Post any interesting facts you've learned here. Please don't discuss religion, politics, or anything else you think might be controversial.
The type of music you like is not something you're born with - it's acquired through experience.
The PC Version of the game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth only exists because a group of employees from Headfist studios decided to work for free after the company went in bankruptcy right after releasing the Xbox version.
A group of Unicorns is called a Blessing and the Unicorn is Scotland's national animal. I'm glad I'm mostly Scottish.
Recent archeological discoveries have revealed that many dinosaurs were covered in feathers. (Check out Yutyrannus)
I saw somewhere that some raptors were really the size of chickens.
Fur and water are the two hardest things to animate in 3D (if you want realistic results).
Milk in commercials is usually either paint or paint thinner, or both combined.
Red rain has fallen in parts of Asia.
Chicago dye's the Chicago River Green every Saint Patrick's Day.
The name "Futurama" was first used at the New York World's Fair in 1939 and was picked by the creators of said show after considering that their other possible titles weren't good enough.
There are more sheep in New Zealand than people.
Due to a lack of budget, many of Stallone's relatives acted as extras during the filming of Rocky 1.
Quote from: Gonff the Mousethief on June 16, 2015, 05:42:23 AM
Chicago dye's the Chicago River Green every Saint Patrick's Day.
But they can't dye it blue the rest of the year.
(Line from The Fugitive.)
Though tulips are indicative of all things Dutch, tulips originated in the Mediterranean region of Afro-Eurasia and were brought to the Netherlands around the sixteenth century, where they were enthusiastically embraced by the Dutch population in a movement known as 'tulip mania.'
1 in 10 people who are cyber bullied don't tell an adult.
That few?
Quote from: James Gryphon on June 16, 2015, 04:31:16 PM
That few?
My thoughts as well.
The 1 in 4 statistic counts only those cases known to police or reported in the NCVS.
And 1 in 5 people have a mental disorder :-\ Or mental illness
Quote from: Skyblade on June 16, 2015, 04:37:07 PM
And 1 in 5 people have a mental disorder :-\ Or mental illness
*raises hand proudly* don't judge, I'm glad to be me! ;D
Condors are the largest raptor.
Ostrich eggs are the largest bird eggs in the world, hummingbird eggs are the smallest.
The Great Wall of China is not visible from space. China's air pollution is.
It takes 30,000 frames to make a 22 minutes animation movie.
The Romans had knowledge of basic steam engines, but never considered them to be anything more than amusing toys.
100 tons of meteorites enter Earth's atmosphere every day. Though mostly dust fragments, most of it falls in the ocean when reaching Earth's surface.
This is a really cool thread ;D
Chocolate contains the same chemical that your body produces when falling in love.
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on June 16, 2015, 04:47:12 PM
Quote from: Skyblade on June 16, 2015, 04:37:07 PM
And 1 in 5 people have a mental disorder :-\ Or mental illness
*raises hand proudly* don't judge, I'm glad to be me! ;D
I'm absolutely not judging, just raising awareness. I'm glad you're proud. A mental illness/disorder does not define who you are :)
The football player Martìn Palermo is in the Guinness book of records for having missed three penalty kicks in the same match, against Colombia in 1999. He is also there because he scored a header that traveled around 38.9 meters. This goal gave him 200 goals in the Argentine First Division.
Today (June 17, 2015) is the 130th year anniversary of France delivering the statue of liberty to New York
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the same day: July 4, 1826.
The games Half-Life and Resident Evil 2 were rebooted and remade on advanced stages of development because the developers thought that they were "too boring".
fun facts are fun.
after you read this post you will realize that the the brain edits a second 'the'
^Well, I'll be.
There is an average of 8.6 million lightning strikes in Earth's atmosphere in a single day.
The Exocet Missiles were especially infamous among most operators because they actually used to"disobey" orders. They "thought" that, if a bigger target was on its radars, they should attack that one instead of the one that was programmed by the pilot. Bigger usually means better, but not all the time and, as a result, many of them attacked meaningless targets or ran out of fuel while trying to locate their new, self-acquired preys.
Quote from: rexhyuga on June 18, 2015, 11:48:56 PM
fun facts are fun.
after you read this post you will realize that the the brain edits a second 'the'
Haha, awesome ;D
Bats are the second most diverse order of mammals (after rodents). About 20% of the world's mammal species are bats. The smallest bat weighs about as much as a penny, while the largest bats can have wingspans of about 5.6 ft.
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on June 16, 2015, 04:47:12 PMOstrich eggs are the largest bird eggs in the world, hummingbird eggs are the smallest.
While ostriches have the largest eggs overall, they actually lay the smallest eggs in relation to the size of the adult bird. Kiwi birds, on the other hand, lay the largest eggs in relation to the adult (kiwis are about the same size as a domestic chicken, but the eggs they lay are about six times larger than a chicken's).
A Viking ship has been found in the Mississippi River.
In its original design, the Titanic only had three chimneys. A fourth one was later added to make it look more impressive (though it didn't have much purpose than to just be there, it didn't connect to the boiler room in any way, shape or form).
Quote from: PluggFiretail on June 19, 2015, 02:41:17 PM
Several times, promising research for the cure to diabetes has been stopped by pharmaceutical companies, because they make trillions off of patients every year. Oh, and I would not be surprised if they did the same for other diseases like cancer or AIDS, too. Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy about pharmacies now?
They have probably done the same for Cancer and I'm INCREDIBLY mad about it.
That's just awful. Since when did money mean more than human lives?
Anyway...I don't want to start an argument :-\
There was a couple that cheated on each other with people in chat rooms. They found out that they were cheating on each other - with each other, if that makes sense. The people they were having an affair with instead, on the chat room, were each other.
Charles Chaplin and Jackie Oakie enjoyed their roles so much in the filming of "The Great Dictator" that they liked to stay in-character after everyday of filming. They even went to a party dressed as their characters; Adenoid Hynkel and Benzino Napaloni, dictators of Tomiania and Bacteria.
Quote from: Skyblade on June 16, 2015, 06:48:03 PM
Chocolate contains the same chemical that your body produces when falling in love.
It all makes sense now.
Quote from: Skyblade on June 19, 2015, 04:57:20 PM
That's just awful. Since when did money mean more than human lives?
Anyway...I don't want to start an argument :-\
There was a couple that cheated on each other with people in chat rooms. They found out that they were cheating on each other - with each other, if that makes sense. The people they were having an affair with instead, on the chat room, were each other.
The 80s song
Escape by Rupart Holmes just hit my mind.
Although, the main reason why we haven't "cured cancer" is because there really isn't one cancer to cure. There are many cancers (possibly as many cancers as there are cancer patients), and all of them are different enough that they would require their own specialized treatments. SciShow has a video on the subject (, for anyone who wants to know more.
Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on June 19, 2015, 04:48:26 PM
Quote from: PluggFiretail on June 19, 2015, 02:41:17 PM
Several times, promising research for the cure to diabetes has been stopped by pharmaceutical companies, because they make trillions off of patients every year. Oh, and I would not be surprised if they did the same for other diseases like cancer or AIDS, too. Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy about pharmacies now?
They have probably done the same for Cancer and I'm INCREDIBLY mad about it.
Yes, they have done that for cancer. Have you guys ever heard of the Polish doctor Stanislaw Burzynski? He had a practice in Texas, but "the powers that be" shut him down and forced him to treat cancer patients as part of clinical trials, not a normal practice. He has had some incredible results with his antineoplaston therapy; however, I honestly am not sure what to think about him and his practice, because he has received heavy criticism and been in and out of courts for years (of course, that could be because he's
right), but it's worth looking him up.
That's very interesting, Jukka. I personally have no doubt that the only reason of why he was criticized and suspected it's because he was right.
The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen.
Many people involved in the early stages of the production of "The Lion King" thought that they were going to do a movie or remake based on "Kimba: The White Lion" due to the similarities between these two films. In fact, the voice actor for Simba once declared that he was delighted to be playing a character he used to love from his childhood.
when the Ancient Pyramids were being built, mammoths still roamed the earth!
Different place, though.
Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name was Moon.
If you translate WWW into Hebrew, and then translate that back into English it is 666.
The Welsh are descended from Trojans, and are related to the Romans, who are also descended from the Trojans.
How did Louisa May Alcott write Little Womenr?
Much against her wishes. She hated little girls and wrote her bestseller for money.
Quote from: Delthion on July 03, 2015, 03:54:14 AM
The Welsh are descended from Trojans, and are related to the Romans, who are also descended from the Trojans.
Supposedly, not definitely.
Estimated percentage of American adults who go on diet each year: 44%
If properly contained, honey lasts for an extremely long time. Pots of edible honey have been found in Egyptian tombs.
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on July 04, 2015, 11:03:46 PM
Quote from: Delthion on July 03, 2015, 03:54:14 AM
The Welsh are descended from Trojans, and are related to the Romans, who are also descended from the Trojans.
Supposedly, not definitely.
Yes, I know. Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote that in his "History of the Kings of Britain" and there's no reason to believe that the book that he was translating wasn't telling the truth so I shall believe it. ;D ;D
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. (I can't imagine being able to sleep that quickly, what bliss!)
I must not be average.
Quote from: Skyblade on August 09, 2015, 04:21:01 PM
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. (I can't imagine being able to sleep that quickly, what bliss!)
When I finally put the forum away after several night time hours, I'm probably tired end ugh to fall asleep that fast. :P
Quote from: Skyblade on August 09, 2015, 04:21:01 PM
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. (I can't imagine being able to sleep that quickly, what bliss!)
Takes me at least an hour... Oops?
Wearing a hat on your head helps warm your feet.
If you keep garlic in your shoes while you wear them, your breath will starts smelling like garlic.
Workers in foundries would often come home for the weekend and contract a day-or-two long sickness known as metal fume fever, zinc shakes, Monday morning fever, and many others. It is caused by the inhalation of metal gasses caused by the metal vaporizing.
There is a so-called "vaccine court" in existence in the US that has awarded $3.2 billion in compensation to those apparently injured by vaccines.[1] ([2] (
Quote from: The Skarzs on August 10, 2015, 03:19:49 PM
If you keep garlic in your shoes while you wear them, your breath will starts smelling like garlic.
that's why my breath has been smelling like garlic! It all makes sense now! ;D
. . . But why you would do such a thing is beyond comprehension.
There used to be a religion based off frogs. It was called the Church of the Golden Toad.
A lot of people in Mongolia are related to Genghis Khan.
Quote from: The Skarzs on August 23, 2015, 12:34:50 AM
. . . But why you would do such a thing is beyond comprehension.
Notice the sarcasm almost literary dripping off my voice...
Noted when posted.
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on August 23, 2015, 05:27:21 AM
Quote from: The Skarzs on August 23, 2015, 12:34:50 AM
. . . But why you would do such a thing is beyond comprehension.
Notice the sarcasm almost literary dripping off my voice...
Also notice the poor grammar mistakes present in your post.
Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on August 23, 2015, 01:59:32 PM
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on August 23, 2015, 05:27:21 AM
Quote from: The Skarzs on August 23, 2015, 12:34:50 AM
. . . But why you would do such a thing is beyond comprehension.
Notice the sarcasm almost literary dripping off my voice...
Also notice the poor grammar mistakes present in your post.
Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on August 23, 2015, 01:59:32 PM
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on August 23, 2015, 05:27:21 AM
Quote from: The Skarzs on August 23, 2015, 12:34:50 AM
. . . But why you would do such a thing is beyond comprehension.
Notice the sarcasm almost literary dripping off my voice...
Also notice the poor grammar mistakes present in your post.
Isn't that a "poor grammar mistake"? Wouldn't "Grammatical error" or just "grammar mistake" be more appropriate? ("Poor grammar mistakes" sounds like you're trying to say she's made a mistake at using poor grammar.)
In London during Shakespeare's time it was illegal to kill large birds because they ate the filth and rubbish on the streets.
Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants.
Random Fact: Mouse like cheese.
If you shoot a LED light bulb with a pellet gun it explodes.
Actually, mice prefer grains and nuts to cheese; dairy isn't a part of their natural diet, so it's not something mice would go after unless they were starving.
Do you know any random facts you would like to share?
If so, put them here!
(Psst. I just merged this with a similar thread for convenience's sake. :))
Interesting fact: Wendy's (yes, the fast-food chain) did a Fortnite livestream.
whatever that is supposed to mean..
(Wendy's created an account on Fortnite, an extremely popular online multiplayer game, and posted a live video of their gameplay.)
i mean, i kind of know with Fortnite is, but yeah, that was unknown to me. How does Wendy's, a company have an account? like that is crazy. all the 'cool' people at my school play it. (yeah, i know. i'm not part of that!)
Idk, I'm guessing a small group of their hip social media people joined forces to play it on one account. :P
perhaps Wendy's just paid them to make an account in their name and play well to entice people to come more.
I mean Fortnite supposedly works best as a team game, so they probably used more than one account.
i wouldn't know that but that sounds fine, too.
The Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812) ended with the american victory, but it was two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent declared peace between the US and England. Due to the slowness of communication the soldiers at the time still thought they were at war.
Quote from: Tungro on March 04, 2019, 08:48:47 PM
The Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812) ended with the american victory, but it was two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent declared peace between the US and England. Due to the slowness of communication the soldiers at the time still thought they were at war.
I take it you just had a history test :D
No, just skimming through my history book cauze' that is what I do when I am board
Fun fact, in World War 2, Russia suffered 21 million causalities, and for every 5 German soldiers that died, 4 of them where on the Eastern front.
The last significant Confederate active force to surrender was the Confederate allied Cherokee Brigadier General Stand Watie and his Indian soldiers on June 23. The last Confederate surrender occurred on November 6, 1865, when the Confederate warship CSS Shenandoah surrendered at Liverpool, England.
In WW2 the American's lost 400,000 soldiers. and in the Civil War America lost 620,000.
There are a few 1942 steel pennies that are worth $14m each
not on the subject of history, but..
lawyers say not to put up 'beware of dog' signs because if something happens with your dog they can say that you knew your dog was dangerous and you can be liable to charges.
There are 33million more men in China that women
you know exactly why that is? because they have that one (or recently 2) kid rule, and why would they have a girl and not have a better working boy instead? (it is true, men are much better at manual labor, no denying) so they abort the girls and wait for the boy to come instead. stupid rule.
Quote from: The Witessss on March 04, 2019, 10:41:36 PM
you know exactly why that is? because they have that one (or recently 2) kid rule, and why would they have a girl and not have a better working boy instead? (it is true, men are much better at manual labor, no denying) so they abort the girls and wait for the boy to come instead. stupid rule.
I knew that, but was trying to avoid talking politics...
meh... too good of an opportunity.
It's not about abortion! Don't go down that road when you don't have to!
Sex-selective abortions are illegal in China. They still exists, but the greater existing issue is infanticide. In fact, because of a lack of access to safe abortions, the abandonment of baby girls has been a huge issue for decades, and not giving them up to an agency abandonment, leaving them on the side of the road abandonment, because you're right: if a family can have only one child, a working boy will be more useful. In fact, it was the high levels of mortality among girls in orphanages in the '90s and 00's that created such large international pressure to do away with the policy.
When the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, more than 80% of China's population was living in rural areas, and in rural areas only, families could have a second child if their first was a daughter. By the end of 2015, when they got rid of the policy, still over 40% of the population was living in rural areas. This created a huge imbalance in the sex ratio of the country. And even now that urban couples can apply to have a second child, half of the couples that are eligible don't want to because of 1.) the cost of living, and because the move from country to city 2.) has increased education levels, and 3.) allowed women more career opportunities; currently, there are more women than men in college in China. Generally speaking, without restrictions on childbirth in place, you can gauge how developed a country is by how low its birthrate is. Even though some leaders in China were expecting a baby boom by 2018, last year they had their lowest number of births in more than 50 years. Some solutions men wanting a wife are turning to include bride kidnapping and trafficking, so if you want to be upset, be upset about that.
Additionally, a loophole was that women could have children outside of China to avoid being affected by the policy, so many went to Saipan to try for a 2nd or 3rd - and Saipan is a U.S. territory, meaning those babies are automatically U.S. citizens. Anyway, this was certainly not "too good of an opportunity," I wrote this with a little research, so please do your own research and don't just regurgitate what you hear!
Interesting fact:
Visited the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum a couple weeks ago and learned that Einstein assisted with the penning of a letter to FDR encouraging the development of the nuclear bomb. He was a pacifist and had not previously considered its use as a weapon, but he understood that Germany would not hesitate to make and use nuclear weapons, and it was his influence that brought the U.S. into the nuclear arms race. He never encouraged the use of the bombs, but he later said that recommending their creation was his one regret in life.
Interesting fact: the male to female ratio is 50.4 to 49.6
A recent survey of 41,000 adults by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation found that only 4 out of 10 Americans were able to pass the U.S. Citizenship Test given to immigrants seeking citizenship.
Another survey published in 2015 found that more than one-third of new college graduates could not even place the Civil War within the correct 20-year time frame.
I mean if British citizenship tests are any indication, they ask a lot of random obscure questions that really don't matter.
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on August 19, 2019, 07:17:53 PM
I mean if British citizenship tests are any indication, they ask a lot of random obscure questions that really don't matter.
Yeah, I saw boyinaband's semi-recent video about the British citizenship tests. Most of the questions were either really random, weird ones, or ones with obscure answers. There was only a few that I thought should hold any weight as to whether or not you can become a citizen of a country.
Nicaragua is home to the only lake in the world with fresh water bull sharks
Thirty percent of all Southern white males between the ages of 18 and 40 died in the Civil War. I read that somewhere.
Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics, conducted his research in a Czech Abbey, and in true Redwallian fashion, he loved the company of food.
70% of modern Russians believe that Stalin's rule was good for the country
30 million or more Chinese died in "The Great Leap Forward"
Can we get some sources for these... 'facts'?
There are tardigrades living on the moon.
There are tardigrades living on the moon.
A few flippin' months ago, a satellite containing a bunch of tardigrades was accidentally crashed into the moon. The tardigrades, (as tardigrades are virtually indestructible), went into a state of coma.
Okay. Long story short: Tardigrades are AWESOME!!!
Because pikes (the weapon, not the fish) had such long reach, German swordsmiths built freakishly long swords to combat armies using them. the sword is over four feet long and is called the zweihandar, which literally means 'two handed', as that is the only way to wield it.
Other countries may have made them too, but Germany was the first.
Quote from: Verdauga on September 02, 2019, 12:35:53 AM
Because pikes (the weapon, not the fish) had such long reach, German swordsmiths built freakishly long swords to combat armies using them. the sword is over four feet long and is called the zweihandar, which literally means 'two handed', as that is the only way to wield it.
Other countries may have made them too, but Germany was the first.
That's interesting. Are they basically broadswords but bigger?
@Sebias of Redwall , well, they're obviously longer, but I don't know if they're much wider, if at all. I haven't researched them in a while. I guess it depends on how long and wide typical broadswords are.
Quote from: Verdauga on September 07, 2019, 09:04:32 PM
@Sebias of Redwall , well, they're obviously longer, but I don't know if they're much wider, if at all. I haven't researched them in a while. I guess it depends on how long and wide typical broadswords are.
Hmm... I guess that makes sense. I don't think they'd want to make the swords *too* heavy after all. Taller would probably be better for reasons you said above, but that would make sense if they kept them the same width.
The width of very long swords was usually kept to a minimum. A four and a half foot sword is always going to be extremely heavy, but if it's also wide, it's going to be unusably heavy.
There was a variant of the zweihander (I believe a French variant, but I'm not certain) called a flamberge, because the blade is wavy like a flame.
That's true. from what I remember, any of the swords that were over fourteen pounds were for ceremonial use only...
As to the flamberge, I have heard of it, but I don't know if it was based off the zweihander. That said, it's been a while since I researched it, and I think you're right that it is based off it.
Flamberge doesn't necessarily mean one type of greatsword or zwiehander. That's just what the name is commonly associated with. You could have a flamberge arming sword.
1. They're an ancient breed
Because the pug lineage stretches so far back, their early history is a little murky. Most believe that the breed originated in China and existed before 400 BCE and were called (or at least closely related to a breed called) "lo-sze." Buddhist monks kept the dogs as pets in Tibetan monasteries.
2. They were treated like royalty
Emperors of China kept pugs as lapdogs and treated them to all the luxuries of royal life. Sometimes the pampered pooches were given their own mini palaces and guards.
3. There short noses cause some trouble
Pugs are brachycephalic, meaning their noses are pushed in more than other dogs. These smushed faces can lead to some breathing problems. Their facial structure makes it difficult to take long and deep breaths, Pugs are still very energetic, but they might not be the best swimmers and may have trouble on airplanes.
4. Pugs are made to be companions
Pugs are excellent pets because of their adaptable personality. Whether you like to stay at home or enjoy the outdoors pugs will be up for anything. their favorite place is right by your side.
New Zealand has the highest density of sheep per unit area in the world.
Andorra is a small county in between France and Spain.
"Despite not being involved in any fighting during the First World War, Andorra was technically the longest combatant, as the country was left out of the Versailles Peace Conference, technically remaining at war with Germany from its original declaration of war in 1914 until 24 September 1958 when Andorra officially declared peace with Germany."
Baby chicks have 'egg teeth' with which to break their eggs.
One can 'candle' an egg to determine if it is a double-yoked egg.
Or just cook it without caring. (But that last part is obvious.)
You can also candle eggs to see if they're fertile.
That is very interesting indeed.
Snakes don't have chins.
The way the US confirmed the recent death of ISIS leader was that they previously took a DNA sample from his underwear
The word 'very' comes from the Latin root 'veritas'; the word 'very' literally is another word for 'truly'.
On that note,
The Greek word for truth is translated into English as 'candor'. When politicians in Greece were campaigning, they would claim to be candid about their declarations, earning them the name 'candidates'.
Quote from: Tungro on March 04, 2019, 09:27:03 PM
The last significant Confederate active force to surrender was the Confederate allied Cherokee Brigadier General Stand Watie and his Indian soldiers on June 23. The last Confederate surrender occurred on November 6, 1865, when the Confederate warship CSS Shenandoah surrendered at Liverpool, England.
The Cherokee are an interesting case- I think about 10% or so of them owned slaves compared to 25% of southern whites who owned slaves...
Quote from: Grond on October 30, 2019, 07:10:42 PM
Quote from: Tungro on March 04, 2019, 09:27:03 PM
The last significant Confederate active force to surrender was the Confederate allied Cherokee Brigadier General Stand Watie and his Indian soldiers on June 23. The last Confederate surrender occurred on November 6, 1865, when the Confederate warship CSS Shenandoah surrendered at Liverpool, England.
The Cherokee are an interesting case- I think about 10% or so of them owned slaves compared to 25% of southern whites who owned slaves...
The main reason they joined the south was to regain lost territory from the Indian Wars with the US
EDIT: I did some quick digging and I couldn't find much on them joining the south because they owned some slaves, just "The Cherokee partnered with the Confederacy in order to get funds, as well as ultimately full recognition as a sovereign, independent state."
Interesting fact: You should always choose kumara without veins, because it's more tender.
Quote from: Tungro on October 31, 2019, 12:33:58 PM
The main reason they joined the south was to regain lost territory from the Indian Wars with the US
EDIT: I did some quick digging and I couldn't find much on them joining the south because they owned some slaves, just "The Cherokee partnered with the Confederacy in order to get funds, as well as ultimately full recognition as a sovereign, independent state."
That is interesting.
The term machine gun is thought to have originated with the Puckle machine gun, invented in 1718. However, the Puckle could not match an earlier design in rate of fire. That weapon is called the "Khalthoff Repeater" and could fire at a max of fifty rounds per minute.Though, admittedly,it could never reach that potential.
John Henry Whittaker was apprenticed to a Jeweller in 1879 and didn't start making chocolate until 1882.
When the Italian army was besieging Rome in 1870 to unify Italy, the Vatican promised to excommunicate the soldier leading the attack. The Italian sent a Jewish soldier to do the job, as he cannot be excommunicated.
Heh. Interesting.
In 1018, Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich II called a diet (basically a fancy council) in Nijmegen to prepare a military campaign against Dirk III of Holland. Dirk was literally in the meeting when that happened, so imagine the shock when someone 10 metres from you declared war on your realm.
Subsidiary Interesting Fact: The subsequent Battle of Vlaardingen was won by Dirk by a brilliant ambush, which led to the growing prosperity of Holland, and by consequence, the Netherlands.
Subsidiary Subsidiary Interesting Fact: Heinrich II was the only Holy Roman Emperor to get canonised legally. Charlemagne was also canonised, but it was an Antipope who did that.
Cleopatra was actually in Rome during Caesar's assassination. Didn't know that until a couple of weeks ago.
The last Tsarina of Russia was German by birth, and her older brother was the Grand Duke Ernst of Hesse and Rhine. Following the start of World War I, he would be on the general staff of Kaiser Wilhelm headquarters despite his advocacy for peace. Another one of his sisters was a Russian Grand Duchess, wife to the uncle of the Tsar. Both would die in the Russian Revolution. His mother was Princess Alice, daughter to Queen Victoria
"In 2006, it was estimated that within 50 years the hull and structure of Titanic would eventually collapse entirely, leaving only the more durable interior fittings of the ship intermingled with a pile of rust on the sea floor."
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are on the wrestling hall of fame. Lincoln was said to have only been beaten once and they may have cheated.
Ann Frank's father was an artilleryman in the service of Germany in World War I. He would be the sole member of his direct family to survive the Holocaust, dying in 1980 at the age of 91
Before becoming Pope, Silvester II studied in Spain and got into contact with Hindu-Arabic numerals, leading to accusations of sorcery.
The first foreign samurai was actually an African native that accompanied an Italian missionary to Japan in 1579.
Known as Yasuke, he was presented to Oda Nobunaga. The Daimyō thought that his skin must have been colored with black ink and had him striped from the waist up and made him scrub his skin. Upon realizing that the African's skin was indeed black, he took an interest in him.
He would rise to the rank of samurai, and become one of Nobunaga's most reliable retainers. Even being present for the Honnō-ji Incident, the forced suicide of Nobunaga by general Akechi Mitsuhide on 21 June 1582.
He soon joined Oda Nobutada who rallied at Nijō Castle. He was captured after their defeat, but released and sent back to the monastery where the accounts fade.
Today is the bicentennial of Napoleon's death
Quote from: Tungro on May 06, 2021, 03:07:07 AM
Today is the bicentennial of Napoleon's death
Speaking of which, Napoleon had a great nephew (his nephew's son) who became the attorney General of the United States under mah boi Theodore Roosevelt.
Rivals for life
Jean-Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte and Arthur Mornington are investment managers in rival private equity firms in London. Jean is a descendant of Napoleon's youngest brother Jérôme, and Arthur the descendant of Arthur Wellesley
Vot came firzt, ze Chicken or ze egg?
Vizoot gaein' intae vhich iz ze correct vay loife iz und came aboot:
- -Gaein' be Chriztian creationizm, ze Chicken came firzt- zat firzt zection in Genesis mentionz ze variouz creaturez, includin' Birdz (like Chickenz), bein' created.
- -Gaein' be evolution, ze egg came firzt- modern-day Birdz (includin' Chickenz) dezcended from Dinozaurz, vhich layed eggz; viz ze anceztorz o' modern-day Chickenz 'avin' layed eggz afore ze Chickenz 'ad come aboot, ze egg zuz vaz ze firzt vone o' ze tva in exiztence.
The proteins found in an egg can only be found in a chicken
Today is the 80th anniversary of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor
France did not abolish its window tax until 1926. Yes, countries used to tax people for the number of windows they had on their house.
Whales are a descendant of the Pakicetus, which is neither large or marine.
3 Interesting Facts - By Rillbrook, Obviously a Beast of Superior Knowledge and Wisdom
1. Dogs are superior to cats
2. French press is the only way to make good coffee
3. Chocolate is better than vanilla (unless it's a tootsie roll)
Zat lookz more loike opinionz zan factz.
Only ze female Mozquitoez drink blood- zey need it tae grov zere eggz. Ze malez juzt drink zin'z loike nectar.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on September 09, 2022, 11:37:00 PMZat lookz more loike opinionz zan factz.
Does it
look like that, or is it a fact ;)
2 und 3 are only really opinionz, und couldnae really be zcientifically proven. 1 iz alzae an opinion, und couldnae really be proved eizer (und ze Catz vid clav ye tae piecez fer zuggeztin' it tae boot).
Colin Baker actually gaet axed (metaphorically zpeakin') from playin' 'iz ze 6th incarnation o' ze Doctor in
Doctor Vho (Ah dinnae remember vhy), und zey put a vig on an actor along viz ze clothez- only zhovin' ze back nae givin' a clear viev o' 'iz face- und 'ad 'im regenerate intae ze 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy). 'ere'z ze zcene:
But it's more fun to capture and create your own images. ::)
Vhale Zharkz, vhilzt ztill bein' Zharkz, are pretty much 'armlezz- zey're filter feederz, mainly feedin' on Plankton und zmav Fizh.
In the ocean, pycnogonids (sea spiders) are arthropods that walk around the ocean floor. They have so much leg that a large amount of their organs are in their legs. They also eat through a proboscis.
Interesting fact: If you eat the sharpest tool in the shed, it doesn't automatically make you the sharpest tool in the shed. Instead, it proves three things: you actually aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, you need to go to the ER immmediately if not sooner, and if someone says to you, "you are what you eat," they are either lying or also need to go to the ER.
Interesting fact: Australia is actually wider than the moon
I don't like that fact, for some reason.
No one said you had to like it.
I found out an interesting fact about one of my fav movies:
"The Godfather" (1972): Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, "The Godfather" is often cited as one of the greatest films of all time. An interesting fact about the movie is that Marlon Brando, who played Vito Corleone, used cue cards for many of his lines. He believed it helped him deliver a more spontaneous performance. Despite this unconventional method, his portrayal became iconic and earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor.
Mosquitos predate dinosaurs.
Zpeakin' o' Mozquitoez, ze malez are uzually zmaller zan ze femalez.