ok with it. He looked out a beautifully built window and found himself looking at... trees. A whole bunch of trees. Holokai liked trees, but he saw little use for food at a time like this, and he figured someone else must also be in this massive building. He looked at the massive walls and buildings - "what sort of a place is this?" He muttered.

He opened the dormitory door to find stairs - he opted to travel downwards, unknowingly passing the infirmary and Kajahffy. Crouching and moving in a ready-to-swing position, he quickly found himself in a massive hall. The fat hare and the fox were trying to talk, meanwhile, the stupid squirrel creature had appeared in the window, and appeared to be teaming up as well. Keeping to the shadows, Holokai silently circled around his prey. He reached the edge and a door on the opposite side of the hall, which seemed to lead to a new area. He dragged his machete along the wall, leaving a long scratch and creating a metallic grinding noise. He ducked around the corner through the door, and once inside, climbed up a large window and then on top of the door, narrowly balanced on the door frame. Years of climbing coconut trees aided him greatly. He noticed suddenly, a massive picture hanging on the wall, and couldn't resist staring at it. He didn't much like the picture, and felt a sudden urge to slash it with his machete. He didn't like that mouse's eyes, not in the slightest. Although he expressed no emotion, he was smiling on the inside. If those fools followed him, surely they would be entranced as well, and he would leap down, kill the fox, and take off running. He leaned his head back against the wall and waited - if they did not show, he would have to attract them some other way.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 03, 2015, 11:39:54 PM
Asher withdrew from the window. It was too risky. If Marshall wanted to stand around and talk, so be it. He had also noticed Martin, but didn;t feel remotely attached either. He wasn't from near the Abbey, he had never heard its tales.

He walked bakc along the roof and scaled the wall back into the belltower, keeping a sharp eye out.

OOC: Wylder, if you're looking for ways to kill Brakcenridge I can just snipe him.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 04, 2015, 12:25:53 AM
After a bit of thought, Hallie decided that it was probably best to stay in the library for the time being. She did some looking around and found what she believed was an apt place to hide, out of view of the windows and far away enough from the door to not be discovered immediately. There she waited with her spear always ready. If a beast came through the door, she would know and be prepared. There were also the windows, too. Nobody could see her from outside but could smash through. In that case, Hallie had other exits. If she needed to flee, she too could break the windows and be exposed to a whole outside world of places to go.

As Hallie stayed there, she thought of some strategies she might employ.

OOC: Just to clarify, the competitors do have a general idea of what the Abbey looks like but not every detail.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 04, 2015, 12:37:23 AM
OOC: Right.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on June 06, 2015, 04:54:48 AM
OOC: I'll kill him when I very well want to- and it must have to do with food. That is a requirement. ;D

BIC: Confused, Bracken looked up from the table he was sitting at. "I say, what happened to all that cracking good scoff! Jolly criminal to steal a chap's scoff." He looked over at Marshall. "I say, ol chap, got any idea where the scoff went to?"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Delthion on June 06, 2015, 11:41:37 PM
Smiling jubilantly as always, but with more seriousness that usual Sean surveyed his position; he was in the gatehouse, which was relieving. It was designed to resist assault, perhaps not from he inside but that was reasonably easy to deal with. He secured the inner door while he thought of what to do.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Izeroth on June 07, 2015, 12:30:14 AM
 Vardan crept through the Kitchen, scanning the area for signs of movement. The weasel deemed it unlikely that any beast would be in a location so near the Cellars, but it was always good to be vigilant.

A veritable mountain of food had been stacked upon the high wooden table, left to satisfy any competitor who came upon it. The sight almost made Vardan wish he was hungry.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 07, 2015, 03:08:23 PM
"No, I do not know, but the kitchen would be a spot t' look", Marshall replied. He kept walking, but heard a scratching sound on the wall. Who was it? Was it a competitor? The blue fox slowly kept moving until he came to the tapestry. It was beautifully woven. In the middle stood a mouse, who looked so brave and bold. Bet he had a family and someone to care about.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on June 08, 2015, 08:08:33 PM
Bracken cocked an ear at him. "Right. Kitchen. Jolly good of you, ol' chap. I'll just nip down to get a load of vittles, wot wot!"

Springing to his paws, he bounded off towards the hallway. Following his nose, he turned in at the kitchen. The sun shone through the window, casting a halo of molten gold over the heaping pile of food on the table. Pies, puddings, pasties and more shone in all their delectable glory. Drooling, Bracken stood slack jawed. "I ain't never leaving this jolly old place ever again, wot! I've right died and gone to jolly old heaven!"
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on June 10, 2015, 09:59:51 PM
Holokai was normally devoid of emotion, but he allowed a toothy smile to enter the edge of his mouth. This was a perfect opportunity! He flung himself off of the door frame, machete raised in a massive swing for Marshall's head. Marshall would die instantly, this contest was all to easy!

However, a beam of sun somehow seemed to reflect off of the tapestry mouse's eyes straight into his own eyes. Unable to imagine what had just happened, Holokai felt all vision fade and instead of slashing Marshall in two, he rammed him with his shoulder, sending both creatures sprawling. Holokai cursed, smashed his machete into the floor to get himself up, and began swinging, eyes red and dripping from the intensity of the light that had somehow blinded him.

"Nice to see you again, unfortunately I won't be staying long foxxxxxx," he hissed venomously (spitting at Marshall as he dragged out the x to add extra emphasis.)
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 10, 2015, 10:36:52 PM
Asher heard the scuffle from the open window nearest to the belltower. He didn't know the victim, but he did know that he woul be better to stay out of it. If they left, then he might get a chance to get the food.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Izeroth on June 10, 2015, 11:06:43 PM
 Hearing footsteps, Vardan turned to face a hare. Of course; I should've known one of those stupid rabbits would be here.

Seeing that the hare was equally surprised, Vardan curved his face into a cruel smile. "You chose a bad time to visit the Kitchen."
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 12, 2015, 08:56:25 PM
Marshall was confused as to what had just happened, but knew he was being attacked. When he heard Holokai, the blue fox jumped up and dodged the swings.
"Oh, I'd hope you stay!"
He pulled out his bow and knocked an arrow as the mouse scurried off, ready to fire.

OOC: He is running away right?
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Jasper on June 12, 2015, 10:04:26 PM
OOC: Actually, I was implying Holokai planned to kill you quickly...  :P
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on June 12, 2015, 11:12:45 PM
OOC: I'll just let you fight it out.  :-* ;)

BIC: Raymo went to sleep in the 7th tree from the strawberry patch. He was hidden well, nobeast could see him at any angle.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 13, 2015, 01:03:19 AM
OOC: Remember the randomized list, though! Marshall can't die yet.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Izeroth on June 16, 2015, 06:03:31 PM
 Laughing, Vardan ran Brackenridge through with his sword. The hare fell to the ground, disappearing in a flash of golden light.

Vardan turned away from the Kitchen and began walking down the hallway, searching for more enemies.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on June 16, 2015, 06:13:50 PM
The bell tolled overhead, ringing throughout the entire Abbey from the inside out. A beast had died.

Still hidden inside the library, Hallie looked up as she heard the sound. Good. It was better that other beasts did some of the work for her.

OOC: Del, your character is next on the list, but feel free to go at your own pace and plan out his death.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on June 16, 2015, 06:29:51 PM
Asher flung the loose bit of his clothes over his ears as the bell rang out. At least it was clear that someebeast had died.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Gonff the Mousethief on June 16, 2015, 06:32:28 PM
Marshall turned his head from his target and took careful watch. Someone was dead, and the killer may be close.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on June 16, 2015, 07:36:27 PM
Raymo, getting bored, decided to go to the pond for a swim. However, he felt that someone was there. He grinned.
The water was his best place to fight.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Delthion on June 17, 2015, 01:25:17 AM
Sean heard the bell and assumed something big had happened, he decided to go out of the gatehouse and walk up to the battlements for a little. He did it slowly and to try and avoid notice. He had found a bow in the gatehouse, he saw an otter near the pond he whipped off an arrow but missed. He ducked down and went into the main building.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on July 03, 2015, 01:19:40 AM
Raymo saw an arrow fly overhead and ducked. He then quickly jumped into the pond.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on July 11, 2015, 02:12:55 AM
Hallie was still in the same place in the library, starting to feel tired. Of course, she had tried to get a good night's sleep before the game. But did she? No. She was facing one of the biggest and nerve-wracking challenges of her life. Now she seriously regretted not doing something about her insomnia. This was simply the worst time to want to sleep.

Maybe she could? Right now was probably better than later? But what if somebody burst in? Hallie shook her head. Snap out of it. I'll be fine. I hope.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on July 23, 2015, 10:57:01 PM
Asher fiddled wit his bowstring as he stared over the grounds. Or, the small amount that he could see. The black squirrel keept a low profile, peeking over the top occasionaly to check for any changes. All seemed fine.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: rrrrr on September 07, 2015, 01:31:11 AM
Raymo felt like he had nothing to do, so he got out of the pool and went inside the large building right next to him.
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Skyblade on September 07, 2015, 03:00:34 AM
OOC: I'm sorry to say this, but this RP is dead...I was thinking of doing a second attempt, but I don't have the time. One of you is welcome to do the remake :)
Title: Re: Hunger Games
Post by: Hickory on September 07, 2015, 05:21:38 PM
OOC: Yeah, I can't believe it's dead either. *raps fingers* Y'know, it'd be great if all the other RPers besides me, rrrrr, and Sky would help revive this....