Redwall Abbey

General Boards => The Cellars => Topic started by: Wylder Treejumper on January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

Title: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM
Well, Sam is gone... but I did have fun playing this game! Let it continue!


1. Players may control 2 minor powers, 1 major power
2. Please be realistic! Saxony can not raise an army of 100,000 men in 2 days.
4. Have fun!

England: His Royal Majesty King Wylder I
Spanish Monarchy: Emperor Ashenwyte I
Habsburg Monarchy: Count Radbot of Glettgau
Russia: Tsar Vlasimir Groddil I
Poland-Lithuania: Soren
Sweden: Lord Daskar
Ottoman Empire: Sage
Papal States (Serious influence over France, Spain, States within the Holy Roman Empire):

Swiss Confederacy: King Liddorg Schwitz I
Portugal: King Ariepata II
Dutch Republic: King Ariepata II
Venice: Sage
Italians (Remaining city-states): Duke Alberacht IV (Emperor Ashenwyte I)
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 28, 2016, 08:06:19 PM
The Ottoman Empire is mine, like before.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 28, 2016, 08:07:01 PM
Oh Sweet, good Idea Wylder. Can I control Portugal and the Dutch Republic?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 28, 2016, 08:57:24 PM
Can I have Russia?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 28, 2016, 10:02:48 PM
I'll have The Habsburg Monarchy as last time.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 28, 2016, 11:31:02 PM
I'll take Sweden as Lord Daskar and Portugal as King Vilu XXV.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 29, 2016, 08:31:46 AM
I'll take Spain and the Dutch Confederacy as Emperor Ashenwyte the First.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:32:05 AM
Can I take Switzerland as well?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on January 29, 2016, 03:56:18 PM
Very well. Let the diplomacy begin!
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 29, 2016, 04:32:49 PM

So we're starting?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on January 29, 2016, 07:56:25 PM
Indeed. Although, If you would like a real title, you'll have to tell me.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 08:52:02 PM
Russian Title: Tsar Vladimir Groddil I.
Swiss Title: King Liddorg Schwitz I.

(Seeing as how this is 1700 after all.)
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 09:12:48 PM
I just realized Sand already took Portugal, and I even read through all the posts before I posted. I'll take Saxony instead.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 09:37:58 PM
Wait wait wait.... I had Russia and Switzerland on the other forum, are we continuing with that or is this basically another War in 1700?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:39:06 PM
Err, hoping its a new one or I just got booted.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 09:39:24 PM
I think it's just a new one, but that doesn't mean old alliances are broken, Tsar Groddil.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 09:42:08 PM
Quote from: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:39:06 PM
Err, hoping its a new one or I just got booted.
Yeah, weird we chose the exact same ones... :P
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:43:46 PM
So somehow I have taken over Russia, have I...Hmm...Very well, Soren, I grant you Kiev. Watch our borders successfully and you may keep the city.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 09:44:34 PM
Sweet, that's the part of Russia I want anyway. ::)
So if I get the one city, can I have one nation?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 09:45:19 PM
Groddil, the Swedes would be interested in an alliance.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:49:03 PM
I was interested in that as well. My one request, aside from the traditional no-fire policy, is that we can move some troops to Ingria in the event we need to launch ships. State what you want.

@Soren: I dunno. Technically Kiev was a gift, so its up to Wylder I guess. Mind you, rebellion will lead to execution, so don't try anything. :)
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 09:52:09 PM
Of course Tsar, my condition is that we work as a team to wipe all other countries out.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 09:56:45 PM
The other nations won't like that Lord Daskar. If I am to agree to this, it has to be on the condition we don't attack first, but rather wait until they are fighting amongst each other, then swoop in and destroy the victors before they can recover. I am already moving most of my troops to defend Russia's borders, I would suggest doing the same. Plus, we can move our soldiers quicker if they are all on alert.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 10:08:57 PM
I think it would be wise to now communicate through private letters such as this,   do you not agree? Also, with your approval, I think we should send an alliance offer to Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 10:12:45 PM
Very well, Vilu. Would you like to do the honors, or shall I? Also, Sandpaw appears to be up to something.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 10:19:19 PM
You may send it, I must study history.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 29, 2016, 10:28:11 PM

The Portuguese Empire During the Starting Events of this game:

Ruler: King Areiapata/Sandpaw II

Land Holdings: Portugal, The Netherlands, Gold Mining Colonies in Brazil and Venezuela, The Cape of Good Hope, Colonies in South Africa, Spice Ports in India, Colonies in Indonesia, and Dutch beaver colonies in North America.

Standing Military: 30,000 Regulars stationed in forts in Portugal, 20,000 stationed in forts in different oversea colonies. 20,000 Dutch Regulars stationed in forts in the Netherlands, 10,000 Dutch Regulars stationed in North American Colonies. Portuguese West Indies fleet patrolling the waters along the Cape of Good Hope trade rout, Portuguese Mediterranean fleet stationed in harbors along Portugal coast, The Dutch Atlantic fleet patrolling the waters between the New World and Europe, The Trade and exploration Fleet sailing between Europe, Americas, and India.

Trade Alliances: Everyone

Military Alliances: None

Enemies: Pirates


*Portuguese exploration ships begin and round the world trip sailing due west and planning on traveling around Cape Horn. The Captain believes if the trip is a success then it would bring glory to Portugal. They set off towards Venezuela with the King's blessing.*

*Two Portuguese frigates capture a pirate vessel forcing the remaining crew to serve as a Portuguese privateer under a new captain. The vessel will sail the Indian ocean looking for unspecific merchant vessels to capture and loot.*

*Spice ships from India arrive in English, Spanish, and Ottoman harbors seeking to trade their wares for other valued resources.*

*In Portugal a large parade and celebration is held lasting for three days. Moral is high in the Empire.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 10:33:13 PM
Well, if I can have Kiev and a nation, I'd want Poland.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 10:40:46 PM
I'm on it. I also have business with Soren.
Lord Soren of Kiev,
I have decided after discussion with Lord Daskar of Sweden that we will become involved in any coming hostilities at a later date. Our forces will be periodically placed at points along the border with the bulk of our reserve stationed at Kiev. Should any two or more nations become involved in conflict, we will move our forces through allied countries, with their consent, and destroy the victors. If all goes to plan, you are to be given control of the conquered nations to keep order.
Sincerely, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I
Most Honorable Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire,
As you may be aware Lord Daskar, ruler of Sweden, and I have formed an alliance and plan to annihilate all opposition within Europe. I am glad to say that you are not included among the opposition. We wish to extend an offer of peace to you in the hopes of forming an alliance. Should our plan succeed, we will be fine with your choosing of conquered nations to expand your powerful empire.
Yours Faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

The Russian Empire during the starting events of this game:
Ruler: Tsar Vladimir Groddil I
Military Commander: Dimitri the Merciless.
Land Holdings: Russia, Siberia, Ukraine, Alaska.
Capital city: St. Petersburg.
Standing Military: 900,000 regular soldiers and nearly 250,000 irregulars (mostly Cossacks), stationed around the Empire. Most of these soldiers are enroute to the Empire's Eastern Borders. The Russian Navy is currently on standby in Ingria, Sweden. The Navy consists of:100 1st Rate ships-of-the-line, 200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate, 300 Frigates, and 400 Sloops.
Trade Alliances: Everyone.
Military Alliances: Sweden, Kiev (Under the control of Soren).
Formal Alliances: Portugal.
Alliances under review: None
Enemies: None yet.

*Russian Military Forces begin to move away from their stations within the empire. Most of these troops move towards the Empire's Eastern borders with Lithuania-Poland and the Ottoman Empire.*

*A rear guard of 100, 000 men is left behind to keep an eye on the unconquered territory to the west, mainly China. Another group of 200, 000 remain at their posts to keep the peace.*

*A military alliance is formed with the Swedish Empire. The Russian Navy is moved to Ingria, Sweden.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 29, 2016, 10:50:54 PM
OOC: I claim Venice.

To Delthion, Ruler of Hapsburg
By order of the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, this letter shall be delivered to Delthion and seen only by his eyes.(
Highly Confidential

I have been approached by the joint leadership of Daskar and Tsar Groddil to join their force to conquer the rest of Europe. The Ottoman Empire sees no need and is happy as it is, and will fight for the protection of the continent from Daskar's ruling. I request an alliance against these invaders.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 11:04:43 PM
@Sage I think this is a reboot, Del doesn't have a place yet.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 11:05:51 PM
Quote from: Delthion on January 28, 2016, 10:02:48 PM
I'll have The Habsburg Monarchy as last time.

He still asked for it, so...
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 29, 2016, 11:08:01 PM
Whoops, didn't realize he did.

Groddil, of Russia
Lord Groddil of Russia,
Your proposal for the use of Kiev in future endeavors has been met favorably with me and my advisors. We shall help in any way we can with your endeavors.
-Søren of Kiev
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 11:25:37 PM
( Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 29, 2016, 11:27:53 PM

OOC: Goodness the Russian Army is large, they must have pressganged half the nation. Groddil are you forcing women to fight for Russia?

BTW everyone Don't get on Russia's bad side.


For Sultan Sagetip's eyes only.

On behalf of the Portugal and Dutch people I would like to invoke a Trade and Military alliance between our two prosperous nations. The Portuguese people are some of the wealthiest, however the Empire is not the largest. I believe with my funds and your nations size we shall be extremely successful should any of our larger neighbors get to greedy. This proposal is to ensure good faith between our nations in times of trouble. Your foes shall be mine, and mine yours.

May the sun always be at your back, and the wind in your sails.

~King Sandpaw II

Tsar Groddil of Russia

Greetings noble Tsar of Russia. I King Sandpaw II of Portugal, lord of the Netherlands would like to offer the hand of friendship to the great Eastern Nation. Should you accept this gracious offer you shall have the opportunity to openly trade with the richest nation in Europe. Please consider this offer noble one, and mayhap this Trade Alliance shall grow into a more prosperous accord.

~King Sandpaw II.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 29, 2016, 11:32:09 PM
King Sandpaw II
By order of the sultan of the Ottoman Empire this letter shall be received by King Sandpaw II and seen by his eyes only. (
Highly Confidential

The Ottoman Empire graciously accepts your offer of alliance.

Warm regards,

The Sultan.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 11:40:27 PM
OOC: Sweden
Ruler: Her Royal Highness Hildegard of Sweden.
Military Commander: Lord Daskar.
Land Holdings: Sweden.
Military Might: 150,000 Fully trained troops. Additional 150,000 in training. 50 Ships-of-the-Line, 90 Frigates, 150 Sloops.
Trade Alliances: All
Military Alliances: Russia.
Enemies: N/A
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 29, 2016, 11:42:23 PM
OOC: The Russian Army is indeed massive, I just ripped the stats by googling "Russian Military 1700." Apparently the population was about 25 million people, so approximately 1 in every 21 people are enlisted. I'm going to say that selective conscription is currently in effect.


Kind Sandpaw II of Portugal,
While a complete military alliance would first require the approval of my military partners Lord Daskar of Sweden and Soren, Lord of Kiev, I will accept your offer of friendship until that time comes. I propose that we put a cease-fire policy in effect until then.
Yours faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

Lord Daskar and Soren
I have been sent an offer by King Sandpaw II of Portugal. He sent an offer of support and would like an alliance. What do you think?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 29, 2016, 11:59:20 PM

For Tsar Groddil of Russia.

Noble Tsar Groddil, may your name be shouted from the mountaintops, Portugal thanks you for your generous approval to our trade agreement. Please accept this gift of fifty thousand gold to forward your endeavors. The ship carrying your gift shall arrive shortly.

~King Sandpaw II

For Sultan Sagetip

Many thanks great Sultan. You shall not regret the day you agreed to this alliance. A ship carrying a small gift of fifty thousand gold shall be sent immediately to aid you in any way you see fit. It is simply a gift to show Portugal's good intentions.

~King Sandpaw II

*Two fast ships set off from Lisbon one sailing north up English channel towards the Netherlands, the second sailing southeast around the Spanish peninsula into the Mediterranean.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on January 29, 2016, 11:59:47 PM
Groddil and Soren
To his eminence the Tsar of Russia, and Lord Soren of Kiev.
It is alright with me as long as this Sandpaw allies with me also.

  Lord Daskar

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 30, 2016, 12:06:59 AM
OOC: Can we do espionage in this one?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 30, 2016, 12:16:34 AM
Vilu and Groddil

Sounds cool. (;D)
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 12:22:18 AM
King Sandpaw II of Portugal,
After consulting with Lord Daskar of Sweden, he has stated he is fine with a military alliance should you also form one with him. Lord Soren of Kiev also supports our alliance. I would also like to thank you for your incoming gift, upon its arrival I will send a battalion of soldiers to help defend your fine country.
Yours faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 30, 2016, 12:34:50 AM

For Tsar Groddil of Russia

While your offer is most appreciated noble Tsar I have no wish nor need to create a military alliance with Sweden or Russia. Furthermore I would request that no soldiers enter Portuguese borders. While I trust your intentions and legitimacy of your offer, the myself, and the Portuguese people would be ashamed if we were to be unable to defend our own borders in a time of peace. Please do not consider this refusal an insult, but as a sign of a strong and worthy partner in times of trouble.

~King Sandpaw II

OOC: If the message isn't entitled to you don't read it. If you do read it don't act on any information contained within.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 12:52:21 AM
King Sandpaw II of Portugal.
Very well, King Sandpaw. However, I feel like I must do something to return your favor. If you seek anything from me, please say. My troops have already boarded their ships, so I suggest a compromise. The battalion, 5000 strong, will be sent to North Africa. Should you have need of them, send me another letter.
Yours Faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Lord Daskar,
After further conversation with King Sandpaw II of Portugal, he has requested that the alliance stay simply formal and does not evolve into a militaristic tie. I have decided to accept this offer due to our current period of peace, but that will most likely change should Europe plunge into war.
Sincerely, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*A small fleet of the Russian Navy's finest ships, 6 First-Rate Ships-of-the-Line carrying 5000 men between them, leaves Ingria for Northern Africa.*

OOC: Trade Alliances: Everyone.
Military Alliances: Sweden, Kiev (Under the control of Soren).
Formal Alliances: Portugal
Alliances under review: None
Enemies: None yet.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

400,000 regular troops and 200,000 cossacks stationed on the Eastern Borders.
150,000 regular troops and 50,000 cossacks in Lithuania-Poland.
100,000 on watch near the border with China.
200,000 across the empire.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 on ships headed for North Africa.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line enroute to North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 02:28:08 AM


Ruler: King Liddorg I.
Land holdings: Switzerland.
Military: 100,000 Soldiers within Switzerland. 50,000 Swiss Mercenaries deployed in France. 50,000 Swiss Guard deployed in the Papal States. Conscription is not in effect.
Trade alliances: All except Habsburg Monarchy.
Military alliances: France, Papal States, Spain.
Enemies: Habsburg Monarchy.


Greetings, your majesty.
My name is Liddorg, King of Switzerland. As you may be aware, tensions are growing and alliances are forming. I fear that all 'twould take is one little thing to set everything off, and I fear that that little thing could be the Habsburg Monarchy. It is common knowledge that our countries have had...altercations in the past, and we would like to extend an offer to you. Swiss soldiers are some of the best in the world, and, if you help us in the event the Habsburg Monarchy decide to try something, our fine men stand at your disposal. May this letter mark the starting point of greatness achieved by our nations.
His Excellency Liddorg I, King of Switzerland.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 03:13:42 AM
OOC: Spain.
Ruler: Emperor Ashenwyte the Magnificient.
Military Commander: Magnus the Red.
Land Holdings: Spain, Balearic Islands, Lower half of Italy, Milan.
Military Might: 200,000 soldiers in Spain. 2,500 soldiers . Additional 5,000 in training. 75 Ships-of-the-Line, 90 Frigates, 200 Sloops.
Trade Alliances: Not yet.
Military Alliances: Not yet.
Enemies: N/A

 To Sandpaw.
Greetings, King Sandpaw II. I hope you and your country are in good health. I wish to have a military alliance with you, for we are neighbours, and war between us would be a tragic and foolish affair for all involved. Good day. 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 30, 2016, 03:26:22 AM
WYLDER, can I have Poland? Please?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 03:39:23 AM
OOC: Italian States
Ruler: Duke Alberacht IV (Note: He's a puppet. The real ruler is Emperor Ashenwyte.)
Military Commander: Duke Alberacht IV.
Land Holdings: Large portions of the northern half of Italy.
Military Might: 50,000 Fully trained troops. No troops are being trained at the moment. 15 Ships-of-the-Line, 75 Frigates, 250 Sloops.
Trade Alliances: Spain.
Military Alliances: Spain.
Enemies: N/A

 To Wylder
I, the sovereign of Spain and Italy, ask you, King of England, for a a military and trade alliance, to further better our nations.

Diplomats from Spain journey to Paris, asking for a marriage between the French princess and Emperor Ashenwyte I.

 To Groddil
I wish a trade and military alliance between Switzerland, Italy, and Spain, to better the knowledge of our countries.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 05:23:27 AM
@Ashenwyte: Sagetip has already requested Venice. Check page 2.
@Soren: Nobody else actually CAN have it, so let's say you have it. Wylder can add it to the sheet when he comes on. I have an idea that may make it better storywise:

Letter to Lord Soren of Kiev and Lord Daskar of Sweden.
Lord Soren and Lord Daskar,
After refusing all of my letters and sending back threats, I am sorry to declare Lithuania-Poland an enemy of our alliance. My troops are on their way to take over the country. Lord Daskar, I ask for your assistance. The defeat of Lithuania-Poland will be a shocking revelation to the rest of Europe not to mess with us. Should all go to plan, Lord Soren will be installed as Archduke of the country. My top Military Commander, Dimitri the Merciless, will have our enemy crushed within the week. In the meantime, I will be coming to Kiev to discuss a matter with Lord Soren.
*150,000 Russian soldiers and 50,000 Cossacks leave their border patrols and march into Lithuania-Poland, led by Dimitri the Merciless.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 05:28:01 AM
OOC: Habsburg Monarchy's troops, 30,000 well-trained soldiers that form the professional army constantly. And about 75,000 men that can be marshaled in a weeks notice.
Title: Count Radbot of Klettgau
Military Commander: Guntram the Rich
Landholdings: Austria, Hungary
Trade Alliances: N/A
Military Alliances: N/A
Enemies: N/A

Highly Confidential to Ottoman Empire
Nothing would please us more than to ally with you in this time of trouble.

Guntram the Rich leads 30,000 men into Bavaria, to hopefully set up a buffer between any large neighbors to the west.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 05:32:24 AM
@Delthion: Seems like a small number considering how big the Monarchy is.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 05:34:27 AM
But not all of them would be in be in the army, it's a realistic number in my opinion.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 05:37:07 AM
I guess.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 06:45:49 AM
OOC: I'll be Italian, then. Oh, and could you reply to my letter?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 07:41:21 AM
OOC: I was just waiting to see what you chose to change to from Venice first.

Emperor Ashenwyte,
Skip the formalities, we know plenty about each other already, such as how you managed to take over Italy. How soon do you want troops moved to Spain?
His Excellency, King Liddorg I of Switzerland.

Meanwhile, in Russia...

*The Portugese ship makes landfall at Ingria. The cargo is loaded onto smaller ships and send inland towards Kiev.*

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I arrives at Moscow on his journey from St. Petersburg.*

*Boyar Ivan Slavic is appointed in charge of Russia while the Tsar is enroute to/in Kiev.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 07:53:55 AM
 For Groddil's eyes only
 Seriously, don't read if you are not Groddil
Alright then. Send 5,000 men to Paris under the pretence of escorting your highness for diplomatic talks. My son will arrive at the same time with my Grandmaster of Assassins and his chosen. I'll marry the French princess, while my assassins and your troops will pick off all the dissenters in the land. I'll make sure that you get a third of France for your troubles, and merchants from all over Spanish territories trade with Switzerland. Does that sound fair to you?

A number of Spanish soldiers journey to Paris along with Magnus the Red and Prince Lion El'Jonson.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 08:02:47 AM
Emperor Ashenwyte,
Switzerland has strong current ties to France, doing what you ask would cause mass public outcry and riots in the streets. I NEED to know this is for the best in the long run.
His Excellency, King Liddorg I of Switzerland
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 08:17:09 AM
 For Groddil's eyes only
You will have a third of France and trade with Spain will fill your coffers. And you will receive this with only 5,000 men. May your highness choose wisely. 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 08:30:54 AM
Emperor Ashenwyte,
Switzerland is a small country. A third of France is not a big enough prize for the price of anarchy. Surely half of France would be no problem for someone with as big an Empire as yourself.
His Excellency, King Liddorg I of Switzerland.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 09:10:04 AM
Very well. Once Paris is safe, I shall journey there for my son's coronation.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 12:11:14 PM
Emperor Ashenwyte,
I have decided to agree to your plan. I am on my way to Paris now with a contingent of 5,000 guards. Please be advised that I also have 50,000 mercenaries spread across France, who can assist us in our scheme should we require them.
His Excelleny, King Liddorg I of Switzerland.

His Excellency King Liddorg I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Swiss Troop Movements, for the King's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
His Excellency Liddorg I, Ruler of Switzerland.
Swiss Troop Movements

95,000 Soldiers within Switzerland.
5,000 Soldiers escorting King Liddorg to Paris.
50,000 Swiss Mercenaries deployed in France.
50,000 Swiss Guard deployed in the Papal States.
Conscription is not in effect.

*5,000 Swiss soldiers begin to escort King Liddorg I to Paris.*

Meanwhile, in Russia...

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I arrives in Kiev, as does the cargo from Portugal. The Tsar and his men march up to the palace gates.*
"Lord Soren! Open the gates, it is time for us to discuss something..."

*Led by Dimitri the Merciless, Russia's forces have pushed through much of Eastern Lithuania-Poland. Catching their neighbors unaware, the Russians suffered minimal losses and now control most of Lithuania-Poland. Dimitri and the bulk of the troops have surrounded Warsol, while the Cossacks are spread around the country weeding out the resistance.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 02:14:01 PM
Very well. The Prince moves to Paris with the Grandmaster. When our plan is complete, I will send 50,000 troops to France while we work out which areas we will get. He should be in Paris by the time you read this letter.

*Prince Brocksword journeys to Paris with 5,000 men*

*The Italian fleet weeds out pirates threatening Italian and Spanish trade routes. This is done by Admiral Corax*

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 30, 2016, 03:13:43 PM
OOC: Hey guys go easy on the names, and please don't be offended if I refer to you by forum name and not by your proper title. There is no way I'm going to remember them all, or even bother memorizing them.
Also hey everyone is copying my method of establish their country into the game. Cool.


For Lord Ashenwyte of Spain

Great King, it is true that our country shares boarders. And as seen in the East Russia has begun to claim lands that are not hers to take. If she should decide that we are no match for her power we may be forced to work together. My people will not like the idea of working with Spain, yet I see no alternative. However if you declare war and expect Portugal to aid you, it shall not be so. We shall only help defend these lands, Portugal will not be dragged into any wars involuntarily.

~King Sandpaw II

*The Portuguese East Indies company has, with the King's blessing, begun to raise a small army of Indian volunteers. The force is being formed for the concern of Chinese and other national invasion by European countries. They shall remain in India and along the islands as a shield against attack. Similar forces on a small scale are being created in Africa, should any outside forces attempt invasion.*

*A group of brave Dutchmen sail towards Greenland hoping to set up Colonies in the icy lands. The explorers are funded by the Portuguese, however few of the men are actually from Portugal.*

*All trade with Poland is put on hold during the Russian attack. Many trade caravans are forced to stop in Hapsburg, and Saxony waiting for the war to end. People in Lisbon and Amsterdam are concerned by the sudden attack. Seeing so many powerful neighbors surrounding them causes more then one wealthy citizen to become concerned that Portugal's wealth but small army would become a target for lager countries. King Sandpaw insist that the nation is well protected, however moral continues to fall as 20,000 more regulars are recruited for training.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 03:14:53 PM
-Count Radbot leads the rest of the army to fortify the Monarchy's northern border.
-Guntram the Rich meets minimal resistance, conquering Bavaria with few losses.

OOC: 20,000 men added to the professional army, 10,000 to the militia.

And of course they're German, so now you guys can't beat me. ;D
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 30, 2016, 03:24:10 PM
*Emperor Ashenwyte I personally funds multiple expeditions to America*

*One fleet is blown off course, and is headed to South America*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 03:30:51 PM
-Guntram the Rich leads the newly expanded professional army in an assault of Venice.
-Count Radbot fortifies the Monarchy's borders with the new militia.

Greetings honorable lord! In such times as these, friends must be plentiful, and enemies few. I propose that we form an alliance, against the Russian tyrants that will eventually attempt to sweep across the land.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on January 30, 2016, 09:39:32 PM
*Kiev guard opens doors for Russian forces*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 09:55:38 PM

Ah, Lord Soren. It is good to talk to you in person instead of sending all these letters. As you know by now, Dimitri has Warsaw surrounded. The Lithuania-Polish empire is on its last legs, and when it falls, that land shall be yours. No doubt Warsaw will be devastated in the battle, so you should stay here in Kiev for the time being. Besides, its a lot safer within Russia. I have no doubts that the other countries are plotting against us for what we have done today, but Russia will not falter. I have 100,000 men stationed in Siberia, watching China. They are coming here as we speak to serve as your personal army. They will keep order while my soldiers guard your borders. At this moment, I have no intentions to spread further west, we cannot make any more enemies. One more thing, the crates you see in your courtyard? They were a gift from King Sandpaw of Portugal. 50,000 gold. Keep it, use it to fix up your new kingdom. Now, we just have to sit tight and wait for Dimitri to arrive.

*Dimitri the Merciless and his soldiers breach Warsaw. The Russian troops swarm over the streets to the castle. The Russians cut down the Royal Guard and capture the King of Lithuania-Poland. The Russian troops move up to the borders to protect against attack, while Dimitri and a small force transport the captured King to Kiev.*

*The Russian rear-guard of 100,000 soldiers leave Siberia for Kiev.*

Letter captured by your spies *cough*anyonecanreadthis*cough*
To the Ruler of Prussia,
My name is Tsar Vladimir Groddil I. As you may by now know, my forces have taken over Lithuania-Poland. You are cut off from Brandenburg and completely surrounded. While I have no intention of stretching my forces thinner by taking over more countries, I have intercepted letters between yourself and the King of Poland, and the results alarmed me. Taking part in conspiracies against Russia is a good way to die, so I am sending Dimitri the Terrible bring you back to Russia for execution. Your lands, and the lands of any other conspirators, are now granted to Lord Soren. Say your prayers and ask for mercy, because you shall not receive any from the Russian Empire.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*Dimitri's forces change course and head for Prussia.*

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

548,300 regular troops and 249,870 cossacks stationed on the Borders.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
200,000 across the empire.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 10:22:37 PM
-Count Radbot attacks Saxony with the militia, they sustain minimal losses, the only resistance was bandits in the hills, the people were tired of their anarchy and welcomed Habsburg with open arms.
-Count Radbot leaves the professional soldiers to defend Saxony against Russia, and takes the militia back to Habsburg.
-Guntram the Rich marches into Venice, triumphant, and gains access to the sea.

OOC: 30,000 professional soldiers, 40,000 militia, 10 Galleons, 30 Caravels.

Total: 80,000 professional soldiers, 125,000 militia, 10 Galleons, 30 Caravels.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 10:31:20 PM
Dear Count Radbot of Klettgau,
Unfortunately, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I is in Kiev at the moment, but I was told to write you a letter. My name is Boyar Ivan Slavic. The Tsar knows of your recent push north into Saxony and would like to let you know he has no desire in attempting to conquer your lands. His only request is that, should you choose to take over Brandenburg, you deliver the former ruler here to Russia to answer to the Tsar for his crimes.
Yours honorably, Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of the Russian Empire.

*Dimitri the Merciless and his forces push into Prussia. After a bloody standoff, they capture the country's ruler.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 30, 2016, 10:33:30 PM
The Ottoman Empire declares open war against the forces of Sweden and Russia, disgusted by their attempt to take over Europe. The Sultan publicly displays a letter signed by Tsar Groddil himself, showing the treachery of Russia and the true plans of the Tsar.

Publicly displayed letter from Tsar Groddil to the Sultan
Most Honorable Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire,
As you may be aware Lord Daskar, ruler of Sweden, and I have formed an alliance and plan to annihilate all opposition within Europe. I am glad to say that you are not included among the opposition. We wish to extend an offer of peace to you in the hopes of forming an alliance. Should our plan succeed, we will be fine with your choosing of conquered nations to expand your powerful empire.
Yours Faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 10:38:22 PM
To Vladmir Groddil I
I find this perfectly agreeable. I hope that we can come to more agreements such as these in the future.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 10:43:32 PM
Public Notice from Boyar Ivan Slavic
To the nations of Europe, in particular Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire,
After viewing the letter you have so generously made public, I have noticed that the letter you were sent was not stamped with the Royal Seal, and thus cannot be verified as actually being sent from the Tsar. Your declaration of war is most inconvenient.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia.

Most Honorable Sultan Sagetip,
As you are aware, the Tsar is preoccupied in Kiev at the moment. I have no love for Groddil either, and with my assistance, you will be able to defeat him easily. The tsar is unaware of your declaration of war, so I can convince him to relocate to Poltava, then move all Russian troops away from the borders between our countries. A small force of your soldiers should be able to slip in and assassinate the Tsar. I will take over Russia and hand our conquered territories to you as a sign of good faith.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia

*Dimitri the Merciless arrives in Kiev with the captured rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia.*

*100,000 Russian troops from Siberia arrive in Kiev.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 30, 2016, 10:49:02 PM
The publicity officer of the Sultan's cabinet claims that the letter on display (and read) by the general public was a close replica of the real thing and was made so that any Russian spies did not steal it to discredit the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan urges that the Chancellor check again.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 10:59:57 PM

*Dimitri walks in.*
"Ah, here we are, Lord Soren. Dimitri! Good to see you, my friend. What occurs in the west?"
"My Tsar, Lithuaia-Poland and Prussia have both fallen to the might of your armies. BRING THEM IN!"
*Two soldiers bring in the prisoners.*
"Tsar Groddil, Lord Soren, the rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia."
"Excellent work, Dimitri. Kill them."
Dimitri pulls out a flintlock pistol and shoots the prisoners. Tsar Vladimir Groddil turns to Lord Soren.
"There you are. The conquered territory to the west is yours. Your 100,000 soldiers are now in the city. Dimitri! Get somebody to clean up Lord Soren's floor."
Dimitri nods and leaves, the two soldiers dragging the bodies behind them. Tsar Vladimir Groddil rises from his chair.
"I should be getting back to St. Petersburg. The soldiers and gold are yours, Lord Soren, use them well."

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimitri the Merciless leave Kiev on their journey back to St. Petersburg.*

Land Holdings: Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, Alaska (Russian Empire). Lithuania-Poland, Prussia (Under the control of Lord Soren).
Trade Alliances: All, except Ottoman Empire.
Military Alliances: Sweden, Lithuania-Poland, Prussia.
Formal Alliances: Portugal.
Enemies: Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 11:07:27 PM
OOC: I am pretty sure that there aren't any trade alliances besides what is established by you in-game.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 11:09:06 PM
OOC: I think at the beginning, it made sense if the countries were trading with each other. I don't see why not, until war breaks out anyways.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on January 30, 2016, 11:09:51 PM
OOC: Can I take Brandenburg-Prussia?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 11:10:43 PM
OOC: It would probably not be a good idea, considering Prussia has been taken over by yours truly. You could, I guess, but you would only have Brandenburg.

EDIT: Izeroth can read the last spoiler I posted to Soren to learn the details.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 30, 2016, 11:13:11 PM
Letter to the Chancellor of Russia
This letter shall be delivered unto the Chancellor of Russia, and seen only by his eyes. (
Highly Confidential

As the leader of a large nation I cannot take any risks in making a secret alliance within my sworn enemy. I have absolutely no idea if I can trust you. I only want for the greater good of the continent, but I say again: I cannot risk the safety of my nation for someone who could very well be my enemy. I hope you understand, we would not be attacking Russia and Sweden under any other circumstances.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 11:19:12 PM
Dear Sultan,
I understand your concern, but nonetheless, Russian troops are being moved away from Poltava to assist your invasion of Russia. The Tsar will be in Poltava at the time of your attack, to ensure an easy victory. It's a win-win scenario: You get the glory and the land, I get Russia.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia.

*Russian troops stationed at Poltava are moved to Moscow.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 30, 2016, 11:27:45 PM
*15,000 Ottoman troops and 300 artillery pieces (1 battery per 50 troops) are dispatched the the Ottoman-Russian border to hold the border against possible Russian invaders and to keep an eye on the Russian troops.

*The Ottoman Empire retracts its declaration of war against Russia, but not Sweden.

*Ottoman forces forcefully take over Morea as part of the action to gain control of Venice and annex the country.

OOC: If the map Wylder posted was too big for anybody, here's a downsized copy:

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 30, 2016, 11:37:53 PM
To King Delthion of Hapsburg

Portugal welcomes a alliance with the Hapsburg Monarchy with open arms. May our nations prosper in this accord.

~King Sandpaw II

A Confidential Dispatch to Sultan Sagetip

Great Sultan, I fear that Russia has gone to far in her game and with the latest information provided by the Ottoman Empire I have decided to cease any contact or trade with Russia or her allies until war is averted. Should conflict break out, know that the great Portuguese Empire shall stand by The Ottoman Empire's side.

~King Sandpaw II

The Public Portugal Trade Declaration

In light of opening conflicts between Portugal's major allies, the Ottoman Empire, and Russia the Portuguese's trade shall cease immediately with Russia and any of her allies hence forth. (Those including but not limited too lands captured by force) Furthermore should any invasion of the Hapsburg Monarchy or the Ottoman Empire be made, the guilty nation will feel the full power of the Portugal Economy and Naval might.

Only when Russia and her allies pull their forces away from the Western border will Portugal resume friendly negotiations.

By the Royal House of Portugal,
~His Majesty King Sandpaw II King of Portugal and Lord of the Netherlands.

*Trade ships on their way to Sweden are turned around by the Royal navy. Military forces are deployed in the Netherlands to protect her vulnerable borders. Portuguese troops are stationed in sea side forts and several minor military movements are made.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 30, 2016, 11:52:01 PM
King Sandpaw II,
In light of the recent events that have transpired, culminating in your ceasing of our alliances, I must bring something to light. The Sultan and I have an agreement. As you know, Russian troops have left our borders with the Ottoman Empire. I will send the Tsar to Paltova, where the Ottoman forces will easily be able to kill him. I will take over Russia, and the Sultan will have the glory of stopping the Russian advance. Join us in overthrowing Vladimir Groddil I.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia.

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil arrives back at St. Petersburg.*

Conversation Overheard by your spies *cough*anyonecanreadthis*cough*

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil walks back into the palace.*
"Where is the Chancellor?"
*Boyar Ivan Slavic steps out of the shadows.*
"Right here sir. Was your trip successful?"
*The Tsar nods.*
"The rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia have been executed. Lord Soren now has control over Russia's new land to the west. I gave him 100,000 of our soldiers and the Portugese gold. What happened here while I was away?"
*Boyar Ivan Slavic shakes his head.*
"Not good news, I'm afraid. When Sultan Sagetip heard of what transpired in Kiev, he declared war on Russia and Sweden. They are attacking the borders, my Tsar. Our troops at Paltova request your aid! Furthermore, King Sandpaw has stopped trade and renounced our alliance."
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I thinks.*
"Send a letter to Sultan Sagetip. Tell him we shall meet at the border to discuss this personally. I will head straight to Paltova with 50,000 men. Leave me, I need time to prepare."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on January 31, 2016, 12:29:48 AM
OOC: That's fine. Even without Prussia, Brandenburg is still large enough for my purposes.

Ruler: King Frederick William III
Land holdings: The state of Brandenburg, the Brandenburger Gold Coast in West Africa.
Military Forces: 30,000 fully trained and equipped soldiers, supplemented by 5,000 or so militia guardsmen. The navy consists of 4 frigates and 6 yachts.
Trade Alliances: none
Military Alliances: none
Enemies: Russia

Letter to Count Radbot, ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy
Only authorized persons may read this letter.


King Frederick William III, ruler of the Kingdom of Brandenburg, requests a private audience with Count Radbot of the Habsburg Monarchy.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 31, 2016, 01:20:01 AM
OOC: Sage, I already have Venice, and we're allied.

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 02:08:28 AM
Izeroth: You can probably add Russia to your enemies list straight up seeing as how the empire was "Brandenburg-Prussia," and the Russians conquered Prussia.

Dear Sandpaw II, King of Portugal and the Netherlands.
I apologize for any disagreements this may have caused between us. Russia wished only for the safety of her borders, but when threats were made, we had no choice but to quell them. We have no intention of advancing any further or taking lands belonging our friends in the Habsburg Monarchy, nor should you worry about an attack on your kingdoms, but until you can convince Sultan Sagetip to halt his attack on Southern Russia, there is war in Europe.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland...

*King Liddorg I and his 5000 men march into Paris, meeting up with Emperor Ashenwyte's forces.*
"You the Spanish forces? I'm here to see Magnus and the Prince."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 31, 2016, 02:40:54 AM
"Yes, we are. I am Prince Renard, and Magnus is finishing the diplomatic details with the French."

*50,000 men march with Emperor Ashenwyte to Paris*

 To the Ottoman Empire
Greeting, mighty Sultan. Due to this Russian invasion, I request a military and trade alliance between us. - Magnus the Red 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on January 31, 2016, 02:58:54 AM
OOC: I had originally assumed that Brandenburg and Prussia would be separate kingdoms, but I suppose having Russia as an enemy does make more sense in the grand scheme of things.

Audience with Count Radbot, ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy
Only authorized persons may read this transcript.


"I have requested this audience for several reasons, but I will begin our discussion with the most pressing of them. I have recently received word that the rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia have been executed; this is a bold move, even for Russia, and I fear that the Tsar may soon attempt to invade my kingdom. The Russians should not be allowed to continue this reckless aggression-- if order is to be restored to Eastern Europe, something must be done to blunt their power. If Brandenburg were to enter into a direct conflict with Russia, could I expect your support?"

*5,000 troops are sent to the Brandenburg-Saxon border*

*New settlers arrive in the Brandenburger Gold Coast, bolstering the population of the colony*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on January 31, 2016, 03:03:59 AM
All right, I've finally got everything up to date. If someone who doesn't have a major power (Groddil, maybe?) would please take France, I would be happy- having uncommanded major powers is bad for game balance, power-players tend to take them over and attempt to consolidate unrealistically.

Also, it's perfectly fine- and preferred- to have unified rule of un-unified countries- one king/ruler can control Saxony and Russia, for example, under the same name, to try to avoid confusion.

As moderator, I rule that any occupation of Brandenburg-Prussia cease immediately. The ownership of said country will be ceded to Izeroth.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 03:08:22 AM
Me and Ashenwyte are about to take France and split it between us.
Nobody is in control of Brandenburg at the moment. I took Prussia, but maybe Izeroth could send in some troops and take it back?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on January 31, 2016, 03:13:39 AM
OOC: I'm fine with the occupation of Prussia; personally, I think it makes Brandenburg's situation more interesting. I intend to try and take it back on my own at some point, so moderator action isn't necessary.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on January 31, 2016, 03:16:30 AM
As you wish.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 31, 2016, 09:38:47 AM
 To Izeroth
Greetings, good King. I have noticed your precarious position, and wish to send aid to you, for a small price.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 11:04:58 AM
*On the orders of the King of Switzerland, Swiss mercenaries stationed through France abandon their posts. The Swiss Guard in the Papal States leave the Vatican, returning to Switzerland.*

*King Liddorg I looks at a clock.*
"How much longer is this going to take? Someone will realize that we are up to something."

Sultan Sagetip,
I will not stand idly by while you attack my borders and slaughter my people. Half of my entire army is coming with me to the Southern Border. I suggest you meet me there to parley or we will have no choice but to retaliate.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

I am aware that you actually didn't attack, the Tsar is being manipulated by the Chancellor.

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimitri the Merciless march south to Paltova along with 270,000 regular troops and 120,000 cossacks.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

270,000 regular troops and 120,000 cossacks travelling with Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimtri the Merciless to Paltova.
278,300 regular troops and 129,870 cossacks stationed on the Borders.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
200,000 stationed across the empire.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on January 31, 2016, 11:17:23 AM
"Not long at all." *Magnus the Red walks into the room with a bloody sword* "The negotiations are complete. The princess has agreed to marry you, my Prince."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 31, 2016, 02:53:16 PM

OOC: Hey Wylder I have Portugal and Denmark at the moment. Can I claim Norway?


Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain,

Great King I have received word that you have stationed soldiers just south of the French border. If you are to invade France I request a small portion of the land claims. Namely the French Southern coast line. From Rochefort, down. For these lands I will send a hundred thousand gold along with the good will of the Portuguese people.

~King Sandpaw II

To The Chancellor of Russia

Me and my advisors have considered these terms. I have decided that I will ask for the Ottoman Empire to halt their advance, however all captured lands will remain theirs. Also any Portuguese operations will go unhindered by Russian involvement.

~King Sandpaw II
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 31, 2016, 03:54:41 PM
*50,000 troops move to the Russian-Ottoman border to reinforce the troops already there, bringing an additional 600 artillery batteries with them.

*20,000 troops move out from Constantinople, accompanying the Sultan to the border.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 09:01:44 PM
King Sandpaw,
You have been sending letters to the Tsar, haven't you? If you are a friend of the Tsar, you are no friend of true Russia. Asking the Ottomans to stop, how will Vladimir Groddil be assassinated now? I will have to do it myself, and when I do rest assured, we are coming for you next.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of New Russia.

*Russian troops in Moscow and St. Petersburg defect to New Russia.*

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

270,000 regular troops and 120,000 cossacks travelling with Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimtri the Merciless to Paltova.
378,300 regular troops and 129,870 cossacks travelling with Chancellor Ivan Slavic to Paltova.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
100,000 New Russian defectors making their way to Paltova to join up with the Tsar.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.

Meanwhile, in Swizterland...
*King Liddorg draws his sword and approaches Magnus.*
"Okay, Emperor Ashenwyte and his 50,000 troops start to take over the country along with my mercenaries. What do we do now, marry these two and be done with it?"
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on January 31, 2016, 09:42:41 PM
To Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this letter constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.


My kingdom is indeed in a state of peril, and I am more than willing to accept any help you can provide. What is the 'small price' you speak of?

*Peasants in western Brandenburg revolt against high taxes*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 31, 2016, 10:23:22 PM

To Tsar Groddil of Russia

Noble Tsar, your continued advance towards the Ottoman border will halt immediately or Portugal will have no choice but to declare war on Russia. This is your only warning. Speak with Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire, then turn back and return to Moscow. If you ignore this warning it shall be at your own peril.

~King Sandpaw II

To Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire

The Russia Tsar is being betrayed by his own Chancellor. Should the Tsar be warned of this impending attack civil war will erupt in Russia leaving them vulnerable. As your ally and fellow ruler I would suggest letting your enemy tear itself apart from within. Raise the white flag of truce and warn the Tsar of his impending betrayal. He will be forced to halt his invasion of the Ottoman Empire, or risk being attacked by Portugal, so he will have no choice but to return to Moscow.
Let this foe stab itself in the heart, as we watch from a safe distance.

~King Sandpaw II

To The Chancellor of Russia

The threats of a man who is betraying his ruler is no man to do dealings with. Such a coup can inspire dangerous idealists to act within any Empire. And do not be so foolish as to think that a nation caught in corruption and civil war is any danger to the growing kingdom of Portugal. Declare yourself my enemy, invade my country, attack my citizens, and you will find your nations burning in the wake of me and my allies wrath.
You have been warned Chancellor.
~King Sandpaw II

*Military enlistment begin once again in Portugal, this time a massive project to recruit 50,000 Regulars and Mariners is underway. In Lisbon a fourth fleet is under construction, and all along the coast new forts are built, and old ones refurbished.*

*The Portuguese expedition on a trip around the world have made it to Venezuela. They meet with the local Portuguese authorities who resupply the ships for their next leg of the journey around the Horn.*

*In the Netherlands a military force marches across the border into the German states capturing several key bridges and roads. The German states attempt to resist this incursion and fight back fiercely. The Dutch troops not wanting to start open conflict cease their advance treating with the military leaders. However it is clear that they are stalling. The captured roads lead straight into Poland.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 31, 2016, 10:28:10 PM
Letter to King Sandpaw II
This letter shall be received by Sandpaw and read only by his eyes. (
Highly Confidential

Please accept my apologies for not warning you of this event earlier. The Chancellor has offered to help me in betraying the Tsar and thus far I have worked with him to the least extent needed. I would be glad to take the counsel of such a trusted ally as yourself as to this position: Should we ally with the Chancellor and take Russia with him, betray the counsellor and warn the Tsar, thus putting him in our debt, or staying with the Chancellor until the end, where we convince him to stand down, then mount a full fledged attack on Russia.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 10:40:45 PM
King Sandpaw,
Your lies fall on deaf ears. While the Tsar is away, all of his letters go to me. I know all his plans, and all yours. He had no intention to invade any other countries, but now that I told him Sultan Sagetip is attacking his borders, I am sure he will. He will talk to Sultan Sagetip, but if the Sultan doesn't kill him, I will. Do not bother sending any more letters, the Tsar will be dead before this week is out.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of New Russia.

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and his men reach Paltova.*
*The Chancellor and his rebel forces reach Moscow.*
*The New Russian forces fight amongst each other. The Cossacks desert and head for Paltova to join up with the Tsar. Along the way, they encounter the other deserters.*

*Dimitri the Merciless approaches the border alone.*
"Where is Sultan Sagetip? I would speak with him!"

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

270,000 regular troops and 120,000 cossacks travelling with Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimtri the Merciless to Paltova.
378,300 regular troops and travelling with Chancellor Ivan Slavic to Paltova.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
100,000 New Russian defectors and 129,870 cossacks making their way to Paltova to join up with the Tsar.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on January 31, 2016, 10:50:14 PM

To Sultan Sagetip
Highly Confidential.

By all means speak with the Tsar and warn him of the betrayal within his court. Should he refuse to listen warn him that Portugal shall fully back the Ottoman Empire, and his country will be destroyed. The Chancellor shall attempt to assassinate the Tsar in any way possible. Should he succeed war between Russia and Portugal will be almost unavoidable as me and the Chancellor are not fond of each other. Should the Tsar be successful with our backing then he shall be forever in our debt as you have pointed out. I trust in your judgment Sultan, should we be successful then both our countries will prosper. And even if this plan fail we shall be in better position to recover.

~King Sandpaw II
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on January 31, 2016, 11:17:50 PM
The Russian-Ottoman border is crowded on one side by Ottoman troops and cannons, tense with the approach of the Russian. A military parade reaches the front, an ornate carriage drawn by four purebred horses. Twelve honor guards line the way to Dimitri the Merciless, who sits expectantly. A figure emerges from the carriage, dressed in robes. Waving away servants, the Sultan himself approaches Dimitri. "So, the Tsar sends his killer to do his work for him," the Sultan says in perfect English. "I expect he believes me to attempt to kill you. Or to lead a charge across the border and begin a war. In fact, that is the complete opposite of what I am going to do. For everybody across this great continent of ours, I make this announcement."

The Sultan pauses to glance at his troops, the agitated horses and long muskets. The weapons of war.

"When I declared war upon the Tsar and Russia, the Chancellor responded with telling me that he was going to overthrow the Tsar. To stage a coup d'état. He wanted Russia, I wanted peace. Well, I tell everyone that I do not agree! I give a full warning to the Tsar of Russia that he is not safe! He should prepare for an invasion by revolutionaries! My allies will not stand for this, and neither will I. I send Dimitri back to his master in what I hope is good feelings."

Done with his speech, the Sultan retreats to his carriage and leaves. The Ottoman troops stand down and salute the bewildered Dimitri before about facing and leaving inland toward the center of their nation. A half mile away from the border, they stop and set up camp.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on January 31, 2016, 11:32:44 PM
Dimtri listen to what the Sultan had to say. The general was so shocked by the announcement that he did not even suggest an exchange of hostages while the two rulers met. Nevertheless, the information was important. The Russian general turned and ran for the Russian camp.

Some time later, 100,000 Russian soldiers and 129,870 cossacks march up to the Russian encampment at the border and join the amassed forces. The Russian loyalist army now numbers 370,000 troops and 249,870 cossacks. At this time, a massive army arrives at Paltova. The Tsar looks through a spyglass at the army, which is considerably larger than he thought. The Chancellor, having enforced conscription, is now at the head of an army 678,300 strong. The Tsar turns to Dimitri.
"Get to Kiev, tell Lord Soren to round up every soldier he has and come down here."
Dimitri salutes and runs off at a jog. The Tsar watches the New Russian Rebels stop at the city and set up strategic positions. Vladimir Groddil curses and turns around. Taking four men with him, the Tsar crosses the border and heads for the Ottoman Camp.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

370,000 regular troops and 249,870 cossacks at the Russian-Ottoman border.
678,300 regular troops with the Chancellor at Paltova.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on January 31, 2016, 11:46:55 PM
OOC: Wylder, this was before Sage laid claim to Venice.
Quote from: Delthion on January 30, 2016, 10:22:37 PM
-Count Radbot attacks Saxony with the militia, they sustain minimal losses, the only resistance was bandits in the hills, the people were tired of their anarchy and welcomed Habsburg with open arms.
-Count Radbot leaves the professional soldiers to defend Saxony against Russia, and takes the militia back to Habsburg.
-Guntram the Rich marches into Venice, triumphant, and gains access to the sea.

OOC: 30,000 professional soldiers, 40,000 militia, 10 Galleons, 30 Caravels.

Total: 80,000 professional soldiers, 125,000 militia, 10 Galleons, 30 Caravels.

Highly Confidential to Izeroth
Yes you could.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 01:51:01 AM
The Ottoman sentries raise their rifles at the approach of the Tsar, before identifying him and standing down. The camp commander, a competent individual recently appointed after a string of victories putting down insurgents within the country, approaches the Tsar cautiously. Saluting, he speaks. "Tsar, I request an answer to why you cross the border and approach our camp with Russian troops at your side."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 02:28:43 AM
The Tsar waves his hand and the four soldiers march back over the border into Russia. Vladimir Groddil looks around before turning his attention to the camp commander.
"Is the Sultan still here? I need to speak with him."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 02:31:37 AM
The commander quickly beacons to two of his troops to fetch the Sultan, who was staying the night at the camp. "Come," he said after the soldiers returned. "The Sultan will have an audience."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 02:34:09 AM
OOC: Sage, who has Venice? I think I took it over, but I don't know anymore...
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 02:35:51 AM
Quote from: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 02:34:09 AM
OOC: Sage, who has Venice? I think I took it over, but I don't know anymore...
OOC: I was going to take it, then you said you already had it. We kind of have joint ownership.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 02:37:06 AM
OOC: You can have everything but the section in northern Italy, is that alright?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 02:38:35 AM
Quote from: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 02:37:06 AM
OOC: You can have everything but the section in northern Italy, is that alright?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 02:50:08 AM
Tsar Vladimir Groddil followed the camp commander to the Sultan's tent. He gave a quick bow.
"Sultan Sagetip. My sincerest apologies for thinking you were invading us. You know about the Chancellor's Treachery. I came to request your assistance. You have artillery, yes? You would be doing me a great service if you turned that artillery on Paltova. Should you assist us removing the Chancellor from his position of power, Russia would be grateful. We would return Prussia to Izeroth, ruler of Brandenburg, and we would pledge our allegiance to you in any future conflicts you become involved in."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 01, 2016, 02:51:19 AM
*30,000 soldiers march into occupied Poland-Lithuania, overwhelming the border guards and 'liberating' territory for Brandenburg*

*1,000 militiamen are sent to west Brandenburg to end the peasant rebellion*

*A small force of soldiers and civilians barricades roads on the Netherlands-Brandenburg border. No attempts are made to provoke hostility, but the local forces make it very clear that they will fight back if Dutch troops cross over the border.*

Count Radbot
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this transcript constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.(
"Very well; I am glad to hear that you will provide us with assistance. In return for this, I will help you defend Saxony should Russia attempt to attack it."

"Now, on to another matter I wish to discuss, if you will hear me. I have my sights on the minor German States, and I suspect you too plan to take them. How shall we partition future conquests?"
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 03:04:41 AM
Izeroth, highly confidential
I will take everything level with or south of Bavaria, and you will take the north. Is this acceptable?

-Guntram the Rich brings up the army from their conquests in the south, to meet up with Count Radbot's detachment in the north, and fortifies the northern border.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 03:06:58 AM
@Izeroth: Luckily for you, the Chancellor took all the border guards south to Paltova. You probably wouldn't have been able to do that otherwise.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 03:09:43 AM
Quote from: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 02:50:08 AM
Tsar Vladimir Groddil followed the camp commander to the Sultan's tent. He gave a quick bow.
"Sultan Sagetip. My sincerest apologies for thinking you were invading us. You know about the Chancellor's Treachery. I came to request your assistance. You have artillery, yes? You would be doing me a great service if you turned that artillery on Paltova. Should you assist us removing the Chancellor from his position of power, Russia would be grateful. We would return Prussia to Izeroth, ruler of Brandenburg, and we would pledge our allegiance to you in any future conflicts you become involved in."
The Sultan slowly nods. "As you wish. I have no interest in the dealings of Brandenburg-Prussia." He signals to the artillery colonel, who immediately moves off to calculate the trajectories for artillery and ready the weapons for movement. "Of course," said the Sultan," we will have to mobilize across the border. If you need any help in eradicating the revolutionarys I would be glad to provide assistance. Of course, we have the threat of Sweden to worry about."

*300 artillery batteries and 15,000 Ottoman troops march across the border toward Paltova.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 03:10:45 AM
OOC: Groddil, you can;t just have a huge Border guard, and be dealing with a supposed huge threat from the Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 03:12:30 AM
OOC: But he isn't. Russia and the Oftomans are back on good terms. Have you not been paying attention? I even retracted my declaration of war.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 03:14:59 AM
OOC: It's rather difficult. ;D ;D
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 03:16:53 AM
Quote from: Delthion on February 01, 2016, 03:14:59 AM
OOC: It's rather difficult. ;D ;D
Same here.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 03:30:22 AM
@Delthion: Exactly the point, the border guard is preoccupied at the moment. If the Ottoman situation never happenned, Izeroth would have to deal with a million and a bit soldiers. But he doesn't have to.

*The Tsar watches the troops leaving.*
"You don't need to risk your own troops, Sultan. Move the artillery across the border and my soldiers will deal with them. We will return the artillery once the Chancellor is crushed beneath two tonnes of rock."


*Dimitri the Merciless arrives at Kiev.*
"Lord Soren! It's me, Dimitri! The Tsar is under attack in Paltova. He requests the assistance of your 100,000 men."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 03:36:12 AM
"Not an issue, Tsar. I never take risks, and sending troops with my artillery is merely a precaution. I believe this audience is over, Tsar. It was a pleasure having you."

Before leaving, the Sultan says one last word. "I suppose I should make it aware to you that 5,000 of the troops I sent into your country are entering Poltova as we speak, locating the Chancellor and making to drag him to the border. His execution shall be most pleasurable."

*5,000 Ottoman soldiers enter Poltova and retrieve the Chancellor, bringing him to be Russian-Ottoman border. The Russian revolutionaries are crushed beneath millions of tons of stone as the Ottoman artillery bombards the doomed city. The revolution has been ended as quickly as it started.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 03:45:16 AM
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I looks on shocked. Before he had even reached his army, Poltova had been decimated. He pointed to a nearby soldier*
"You! Run as fast as you can to Kiev, tell Lord Soren not to mobilize his army, but bring him here anyway."
*The soldier salutes and runs off.*
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil watches the Chancellor being dragged to the border. He turns his eyes on the ruins of Poltova as the surviving revolutionaries emerge from the rubble. All four of them. The five rebels are brought before the Tsar.*
"Chancellor Slavic. So, you tried to betray me. Look how that ended out. You saw how easily my soldiers took over Poland. Speaking of which, Lord Soren is coming. We will execute you then."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 03:46:53 AM
OOC: I had soooooooo many issues with that last post. We should wait for Soren though. And Vilu.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 01, 2016, 04:00:43 AM
*Having captured a main road leading to Prussia, the army advances steadily eastward along a swathe of coastal territory*

*Further south, scouts capture a Russian courier, gaining important information on Russia's dealings with the Ottoman Empire*

Count Radbot
Failure to respect the privacy of this transcript constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.(
"Those terms are acceptable. I must go now to oversee the execution of certain plans I have been preparing; I hope we may meet again at some later time."

*leaves the audience*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 04:03:43 AM
OOC: I'm afraid that the dealing were already pretty plain.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 01, 2016, 04:17:48 AM
OOC: It's just for the sake of continuity. I didn't want it to seem as if I magically knew about something that was happening hundreds of miles away.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 04:19:27 AM
Quote from: Izeroth on February 01, 2016, 04:17:48 AM
OOC: It's just for the sake of continuity. I didn't want it to seem as it I magically knew about something that was happening hundreds of miles away.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 01, 2016, 04:30:37 AM
OCC: Ok, so, looks like I missed half a century, am I mobilizing 100K men or not? What's up? :)
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 04:32:59 AM
OOC: No, it's just you going to the Ottoman-Russia border to witness the execution of the Russian Chancellod, the leader of the revolution against the Tsar, which was put down by the Ottomans and Russian together.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 01, 2016, 04:43:45 AM
OCC: Ah, thanks.
Lord Søren arrives at the border, illustriously.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 04:47:19 AM
OOC: We'll have to wait for Groddil to have the execution
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 05:59:08 AM
*With the arrival of Lord Soren and and Dimitri, Tsar Vladimir Groddil inspects the proceedings. The four soldiers are lined up against a wall and shot. Boyar Ivan Slavic is dragged to the Tsar and forced to kneel. Dimitri hands the Russian ruler a sword, and he cuts the ex-chancellor's throat. As Slavic gurgles and falls in a pool of his own blood, the Tsar turns to those standing behind him.
"Chancellor Ivan Slavic is dead. I declare Lord Soren of Kiev Chancellor of Russia in addition to his existing titles. Anything you need, Chancellor, say the word. Russia is in the dept of Sultan Sagetip and the Ottoman Empire, and we shall aid them in anyway possible in their future endeavors. Prussia will be returned to King Frederick of Brandenburg, along all land between the two countries. I would like to make it public that Russia has no intentions to continue spreading her Empire west."
As the crowd disperses, the Tsar motions to Dimitri.
"We lost a lot of soldiers today. Take the remainder of our soldiers here, put down any remaining rebels and enforce conscription. I want our numbers on the border even greater than they were before this conflict. Excuse me, I have some letters to write."
*The Tsar returns to his tent as Dimitri gathers the army.*

Honorable Sultan Sagetip,
Once again, I extend my thanks for your assistance today. Without your help, Slavic would have taken over Russia and swarmed over Europe. I would like to take the time to say that my alliance with Lord Daskar exists only for the purpose of docking my navy at Ingria. I will speak to King Sandpaw and ask about moving my Navy to the Netherlands. Should he agree, I will have no reason to continue my alliance with Lord Daskar, and will break it when you decide to attack Sweden.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Honorable King Sandpaw II of Portugal and the Netherlands,
As you may be aware, Sultan Sagetip and I have formed an alliance. The Sultan intends to one day attack Sweden, and I have pledged my assistance and loyalty. I know the two of you are also allied, and I would like to extend a request. The only way for me to safely aid you if you permit me to dock my navy at Amsterdam. Once this happens, I will be free to assist in the destruction of Sweden when the time comes. I also ask that trade resumes with our nations, as I never have, and never will, pose a threat to the marvelous kingdoms of Portugal and the Netherlands. I also apologize for my rashness; due to the ex-chancellor's manipulation I believed that the Ottoman Empire was attacking my borders when they were not. I should never have believed his lies. I hope these event do not damper the relationship between our nations.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil, Ruler of Russia.

King Frederick William III of Brandenburg,
As I am sure you are aware, my forces took over your ally, Prussia, after its ruler was found to be plotting against me. Now, after consultation with Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire, I have decided to give its lands, and all lands between your two countries, to you. Please know that I have no intentions of trying to take back these lands, nor invading Brandenburg.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

370,000 regular troops and 249,870 cossacks stationed on the border.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.
678,300 New Russian Rebels killed at the Ottoman border.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.

*The Tsar writes one final letter documenting these events and sends it throughout Europe. A very small contingent of Russian soldiers stay behind to watch the border, the remainder leave to guard the rest of the borders. Tsar Vladimir Groddil I leaves for St. Petersburg.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 06:19:58 AM
Letter to Tsar Groddil I
Battle Plans, highly confidential
400,000 Ottoman troops, plus artillery, will set sail from the shores of Lithuania Poland and attack Sweden along its south/southwest/west shores. Russian troops attack from the border and move down to join with the Ottoman troops. Daskar will be dragged from his castle and executed like the dirty slime he is.
Highly confidential

Apologies for the bypassing of ceremony in the delivery of this letter. I am excited to be back in good terms with Russia and plan to attack Sweden as soon as possible. Already I am mustering a large force to attack. Inform Lord Soren immediately that I shall be mobilizing troops through Poland very soon. Enclosed in this letter are my plans for the invasion. Daskar shall not stand a chance.


Jic Harnam,
General of the Ottoman Army
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 06:26:51 AM
General Harnam,
I am afraid that I will need time to prepare for a full scale invasion. Russia's military is low on numbers at the moment. We are currently enforcing conscription, but it will take time. Once Russia's army has reached the levels we need and King Sandpaw agrees to allow our navy docking at Amsterdam, we will ready our navy in Lithuania for you. I am granting you the authority to view the Tsar's Private Records during this invasion. I will bring this to the Tsar, and he will consult with his Chancellor, Lord Soren. I ask that you tell King Sandpaw to marshal his forces to the Netherlands.
Dimitri the Merciless, General of the Russian Military.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 01, 2016, 09:04:05 AM
"Yes. The Emperor will be joining us in three days with his 50,000, and the coronation will proceed from there."

 LT Sandpaw
I will give it to you, but you will have to give me the same amount of land in India.

*The Princess of France and Prince Renard of Spain marry, bringing the blessed nations together*

*Emperor Ashenwyte arrives with his 50,000 men to Paris*

EDIT: OOC: The Emperor's army composition
- 20,000 Regulars (Infantry)
- 5,000 Royal Guard (Infantry)
- 5,000 Royal Guard (Cavalry)
- 5,000 Lancers. (Cavalry)
- 9,500. (Cannons, mortars)
- 500 Elite sharpshooters (Infantry)

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 10:37:19 AM

*King Liddorg Shwitz watches the proceedings, hardly interested. He approaches Emperor Ashenwyte.*
"So, now we destroy the resistance I assume? My 50,000 mercenaries are scattered around the country. They are ready to act on your orders. Now, shall we discuss my share of France?"
*The King of Switzerland unfolds a map of Europe.*
"See here, on the north coast: Le Havre?"
*Liddorg traces his finger down the Seine, then in a line straight down to where France meets Switzerland.*
"I'll take Le Havre, Paris, and everything on the East side of the Seine until the border with Switzerland. You can have Versailles and everything west of it. If that's alright with you, of course."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 01, 2016, 12:02:26 PM
"You can have Versailles, but not Paris. I may have offer you might be interested in, King Liddorg." The Emperor said, a crafty grin on his face.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 01, 2016, 03:20:07 PM

To Tsar Groddil

Greetings Noble Tsar. I must congratulate you on your success against the rebels. Now firstly I give full permission for your navy to dock and prepare in Amsterdam. However I must insist they are closely watched by my own forces.
Secondly I shall gladly reopen trade with Russia. May our nations both prosper in this reopening of trade.

~King Sandpaw II

To Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain

I find these terms agreeable. You may claim the wealthy Northern seaside lands in the East Indies.

~King Sandpaw II

*All negotiations with the German Princes halts as a mixed army of German mercenaries and Dutch Regulars hit them from behind. After a bloody battle the surviving German State forces are in a full retreat, closely followed by a large portion of the Dutch army. Both armies move North towards Hanover engaging in small skirmishes along the way. Many smaller forces break off from the Dutch moving to capture towns, villages, roads, and bridges all though the Northern edge of the German States.*

*The new 4th Portuguese fleet lands in Amsterdam disembarking 6,000 Regulars along with a small number of heavy artillery, mortars, and Commander Loyla. After resting for a few days the Portuguese army along with a few thousand more Dutch soldiers push northeast towards Hamburg.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 01, 2016, 06:21:19 PM
King Wylder I is outraged at the pretended union of France and the Spanish Monarchy. Reviving old claims to the throne of France, he immediately launches an army of 80,000 British regulars, 7,000 cavalry, 5,000 dragoons, and associated units of artillery to Dunkirk.

LT Sandpaw
King Sandpaw, as a fellow Protestant Nation to the Dutch Republic, and a fellow enemy of the Spanish Monarchy to Portugal, England proposes an alliance against the filthy treason of Emperor Ashenwyte in attempting to annex France, which rightfully belongs to the Crown of England. In return for your aid, England shall return to you the Spanish Netherlands, grant you Alsace-Lorraine and any captured Spanish territory.

His Royal Highness King Wylder I
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 01, 2016, 06:32:09 PM

To King Wylder

An interesting proposal great king, and one I find much more intriguing then Emperor Ashenwyte has offered. However I cannot provide assistance immediately. My nation borders the Spanish and should he turn his eyes away from France and concentrates on me, Portugal may not be able to stand up against the Spanish. Once the battle in France has begun, and Ashenwyte launches his forces to fight against yours I shall start my own invasion of the Spanish lands. He will be fighting a war on two fronts. One in France, and one in his homeland.
Also should we win this endeavor I must ask that all the land along the Southern French coast is given to Portugal. From the city of Rochefort down.

~King Sandpaw II

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 08:43:24 PM
Wylder I, King of England,
You may be aware of the war in the east. With the rebellion quelled, Russian and her Ottoman allies are marching for Sweden. When we have dealt with Lord Daskar, I pledge our allegiance to destroying the Spanish Monarchy, on the condition that Portugal is not harmed.
Tsar Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II, Ruler of Portugal and the Netherlands,
I am aware of England's recent invasion of France. I have pledged my assistance after the destruction of Sweden, on the condition that Portugal is not invaded. If your country becomes involved in the war, Russia will help. Do not forget the 5,000 men and 6 1st Rate Ships-of-the-Line stationed in North Africa awaiting your command. Also, thank you for the use of Amsterdam.
Tsar Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Highly Confidential to Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar of Sweden,
I have recently been sent plans by my new "allies," the Ottoman Empire, that they plan to attack you. Obviously, I will not support this invasion of my closest military ally, and have devised a plan. They intend to attack by sea, so I will send ships to travel with them. With our combined naval forces, we should crush them easily. In the event they make landfall, I will also send my 7 million conscripts up to Sweden through Finland. With these reinforcements, you should easily be able to repel the invasion. Ready your troops.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Highly Confidential to Sagetip
Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire,
I have tricked Lord Daskar into actually believing I intend to help him. You may view my letter to Lord Daskar.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*The entire Russian Navy apart from the North African Department, consisting of 45,000 men and 994 ships of varying sizes, sets sail from Ingria, Sweden.*

*Conscription is now firmly in effect. All men between the ages of 16 and 70 must fight for Russia. 7 million conscripts are rounded up from around the Empire.*

*Reinforced by the new wave of conscripts, the border guard becomes tighter than ever. Brandenburg's invasion force is moving through Lithuania-Poland when they are surrounded by thousands of men. The soldiers lower their guns as Dimitri the Merciless steps forward.*
"Who is in charge of this battalion and which country do you hail from?"

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

370,000 regular troops, 7000000 conscripts, and 249,870 cossacks stationed on the border.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
45,000 traveling with the navy to Amsterdam.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.
678,300 New Russian Rebels killed at the Ottoman border.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Amsterdam.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to Amsterdam.
300 Frigates sailing to Amsterdam.
400 Sloops sailing to Amsterdam.

OOC: By my terms, Conscripts aren't as useful as normal soldiers, they take time to get better. They die easier too.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 01, 2016, 08:47:59 PM
Sultan Sagetip
Great Sultan,
I have just returned from a visit to my house in the country. To my dismay I heard that you had declared war on her royal majesty the Queen, why? None of the other lords seemed to have an explanation.

   Lord Daskar, general of all Swedish troops.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 01, 2016, 09:25:59 PM
Lord Daskar

Why? Because you and Russia are allied to take over the rest of Europe! The Ottoman Empire will not stand for such treachery and greediness.

Jic Harnam,
General of the Ottoman Army.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 09:37:02 PM
Highly Confidential to Lord Soren
Chancellor Soren,
If you were not already aware of Russia's alliance with the Ottomans, allow me to reiterate. Firstly, invaders from Brandenburg were caught in Lithuania. I have decided to return Prussia to them, as well as all territory between them. Do not worry about the loss of your lands, for this brings me to point two. We are invading Sweden. The Ottoman forces will be moving through Poland and meeting up with our navy while 7 million conscripts march into Sweden on the pretense of "helping." As my Chancellor, I know I can trust you with this information. While I am in Sweden, you will be put in charge of Russia. Upon our victory, I will give the Ottomans a portion of Poland and you will be given control of the captured Swedish territory.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*7 Million Russian conscripts march through Finland towards Sweden.*

*The Russian navy arrives at Amsterdam.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 01, 2016, 09:46:50 PM
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this letter constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk. (
Your terms are acceptable. I will withdraw all forces currently occupying your territory.

*Observing the surrounding Russian troops, the Brandenburgian commander rides to the front of the marching column*

"I am in charge of this battalion, sir, and we hail from the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Do you take issue with us reclaiming what is rightfully ours?"
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 01, 2016, 09:55:05 PM
*Dimitri the Merciless motions to his soldiers. They withdraw, leaving the two commanders.*

"Not at all. By the Tsar's orders, Prussia is to be returned to the Kingdom of Brandenburg, as is all the land between them. Go back to your king, bring more soldiers and establish a border. Also, the Tsar sends his thanks for killing any soldiers you encountered on your invasion, they were rebels and enemies of Russia. The Tsar has spoken to his Chancellor, no attempts will be made to invade Brandenburg or try to take back these lands. Thank you for your co-operation"

*Dimitri and his troops withdraw. The general returns to St. Petersburg to organize the conscripts in Finland, while the soldiers set up a camp and wait for a border to be established.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 01, 2016, 10:06:50 PM
 *During a fierce and bloody battle the original Dutch invasion force breaks the German line. Three princes are captured along with nearly 6,000 of their soldiers. The soldiers are rearmed and made to fight for the Portuguese Empire. Most of the soldiers had been mercenaries and go over without much complaint. The three princes are ransomed back to their families. Four days later the mismatch Dutch/German army arrives outside Hamburg. The city falls to them without a fight.

Further south the Portuguese forces lay siege to Hanover. However the city possess a moderately sized garrison and resists their efforts to take it. Commander Loyla opens negotiations with the final German Prince.*

*The Mediterranean fleet arrives in Lisbon carrying 12,000 African mercenaries. The troops disembark and march Northeast to upper Portugal. Meanwhile Regulars posted all along the coastline begin marching north. King Sandpaw himself travels with them. Supply caravans travel all across Portugal as soldiers build roads, and forts along key rivers and towns.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 01, 2016, 11:23:16 PM
A force of 100,000 infantry and 15,000 artillery march from Spain to Paris, while 15,000 cavalry ride from Italy to Paris.

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 02, 2016, 12:57:14 AM
Brandenburg border agreement
The terms of the agreement are as follows:

•All land north of Berlin and west of Prussia shall be ceded to Brandenburg.

•All Russian fortifications on the border will be vacated as soon as possible, and shall never be re-fortified by any Russian military forces.

•Any Russian citizens currently living within the borders of Brandenburg shall be allowed to leave peacefully and return to their native country. If individuals or communities refuse to leave, local authorities reserve the right to forcibly evict them.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 01:01:54 AM
OOC: I believe you mean "west of Prussia" You're not getting everything east of Prussia, or I'm handing over ALL OF RUSSIA.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 02, 2016, 01:18:54 AM
Quote from: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 01:01:54 AM
OOC: I believe you mean "west of Prussia" You're not getting everything east of Prussia, or I'm handing over ALL OF RUSSIA.

OOC: I've edited it.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 01:49:33 AM
Brandenburg border agreement
The terms of the agreement are as follows:

•All land north of Berlin and west of Prussia shall be ceded to Brandenburg. Agreed. In fact, we shall grant you all lands in Lithuania-Poland on the western side of the Vistula river, in addition to Prussia.

•All Russian fortifications on the border will be vacated as soon as possible, and shall never be re-fortified by any Russian military forces. A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) will be established. The Vistula river shall serve as the DMZ; no troops from either side are to enter the DMZ. A second DMZ will be established on the borders between Prussia and Russia. This DMZ will be 1 mile wide and will be established from the sea to were Prussia meets the Vistula river.

•Any Russian citizens currently living within the borders of Brandenburg shall be allowed to leave peacefully and return to their native country. If individuals or communities refuse to leave, local authorities reserve the right to forcibly evict them. Agreed, and the same to Brandenburg citizens within Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 02, 2016, 04:02:13 AM
OOC: Has Germany been taken?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: James Gryphon on February 02, 2016, 04:17:20 AM
OOC: Germany as we know it today didn't quite exist yet. The closest thing would be the Holy Roman Empire ( (wiki (
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 02, 2016, 05:49:48 AM
To Tsar Groddil
Tsar Groddil,
I and my people thank you for the support and kindness that you have shown to us in both Kiev and myslef as chancellor. Your plans are cunning and genius. We will assist in any and all ways we can.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 02, 2016, 08:43:11 AM
The armies of Spain arrive at Paris, where the host marches to Dunkirk.

 Declaration of War
The English, in their endless hubris, have chosen to declare war on this blessed nation, due to some old claims gone invalid hundreds of years ago. The English have chosen to reject the teachings of God and the Church years ago, and the hour of their judgement has come! I call upon all those who have accepted the Lord, to show the heretic Englishmen their place in this world! Spain goes to war!

If your men march with my armies in England, I will give you Wales and Northern Ireland. This war will be incredibly profitable for the winning side, and I intend to be the winning side. 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 02, 2016, 12:31:19 PM
To King Wylder (or whatever your title is)
This letter shal be delivered unto the King of England and read only by his eyes.(
Highly confidential

In my plans of expanding trade alliances and enforcing bonds I have come across you on my list. I'm sure that one of the continents greatest superpowers should be able to repel attackers, but I would like to offer my services as an ally. Provided, of course, you're fine with my alliance with Russia.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 02, 2016, 12:45:53 PM
 Tsar Groddil
Greetings, mighty Tsar. I have heard of your conquests of Europe, and I am impressed by your mighty deeds. I ask you for a military and trade alliance, to further develop the might of our nations. - Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 02, 2016, 02:56:47 PM
Greatest of all Tsars,
I have heard rumors of large amounts of Russian troops marching towards Sweden, I am confused as to what they are doing. Will you tell me?

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

Sultan Sagetip
Very well Sultan, have it your way. Sweden will not cease to fight you until the end.

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

Declaration of War
The Ottomans have been foolish enough to declare war on the noble country of Sweden. Therefore Sweden has decided to wipe these Turks out. The Swedes call for a holy crusade against these vile creatures.

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 02, 2016, 03:59:07 PM

*Hanover surrenders and the Portuguese army enters to city ending riots and raising the Portuguese flag above the citadel. In the Netherlands celebrations begin as word arrives of the victory. The Netherlands have virtually doubled their size taking much of the Northern German States. Commander Loyla leaves a Dutch count in command of the newly captured lands before marching back to Amsterdam with a large portion of the invasion army.*

Declaration of War

The foolish Swedish king has so rashly declared war on the Ottoman Empire, a staunch ally to the Portuguese Empire. This shall not be tolerated, Portugal is at war with Sweden!

*Half of the 4th Portuguese fleet sails into the North sea capturing any Swedish ship that dares sail though the Norwegian straight. The remaining half stay in Amsterdam closely watching the Russian ships.*

*Portugal enforces conscription and all eligible men are recruited for the army in The Netherlands, Portugal, and the recently captured German States. Gun smiths are hired and trained to craft hundreds of thousands of weapons. Cotton and wool from India is now in high demand and the Spice ships set off to collect it. Metal industries, horse breeders, shoe makers, and sword smiths begin working feverishly churning out high numbers of required materials. In cities high taxes are enforced and young noblemen rush to Lisbon hoping to be chosen as military commanders.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 02, 2016, 04:08:41 PM
Tsar Groddil
The Portuguese have had the impudence to declare war on Sweden. Shall they become our first victim, or will I handle them alone?

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

King Ariepata II
A brave but foolish act O king. Have you not heard of the skill of the Swedish army? The Strength of the Swedish navy? My mercilessness? If you continue to persist in this foolish war Portugal and The Dutch Republic will be no more.

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

Sweden speeds up it's training program, an additional 300,000 are added to the program. The navy prepares to go to sea. Supply production is increased.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 02, 2016, 04:44:04 PM

To King Daskar

I think not King Daskar. I have heard of the Swedish army, and I have studied the Swedish navy. I am confident that a Portuguese victory shall be easily achieved.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 02, 2016, 05:55:02 PM
To Groddil, highly confidential

Lord Groddil,
Europe is tensing in war quickly, with lines in the sand being drawn and then crossed. If we are to carry out your plan, should the forces of Poland declare war on Sweden, or stay neutral?
We anxiously await your guidance,
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 08:54:55 PM
Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar, General of the Swedish armies,
Seven million is a large number, no? You have two countries coming straight for you. Not even Sweden could defend against both fronts. If they claim your nation, it gives them a direct path into Russia. My troops will defend the north of the country while you defend the south. My navy is on its way to Lithuania-Poland to travel with the Ottoman fleet. When the time comes, we will turn our guns on them. With our combined naval forces, your enemies shall fall. About the Portugese, I did not expect this, but it does not surprise me. I will allow their fleet to join up with mine, and you know what will happen.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Lord Soren
Dimitri currently leads the conscripts to north Sweden. I will link up with our navy and the Ottoman troops and attack the south. I need you here to keep order. Other countries to the west may try to attack while we are occupied, or Daskar may try to send men to retaliate. Either way, you and your 100,000 men will serve as our last line of defense. If we do this right, Sweden is ours. No declaration of war will be sent, this war is one we shall fight in the shadows. Very soon, the Ottomans will be marching through Poland. Ready your men, just in case something happens.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II,
After you recent declaration of war, I would like to reveal my plan. The Ottoman troops are marching through Poland. They will join up with my navy and together we will attack southern Sweden. Meanwhile, Dimitri and seven million conscripts will attack the north. I would ask that our navies travel together to Lithuania and pick up the Ottomans. Then, our three armies will sail for the enemy shores.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*The Russian navy leaves Amsterdam along with the Dutch fleet.*
*Dimitri the Merciless leads his conscript force into Northern Sweden. They reinforce existing defenses and wait.*
*The Tsar leaves St. Petersburg with the remaining soldiers to join up with the navy. Russia is now in the control of Lord Soren and his 100,000 men.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 02, 2016, 08:59:47 PM
*Fully mustered, 400,000 Ottoman troops begin the journey through allied Lithuania-Poland. Cavalry scouts ride ahead to clear the way. The inexorable march has begun.

*On the shores of Lithuania-Poland, 400 transport ships await the troops to bring them to Poland. Already, the bulk of the artillery and heavy weapons has made it to the addition 10 ships and are waiting to leave. 200 second-rate ships of the line and 100 first rate ships of the line protects the huge transport fleet.

Tsar Groddil I
Very confidential

I am glad to have my army underway. You can have all of Sweden to make up for the loss of Prussia - the Ottoman Empire has enough land and allies as it is. I trust your troops are ready.

On other matters, I have offered an alliance with England. I believe Spain to be a threat to our ally Portugal. I just wanted to let you know.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 09:12:11 PM
OOC: Derp, I forgot to do that.


*Tsar Vladimir Groddil arrives with the remaining men at the Lithuanian shores. The Russian soldiers are packed onto any space they can find. The Tsar boards his personal ship and motions to the Admiral. The Russian Naval forces, consisting of 45,000 men, 94 first rate ships-of-the-line, 200 ships-of-the-line ranging from second to fourth rate, 300 frigates, and 400 sloops, raise anchors and cast off. The Admiral of the Fleet calls to the command ships of the other fleets. It is time.*

Sultan Sagetip,
I had every intention of assisting King Wylde, but I have not interfered as of yet. We must first destroy Sweden, and of course, Portugal has to be alright with this. They will no doubt have alliances with Spain, else Spain would probably have invaded Portugal by now. When this is all done, I will send some letters. Unless you are actually with the navy already without my knowledge, I doubt we will make more contact until the war is over.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 02, 2016, 09:16:07 PM
To the Tsar

I am not with the fleet. However, rear admiral Tipsage is present. You will find him on the Lady Fortune, should you wish to converse with him. He is one of my most trusted men and you should not refrain from telling him anything.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 02, 2016, 09:28:45 PM

To Tsar Groddil of Russia

Greeting Noble Tsar, my best Commander and his forces shall soon be marching North East to the Swedish lands bordering my own. After the recent capture of the German States my soldiers have direct access into Sweden. After they have secured those lands I shall push straight North into Sweden forcing King Vilu to not only fight on two fronts, but three. He shall be crushed under our combined might easily. I also wish to halt any advance into Poland or The Netherlands by blocking that rout.
If you wish me not to continue this campaign by all means I will travel with your soldiers. However I feel this is the best way to ensure victory.

~King Sandpaw II

To Sultan Sagetip

Great Sultan my forces are preparing to fight as we speak. However I am soon to be fighting two wars, and I may not be of much assistance in the coming days of conflict in Sweden. This war gives me an excellent chance to prepare without raising suspicion, however know this. Only troops from The Netherlands shall aide in the conquest of Sweden. The army of Portugal shall soon be stuck in a conflict with Spain. I would prefer if you did not tell the Russian Tsar of this until absolutely necessary.

May good fortune follow your endeavors.
~King Sandpaw II

*Upon arriving in Amsterdam Commander Loyla is presented with 20,000 freshly trained Dutch soldiers along with 10,000 soldiers of the Netherland's standing army. The three armies combined with his German, Portugal, and Dutch regulars brings the Commander's army up to a solid 39,000. Turning straight back around the Commander marches back North towards the German States. Companies of soldiers trickle out moving to support key points in the Netherlands leaving the Commander with 36,000 men upon arriving in Hamburg. The freshly formed German army of 20,000 Mercenaries joins his army raising his total number too 56,000 regulars.*

*Ships of the 4th Portuguese fleet sail south away from the Norwegian straight staying close the coast. The captains seem to be waiting for something.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 02, 2016, 09:29:58 PM
To Groddil

It shall be done.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 09:34:18 PM
King Sandpaw II,
I agree to your plan of taking out the Swedish lands on our side of the north sea. One thing I request is that when you have taken over there, you join the assault on South Sweden rather than North Sweden. There are more than enough conscripts in North Sweden, but the southern invasion will need all the help it can get.

Rear Admiral Tipsage,
The Russian navy is ready to sail. Shall we destroy the Swedish?
Tsar Vladimir Groddil, Ruler of Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 02, 2016, 10:03:11 PM
Tsar Groddil
Great Tsar,
Yes seven million is not a few. Your troops are welcomed, I was afraid they might be invading that is why I asked. I have captured a Norwegian port the Portuguese are still unaware of it, I am building Ships-of-the-Line there and will come at the enemy ships from behind when they are ready.  These Portuguese upstarts will not last long against our combined strength.

Lord Daskar.

Swedish troops secretly capture a Norwegian port. Ships-of-the-Line are being built.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 02, 2016, 10:29:34 PM
Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar,
I hope your ships are constructed in time. I cannot delay the navies any longer, they set sail. May our victory be swift and merciless, and all Europe tremble before Sweden and Russia!
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II,
I have received dire information from Lord Daskar. He has captured a Norwegian port and is constructing Ships-of-the-line. He plans to attack you from behind.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Wylder of England,
Russia and the Ottoman Empire know of your conflict with Spain. We are preoccupied with Sweden at the moment, but I believe I speak for the Sultan when I say we pledge our assistance after Sweden has been taken care of.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Emperor Ashenwyte,
I will never join the twisted confederacy you have formed with Switzerland and your Italian puppets. The English are no enemies of mine, you cannot count on my support, nor alliances.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland...

*The 50,000 Swiss Mercenaries stationed throughout France begin to move to Dunkirk.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 02, 2016, 10:43:26 PM
Brandenburg border agreement

I, Frederick William III of Brandenburg, agree to all terms of the border agreement, modified or otherwise. May there be peace between our great nations as long as we live.


*The main army, now reduced to 27,000 men, returns to Brandenburg. 2,300 soldiers remain in Prussia and the newly-annexed territory to enforce order.*

*Under the auspices of border protection, 10,000 soldiers are sent to far western Brandenburg. This reinforces the existing garrison of 1,000.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 02, 2016, 11:54:54 PM
Tsar Groddil I
Highly Confidential
I've planned out a course of action for the fleet and the Ottoman ground forces. Attached is a map of Sweden for reference.


The navy will sail to the waters around Gothland. The island will serve as an area to set up a central hospital and weapons deposit and as a general staging area. 5 first rate ships of the line will stay there to guard against Swedish navy ships. The fleet will drop off 100,000 men as a reserve and the rest will split up into three attack wings.

Wing A will sail to the southernmost part of the main peninsula and take the cities down there, starting with Ystad. They will work their way up the land, eliminating opposition.

Wing B will sail directly to the mainland across from the island, taking Linköping and Norrköping. They will purge the area of resitance and wait for Wing A before moving up to unite with Wing C.

Wing C will sail for Elfsnabben and Stockholm, landing and taking the cities.

Thus, this plan will work to capture the lower section of Sweden. I should hope your general has a good plan for the 7 million conscripts coming in from the north. Good luck, General, and God speed.

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 12:04:40 AM
Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar,
My trickery is working nicely. The Ottomans trust me with their plans of invading Sweden. Fools. They plan to land at Gavle, north of Stockholm, and march south to take the city. A second battalion will attack north sweden, mainly the port of Lulea, near the Russian Border. My conscripts will assist in any way they can.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Sultan Sagetip,
I have sent Lord Daskar highly falsified battle plans that will draw his troops away from where they are needed. You may view my letter included above. I am sending my navy with Wing C to Stockholm. I have also made contact with Dimitri, he will begin his assault soon.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 12:06:21 AM
 Tsar Groddil
What do I need 7,000,000 Russian troops in the north for? They would be of better use in the Ottoman Empire. Do I sense treachery?

Lord Daskar.

Wylder and Ash
Greetings Kings,
I fear Russia has betrayed me, I call for aid. They send 7,000,000 soldiers to Northern Sweden for no apparent reason. When asked the Tsar says they are to help me, but the threat is to the south. Send aid at once if you agree to an alliance.

Lord Daskar.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 12:09:14 AM
The Tsar
Highly Confidential
Thank you for your help, Tsar. We've just sighted the island now. By the time your next letter reaches me I will begin my attack. Sweden doesn't stand a chance.


Rear Admiral Tipsage
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 12:10:54 AM
Lord Daskar
Dear Lord Daskar,
I wish we could trust each other properly. I only recently learned of these plans, and it took me some effort to learn them. The conscripts are currently in a position to defend Lulea, but I will send most of them south to where you need them.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

*Led by Dimitri the Merciless, 5 million of the conscripts march south towards Gavle, north of Stockholm. The remaining 2 million are left at Lulea to defend in case of attack.*

Rear Admiral Tipsage,
Good to hear. The conscripts will attack as soon as they reach the capital. My navy will continue to Stockholm to meet up with Dimitri the Merciless.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 12:20:00 AM
I also wish we could trust one another fully, but I never trust anyone totally. Not even the Queen.I think the troops would be best on Gotland, and south of Lake Vanern. My troops will hold the center and help in the south.

Lord Daskar.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 12:31:31 AM
The Tsar
Highly Confidential
I am writing this letter in a hurry at the moment. Wing A Has already departed and Wing B is waiting for me as we speak. Be warned that as soon as we near the peninsula that the truth will be revealed. There is something I should warn you about, however. The navy ships within each group, once dropping off their troops, will spread out along the shore, broadsiding the Swedes. They will provide artillery support for my troops. Your soldiers attacking Stockholm have a chance of being fire upon. A minute before firing my ships will raise a red flag, this will be the signal for you to retreat so your men will not be harmed.

Good luck,

Rear Admiral Tipsage
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 12:56:59 AM
Lord Daskar
Dear Lord Daskar,
The conscripts have reached Stockholm. I would move them further south, except for one thing. I had a debt to be erased. I am truly sorry, Lord Daskar. Our alliance is over.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Declaration of War
In the name of Russia,
The Russian Empire and her Polish allies under the command of Chancellor Soren now hereby declare war upon Sweden. With the aid of the Ottoman Empire and the Portugese-Netherlands Empire, Sweden shall fall to the might of Russia..
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

*The 2 million conscripts stationed in North Sweden turn on their Swedish allies. Amongst the bloodshed, they are easily able to take control of the border.*

*Dimitri the Merciless leads his 5 million conscripts to the city gates. Most of the conscripts provide covering fire for a small force that has rigged up a battering ram.*

*The Russian Navy splits in two. One force, made up of 100 fast sloops, takes off for Stockholm straight away. The remainder of the ships wait for Wing C of the Ottoman Navy.*

Rear Admiral Tipsage,
My soldiers are in no danger from Wing A or B. The conscripts can handle North Sweden. so you don't need to worry about them. I have a plan in place for Wing C. First, the 100 sloops that have already left are packed to the bows with gunpowder. They are all manned by a skeleton crew, who will set the sloops to ram the Swedish Navy and explode, then jump ship and be picked up by the rest of my navy. My ships will provide a short but heavy bombardment of the port to force the Swedes into hiding. Once the bombardment ends, unload Wing C on to the shore. They should make their way to the gates to link up with Dimitri's forces and storm the castle. Meanwhile, our fleet will take out any remaining naval opposition. Do you agree to this plan?
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 03, 2016, 01:21:57 AM

*The 4th Portuguese fleet acting on information given by their Russia allies launch a offensive against the Swedish-Norwegian port. A massive bombardment on the half finished Swedish ship begins. The heavy twenty-pounder guns blasting both ball and grape shot towards the port.
Further south a few miles away from the port town, Portuguese Mariners row to shore and begin disembarking. Forming up and then marching towards the town ready to take it from the Swedish.*

*In the bottom half of Sweden in the lands bordering Prussia and the recently expanded Netherlands Commander Loyla begins his half of the invasion. 56,000 German, Portuguese, and Dutch soldiers break into five smaller armies of 11,000 men. (Give or take a few.) They launch a massive assault across the border killing or capturing any Swedish patrols.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 01:46:16 AM
*Ottoman forces land at the bottom of Sweden and begin their attack. Wing B lands as well and takes two cities. The navy ships of Wings A and B begin their bombardment of the shoreline.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 01:50:06 AM
*At the gates of Stockholm, Dimtri's conscripts have taken losses, but a combination of the battering ram and fire manages to break open the gates and allow the Russians access to the city. Conscripts swarm through the gate by the thousands, quickly slaughtering the defenders at the gate and setting up defensive positions. 1 million conscripts stay at the gate to protect it, from the inside and outside, while the other 4 million move into the city proper.*

*The 100 fast sloops dash across the waves, rounding eastern Sweden and getting closer to Stockholm.*

OOC: Sagetip, Send Wing C up with the Russian fleet.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 02:14:53 AM
Spamlolllolololololololol. (Post needed to be edited and I'm lazy.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 03:20:29 AM
OOC: Err...I hadn't done what I was going to do yet...Could you edit that post please?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 03:28:08 AM
OOC: What do I need to edit?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 03:35:50 AM
OOC: Don't have Wing C reach Stockholm straight away. I wrote a plan earlier about the first wave of ships. I'll use them first.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 03:38:26 AM
Nothing here.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 03, 2016, 03:40:19 AM
King Areiapata of Portugal
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this transcript constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.


Your recent conquests have distressed me. It is not well to have a foreign force such as yours occupying land so close to the kingdom's borders, especially in tumultuous times such as these. Therefore I present to you a demand: remove your forces from within a kilometer of my borders and forestall all construction of fortifications on the aforementioned territory.

*Brandenburg annexes Saxony* (with the consent of the Habsburg Monarchy)

*Workers begin building defensive structures on Brandenburg's northern and western borders*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 03:57:37 AM
*The first Russian fleet, the 100 fast sloops, reach Stockholm. The skeleton crews steer them towards the Swedish Navy. The hundreds of gunpowder barrels piled high on the sloops are lit and the crews jump overboard. They are picked up by another ship travelling behind the fleet. The sloops continue to fly over the waves on their course straight for the Swedish ships. When the sloops hit the line of Swedish ships, the gunpowder explodes. The sloops and any ships they hit are vaporized instantly, while most of the surviving ships are set on fire. The captain of the rescue ship grins.*

OOC: Ready for Wing C now. Troops deployed from the ships should make their way to the gate.

*The Admiral of the Russian fleet holds up a series of flags in communication to the Commanding Officer of Wing C of the Ottoman Navy. They are ready. The Russian fleet unfurls all sails and heads for Stockholm.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 04:00:38 AM
OOC: Okay, we need to keep this realistic and give Vilu a chance to retaliate. Unless, of course we just fight his battle for him. We did hat in the other topic.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 04:10:10 AM
Okey dokey. Although realistically, he doesn't stand a chance.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 03, 2016, 06:03:46 AM
*100,000 Polish troops move into Russia as defense reserves*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 03, 2016, 09:20:04 AM
 Groddil and Sagetip
Greetings, mighty emperors. I have heard of your ongoing conquest of Sweden, and I demand that you stop, lest I am forced to draw my sword and take a decisive action against your allies. - Emperor Ashenwyte I 

The Emperor's artillery (20,000 in all) starts attacking the English army from range, inflicting heavy casualties, while the infantry and cavalry work together in hit and run attacks from different locations, killing officers and adding more to the casualty list.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 11:05:03 AM
Lord Ashenwyte
The Russian Empire would like to send a request to Emperor Ashenwyte that he goes and boils his head.
Tsarina Natalia Lantur.

*The Russian naval forces land north of Stockholm. The regular troops deployed from the ships march towards Russian-Occupied North Sweden. Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and the cossacks head for the capital to link up with Dimitri.*

Meanwhile, in Switzerland...

*The 50,000 Swiss Mercenaries assist the Spanish forces in their hit and run strikes on England. The Swiss Guard recently called back from the Papal States are sent to reinforce the French lands given to Switzerland.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 03, 2016, 11:25:22 AM
*The artillery create a large hole in the English line. Before the gap is filled, Magnus the Red leads a cavalry and Swiss charge into the gap, slaughtering all in their way*

*The Emperor, not wanting to be outperformed by his servant, leads his sharpshooters on a flank attack. The English line is peppered with bullets, many not missing their mark. All the officers are killed, and chaos reigns supreme on the English flank*

 To the Tsarina
Mind your words, my lady. You are with your child, and we would not want both of you lying dead with necks broken, do we?

*The Spanish fleet sails to the Isle of Wight with 200,000 men, many of them mercenaries and conscripts. They land, and set up camp*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 11:31:48 AM
"Emperor" Ashenwyte,
You dare threaten Russia? We will not stand for this. You lay one filthy hand near me or Nikolai, and the Tsar will peel you from his boot and eat you alive.
Tsarina Natalia Lantur.

Chancellor Soren,
I fear that Spain shall attack us. Threats have been made and I fear assassination. I request that you send a detachment of soldiers to St. Petersburg to bring me and my son back to Kiev.
Tsarina Natalia Lantur.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 03, 2016, 11:36:27 AM
 To the Tsarina
Your "husband", eh? I do wonder what he will do when he finds out you're in a relationship with Lord Soren. 

OOC: Groddil and Soren, I am so sorry. So so sorry. :P
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 03, 2016, 12:11:27 PM
OOC: Ashenwyte, Spain had already conquered most of South and Central America by 1700.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 03, 2016, 12:24:02 PM
OOC: Woops, I haven't read up on my history. I'll fix that. :P

*300,000 men from the Spanish colonies sail to Europe*

Your kingdom is at risk yet again, honourable king. The Russians and their Ottoman puppets with their half formed dreams of conquest march on the good Kingdoms of Europe, and yours will be the first to fall without aid. Join the alliance, and your kingdom will weather this oncoming storm and flourish, I promise. 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 02:57:52 PM
OOC: I knew it, you're dead Groddil.

Lord Daskar gathers the 500,000 troops from the royal training grounds in Osterund.
The troops in Stockholm do well against the Russian recruits, but will be overrun eventually.
The Queen freaks out.
A few Ships-of-the-Line attack the Portuguese fleet at Bergen.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 03:01:08 PM
*The Ottoman fleet raises red flags and moves into firing position.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 03:02:06 PM
OOC: Where is you're fleet?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 03, 2016, 03:58:22 PM
*a Polish Royal Security detachment arrives at St. Petersburg*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 03, 2016, 04:05:25 PM
 *The Fourth Portuguese fleet sees a brilliant blue flag raised above the smoke and cease fire on the town. Swinging to the portside the ships begin a swirling pattern delivering devastating payloads onto the Swedish ships. Many of the frigates start acting as meat shields for the superior 1st rates, blocking Swedish shots with their hulls, before maneuvering out of the way for the 1st rates to fire. Heavy cannons loaded with chain shot target the enemies sails, and masts crippling the vessels.*

*Mariners begin their assault on Bergin sweeping in from different directions. The lines preform ripple fire sending almost endless streams of musket balls into the Swedish defenders. After six rounds of fire the right flank fixes bayonets and charges into the town, while the left continues firing.*

*Commander Loyla meets little resistance on mainland Europe. His troops make good time and soon occupy all the land South of Sweden.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 04:06:02 PM
Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 03:02:06 PM
OOC: Where is you're fleet?
Wing A is at the bottom of Sweden, Wing B directly across from Gothland, and Wing C in the waters around Stockholm.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 08:43:32 PM
*The Tsar and the cossack detachment march through the ranks into the city where the conscripts are marshaled. The Tsar holds a quick whispered conversation with his general. Dimitri pulls aside the leader of the cossacks, who nods and takes 20 men with him into the city. The cossack force is quick and merciless, executing any patrols they come across and sticking to the shadows. They skirt around the section of the city nearest to the wall and climb the walls into the palace courtyard, avoiding the guards at the entrance. One cossack breaks open a side door and the assassins enter the palace.*

*The Russian fleet returns to Stockholm proper, linking up with the Ottoman fleet. They too move into firing position. The Admiral raises a flag signalling for the Ottomans to fire.*

*The two million conscripts occupying North Sweden began to push south. At the same time, one million from Stockholm come up from behind, catching any Swedish defenders off guard. Russia now controls almost half of Sweden. Only from Stockholm south remains. Dimitri leaves the Tsar to take Stockholm, splitting his force and taking three million conscripts to assist the invasion in the south. The tsar begins to move all forces not watching the gate further into the city, but away from the portside areas about to be devastated from cannon fire.*

Meanwhile, in Russia Proper...

*Tsarina Natalia Lantur, Prince Nikolai Felch, and any royal advisors are escorted out of St. Petersburg and begin the journey to Kiev.*

OOC: Ashenwyte, what's in that spoiler is a load of rubbish.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 09:13:09 PM
*The Ottoman fleet opens up on Stockholm. Towers collapse as cannonballs smash into stone. The Palace is left intact throughout the entire bombardment.

*Further south Wing A has made it to the rendezvous point with Wing B, having suffered heavy casualties of 35,000 men. An extra 10,000 soldiers are dispatched from Gothland to reinforce the depleted wings. Wing B has also suffered casualties, 5,000 men are dead. The army sets up a camp for the wounded and begins to march north, encountering heavy resistance. They fly a red flag with a square and a circle, indicating their predicament.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 09:24:10 PM
*Dimitri the Merciless and his force marching south see the Ottoman flag on the other side of a Swedish battalion. Coming up from behind, the Swedes are hit in a pincer movement and crushed brutally by the two armies. No prisoners are taken. Dimitri approaches the Ottoman Commander.*
"What's the situation in the south? Where do you need my men?"

*The Tsar keeps his men close to the gate throughout the bombardment. When it the cannons stop, Russian troops swarm over the city, taking severe losses from the desperate Swedes, but eventually overwhelming them. The city occupied, the Russian troops begin to move towards the last bastion of resistance; the palace.*

*The Russian navy ceases fire. The city is in ruins and and the Swedish Navy has been decimated. The Admiral signals to the Ottomans and begins to sail south.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 10:22:15 PM
The heavy guns mounted in the palace open fire, killing many of the disorganized Russians. The Palace also happens to be out of the navies reach. General  Insert Swedish Name Here, orders his men to kill on sight.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 10:36:12 PM
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I orders his troops to retreat. Some of the Russian ships carrying spare ottoman cannons turn around and dock in the Stockholm port. The cannons are unloaded and moved to fortifications near the palace. The cannons open fire on the palace walls, breaking several holes in the outer defenses and killing many of the defenders. Several of the heavy guns are destroyed, but the cannoneers are forced to take cover. The Russian charge is aborted while the conscripts fall back into the city.*

*Within the palace walls, the cossack force has found the heavy guns. The cossacks creep up behind the defenders and kill them before they know what's happening. The cossacks turn the guns around and slaughter the defenders.*

*The Tsar peers through a spyglass at the palace. The cossack leader gives a wave, before his force disappears from the balcony. The Tsar waits a considerable length of time before ordering the cannons to open fire on the heavy gun emplacements before they become manned again. The entire balcony is decimated and the guns destroyed. Satisfied, Vladimir Groddil orders the conscripts to charge the palace.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 10:54:49 PM
General Yan orders his few men to raise the White Flag.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 03, 2016, 11:19:01 PM
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I is satisfied at the White Flag being raised and halts the charge. The conscripts form up into ranks and march proudly into the palace courtyard. The Russians relieve the Swedish survivors of their thrown-down weapons and round them all up. The Tsar waits patiently for the arrival of his cossacks.*

*The cossacks smash down the door to the throne room. They rush in, killing the bodyguards and securing the queen. The cossack leader pushes her roughly with his bayonet. The Queen is escorted to the balcony. The Tsar grins, the war is over. The Swedes are brought into the courtyard.*
"Hello, Hildegard. About time I met you."
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 03, 2016, 11:32:23 PM
The entrance of Rear Admiral Tipsage is heralded by six Ottoman troops marching in through the main doorway. The Admiral is decked out in full military regalia and carries a sabre thrust through his belt and an English-made revolver in a leather holster. He nods to the Russians and even shakes hands with the Swedish prisoners, showing his kindness even toward his enemy. Saluting Dimitri and the Tsar, he steps to the side to watch the proceedings.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 12:06:06 AM
"It had to come to this eventually. The idea of a "Scorched Earth" occupation of Europe, nobody likes it when you talk like that. They get fearful and angry, it comes back to bite you. Just like now. The terms are as follows: Russia will take Sweden. The Swedish army will become a militia force to keep the peace in Sweden. Nothing more, nothing less. A portion of southern Russia, everything from the ruins of Paltova down, will be given to the Ottoman Empire as thanks. As for you, you will be sent into exile in Alaska."
"Dimitri, take some guards, get her out of Europe."
*The takeover complete, most of the Russian forces, short of some soldiers left behind to guard the country, head for the docks. The Tsar approaches Rear Admiral Tipsage.*
"A pleasure. Like I said before, everything from Paltova down is yours. I wish we had found Daskar, but he's nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, I received urgent news from the Tsarina. Emperor Ashenwyte made threats against Russia and has invaded France. He is currently attacking the English forces at Dunkirk. I intend to head straight there and provide assistance. Can I count on the Ottoman Empire's support?"
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 04, 2016, 01:12:12 AM
Declaration of War
By order of King Frederick William III,

The Kingdom of Brandenburg declares war on Portugal and her satellite states in retaliation for offenses committed against the sovereignty of the nation.


Emperor Ashenwyte
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this transcript constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.


I am not a fool, Emperor Ashwnyte; I understand that the Russian and Ottoman empires have their own pragmatic interests in mind and may one day target my kingdom for expansion. Nevertheless, at the moment I have no need nor want to go to war with two empires, particularly one with which I have recently signed a peace treaty. Such a move would be--with all due respect--very foolish of you and I both, and could easily lead to ruin for our nations.

*Artillery emplacements on the western border of Brandenburg begin firing on Dutch troops.*

*A draft order is sent to Dresden; local authorities begin conscripting and training 10,000 new soldiers.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 01:51:58 AM
*The Tsar boards his private ship to leave Sweden. He goes to his desk and views a large pile of letters. Groddil begins to write.*

King Frederick William III,
Russia will not stand for your uncalled-for declaration of war on Portugal. Renounce it now, or face the full wrath of the Russian Empire.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

Declaration of War
Spain has threatened Russia. We will not stand for this, nor their takeover of France and war with England. Russia hereby declares war on Spain.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

Chancellor Soren,
I have been sent some letters by the Tsarina. I would like to extend my most heartfelt thanks to you for protecting my family. If there is ever anything you need, ask and you shall receive.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

5,076,298 regular troops and 249,848 cossacks on their way to Spain.
800,000 stationed on the borders.
200,000 stationed throughout the Empire.
10,000 Swedish Miltia quelling revolts in Sweden.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
42,350 traveling with the navy to Spain.
5,000 with a naval detachment sailing to Portugal.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Portugal.
87 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to France.
195 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to France.
243 Frigates sailing to France.
278 Sloops sailing to France.

*The 6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line and 5000 men stationed in North Africa leave for Portugal.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 04, 2016, 02:47:38 AM
Tsar Groddil
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this message constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Prussia. Read at your own risk.


   If you truly understood the context of my war declaration, perhaps you would not be so quick to denounce it. In their imperialistic drive eastward, Dutch troops were occupying land immediately adjacent to my border, and were quite understandably causing worry among the local populace. I attempted to diplomatically have the Dutch troops removed from the border; when Portugal callously ignored my diplomatic overture, I was forced to resort to military action. Before you start yet another war, I suggest you first consider the issue from my point of view.

*A small fleet of hired privateers begins raiding Portuguese shipping lanes in Africa.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 03:27:36 AM
King Frederick,
I believe that you are overreacting. Firstly, the Portugese may be adjacent to your borders, but they have not crossed them, so there is your first problem. Secondly, Portugal was preoccupied with war in Sweden and France, they have more important things than moving a few troops who are not doing anything back. Renounce your declaration of war and halt all attacks on Portugal and The Netherlands, or you WILL regret your decision.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 04, 2016, 04:49:20 AM
 Declaration of War
Portugal has committed grave offences against the Swedish, whom I had sworn to protect. Your treachery will not go unpunished! 

You have angered the beasts, good King. Join the alliance, or you will be destroyed along with the rest of Europe.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 04:57:26 AM
*The 5,000 Russian soldiers and 6 1st rate ships-of-the-line arrive in Portugal. They reinforce the borders against Spanish invasion.*

*The Russian fleet splits into three. One detachment makes landfall in the Netherlands. The Russian soldiers march to the border while the ships anchor off the coast of Brandenburg-Prussia. The other two detachments continue to sail west.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 04, 2016, 08:26:43 AM
*300,000 infantry along with 10,000 artillery and 5,000 cavalry march to Portugal*

*30 ships of the line attack Portuguese trade routes, plundering the ships and killing the crew*

*All Russian citizens suspected to be spies are thrown in prison, while every single Portuguese man in Spain is drafted for the war effort. The new regiment of 30,000 Portuguese is sent to the front lines of the Portuguese War*

*50 highly skilled assassins are dispatched to kill the Tsarina*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 10:59:39 AM
*A note is delivered to the Emperor of Spain along with the head of a Spanish spy caught in the Netherlands.*
Sending assassins to kill my wife and son will get you nowhere. You have a son too, do you not? Threaten my family, and I will threaten yours.

*1000 cossacks from the Russian fleet turn their boat around and land in Lithuania. They march south to Kiev, joining up with the Tsarina's honor guard. The Tsarina and the Prince are bundled into Chancellor Soren's palace, where they are placed in a secure wing. The 1000 elite cossacks are stationed through the wing of the palace to protect them.*

*The second Russian naval detachment lands in Dunkirk. They reinforce the English lines and give a new wave of hope to the English defenders. The third detachment continues sailing for Portugal.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 04, 2016, 11:07:26 AM
 Tsar Groddil
  Oh, Tsar, how you amuse me. Your wife and child, and my son as well, are but pawns in this great game we play. How I feared this day, where we all die in the face of our egos. Mark my words, good Tsar, 

*The Emperor's sharpshooters withdraw in the face of Russian attacks, but not before killing hundreds of men.*

*The Cavalry is fenced in by the Russian and English soldiers. They fight valiantly, and kill many. The Royal Cavalry charge the weakened English line to save the day, and break the line again. Spanish and Swiss soldiers pour through the gap like a raging river, while the artillery bombard the Russian positions*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 11:24:23 AM
*The Russian troops manage to close the gap, suffering severe losses, and are pinned down by the artillery. King Liddorg Shwitz orders the artillery to cease fire as a Swiss charge is organized. The 50,000 Swiss mercenaries charge the Russian/English defenses, horribly underestimating the Russian numbers. Before they can retreat, the Swiss are surrounded by millions of Russian soldiers. The Swiss charge is decimated, King Liddorg being captured by the Tsar. Dimitri organizes a counter-charge, the superior numbers of the Russians managing to overwhelm the Spanish defenders. They secure the cannons while the King of Switzerland is led off behind Russian lines.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 04, 2016, 11:30:57 AM
OOC: Groddil, how many men do the Russians have at Dunkirk?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 04, 2016, 02:41:59 PM
*Two fleets set sail into the Mediterranean Ocean, sailing from the Ottoman Empire. These two fleets are bound for the east coast of the Spanish empire, starting a slow military takeover.

To King Sandpaw
Highly Confidential

King, I believe that the time is coming. Soon, Russia will have the rest of Europe in a virtual stranglehold. Unfortunately, I see no peaceful way out of this. As a trade hub of the Mediterranean, I find it unacceptable to have Spanish-controlled lands in international waters. I will do my best to take as much land from the Spanish as possible so I can stop the Russian takeover.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 04, 2016, 02:46:45 PM
 *A fast messenger ship arrives in Portugal giving word of victory in Sweden. Celebrations in Lisbon and all over Portugal begin. However days later a second messenger ship arrives giving word to the cowardly Prussian attack. Furious King Aeriapata orders soldiers in the Netherlands to respond to this attack. As troops march towards Oporto to be shipped to The Netherlands they are suddenly turned around and rushed to the Spanish Portugal border.*

A Cry of Outrage! To All!

Cowardice, that is what these attacks are. Pure cowardice! Portugal took only a minor part in the invasion of Sweden capturing two cities and never did we indulge in any attack against Brandenburg Prussia. This is an attempt by a larger nations to bully a smaller. Cowardice I say. Portugal shall not stand for this lack of diplomacy or tact by the Spanish King, nor the unprecedented attacks in The Netherlands. This is a war of honor, and one Portugal shall gladly accept.

TO BATTLE Para Portugal!

The First battle line to meet the Spanish cry out in outrage to see their fellow countrymen flying the Spanish flag. General Alfanso orders that the traitors be shot to nothing when the Spanish Portuguese line erupts into furious combat. Seeing the Spanish line is in shambles Alfanso orders that his forces charge into the breach. The Portuguese drafted soldiers eventually go down screaming "Para Portugal!" Alfanso manages to save some of the men, however many fall to the Spanish guns. His main force breaks the Spanish line forcing them into a retreat. A first small victory against Spain is won.

*On the Northern border of Portugal a second detachment of African mercenaries push past the Spanish border guard and plunge into Spain preforming a wide swoop south.*

*Smaller detachments of the Portuguese army form units of about 20,000 men protecting key points in Portugal.*

*The Portuguese Mediterranean fleet seeing no reason not too begins attacks on Spanish harbors bombing half finished ships, trade, and just plain people in retaliation. They also form a blockade keeping any ships from leaving the Mediterranean from the western rout.*

*The Volunteer Indian army in the East Indies is marshalled to forestall any invasion into the vital lands, while the East Indies fleet prepares to defend the islands and land belonging to the Portuguese.*

*In high level politics military police arrest Spanish officials, ambassadors keeping them for ransoming.*

Meanwhile in The Netherlands.

*The Forts under assault by Prussian fire are left empty and the few soldiers within are evacuated. Three days later a messenger arrives at the border and attempts to leave his letter with the Prussian troops before returning to The Netherlands.*

To The Ruler of Prussia, respectively. But Public to all.

Great King my name may not be familiar to you, however I am Commander Loyla of the Portuguese army. I have been instructed by the king of my nation to discover the reasons behind this sudden declaration of war. Should the Empire of Portugal have wronged your nation in any way please confirm this to us. We will attempt to right it in any way possible.
Should the attack be just an attack to take the newly captured German, and Swedish lands then please consider calling off these attacks. Portugal has no time or patience to deal with Prussia, and we have a powerful Russian ally who would be more then happy to send two million Russian soldiers to invade your country. And we both don't want that. So please choose your answer wisely.

Warm Regards
~Commander Loyla of Portugal.

*The 4th Portuguese Fleet sails down to the Spanish Netherlands. Finding the territory woefully under prepared Portuguese Mariners make easy work of the few Spanish defenses. Soon all harbor cities and towns are under Portuguese control. They however have to wait for reinforcements before they can push east.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 04, 2016, 03:02:40 PM
OOC: Lord Daskar wasn't in Stockholm. Do you think I'm dumb enough to stay there while 5,000,000 suspected enemies march right past? I'm in hiding.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 04, 2016, 03:05:15 PM

OOC: Yeah that makes sense Vilu. Hey guys we shouldn't be able to kill or PP the actual players and kings. Remember when they are captured (if they are captured) death is very unlikely. They typically are ransomed or placed under arrest for war crimes.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 04, 2016, 03:08:42 PM
OOC: If you really want to kill someone kill the Queen. That way I can make Russia sound even worse when I start the revolution.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 09:10:19 PM

Quote from: Lord Ashenwyte on February 04, 2016, 11:30:57 AM
OOC: Groddil, how many men do the Russians have at Dunkirk?

3 million regular soldiers at Dunkirk.
3005000 regular soldiers in Portugal.
1 million regular soldiers in Prussia.
1000 cossacks in Kiev.
Rest of the cossacks are spread around a bit.

King Sandpaw,
As you are aware, my troops are landing in Portugal, the Netherlands, and France to assist the war on two fronts you are fighting. This is a favor to you from me, Russia seeks no reward from this fight. No gold, no land, take it all. Hopefully, we do not have to fight any more wars after this one.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*The third Russian detachment lands at Portugal. 3 million soldiers plus Cossacks quickly rush to help defend the borders with Spain. One large force manages to completely decimate the Spanish defenders near Vigo, rushing into Spain and attacking the city. The sheer numbers and powerful cannons of the Russian battalion quickly take over the city.*

*Meanwhile, the Russians in Northern France turn the Spanish cannons around and fire upon the Spanish ranks. The Swiss throw down their weapons after the loss of their king, not wishing to be slaughtered.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 04, 2016, 10:41:28 PM
-Count Radbot is rather overwhelmed by all these new developments, and decides to invade Savoy. Crushing what little resistance there was.

OOC: +20,000 professional, +20,000 militia.

100,000 Professional, 145,000 militia, 10 Galleons, 30 Caravels.

The Habsburg Monarchy has a peace-treaty with Spain right?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 10:43:22 PM
OOC: Del, you kind of have no way to get to Savoy. Switzerland sure isn't going to let their mortal enemy march through it.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 04, 2016, 10:45:20 PM
OOC: I am not mortal enemies with anyone, I have the Italian part of Venice, and marched through Spain, with whom we have a peace treaty! ;D
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 04, 2016, 10:45:48 PM
*Ottoman ships land on Sicily and unload 40,000 men, who take over the island with losses amounting to 10,000. The island is made the base of operations in the region.

*In Sweden, the 90,000 Ottomans inhabiting Gothland leave 40,000 of their number there and leave for the shores of Lithuania-Poland. Work begins on building a citadel on the island.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 10:52:27 PM
OOC: Switzerland and Habsburg were already mortal enemies due to revolts, revolutions, and rulers. Its canon.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 04, 2016, 10:58:55 PM
OOC: Good thing I didn't march through it then! ;D
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 04, 2016, 11:00:48 PM
Lord Daskar goes through Norway stirring up the people. Telling them of Russia evil deeds and how they will be next.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 04, 2016, 11:10:20 PM
*The King of Norway receives a letter from the Tsar. The letter is long and detailed, giving information on Daskar's plan to attack Norway and the rest of Europe, how he took over a Norwegian port, and also instructions on how capturing Daskar and delivering him to Russia will lead to Norway being given a portion of Swedish land.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 05, 2016, 04:18:55 AM
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this letter constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.


My Lord,

     As you undoubtably know, Dutch troops have occupied the land adjacent to Brandenburg's western border for several months. I had earlier sent a message to your king demanding their removal, but the letter was seemingly ignored. Faced with this lack of cooperation, I had no choice but to forcibly remove the troops-- otherwise there was the risk of permanent fortifications being built, and of key travel routes to the west being blocked. I believe my actions to have been justified, and I will not apologize for them; nevertheless, I understand that there was confusion regarding the incident, and I am willing to negotiate with you and your king. These are the terms for a ceasefire:

•In order to reduce the likelihood of future border disputes, Portugal will cede the far western portion of its newly-acquired German territory to Brandenburg. My kingdom shall give you all of the Brandenburg-owned land adjacent to the Netherlands as compensation.

•The Kingdom of Portugal shall inform Brandenburg of its western expansion plans before their execution, so as to prevent confusion regarding Dutch troop movements and motives.

•If Portugal does not militarize its borders, Brandenburg shall act likewise.

•All piracy, including the use of hired privateers, shall be officially banned by both kingdoms.

•Neither kingdom shall interfere with the other's interests in Africa and the New World.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 05, 2016, 11:55:58 AM
*The African detachment in Spain is attacked by a force of 50,000 Royal Guard at the banks of the Douro. None of the Africans survive, but 2,500 Royal Guard are killed in the battle. The Royal Guard march to Oporto, led by Sanguinius, Angel of Madrid. The Portuguese resistance is crushed as the Royal guard hack and slash their way to Oporto*

*In retaliation for the defeat, Commander Alfanso's family are targeted by Spanish assassins. The Spanish General retreats and marches for Oporto. All the towns on their way are pillaged and all the people inside are killed*

 A letter to the Portuguese
This is what happens to traitors who have rejected the word of God! Your fields will burn, your people will die, and your kings will watch your suffering with contempt. No town will be left alone, no castle not razed, no field not burned, lest you surrender. This I swear, by my honour and the blood of Spain.   

Surrender, Areiapata. We all know how this war will end, and I do not wish to spill the blood of a potential ally. Surrender, and Portugal shall be spared.

*The entire Italian fleet sails out with 30 Spanish ships of the line. They engage the Russian fleet carrying the soldiers destined for Portugal in hit and run attacks, destroying half of one of the fleets*

*The Mounted Royal Guard press on into the Anglo-Russian coaliton's ranks, killing 50,000 men. The Spanish cavalry led by Magnus the Red is slowly depleted, but they kill 75,000 men.*

 Lord Daskar
If you are not the one intended to be reading this letter, look behind you. There should be an assassin there.
I know your predicament, Lord Daskar. Come to Spain, and I will give you command of the Portuguese War. Destroy Portugal, and you will be granted it. I will also grant your beloved Sweden back to you.

*Half of the fleet of the Italian states (Numbering 500 in all) sails to break the Portuguese blockade*

 To Sagetip
If you are not the one intended to be reading this letter, look behind you. There should be an assassin there.
Greetings, good Sultan. I hope you are in the best of health. I wish your forces leave Sicily, and return to the Empire to safeguard your borders, and that you no longer participate in this war between Russia and I. I will give you half of Sicily, if you so desire, and grant your merchants safe access to the riches of Spain and the Americas. I wish you make the correct choice, great Sultan. 
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 05, 2016, 03:14:50 PM
I thank you, Great Emperor.
But how do you propose I get to Spain? I have 550,000 men with me, not to mention their weapons, supplies, and cannon. Sweden took precautions you see. So in marching to Spain I would be forced to march through enemy territory, something I am not keen on due to the Russian's numbers. Perhaps it would be best if I stay here and pin down Russian, Ottoman, and Portuguese troops with guerrilla warfare.

  Lord Daskar
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 05, 2016, 04:00:25 PM

Letter to the King of Spain's surrender proposal, but Public to all

To the Honorable King of Spain from His majesty the King of the Portuguese Empire, lord of the Netherlands.

In regards to your surrender proposal.


~King Ariepata II

*Alfanso us summoned off the front lines to attend the funeral of his family. King Sandpaw assigns him 40,000 of the nations elite Portuguese Fusiliers. The general wipeing tears from his eyes gives a short address to his new soldiers.*

"Today the acts of a coward are displayed for all to see. The acts of a king claiming to be the justice of God murders a wife and a young boy in cold blood. The assassins responsible for this act hang before you at the gates of Oporto, however the ruler who gave the order sits on his throne claiming this is justice. I will give him justice. No citizen should die in a war of kings. His royal majesty King Sandpaw has given me these instructions. 'Go take our armies and crush the Spanish. March into Spain and do not stop until the arbitrator of these wicked deeds is in your custody. Bring him before the court of Portugal for charges of heinous war crimes.' And this is what we shall do Fusiliers. Protect your homeland! To battle, glory, or death. For Para Portugal we fight!"

*The 14th Military detachment led by Alfanso ambush the Spanish royal guard outside Oporto. After ten hours of fierce fighting the Royal Guard Surrenders to the Fusiliers after a stunning rear charge by the 50th Militia Division which showed up half way though the battle.*

*The Mediterranean fleet forms up to face the oncoming horde of vessels. The 3rd Dutch fleet arrives to support and the long nines begin blasting away in uncontested firing patterns. The Portuguese utilize smaller more maneuverable Super Frigates to deliver enormous damage to the enemy. While the more powerful 1st rates fire long range weapons.*

*A detachment of runners is set up all over Portugal delivering vital information on enemy movements. The Spanish would be unable to operate within Portugal in any level of secrecy.*

To King Izeroth

Greetings King, I received word of your proposal. I disagree with many of these terms, however I am locked in a war with Spain and have no time to deal with you. Consider these terms for now.

I will give you the some of the lands in the German states, however I will remain in control of both Hanover and Hamburg, plus routs into Sweden. The rest of the terms we shall hammer out together. For now they shall be respected.
I shall now be going to occupy the Spanish Netherlands.

~King Sandpaw

*Commander Loyla and his army abandon a section of the captured German states setting up a new border further down. They then turn Southwest and march into the Spanish Netherlands occupying the land. It is hardly settled, and the Dutch people there welcome them without question.*

To the Allies of Portugal

Greetings greats Kings, Sultan, and Tsar. I must first apologize for my lack of communication with you. I fear that a large network of Spanish spies operates within Portugal. However I must thank the brave forces and leaders of the Ottomans and Russians for their noble acts a million times over. Their assistance against the Spanish heretic has been most welcome.

As you may know the Spanish king is not below sending assassins to murder the families of my commanders. I have vowed vengeance as has my lead General. I am afraid there is no compromise to be had, Spain or Portugal shall fall. There shall be no two ways about it. And Portugal shall not fall without a fight, and a bloody one at that.

I suspect that Spain has bitten off more then she can chew. For now she is at war with four countries. With some prompting we shall bring our allies the Hapsburg monarchy into the picture and Spain shall be outmatched from five sides. She will be forced to surrender or die.

~King Sandpaw II

*The East Indies fleet attacks the Spanish trading company capturing it for Portugal's use. On land the Portuguese-Indian army invades Spanish controlled lands seizing anything the belonged to the Spanish.*

*Dutch settlers in Africa begin raiding Spanish colonies. A Dutch army called the Dulu is formed with the remains of the Zulu tribe and combats the Spanish forces with incredible vigor.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 05, 2016, 05:13:45 PM
A Declaration of War.
The remaining Swedish Army, the Norwegian Recruits, and, Lord Daskar, King of all Sweden, hereby declare war on Russia and he allies. For attack without provocation, for the murder of many Swedish people, for the imprisonment of her Majesty, the former Queen, alas, she is with us no more, for uncalled for trickery and deceit, for the destruction of the Swedish Navy, for inciting the Norwegian King against us, for the pillaging of our land, for the destruction of our towns, and many other crimes.

Lord Daskar  Major Alfons Romar  General Derrick Moltke Admiral Paal Kacper Captain Falkvard Vagn The Numerous Others Who Wished To Sign But Would Not Fit.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Søren on February 05, 2016, 05:41:48 PM
To Groddil, highly confidential
Lord Groddil,
We would like you to know that the Polish forces are ready at your command, should you need assistance. Sweden has declared war on us as well, and we shall begin recruitment and training of men to help build up our army for the coming war.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 07:39:09 PM
OOC: Groddil, I'm pretty sure I already said that 7 million troops is unrealistic. One million total military size, MAX. Otherwise, Russia starves to death, and so does your army.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 05, 2016, 07:40:36 PM
OOC: *Is happy.* Now I have a chance.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 07:52:20 PM
OOC: With 7 million soldiers, all of Europe combined couldn't stand against Russia. Seeing as Russia has a total population of 13 million in 1700, having over 50% of your population in the military is ludicrous. Soldiers eat, but grow no food...
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 05, 2016, 07:56:10 PM
OOC: I think Groddil found something that said they had 20,000,000. So by his standards he just has all the men in the country.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 08:01:49 PM
OOC: That is incorrect. Besides, who's going to grow food for the country?

BIC: The new His Majesty's Royal English Army has been raised, numbering 230,000 Regulars, 60,000 Rifle Grenadiers, 50,000 Cavalry, 70,000 Dragoons, and assorted siege weaponry (Total = 410,000+). Embarking aboard the English Royal Fleet, they land at Versailles and quickly take the city. Rebuilding the battered walls, they send messengers to the British Army of Redemption and their Russian allies in Dunkirk. Under the general oversight of King Wylder I himself, the armies plan strategy. The English Royal Fleet of 110 ships-of-the-line and 70 sloops and frigates sails to battle the Spanish Armada for control of the British Channel. The British send their new Mid-Atlantic Fleet of 25 ships-of-the-line and 10 frigates and 5 sloops to the British West Indies with 50,000 troops.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 05, 2016, 08:48:47 PM
OOC: Okay, most of the conscripts went home.


Lord Soren,
My troops are busy in Spain, so I would be extremely grateful if you marshaled troops and marched them to Sweden and put down Daskar. There are also 10,000 Swedish Militia that will be under your command when your forces get there.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

1,576,298 regular troops and 249,848 cossacks on their way to Spain.
500,000 stationed on the borders.
200,000 stationed throughout the Empire.
10,000 Swedish Miltia quelling revolts in Sweden.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
47,350 traveling with the navy to Spain.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Portugal.
87 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to France.
195 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to France.
243 Frigates sailing to France.
278 Sloops sailing to France.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Izeroth on February 05, 2016, 09:07:40 PM
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this letter constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.


Very well. I shall cease all military action against Portugal as promised.

*Brandenburg annexes the formerly-Swedish Oder river delta. Plans are drawn for the construction of a new port on the coastal land.*

*The Atlantic privateer fleet ends its attacks on Portuguese shipping and releases captured sailors.*

*The main Brandenburgian army returns to Berlin, with a small garrison of 1,500 remaining in the border towns.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 05, 2016, 09:33:11 PM
*Russian troops marching towards the Brandenburg-Russian border halt. A small contingent of soldiers are left behind to watch the borders, while the rest of the men change course for Sweden.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 05, 2016, 09:52:00 PM
OOC: How many is that?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 05, 2016, 10:18:23 PM
50,000-ish, plus the 10,000 Swedish Militia already in Sweden, and Soren's 100,000 men plus whatever he rounds up.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 11:31:41 PM
OOC: Take it down by another million. If you wish, you can keep 300,000 as conscripts. Napoleon's army of 600,000 was colossal at this time period. An army of 1.5 million is as if all of Brandenburg-Prussia just got up and went to war. Also, remember that your armies are leaving your homeland undefended. You'll still have the largest army, but won't be soooooo OP. In addition, Russia at this period is not a happy place. Make too much war, and soon you'll be needing those troops at home to quell rebellion. Just remember, the object of this game is not to conquer, but to have fun. Killing people out of the game is generally off limits, unless they agree to it.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 05, 2016, 11:34:49 PM
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.
Russian Troop Movements

1,076,298 regular troops and 249,848 cossacks on their way to Spain.
500,000 stationed throughout the Empire and on the borders.
10,000 Swedish Miltia quelling revolts in Sweden.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
47,350 traveling with the navy to Spain.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Portugal.
87 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to France.
195 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to France.
243 Frigates sailing to France.
278 Sloops sailing to France.

OOC: Down another 700,000. Any more and I have to take away Soren's troops.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 11:41:11 PM
OOC: That's good.

*Official Moderator Stamp of Approval*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 05, 2016, 11:46:32 PM
OOC: I guess the Ottoman attack force of 400,000 when I attacked Sweden was overkill then.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Wylder Treejumper on February 05, 2016, 11:51:05 PM
OOC: Not really. The Ottoman Empire is huge and populous, although weakened by years of internal strife and poor rulers.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 05, 2016, 11:52:29 PM
OOC: Heh heh, no more poor rulers now.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: James Gryphon on February 05, 2016, 11:53:17 PM
OOC: I'd refer to Wikipedia's pages on the wars that were actually fought at that time (like the Great Northern War) to determine realistic army sizes.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 06, 2016, 02:43:52 AM
OOC: I think I'll be stepping down from this one. I don't really find it fun anymore with the powerplaying. I'm leaving Spain open for whoever wants to pick up Spain. Good luck, guys.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 06, 2016, 10:52:03 AM
OOC: I'll take temporary control of Spain until the war is over, then we can divide it among our selves.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on February 06, 2016, 02:40:36 PM
OOC: That's fine for me. Though we'll wait for Wylder to say something. Let's just say there was a short pause in the fighting.


*The Mediterranean Fleet along with the Dutch fleet sit dead in the water watching the last of the enemy sails disappear over the horizon. A few cheer however it dies away as the men realize how many bodies were bobbing amongst the vessel wreckage. Slowly the ships repair and search the waters for survivors.*

*Peasants and freemen take advantage of the moment without the sounds of muskets firing. They dash out to meet the hollow-eyed soldiers taking food and drink. Many of the soldiers won't look at the citizens, they sit watching the surrounding lands as if fearing the Spanish will ignore the momentary truce and launch a third invasion.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 08, 2016, 06:05:53 AM
OOC: I'd much prefer it if a neutral party in the game would take control of Spain.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 08, 2016, 06:11:34 AM
OOC: Its only temporary. After the war, I'm not taking any of Spain.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 08, 2016, 08:03:34 PM
OOC: Whoa, two days and Soren hasn't powerplayed me out of existence yet.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 08, 2016, 09:01:54 PM
OOC: I am neutral in this war. I could take Spain.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 11, 2016, 01:02:39 PM
OOC: I would like that.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 16, 2016, 02:53:36 AM
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 16, 2016, 04:12:20 AM
OOC: Okay... *Takes Spain.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 21, 2016, 08:41:20 AM
*The Ottoman military citadel on Gothland is completed, establishing total Ottoman command of the eastern shore of Sweden.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on February 22, 2016, 10:11:02 PM
 To the Foul Being Known as Sultan Sagetip
I, King Dilu Daskar of Sweden, require and request the immediate removal of all Ottomans, in and near Sweden. Also do me a favor and send along your brain, boiled.
King Daskar.

To the Treacherous Scum Called Tsar Groddil.
I, King Dilu Daskar of Sweden, require and request the immediate removal of all Russians, in and near Sweden. Also do me a favor and send along your heart, mashed.
King Daskar

To the Cowardly Worm Ariepata II.
I, King Dilu Daskar of Sweden, require and request the immediate removal of all Portuguese, in and near Sweden. Also do me a favor and send your tongue and eyes along, pickled.
King Daskar.

OOC: Why Dilu wants those I have no idea. And whoever wants to can read those.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on February 22, 2016, 10:15:56 PM
The Sultan announces that the King of Sweden can go get his rosy-white paws dirty for once and do his own work.

*Ottoman forces finally take Sicily, with heavy losses of 5,000 men.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on February 22, 2016, 10:33:47 PM
The Tsar announces that Lord Daskar can go and drown himself.

*Russian troops in Sweden set up garrisons from the border with Russia to Norway.*

*Russian troops in Spain bombard Salamanca with artillery.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 23, 2016, 07:02:24 AM
OOC: I've decided to join again.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 23, 2016, 08:38:54 PM
OOC: So Ash do you have Spain again?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on February 24, 2016, 08:42:52 AM
OOC: Spain is mine. I'll PM Wylder, and then I'll post IC again.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Delthion on February 25, 2016, 03:34:38 AM
OOC: Okay.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 02, 2016, 06:15:42 PM

*With the Spanish distracted by the Ottoman forces at Madrid King Ariepata orders his two armies to advance simultaneously. The Fusiliers and the Third Militia form the 2nd Portuguese army commanded by General Alfanso, marches north besieging both Vigo and Coruna. The 1st Portuguese army commanded by King Ariepata himself advances southeast to Cadiz establishing a firm defensive line to the north.*

*Commander Loyla succeeds bringing the Spanish Netherlands firmly under his control. The Dutch lords move in quickly aiding in the takeover. Hoping to double their lands the King's army is shunted aside and the Dutch nobility takes over using personal armies and influence to control the Provence.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on March 02, 2016, 09:29:47 PM
*The Russian artillery supports a charge on Salamanca. Spanish defenders are overwhelmed as the Russians break down the gates and swarm into the city.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on March 02, 2016, 09:49:42 PM
OOC: Whoa, we should stop and wait for Ash. We didn't do battles like this in the other topic on the old forums.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 04, 2016, 10:20:58 PM

Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on March 05, 2016, 06:57:23 PM
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on March 06, 2016, 01:42:19 AM
OOC: Wait a minute, how did Sandpaw get control of the Spanish Netherlands again?

*The defenders of Salamanca rally at the town square, thanks to their commander, and use kneeling fire to give a devastating volley of fire. The remaining artillery bombards the Russian formations where they are tightest, causing enormous casualties*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on March 06, 2016, 02:14:43 AM
*Russian artillery retreat to a safe distance. Soldiers begin to organize a charge supported by the cannons.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 07, 2016, 12:14:55 AM

OOC: I invaded it a long time ago and you never responded. So I took it without much of a fight.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on March 08, 2016, 03:05:22 PM
*Ottoman troops at Sicily are bolstered by another 5,000 men, and set sail for Cardinia.

*The citadel at Gothland completes artillery installation. The island is permanently converted into a stronghold.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Groddil on March 08, 2016, 08:42:49 PM
*Russians charge the gates of Salamanca*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on March 08, 2016, 11:02:59 PM

*Portuguese soldiers outside Vigo lay siege to the city however no bombardments take place. A letter is sent to the defending colonel requesting he surrenders the city peacefully. Outside Coruna General Alfanso begins a strategic advance with the Fusilier 3rd infantry Division. Soldiers begin taking the outer city securing the store houses containing valuable resources including cotton, many types of metal, and weapons. Cannons are entrenched upon the surrounding hilltops but remain silent.*

*The 1st army advances into Cadiz while Dutch mariners attack from the ocean. Boats loaded with soldiers row towards shore covered by the artillery bombardment from the ships.*

To Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain

Lord Ashenwyte of Spain, your soldiers are outnumbered and outmatched. You do not have the military strength or capability to continue this foolish war. Have your armies surrender and then appear before the court of Portugal for crimes committed against the Empire. If you do so you shall be pardoned by the court and all of Ottoman, Russian, and Portugal occupied Span shall be returned to you.

However the Spanish Netherlands shall remain under the Portuguese flag, and Italian territories captured by the Ottomans shall remain under their control. Furthermore the Czar shall receive all of the Spanish colonies in the Indies. Should you not agree to these terms you shall be tracked down like a rat and all of Spain shall be submitted under foreign rule.

King Ariepata II
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 25, 2016, 12:27:07 AM

OOC: So you guys want to continue this potentially? I had this idea of doing War in the Americas, 1840s and such. Or maybe a WWII styled war game if that's more your thing.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Blaggut on April 25, 2016, 12:31:17 AM
((Are any nations unclaimed?))
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on April 26, 2016, 09:42:44 PM
OOC: France is up for grabs still.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lady Ashenwyte on April 27, 2016, 12:16:58 AM
OOC: I'm quite sure that France has been taken over by Spain.

 Message to King Sandpaw
Do not make me laugh. You are a pathetic excuse for a nation and I will crush you.
- Emperor Ashenwyte I

*Spanish soldiers lure the 3rd Infantry Division into a trap, surrounding them and causing enormous casualties*

*Assassins attack important Portuguese officials, including King Ariepata*

*The defenders at Cadiz start firing upon the Portuguese. Captain Alfonso leads a cunning flanking attack on the artillery ships that destroys most of them*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on April 27, 2016, 07:33:59 PM
Ottoman ships make landfall at Spain, unloading troops and artillery.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on April 28, 2016, 04:16:23 PM
 *The 3rd Fusilier Division is put into a retreat after heavy losses. General Alfanso orders the forces of Portugal to preform a tactical retreat thirty miles out from Coruna to where the cannons are entrenched outside Vigo. Thus reinforced General Alfanso orders most of his army to retreat leaving a thin line to act as rearguard, making it look like a trap, the plan being that the Spanish would think so as well, and not attack swiftly. Meanwhile the remaining forces would return to Vigo fortifying it as to hold it against the Spanish. As expected Spanish Spies return to the army informing the general of Alfanso's plans. The Spanish preform a full scale attack falling straight into Alfanso's trap, which was a real trap. Inflicting heavy casualties using the entrenched cannons. General Alfanso then advances back to Coruna and lays siege to the city.*

*King Ariepata is protected from the assassination attempts by the Royal Guard, and uses the attacks as propaganda to rally his military commanders. Unconcerned about the heavy amount of fire coming from the city, Portuguese Conquistador Line Infantry smash into Cadiz using the sword and bayonet with equal abandon. Against Ariepata's orders the Portuguese army begins looting Cadiz raiding the deserted homes of Spanish Nobles.*

*Admiral Pedro rallies the scattered ships of the Portuguese navy and fights a desperate battle against the Spanish war fleet. Refusing to retreat the Portuguese manage to drive the Spanish back though not without heavy casualties, and loss of ships.*
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on April 28, 2016, 04:27:03 PM
*After some minor back and forth gunfire and artillery barrages, the Ottomans have slowly progressed through Spain. Cavalry patrols litter the countryside as the large Ottoman camp replenishes supplies at a farming village. They are ready to move on and reinforce their allies at the Spanish Portugese line.

*The commander of the invasion sends ahead a four man cavalry group to bring news of the Ottoman invasion to the Portugese.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: SilentSam on May 06, 2016, 11:13:17 PM
OOC: I will either take France or Denmark-Norway, whichever wasn't taken over by now. *is too lazy to read most of topic"
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on May 06, 2016, 11:27:33 PM
Nevermind wrong thread.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on May 07, 2016, 03:14:30 PM

OOC: France is potentially taken by Bonaparte which is currently occupied by Spain and being invaded by England. Denmark-Norway was occupied by the Swedish but was "Liberated" by the Portuguese during the war with Swedish powers. You are welcome to take Denmark as a gift from the Empire of Portugal. Lets say you are the cousin or something to King Ariepata and he installs you as King of Denmark.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: SilentSam on May 07, 2016, 04:16:13 PM
OOC: *takes Denmark-Norway*
Thank you, (cousin) King Ariepata! We are forever in your debt. Our country is a land of many riches. We shall give you 10,000 krones to help you in your conflict. We will try to enter the war sometime, after we stock up on troops. Here is an ancient Icelandic saga, as a gift. I shall now be called King Adriano!
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: LT Sandpaw on May 17, 2016, 11:50:51 PM


Stuff is happening.
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Hickory on July 12, 2016, 05:08:23 PM
OOC: Revive...?
Title: Re: War in 1700 Cont.
Post by: Lord Daskar on July 12, 2016, 05:19:35 PM
OOC: The true King of Sweden will return! And no, that's not you Groddil.