Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Mad Maudie on September 13, 2011, 07:22:34 PM

Title: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 13, 2011, 07:22:34 PM
The sun was setting over Mossflower country, Lady Moonstripe (Named so for the fact that she was white with Black stripes) was sitting down on the western wall watching the sun go down, unknown to her. There was a band of vermin set on recovering gold that only Moonstripe new it's whereabouts

OOC we shall start with the vermin you can be any vermin character you want but do not make a profile cause mutiny and bad stuff so that there is trouble within the ranks but make sure to specify what kind of animal it is.

BIC Larach was making her way to the Lords tent she was a pitch black fox with a sleek tail she entered and saw the ferret talking to another member of the horde

OOC got to go keep posting  ;D   
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 13, 2011, 07:32:51 PM
OOC: I'll assume that this is four seasons after the Battle of the Ice Paws.  Oh, and Maudie: Just so you know ahead of time, in case you're not that familiar with RP-ing, then no Godmoding is allowed. Which means that you can't take control of another person's character. Just so you know. :)BIC:

Streamrush and Riverfern, the ottertwins, were sitting down next to a small fire, roasting a pair of trout. They chatted amiably for quite some time, then Fern, as she liked to be called, twitched suddenly, her paw straying to one of her ten javelins. "Rush, mate, there's somebeast watching us!" Streamrush, who preferred to be called Rush, stood, gripping her weapon. She crept silently out from the camp, and then a few minutes later, there was a crashing sound, and she came bowling over back into the camp, entangled with a black, frry creature. "RRRRAAAAAOOOOOOO!" Rush leapt up, releasing her grip on the beast as it roared. The creature stood up, long silver claws glinting in the firelight. It was a fully grown, male wildcat with gleaming orange eyes. Fern stepped forward, brandishing two of her javelins. "Hey! Who'r you?" The cat dusted itself off, retracting his claws into his paws. "My name is Morena Seio. I am neither vermin nor goodbeast, and you have nothing to fear from me."

OOC: I'll post more later.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 13, 2011, 09:54:37 PM
OOC i like the new Pic.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 13, 2011, 10:15:25 PM
OOC: Thanks. It's a black tiger. Back to the RP. BIC:

Morena Seio was a little annoyed with himself. He was one of the most dangerous creatures ever born, and he allowed himself to be tackled by a little ottermaid. Ignoring their hostile gazes and upraised javelins, he turned and walked away, pointedly leaving his back wide open for them to attack.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 13, 2011, 11:34:40 PM
As Larach entered the big brown ferret dismissed the other stoat who had been talking to him Terref looked at his seer "Has though seen the badger slime?" Larach kept her temper down "Aye i have sire but i can not tell where she is." the evil ferret drew her close using his claws she winced at the pane
Terref:"well you'd better find out Seer or your body might go missing one day!" "You did not let me finish sire i will be able to whence i cast my pouches supplies on the ground." she pulled a pouch of shells and rocks out from her black cloak she mysteriously tossed them on the ground after making a chant she looked at the pattern in which they fell "I know where she is oh evil one see this reddish-brown stone? That is a place not to far from here known as redwall abbey." she watched as he smiled wickedly.  

OOC somebody else reply but us two cause we are in two different places
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 17, 2011, 12:35:13 AM
Chango sauntered down the upper west rampart towards Lady Moonstripe. It had been a quiet day and the hare was feeling at ease. He had allowed himself to relax a bit upon his arrival at Redwall some seasons hence. The military hare nodded out towards the plains and spoke quietly to the badger lady.

"Good eve tide to ye marm! Tis a pleasant season is it not wot!" As he looked out over the wall top something made his ears tingle slightly. He dismissed the feeling. There was nothing to be seen. Not another beast outside the abbey. All was safe a secure.


Skip Benbow sat motionless in the trees as the events with the wildcat unfolded. The wandering squirrel had been ready to come to the aid of the otters. He had a bow held taught, a black flighted arrow trained to the wildcat. As the cat turned Skip dropped his aim. He was not going to attack? That seemed odd, though it did not surprise him. You could never tell what a beast was going to do.

The squirrel waited to see how the otters would respond before he revealed himself.

Gratch the rat hordes beast squatted outside the horde leader's tent. A small fire smoldered before him. The acrid smoke wafted up and burned his eyes.

"Quite the life ain't it?" He scratched his flea ridden ears absently as he spoke to another horde beast.

The rat's stomach rumbled. Where was the plunder he had been promised? He didn't even have a crust of bread much less treasure. Desertion was out of the question. Gratch knew what happened to those who tried to run for it. No, better to bide his time.

He was a horde beast and as such he would wait for orders.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 17, 2011, 04:33:08 AM
Larach left the tent and came up to Gratch
"hey you what's your name?" Not waiting for a reply she went on "i need you to go with Serene and nadin and look for the place known as redwall
Serene:"Why do I av to go i am a good beastie known for my kindness I do not need these fleabags!" the dark tracker began
Nadin:"Because i am a good forager and Gratch is a good um good.What are you good at?" the mangy mutt of rat and weasel asked   
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 17, 2011, 07:31:46 AM
Tenija Wyteshaft vaulted and leapt through the trees, laughing. She came to a skidding stop in front of Morena Seio.
'Oh, sorry sir, didn't see you...' the young squirrel trailed off. She was still a little bit nervous of Morena Seio.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 17, 2011, 09:29:53 PM
Gratch looked up from the fire as the vixen exited the horde leader's tent and addressed him. He narrowed his eyes at her and cocked his head to one side.

i need you to go with Serene and Nadin and look for the place known as redwall

The rat spat into the flames and spoke to the horbebeast still squatting with him at the fire.

"Well now ain't that nice. She needs me to go find some red walls place."

More conversation ensued. A kind hordesbeast eh? Ha! Gratch was used to using anybeast who showed even an ounce of kindness. Perhaps it would be profitable to go along with this.

"What am I good at?" He reached up and scratched his flea bitten ears once more. "Well I can sing and dance real purty!" At this he laughed uproariously for a few moments before becoming straight faced. "I'm good at doin' whatever the boss says." He stood up and looked the vixen up and down. "Where would ye want us teh start our lookin'?"

Skip continued to watch as a laughing young squirrel vaulted right past him through the trees. She landed right in front of the wildcat and began to speak. The squirrel decided to keep his place in the trees a bit longer.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 18, 2011, 02:19:53 AM
Larach "Look the boss says to go and find it and my omens say to look through eastern mossflower"  she smiled wickedly as they retreated to the woods

midnight waters was a pretty black otter very strong for her age she made her way to Lady moonstripe
"Um Mother Moonstripe it is time for supper friar Bagly made extra special food for the naming of the season Abbes Minny will pick a name from a bin and they shall pick the name for the season I hope it is me this is my last year to do it. Oh! the bells are ringing hurry!" she started helping The old badger down the stairs
At the table in the great hall Abbess Minny stood up she was an old frail mouse of 70 Seasons
"Um-hm Um-H=hm' she cleared her throat "As you all know today is name-day i am so old and have been abbess for so long i can not think up a name so someone else will pick it for me but i will pick who it is" Midnight waters held her breath as the old mouse's hand went through the pile "I have picked a name it is it is?" she looked at it closely "Candyapple come and read what this says" Candyapple picked it up "I hope it is me or any of my friend s which is most of you" She looked at it Everyone held there breath a smile spread across her face "And the season name picker is" She paused for effect "My good good friend Midnightwaters congrats!" she said in a loud voice the formole and his crew came lifted Midnight up and took her to the abbess's chair the abbess made room for her by moving into a chair next to her "So what will it be?" she asked the amazed black otter "I have decided on The Autum Of The golden Crown!" she declared in her fine voice everyone shouted and applauded her The abbess looked at her "Why that name child?" she asked Midnight replied "because Of this go get it Candyapple!" Candyapple got up and came back with a shining gold crown she gave it to midnight and And she put it on the abbess's head The abbess's old eyes twinkled "Where did you get this did the formole make this?" "No mam Candyapple and i found it out in mossflower!"

OOC that is part of the treasure the horde is trying to get so they go into redwall to get it
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 18, 2011, 03:48:26 AM
"Mama! What beez agoing on?"
Diamond remind her daugther Jewel, "You must learn to speak correctly. Say it like this: 'Mother what is going on?' wot!"
Jewel repeated what her mother said, "What is going on, wot?"
Diamond smiled, "Much better. They are naming the season dear."
"Do they do that at Salamandastron?"
"Well, let's not worry about that now." Jewel was always asking Diamond about the legendary mountain.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 18, 2011, 07:01:26 PM
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on September 17, 2011, 07:31:46 AM
Tenija Wyteshaft vaulted and leapt through the trees, laughing. She came to a skidding stop in front of Morena Seio.
'Oh, sorry sir, didn't see you...' the young squirrel trailed off. She was still a little bit nervous of Morena Seio.
OOC: You can just call him Morena! No need for  his full title!  :D BIC:

The big wildcat stared down at her with unblinking orange eyes. "It is alright, miss. Are you a Redwaller? I remember seeing you at the abbey during that one harsh winter that we had."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 19, 2011, 07:39:08 AM
She smiled sheepishly. 'We..ell, not really. I plan to go back there, though.'
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 19, 2011, 06:22:56 PM
Serene Nadin and Gratch where going thru the woods they saw the hole thing serene made them all go around the campsite then with a sharp "Now!" they took of into the camp serene grabbed the otters, Gratch grabbed the squirrel, and Nadin grabbed the wildcat, nadin had,had dealings with Moreno before and new how to get him. serene whispered into the older otters ear "take me to redwall or your friends are dead!"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 19, 2011, 07:18:04 PM
Morena Seio snarled savagly, jerking his head backwards and slamming his skull into Nadin's snout. The vermin staggered back, and the wildcat roared, an echoing, violent sound. He unsheathed his calws, ripping through the throats of the two vermin who were holding Rush and Fern. He glared ferociously at Nadin. "So, 'tis you again. I though you were killed ten seasons ago!"
He roared again, then attacked, slashing a huge hole into the third vermin's side. Then he sprang at Nadin, bloodlust shining in his eyes.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 19, 2011, 09:10:04 PM
Nadin ran and whimpered away
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 19, 2011, 10:08:06 PM
Morena snarled contemptuously, then sheathed his claws, turnig towards Tenija and the otter twins. "Pay no heed to that one, he is nought but a coward. Now, why are ye three wandering about in the woods in the dark of night, eh?" The two otteres looked at each other, then Rush spoke. "
We are making our way towards Redwall Abbey. We have been there before, many seasons ago, and wish to taste from their kitchens once more." Fern nodded agreement silently.
The huge black wildcat turned towards Tenija. "Well, miss? Why are you wandering about?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 20, 2011, 12:53:18 PM
'I was making my way to Redwall. I was not aware of the vermin here.' said Tenija, suddenly feeling self-conscious, like she should have done more to help.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 20, 2011, 06:36:56 PM
Nadin had made his way back to the camp he tried to go unnoticed by Larach it was a failure she saw everything she came upon him to ask Questions
"Why are you here? Where are Larach and Gratch? Did you see redwall! Tell me!" she whispered loudly in his ear
"They're both dead it was that wildcat! There also were two or three otters and a squirrel!" He sobbed 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 20, 2011, 10:17:44 PM
Morena nodded to her. "Well, if none of you object, then I am going to make my way to Redwall with great haste. The abbey needs to be warned.
Rush and Fern agreed. Fern spoke. "Well, then, cat, we'll come with ye. We've been to the abbey afore, and don't want to see them caught by surprise." Morena smiled, ever so slightly, his white fangs standing out brightly against his black fur. He turned away and strode off in the direction of Redwall without another word.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 20, 2011, 10:48:24 PM
(OOC: So, I think you guys follow slightly different RP rules than I'm used to. Or perhaps I just missed the memo about being able to kill off vermin without their author's consent. I'll go with the second theory I suppose. I'm assuming we're not allowed to kill off each others characters that are listed in the ooc RP list without author's consent. Let me know if I'm wrong...)


Gratch followed orders. After all that had been what he said he was good at. Attacking beasts such as the wildcat without thinking through the plan didn't seem like a very good idea. However, he followed orders. It was all he knew how to do.

The rat gripped the squirrel from behind but before too long he found himself plummeting to Hellgates. His throat had been ripped clean through by feline claws and an arrow had pierced his back. Gratch had lived and died like vermin.

Skip had watched the vermin come onto the scene from the trees. Keeping himself undisclosed he notched an arrow to the string and let fly at the vermin in best target range. He was rewarded by a thunk as the arrow found its place between the shoulder blades of a rat. Before the rat could fall the huge black wildcat had ripped through his neck.

It was obvious to the squirrel that the wildcat would not need help in dealing with the situation. He made quick work of the vermin. After this the woodlanders spoke to each. The word "Redwall" reached Skip's ears. Now this was something that interested him. He had always wanted to visit the abbey!

Dropping through the trees he landed in front of the assembly and bowed.

"The name's Skip! I couldn't 'elp but overhead you lot are headin' to Redwall. Mind id I join ye?"

Chango's eyes widened as the crown was placed on the Abbess' head. Treasure like that usually came with a bit of intrigue, or sometimes trouble. His ears began to tingle again. Something was not quite right... however, he was a hare and would not let this ruin his feasting.

After applauding Midnight Water's season name he loaded up two plates and made his way out onto the ramparts. He was and Long Patroller in residence. He would keep watch until the tingling in his ears subsided.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 21, 2011, 04:38:16 AM
OOC i will actually reply soon and yes i guess you can if they are not important characters like Gratch but NO KILLING MANE CHARACTERS WITHOUT THERE CONSENT! OR ELSE HEHEHEHEEEEEEE
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 21, 2011, 04:46:21 AM
"Mama, is that crown heavy?" Jewel asked.
"I suppose it is," Diamond said, "How about you go ask the abbess?"
Jewel wandered down the table to the abbess, "Is that crown heavy?"
Tibbit sat down next to his wife, "Little thing's so blooming sweet. Can't help all her questions, wot!"
Tibbit scoffed down a plateful of food quickly. He smiled at her. "Can't let food go to waste, wot!"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 21, 2011, 04:56:24 PM
OOC: I did not kill any main characters. Just the lackeys! ;) BIC:

Morena nodded cordially to Skip. "Yes, we are going to the abbey. You may accompany us if you wish." the huge black wildcat turned and strode off with the twin otters in his wake.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 21, 2011, 07:10:49 PM
OOC @Redwallmusician like the pick i picked a new one for me Go My little pony's
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 21, 2011, 07:47:45 PM
OCC: Maudie, we can talk about profile pictures in  this topic ( But, yeah it's Zelda! And you like My Little Ponies? They are cute..
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 22, 2011, 01:39:40 AM
Morena Seio glimpsed the massive form of the abbey looming like a great dark monolith in the night. He held up a paw to signall for the twin otters to stop, then pointed it out to them. They nodded, then Fern jogged ahead and pounded on the small south wickergate. "Hey!" she whispered. "is there any abbeybeasts awake in there?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 22, 2011, 02:34:24 AM
Midnight had been walking in the grounds when she heard a knock at the small Wicker gate she went over and opened the door Seeing a wildcat was not at all what she had expected she made a short "Eeek!" and shut the door again not daring to move 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on September 22, 2011, 12:37:22 PM
Tenija smiled. 'Ah, the old abbey!' She walked in the gate, and was faced with another squirrel around her age.
'Oh, hello,' said the white squirrel, trying to appear nonchalant. She got more comfortable when she noticed that the other squirrel was as nervous as she was.
He took a step back. 'Um...I'm Tirrin Rowenbrush. Ahh...what's your name?'
'I'm Tenija Wyteshaft,' said Tenija. 'I came here to visit and catch up with some of my friends.'
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 22, 2011, 03:56:07 PM
Morena sighed, then knocked again. He stepped back and tucked his forepaws into his leather belt. "Perhaps it would be better if they saw one of you otters before they saw me," he said to the ottertwins.
Rush nodded, then stepped between him and the door.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 22, 2011, 05:15:08 PM
Midnight did not know what to do being the daughter of skipper she was a warrior but she also was young and scared at the same time she opened the gate and instead of the wildcat there was an otter
"Oh! hello! Be careful i saw a wildcat out here What" She said when she saw Moreno
"OH sorry i guess you are a friend?" she said raising her eyebrows not waiting for an answer she went on
"What Brings you to redwall on are name-day?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 02:39:26 PM
Morena bowed deeply, his orange eyes staring at her. "I was not aware that it was Nameday today. I suppose that is added reason for us to visit. I am Morena Seio, a traveller from the western regions. I bring news from Lord Stoneoak of Salamandastron."
Fern looked at him, surprised. "Wait jest a second. Ye come from the mountain?" Rush scratched her rudder in bewilderment. "Whatever. Hoy, I'm Streamrush, an;' this is my sister, Riverfern. We've been to this abbey once before, an' would like to request to stay fer a bit."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: BrookSkimmer on September 23, 2011, 04:24:11 PM
Skip nodded thanks to the wildcat and took to the trees. He kept his eyes open for trouble as the group traveled towards the abbey. He hoped they would be in time for the name day feasting and celebration.

A few days later found them at the abbey of Redwall. They were welcomed in by a white squirrel. He nodded to the creature and saw right away that Tenija had taken a shine to him.

"Oh to be young in seasons again..." The older squirrel muttered to himself and walked in. They were just in time for Nameday! His mouth watered at the thought of the food to come.

Chango strode up at the mention of Salamandastron. He had come originally from the fire mountain. As the wildcat prepared to share his news the hare entered the conversation.

"The jolly ol' fire mountain eh? It's been long seasons since I've been back there. Well out with it me feline friend... what does ol' Stonethingie have teh tell us eh wot?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 23, 2011, 04:56:48 PM
"Good day! I shall for the Abbess oh good formole go get the abbess" she said still wandering what the message said.
Well i am sure you are hungry! Come this way to the kitchen. Formole tell mother abbess to meat us in the kitchen!"
Midnight had taken a strong liking to the otter twins and assumed anyone with them was good. 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 06:15:33 PM
Fern and Rush eagerly followed Midnight to the kitchens, anticipating a good pot of Hotroot Soup. Morena found the abbess. "Lord Stoneoak realizes that it has been many seasons since Salamandastron has had contact with the abbey, so he sends his greetings, as well as a gift." The cat reached into his haversack and withdrew a wondrous object. It was a short, thin tube of metal, with round pieces of crystal fized into each end. The cat held it out to her.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 23, 2011, 06:21:43 PM
Abbess Minny looked at it "what is it is it like a knife? Oh well it is amazing oh where shall we put it? Ah Midnight take a look at this!" the abbess called midnight. Midnight walked over to the abbess leaving the otters eating soup "What is it?It is amazing is it yours?" The black otter asked the wildcat

Larach went to the ferrets tent head bowed
"Lord only one scout came back a whimpering fool something about otters and that wildcat we met a while back!" she said solemnly not daring to look at him
"So what do you suggest? oh and i hear talk of mutiny behind my back co not dare deny it Fox i have been waiting for you to tell me about it in thy omens but nothing appeared. Look at me!" he yelled at the hapless Vixen Larach was forced to look into his disgusting face  his eyes were red with madness his teeth were a yellow green and he was missing one ear
"I have not seen anything sire!" she said thinking of an excuse but getting nothing "The omens have been fuzzy lately" she lied the omens where all fuzzy for they did not exist
"What do  you suggest Vixen?!" he started talking more coolly
"I had a dream last night we marched on redwall and took over!" she said hoping it would work she saw his evil smile and new it did
"Gorenth gather the troops get them ready to march!"

i'll write mor later got to go 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 06:36:49 PM
Morena shook his head. "Nay, 'tis from Lord Stoneoak of Salamandastron. I am just the messenger. It is a scope, you can use it to see things that are far off, things to far for anybeast but an eagle to see normally."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 23, 2011, 09:55:38 PM
"really it is amazing.May I look through it on the battlements?" she asked hesitantly 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 23, 2011, 11:25:32 PM
"Of course," the cat said, dipping his head courteously.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 24, 2011, 12:44:49 AM
she grabbed it as he gave it to her and ran up to the battlements looking down the main path that led to the abbey far down it she saw a mighty commotion of dust
"Sir Moreno was there anyone else coming to redwall?" she asked almost scared of the answer
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 24, 2011, 12:47:39 AM
The black wildcat shook his head slowly. "Nay, missie. It was just myself coming here, until I ran into those ottertwins. Why?" he bounded up to the walltop to stand next to her, his keen eyes picking out the cloud of dust. He growled in surprise. "Unless the Long Patrol is coming to call, then we have a big prblem on our paws."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 24, 2011, 12:58:49 AM
"What is it sir Moreno? is something wrong?" the abbes asked worriedly
"Mister what is that cloud?" midnight asked the wildcat

Terref Reffter had ordered a full march even with the talk of mutiny abroad

Grenith was a reddish-brown weasel he had been forming mutiny behind his masters back  his coworker Cadar Coret had been helping him
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 24, 2011, 01:28:10 AM
OOC: Am I supposed to be the mutineer??  :D I'll be a ferret called Cadar Coret, then! ;D BIC:

Morena growled. "I do believe that it is vermin. You might want to rally this abbey's defenders."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 24, 2011, 01:49:03 AM
"Midnight go and get your father and formole and all the abbey dwellers" Abbess Minny said sounding very worried and very pale
"Yes mother abbes" midnight said as she ran off 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on September 24, 2011, 11:44:52 PM
Rylm opened the door. He saw several beasts standing outside of it. He opened the door all the way.
"Welcome to Redwall, my name is Rylm. What is yours?" he asked.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 24, 2011, 11:54:28 PM
Diamond sat up on the battlements with her husband. They looked out across to where the strange rise of dust was. Both hares were trained in the way of war since they were young.

OCC: Can anyone play as the abbess, Maudie? Or are you controlling her?
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 25, 2011, 02:40:41 AM
OCC anyone can be her
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 25, 2011, 04:23:07 PM
OOC: I'm assuming that Rylm is being a dork, and is about to be clocked over the head by vermin? :D
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 26, 2011, 09:23:12 PM
Larach was having a hard time keeping up with the horde! Yes she was a fox, but she was not as young as she was when she joined Terref and his band of misc. vermin.
"Lord shall we stop for food and sleep? it is getting dark and i am ooh i see a vision!"  she mysteriously started walking around a certain part of the wood, holding her stick out in front of her, and humming mysteriously, suddenly the stick turned down the Rhode and there was redwall laying still as if they did not know vermin where at the front door.
"There sire have i not told thee i new where it was?" she chuckled mildly to herself. she had seen it before and new where it was Terref smiled wickedly at the great fortress thinking how it would sound as Terref towers yes it was perfect for him and his horde

OOC yes he does want the treasure but he also wants redwall but he knows that redwall does not have it so he kidnaps the badgermum Moonstripe.    
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 27, 2011, 01:53:52 AM
OOC: Cool. Maudie, could I please request that you punctuate your sentences properly? It gets really confusing.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 27, 2011, 04:36:32 AM
OOC sorry i am not good at grammar or punctuation 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 27, 2011, 08:31:56 PM
Streamrush and Riverfern were in the kitchens gorging themselves on Hotroot soup. Morena Seio, however, had grabbed a long vegatable knife  from the kitchens and was heading out into the abbey grounds.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 27, 2011, 09:08:08 PM
Abbess Minny bumped into the wildcat
"There is a meeting of war in cavernhole"

OOC OK i now i am rushing things but the story seems to be coming of topic so the council of war was held they decided to let the vermin attack first but be ready for them

"Cadar come here fast" Grenith called his ally to him "We need to split them up turn them against Terref but after he does the work for us! Tell me am i right Cadar" he asked smiling at the back of the ranks

"Larach tell me what you know! how are the defenses in redwall are they fighting beasts or peace-loving woodland creatures. TELL ME!" he yelled in her face.
"Oh now? Well i first must find some new leaves ,and pebbles, and a stick."
"Greneth take your friend and get some sticks and rocks and leaves. you seer are going to tell me what i want to know before they get back. You here me?!"     
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 28, 2011, 09:49:32 PM
OOC i know no double posting but NIGHTFIRE YOU ARE CADAR YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 03:47:54 PM
OOC: Sorry, I've been doing a lot of stuff lately. Please don't expect me to be here tomorrow or the day after, because my best friend is sleeping over, and she lives in another state, so I barely ever get to see her. BIC:

Cadar Coret spat viciously, glaring at Terref and muttering to another soldier. "Yes, wait an' let 'im do all the work fer us." The tall ferret stood, and he was a head taller than others of his species. He slunk away from the camp and crept closer to the abbey, peering up cautiously at the walls and muttering to Grenith. "Heh, he kin attack that place if'n he wishes ter. I'm stayin' at the back where nothin' kin git me."

Meanwhile, Morena Seio followed the abbess into Cavern Hole.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 29, 2011, 05:31:39 PM

BIC Greneth had to agree with Cadar they would be in the back

Terref was in a mood he needed that gold he needed it all!
"Vixen come i need to know is the old white badger in there or not?!" he yelled at her
"She is sire I saw her from the tree-tops on the battlements and they are peace loving creatures they do not know we are here" "good take some men and get the White badger Quick you do not want to disappoint me do you?" he said drawing his long cutlass Larach made to the Abbey flanked by 5 men Groutmouth, meelynose, Slimetail, killstench, and deadpaw.

OOC OK i am deadpaw you guys can pick one to be and stick with him they get killed later on  :) ;) ;)     
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on September 29, 2011, 06:09:36 PM
"Mother abbess," Diamond spoke up. She and Tibbit sat together with the gathering for the counsel of war, "We need to post sentries and take stocks, and oh! Goodness know there's a blooming long list!"
"For what?" Minny said.
"Who knows? Those vermin out there could hold us under siege, or try to batter ram in."
"Do you really thing so?" Minny looked at Diamond.
"It's possible."

OCC: Okay. I'm assuming we know that the dust cloud was vermin because Minny called a counsel of war.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 29, 2011, 06:15:18 PM
OOC @RM. you can be Groutmouth, you can make him be mutineer or something but he goes with Larach BIC

While the council of war was being held Lady Moonstripe was at her normal place watching the sun go down over the hill.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 06:40:05 PM
Cadar climbed up a tall oak tree and looked over the battlements. He eyed the verdant orchards that were ready for harvest, then noted the silver flash of a fish swimming in the pond. He licked his lips in anticipation for when they conquered the abbey.

Morena followed the abbess into Cavern Hole, then sat down at the table.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 29, 2011, 06:47:07 PM
Larach took her men and went to work opening the gate was no problem she had deadpaw use his sward-paw (OK the thing with deadpaw is his paw got chopped of so instead of a hook put in he had his sword) to lift the lock and bolt and they where in it would be hard for them to get the badger but the vixen had that planned being good with potions she got one that would make Moonstripe sleep Moonstripe was not a big badger she was thin and shrunk with age
"Groutmouth get that net ready we will have to drag her out" she said
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 29, 2011, 07:29:59 PM
Cadar Coret sat up in his tree watching, quite content to let the others do the work. He awaited the day when he could overthrow Terref. "Yes, do all of my work fer me," he muttered, smiling grimly as Terref's plan worked.

Morena's ears twitched. "I just heard something," he said to Abbess Minny.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on September 30, 2011, 12:18:53 AM
"Your work?" Greneth asked him

"Well what is it?" The old abbess asked but they were to late

Groutmouth had gotten the blanket and rag Larach had put some or the mildly red liquid on it coming from behind the badger she put it over the ancient badgers mouth Moonstripe had know chance to yell for help she passed out obediently they rolled her up in the blanket and dragged her out of redwall they made it back to the camp with much arguing.

Midnight was at the council of war so was Candyapple she was voicing her opinion as Hares are known to do
"Well i say let them come we will be ready and besides they are vermin by definition STUPID!" she said as the formole came in
'Oh them'n's terrible beasties stole 'er' burhurburhur oim going to  ruin the larders burhur!" he wailed coming in
"You are not going to ruing the larders" Candyapple said shocked at the very idea
"Formole dinggy what is it who stole who?" Midnight said a sense of urgency in her voice that normally wasn't there
"The Varmints theym stolered Mudder Moonstripe they did's oh burhur!"  he wailed piteously.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on September 30, 2011, 01:57:36 AM
Morena roared like a lion, then ran, his paws pounding the ground like pistons as he ran. The black wildcat ran after them, but was too late. They vanished into the trees and he was restrained by Streamrush and Riverfern. "'Ey up there, matey! If'n ye try an' go out there alone, ye'll git yerself killed!"
Title: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 01, 2011, 05:27:11 AM
Midnight ran up and tried to fallow she had a special friendship with the old badgermum
"How could they they took her why?" she asked tears leaving trails of tears down her face

Abbess Minny called all the redwallers to redwall
"who shall go and find the old badgermum?" she asked looking around
"Candyapple and i will go!" nightfire said
"Um Midnight!" the abbes started to say but she was silenced by Skipper blackwater the skipper was black like his daughter but had blue eyes int=stead of the almost black that midnight had

OOC post more soon Skper is an anybdy persn 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 03, 2011, 03:58:40 PM
Morena had calmed down somewhat, and was now sitting in the abbey's ash tree, staring blankly at nothing in particular.

Streamrush and Riverfern consoled Midnight. "'Ey, it'll be alright. We'll catch the scum, that'ns fer sure."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 04, 2011, 04:20:36 PM
"But what if they what if they!" she broke down crying till skipper of otters came up
"Listen now i will not have my daughter the daughter of the skipper crying over some thing look you know i love you but you need to grow up and stop crying like a baby you need to go out there and get her back" he said looking at her with his soft side. Midnight noticed the admiring glance that her father gave Riverfern for being able to calm her down something he almost never could do!

OK the kipper of otters is not old midnight technically is not his daughter he got married to midnights mom after midnight was born so he is still young midnights mom was killed in an accident a while ago so he is still like only 19 or 20

OOC Nightfire warning at the end Skipper is going to propose to Riverfern you can say No but he still will do it.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 04, 2011, 07:16:00 PM
OOC:  :D That sounds awesome. BIC:

Morena lashed his tail and stalked off, knowing there wasn't much good he could do for the moment.

Riverfern and Streamrush were whispering to each other. "We neet to git that old badger back 'ere safe'n' sound, ye know." Rush said. Fern nodded agreement. "I say we gather a small band o' good trackers an' leave now while the scent's fresh." She turned to Skipper and Midnight. "'Ey up there, ye two! Do ye want to 'elp us git that badger back?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 04, 2011, 11:07:26 PM
midnight took hold of herself
"Are you kidding i'll slay any vermin that looked at her" she said hatred for all vermin in her voice
"Midnight no leave some of them for us wowowwooottt" candy said looking at her and laughing the skipper of otters smiled at them
"OK then i will go to you need a leader other than a Sly fox No offense" he said winking a Moreno childishly and laughing   
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 05, 2011, 03:26:15 AM
Morena bared his long white fangs savagely. "What sort of weapons do you abbeybeast stock here?"
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 05, 2011, 05:47:53 AM
"Us otters all carry slings and some carry Throwing Javelins as for the abbey i do not know i have been down south for a season" he said looking at the abbess
"We have shovels and pitchforks and butchering knifes" She said thinking it might be enough
"Mother abbes we have martins sword somewhere but we have not seen it for ages someone hid it from all eyes a while ago   
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 05, 2011, 10:44:02 PM
Morena nodded. "That will do me." He went and grabbed five long vegatable knives from the kitchen and thrust them into his belt, then took a long stave, checking for any cracks in the wood.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 06, 2011, 12:33:53 AM
midnight took out her sling a pouch of round smooth heavy river stones and a Javelin made of stout oak and carved by skipper candyapple took out her sabre and swung it expertly
"I see you can use that thing candy!" Skipper said with a face of mock shock and admiration.
"So when are we leaving?" Midnight and candy said at the same time both yearning for adventure

OOC i know why this is so boring we are the only people to post HELLO ANYONE OUT THERE BUT US??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on October 06, 2011, 02:21:00 AM
Diamond came up to the search party, her dirk at her side, her husband armed with his sword.
"At your service, wot!"
"Mama! I be good why yous gone," Jewel said. She then added, "Wot!"
"Be on your best behavior," Diamond said.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 06, 2011, 03:35:54 AM
"Good Diamond we will need you anyone else?" Midnight asked. Candy looked at Jewel
"Yes you will or I'll give you a spankin Wot Wot!" she said trying to look serious at the little hare   
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Redwall Musician on October 06, 2011, 01:50:49 PM
Jewel stuck her tongue out. She then smiled sweetly, "You better be good, or my dad give you bigged spanking," she giggled.
Diamond eyed Jewel, and she became quiet.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 06, 2011, 04:52:37 PM
"Well i never the impudent little rip what have ye been teaching her Te stick out er tongue like that wot wot" she said all huffed up
"Oh sweetie is the old candy mean huh yes she is isn't she" midnight said smiling at the little haremaiden who nodded
"midnight that is enough" Skipper Northshore said to his daughter jokingly
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 06, 2011, 06:52:15 PM
Morena headed for the gate. "The sooner we start tracking, the sooner we rescue the Badgermum. Let us go now, while the scent is fresh."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 12:52:06 AM
midnight walked close behind the Wildcat she admired him a lot
:Sir Moreno what do you think they want with her?" she asked him.

"Lord Terref we got her the old fool was on the battlements she is still asleep but I'll have a couple men guarding her" Larach said to the ferret who had walked up to her as she entered camp
"Good we will get a location out of her and soon I'll have Groutmouth, Deadpaw, Meelynose, Slimetail, Killstench, Grenith, And Cadar guarding the old one" he said not knowing that they were the mutineers!

OK i am Deadpaw and Grenith.
HAIG you be Meelynose he is a rat.
Tiria if you are posting you can be Slimetail he is a weasel.
Redwallmusician you are Groutmouth a weasel.
Nightfire you are Cadar.
And someone can be killstench he is a rat. he smells bad heheeehehe.

Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 03:18:46 AM
OOC: Sigh...such predjudice against rats. My next RP character that I make up will be a good, awesome rat. ::) Is Midnight an otter? BIC:

Morena glanced at Midnight. "I am not sure, lass. Mayhaps they want her to do something for them. I doubt they could sell one as old as she for a slave, so it can't be that."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 04:20:43 AM
OOC she is a black otter remember she is the daughter of Skipper Northshore isn't in a cool name?

BIC "What could she lead them too she is so old and frail they could snap her with a finger" Midnightwaters said a little scared

Grenith and Deadpaw went to guard the sleeping badgermum
"Hey why do i have Te do it i have a mate you know er name is Sissysnout we av a cub is name is Deadson i love that name oh look there is me mate Sissysnout do ye ave food for us?" he asked his mate sissysnout looked at him and beckoned to her son Deadson
"I do not care about your mate mate i ave plannin Te do. Cadar! Slimysnout come o'er here and talk what ave ye picked up around the camp any others talking of mutiny?" he asked as his friends evil son brought them some food. 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Tiria Wildlough on October 07, 2011, 04:50:48 AM
OOC: Sure, I'll be Slimetail.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 03:02:23 PM
OOC: DEADSON?? :D :D :D Wow, sounds like they didn't want their kid to be born! BIC:

Strearush and Riverfern walked alongside Morena and Midnight. "Hey, will we be able to find 'em?" Fern asked.
Morena nodded. "Hopefully, yes. My senses are telling me that they went North."

OOC: I'm assuming that the direction is North? I'll change it if that is inaccurate.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 04:43:50 PM
Skipper walked along Midnight he was looking north and saw the signs
"Yes they went north we might be able to find them before sunrise if so they will have a big surprise" he said almost happily  

Terref had come out of his tent and beckoned for the guards to leave the now awake badger
"So i have heard from tales and from omens that you are the only living protector? well today you will not be protecting it very well vixen look into her sole see what she fears!" he said as Larach went up to the relic of a badger she looked into her eyes and saw almost nothing but then she saw 4 otters walking through a woodland 3 hares were with them so was a wildcat but her gaze was fixed on the white one with the blue eyes and she new why the badger did not care about about any in particular she just did not want anyone to get hurt!
"Ah i see you are not particular or from what i can tell hahaa" she said smiling wickedly at her little thing
"Groutmouth, Grenith, Slimysnout, Cadar,  go and get the white otter and make sure you leave a trail for them to fallow heheee" she said and returned to her tent
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 06:09:32 PM
Cadar led the patrol, then dropped back as soon as they reached the white otter, letting the others go ahead.

Meanwhile, Morena was extending and retracting his claws, his ears laid flat on his head. "I am slightly worried. I am thinking this may be a trap."
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 06:53:09 PM
OOC: this next part is kinda GROSS

Grenith saw the white otter and ran up to get it trying hard to please Terref he found himself with a Javelin Protruding from his neck blood spewed from his mouth as he fell to the floor motionless

Midnight stood rooted to the ground shock of killing her first creature still on her as she looked at the still warm Carcass of Grenith the mutineer
"River run do you know why they're after you" Skipper asked but the white otter had already been caught and was being carried off    
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 08:41:36 PM
OOC: That was...interesting.  :P BIC

Morena ran after them, roaring as though possessed.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 08:44:36 PM
Skipper ran as though he had never run before he was going so fast he passed the wildcat he caught up to them and killed Deadpaw with one slash of his knife

OOC i am killing of my charectors  :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D :D :D
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 09:34:50 PM
Morena then overtook Skipper, and killed another of the vermin with a hefty thwack of his stave, cracking the skull of the beast open.

OOC: Maudie, you can choose who died. It is probably just a lackey.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 09:40:08 PM
OOC sure it could be deadson hahaa remember you are being dragged of by vermin

BIC the vermin made it back to cam and threw the white otter to the seer who threw her onto a string and heild her above a fire pit all aflame
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 09:42:57 PM
OOC: What? How am I being dragged off by vermin? My three characters are Morena Seio, Streamrush, and Riverfern. Then I am Cadar Coret.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 09:56:06 PM
is not Riverfern the white otter she has been captured
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 09:58:26 PM
OOC: Ah! Now I remember. Sorry, I had forgotten Riverfern's fur color! :-[ :D
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 07, 2011, 10:15:25 PM
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 07, 2011, 10:16:44 PM
OOC: Okay, continue RP-ing. :D
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 08, 2011, 04:57:46 PM
Skipper roared when he saw riverfern unconscious over a fire he ran up and slashed down on the fox who was holding her over the fire Larach had to let go of the white otter to avoid the other ones blade she jumped aside and riverfern fell in to the flames Skipper had got the one thing almost no otter ever gets BLOODRATH he fought like mad only wanting to kill the vixen then another creature got in his way it was a ferret of massive size the ferret was all black and had red eyes and red fangs Skipper launched himself at the beast roaring his warcry
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 09, 2011, 06:19:54 PM
OOC: Wait, why is she over a fire? :D
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 09, 2011, 10:54:23 PM
OOC um torture???????????
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 10, 2011, 09:07:29 PM
OOC: What reason is there for the torture, though? BIC:

Riverfern roared in anger and pain, then jerked, rolling away from the fire and bashing into one of the vermin. She got up and butted a screaming ferret into the fire, then ran towards the Skipper.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 12, 2011, 01:56:40 AM
OOC i put that in one of my replies  :P :P :P

BIC Skipper fought like a mad beast only wanting to kill the ferret he recognized him as the one to kill his late wife emerald 

Terref suddenly backed away and hid in the bushes
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 12, 2011, 05:12:32 PM
OOC: Sorry. Well then, it's showing the scene from Riverfern's POV! :)
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 13, 2011, 12:25:02 AM
OOC ok but please make an actual reply some one
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 13, 2011, 05:14:37 PM
Morena was fighting like a madbeast, using the vegatable knives skilfully.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 13, 2011, 05:31:45 PM
Skipper not seeing the the ferret turned and killed any beast in sight

OOC hey i found that my Idea of why they captured River was stupid so i changed it you can go back and look
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 13, 2011, 06:03:27 PM
OOC: Nah, I'll keep it the same. BIC:

Streamrush was fighting alongside Riverfern, and the twins were killing any vermin in sight.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 13, 2011, 06:41:20 PM
Midnight had gotten over her fear and ran into camp seeing the badger she ran and with a small sharp knive she hacked through the ropes and hurried her out of the battle grounds

OOOC ill post moer ltr
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 20, 2011, 02:18:15 PM
Rush and Fern finally killed all of the vermin around them, and were now watching Morena. The black wildcat was chasing a huge weasel with his claws.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 21, 2011, 05:06:44 PM
Midnight stepped out in front of the huge weasel Sabre drawn
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 21, 2011, 10:30:53 PM
Morena grinned, then dropped back suddenly. The weasel looked back at him in confusion, running right onto the sabre. He stared down at it in shock, then rolled his eyes and fell. The wildcat yowled loudly, targeting a stoat.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 22, 2011, 12:48:06 AM
Midnight was shocked that the weasel was dead and that it fell forward on top of her

Candy was fighting and killed a stoat looking up she saw the weasel on the ground not noticing midnight underneath
"Hey someone killed that huge Ferret!" she said with admiration everything stopped the horde was clueless without there master but they still decided to fight for there lives 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 22, 2011, 09:32:32 PM
OOC: "Killed that huge 'ferret'" It was a weasel that just died. BIC:

Morena yowled fearsomely, then targeted the one who had shouted.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 24, 2011, 05:38:39 PM
OOC Oh it was supposed to be terref oops
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 24, 2011, 08:21:48 PM
OOC: Terref? He's dead? Redwaaaaallll!!! BIC:

Riverfern was being chased by a stoat, trying to fend off it's attacks, when she ran facefirst into Skipper.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 25, 2011, 06:19:36 PM
Skipper picked her up and moved her almost sweetly? and moved her to the side while slaying the stoat he killed a wandering weasel 
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 26, 2011, 01:45:15 AM
Riverfern rolled her eyes at the gallant otter, then slew a weasel with a quick throw of one of her ten javelins.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 28, 2011, 03:17:23 AM
Candy apple watched skipper pick up and move rivrfern and started thinking all sorts of love thoughts fludded through her and she was giggling as she slew a staot
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 29, 2011, 02:45:51 AM
OOC: WHAT?? :D Okay, next part is horrible. Sorry.  :'( BIC:

Streamrush was fighting off two weasels, and she slew one with a thrust of her javelin. The second weasel rammed his curved sword through her chest before she could react, and Rush fell down, an expression of shock on her face as er eyes glazed over. Riverfern saw her sister fall. "NO!!! RUSH!!!" She started shaking with anger, then dove at the weasel, dragging it down and beating at it with her bare paws. eventually she stopped, her white fur coated with blood as she stared dumbly at the slain weasel. She hugged her sister's body to her, weeping.

:'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 29, 2011, 08:22:04 PM
OOC What how could you?
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on October 30, 2011, 08:23:24 PM
OOC: Hey, Riverfern survives. But Streamrush kinda began to be a...useless character. Sorry.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on October 30, 2011, 10:23:48 PM
Suddenly a vermin called "out hey get the badger" it was Deadson a couple of his vermin followers grabbed the badgermum and left everything stopped all the vermin dispersed as if a flock of hornets were after them Skipper went over to the weeping Riverfern sat down by her and gave her a hug whispering words of comfort into her ear
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on November 03, 2011, 02:18:12 AM
The white otter glared at the retreating vermin, barely noticing Skipper. "They. Will. Pay." She ground out between clenched teeth. She took out two of her ten javelins and ran after the vermin.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on November 03, 2011, 06:23:49 PM
Riverfern tore away from skipper he watched her go then looked for survivors not finding Midnight he sat down dry eyed and sad
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Nightfire on November 08, 2011, 05:53:31 PM
Riverfern chased the vermin hard, then caught one and began beating it with the blunt end of her javelin. "That's! For! My! Sister!" She yelled over the vermin's screams.
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on November 08, 2011, 06:13:26 PM
Candy saw skipper went over and said
"Whats the matter?"
"I...I...I cant find midnight!"
Candy looked around seeing a ferret with midnights blade in it she walked over and kicked the huge thing and there was Midnight sitting up and dusting herself off
"About time i've been  hollering for ages ugly old thing to fall on me huh!" she said and skipper embraced her
"Gosh dad lay off will ya?" she said and then noticed Rush
"What happened to River?" She asked looking up with tears in the brim of her eyes
"She ran after the scum they took moonstripe!" with that midnight ran and fallowed the trail With candyapple right behind her skipper stayed to help with the dead and wounded.

OOC hey why are we the only ones on here Nightfire?
Title: Re: Autum of The golden crown RP
Post by: Mad Maudie on December 30, 2011, 05:24:43 PM
um has this  been forgotten or do people just not like it?