Redwall Abbey

Fan Works => Completed Roleplays => Roleplaying => Incomplete/Abandoned Roleplays => Topic started by: Thomas Barkshield on May 26, 2016, 04:48:56 PM

Title: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 26, 2016, 04:48:56 PM
Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. All the thing you could do with a potatoes. Boil them, mash them, stick em up a rat's... no, nevermind. Thoughts like that could get you whipped. But potatoes were the least of Tom's worries. The Saltsprayer had been understaffed for many weeks. Nots that Tom's position could really be described as staff. Staff got paid. And not whipped. And were probably a lot happier than he was. Anyways, a new shipment of "honorary crewmen" was arriving shortly, and none too soon. He was the only one left after all the whippings, drownings and shootings. Shortly after he could hear the longboats pulling up to the ship and unloading onto the the deck. He was now expected to train these new arrivals. He hollered to them in a billowing voice.

Alright then, were going to play a game. We all go in a circle and introduce ourselves. I'm Tom. As you can see, I'm a mousebeast. I'm the leader of you lowley buckos. You all answer to me now. Right then, who's next?
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 27, 2016, 09:52:09 PM
Hortensia Thistledown was terrified. Early that morning, their little coastal hamlet had been raided, and huge searats had burst into her the place she lived with her mum and dad. Alright, bad idea, that was not a good line of thought. Don't think of mum and dad. She swallowed back her tears with difficulty. But as she was shoved into the ship, Tenny had to glance back over her shoulder to watch the remainder of the little reedy huts burning brightly, and see the body of a hare laying face down in the surf with a speak sticking out his back. The squirrelmaid had to look away, fresh tears appearing as she tried to not think about who that was.

The next few minutes blurred together, and when Tenny would look back on this point in her life later(if there was a later), she would not be able to remember anything. At least up until a mouse began shouting at her. His voice was so loud and confusing, it was all she could do to hunch over and try to cover her ears. But she found herself unable to do so due to the chains binding her paws together. So she instead summoned her strength and courage and shouted: "Quiet! Please!"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 27, 2016, 11:25:03 PM
Wottsa matter, little Missy, did yet little toeseys wet on the way over? Perhaps the power had gone to his head just a little bit. After all, these people were his allies.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on May 27, 2016, 11:58:51 PM
The grizzled, older Hedgehog named Darius Ashspike watched this exchange quietly, not sure how to comfort the terrified hare(?, wasn't established). However, when the mouse that had introduced himself as Tom started teasing her, he spoke up.

"Watch yerself, mouse. We may be slaves, but that doesn't mean we should stoop as low as our captors. This poor beast just went through some trauma, that was her village they just attacked."

The dusty brown spikes that covered his head bristled as he glared at Tom.

Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 28, 2016, 12:11:53 AM
"Leave 'er alone, or I'll snap yer scrawny little traitorous neck, mouse," Rossda Thorntail gave Tom a steely eyed glare and stepped forwards to get a bit in front of the squirrelmaid, chains clanking as she moved. She was chained hand and foot. It had taken four of the corsair crew to subdue the otter. She had only calmed down when she had been chained up to the others. She had a set of fresh flail marks crossing her back and sholders for her efforts. Though they where not the only marks on her, her body was covered in an assortment of old scars.

"Do no' worry I'll no' let any thin' 'apen t'ye," She said to Hortensia.

(OOC: and Thom do you mind using Quotation marks on your dialog, it can get really confusing without them. Oh and She said she was a Squirrel)
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 28, 2016, 12:21:30 AM
OOC: yeah I see what you mean.

BIC: "I ain't no traitor. I've endured more'n the lot a ye combined. Do ye know what it's like, seeing yer friend lashed to the keel of a boat? Getting whipped till the flesh falls from yer bones? And the potatoes, oh those potatoes... But anyhow, let's not stop the festivities. Yer names, out wid dem."

Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on May 28, 2016, 12:40:46 AM
(OOC: Ach, there it is. Missed that before.)

Darius continued eyeing Tom, but knew that he would have to at least be on speaking terms with the mouse if he was to manage escaping the Saltsprayer.

"M'name's Darius Ashspike. My friends call me Darius. You, mouse, call me Ashspike."

He glanced at Rossda, hoping to catch the gaze of the Otter, who he could tell was like him; a honorable warrior beast.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 28, 2016, 01:16:34 AM
"See, thats the answer I was lookin fer. Here a hog who knows his place. Whaddabout the rest a ye?"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 28, 2016, 01:57:17 AM
Rossda glared Tom down, unwavering, "I 'ave seen my fare share o' 'urt, mouse. What ye 'ave gone though es no excuse fer yer actions, or who yew chose t'be. I would be careful whose side yew chose, or yew may end up on the wrong side of my blade," She paused for a moment considering something and then almost as an after thought she added "I am called Rossda Thorntail, remember that mouse,"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 28, 2016, 02:59:00 AM
" Wot blade, otter? In case yew ad'nt forgotten, we're prisoners o these ere searats. Yewd best remember that, Thorntail.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 28, 2016, 03:22:23 AM
Tenny pressed closer to Rossda and Darius, glad that somebeast would be looking out for her, but still quaking a tiny bit. Older than a dibbun, but not quite yet an adult, she was still too young to be here. All of them were, even the older Darius. Any age was too young for slavery, really.

Able to find her voice, she piped up(speaking mostly to Rossda and Darius), "I'm Hortensia Thistledown. Folks call me Tenny."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 28, 2016, 03:28:45 AM
In response to Tom's words Rossda just smiled and chuckled. Despite the fact that she was shackled and chained she seemed quite cavalier. She turned her attention away from Tom, obviously coming to the conclusion that he was no longer worth her while. She caught the gaze of Darius, and raised her brow at him. She had seen him watching her, not just now, but earlier when they where being brought over. He didn't seem afraid of her, nor in awe, he just seemed to be evaluating her. Though weather he was evaluating her trustworthiness or her usefulness was still to be seen.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on May 28, 2016, 04:13:11 AM
"Well," said Darius, smiling slightly. "We'll keep an eye on yeh, Tenny. An' we'll get yeh outta here, in no time at all. Yeh'll not live the life o' a slave, young 'un." The large Hedgehog rattled his chains impatiently. "Soon as we figure out a way to get outta these shackles."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 28, 2016, 04:30:31 AM
Let's me tell ye a secret Ms. Tenny. It don't pay to listen to folks like him, cause all they do is get ye a good lashing. Take it from me Missy, a good lashing ain't easily fergotten. So do as yer told and maybe, just maybe, ye'll last long enough to be sold as a maid. Do ye hear me!
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 28, 2016, 11:32:02 AM
"Shut it, all of ya!"
A tall, lanky weasel strode in amongst the new arrivals.
"Stop yer whining. Nobeast wants t'know your entire life stories. And if I catch another beast mention slavery, ye'll be chopped up'n fed t'the others. Yer crewbeasts now, not slaves. Th' catch is, on me ship, crew ain't paid an' they isn't allowed t'leave. An' if they tries t'mutiny, they gets killed. No questions? Good. Some of yer'll be mannin' oars when there ain't no wind. Some of yer'll be workin' in the galley. An' others get t'clean th'decks. Y'get today off t'learn what yer'll all be doin' an' get some trainin'. Tomorrow, yer'll all be 'ard at work from dawn 'til dusk."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 28, 2016, 12:12:41 PM
Rossda gave Darius a warning look, she wanted out just as much as the next but that didn't mean she was going to talk about it in the open with that mouse listening to every word. When the captain came into their midst her gaze changed targets, and as she watched the captain a hungry gleam seemed to come into her eyes.

"Aye Cap'in," She said with a surprising lack of spite in her tone.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 28, 2016, 01:01:06 PM
"Good, good. See mates? The riverdog gets it. She's all nice 'n' obeyin'-like. I likes it when beasts don't struggle. Makes 'em live longer, doesn't it, crew?"
The searats chuckled and murmured to each other.
"But know this, riverdog. If I ever finds out that ye crossed me, then I'll kill yer. Tie yer feet t'rocks an' throw yer inta th'water. Bah, but a sailor can't be all gloomy. Yer on the open seas wid the wind in yer sails, so be 'appy and don't think rebellious. Welcome t'the crew, riverdog."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 28, 2016, 01:36:10 PM
Rossda chuckled confidently. 

"Do no' yew mean, ye'll tie meh t'rocks t'row meh t'the mercy o'tha waves an' let 'em kill meh, cause ef yew kill meh, I do no' quite care what 'appens t'me after... En tha mean time, Ef yew d'no' mind, seein' as were no' slaves an all, kin yew unshackle us." She said holding up her paws to prove her point.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 28, 2016, 02:59:37 PM
"I agree wid er, sir, lets get some work done round ere! Say sir, do you be needin a shoe polishin? Nail clippin? Per'aps a nice cool drink? Anyting at all sir, you just give the word and me an' these ere fine lads will do it straightaway fer ya! We know ow' ard it can be, doing all that liberatin an commandin an fightin an suchlike. " He gave a quick salute and waited for a reply.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on May 28, 2016, 04:35:00 PM
Darius rolled his eyes at Tom's servility, and addressed the weasel pointedly.

"If we're yer crewbeasts, cap'n, might I ask what we're doin' in these chains?" He shook his arms, rattling the chains for emphasis.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 28, 2016, 11:07:02 PM
"I'll tell yer why, 'edgepig. Yer in them chains until I knows what to do with yer. If yer rebelious, yer stay in them chains. Alright, release the Riverdog an' send 'er to the Galley. An' this mouse...I likes 'im, wasn't 'e 'ere before? Send 'im t'me cabin. I needs a new steward ever since Mizzi got crushed unner an 'ammer."
Two rats moved forwards swiftly releasing Rossda from the shackles.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 29, 2016, 12:57:05 AM
OOC: Tom was already part of the "crew" It was just Rossda, Darius, and Tenny who where shackled.

Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 29, 2016, 10:18:32 PM
OOC: Changed post. Consider it a promotion.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 29, 2016, 10:31:36 PM
Tenny was buffeted away from Rossda as the rats unshackled her, and tried stepping back away from them. She stared up at the pirate, "Wot 'bout me?" She tried timidly.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 29, 2016, 10:57:53 PM
"Wot 'bout you? Stupid treejumper. You'll be let out when I think you're good and ready. Now then, bushtail, what're you good at? I reckons ye'd make a good lookout. How'd ya like that?"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 29, 2016, 11:08:07 PM
OOC: Tenny's actually a squirrel. ;)

Yeah, I gave her a hare name(but there is a reason for that!), I don't blame ya for calling her a hare. :P

I did think about making her a hare for a while. Maybe I should have.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 29, 2016, 11:33:58 PM
OOC: Everyone's been calling her a hare. Whoops.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 29, 2016, 11:41:21 PM
OOC: Yeah. Maybe I shoulda made that more clear in my first post?

Though, interesting tidbit: she identifies more with hares than she does with squirrels, seeing as she was adopted by hares. So she prolly wouldn't object to being called a hare so much. :D

BIC: Tenny shrank back, still meek and rather terrified of this pirate, "I could do thet." She said quietly. It didn't sound too hard? Maybe? "Wot do I gotta do?"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on May 29, 2016, 11:54:30 PM
OOC: She's a bit like the opposite of Jodd the Squirrelhare.


The weasel grinned, showing his disgusting teeth.
"Why, all ya gotta do is climb up t'the crow's nest. Then, whenever ya sees somethin', be's it land, sharks, 'r other ships, ya yells down t'the deck. Course, bein' a bushtail, tis prob'ly th' best job y'could ever wish fer. Whaddaya say, treejumper?"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on May 29, 2016, 11:56:58 PM
Tom rushed off to the cabin and returned carrying the captain's good coat.
"Per'aps ye would like te throw a party? Y'know, in honour of yer glorious battle wid the landlubbers. It'd give the new arrivals a chance t'get acquainted wid de crew. Y'know, so theys can learn each other's names. "
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on May 30, 2016, 12:00:16 AM
OOC: Yup. She's Ten the Haresquirrel.

BIC: "A'ight, I kin do thet for ya," Tenny held out her shackled paws hopefully, desperately wanting to be released from her chains, if only to still be stuck on the boat, "I'll be good wit thet."

She turned as Tom came back, a hesitant excitement rising in her chest at the mention of a party. Even if it was shadowed by death and slavery.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on May 30, 2016, 12:07:28 AM
Darius' eyes shot daggers at Tom when the Mouse returned, babbling about a party. With his eyes still fixated on Tom, he addressed the captain.

"And what of me, Weasel? I'm certain a brilliant creature as yourself will be able to find a suitable role for one such as myself." The sarcasm in his voice was hardly noticeable, though it was definitely there.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on May 30, 2016, 01:22:49 AM
Rossda rubbed her wrists where the shackles had been but she did not leave Tenny's side. The young squirrel maid was much to young to be expected to go though trauma like this. Rossda gently rested a paw on Tenny's shoulder to comfort her. While she did this here eyes where taking everything in. She evaluated their surroundings and counted the vermin crew members that she could see from here. She watched Tom run off, it was despicable the way her groveled, he had no pride. She was also trying to size up this Darius fellow. He seemed like an ok fellow but he also seemed a little thick. If he kept this up he was going to get himself into trouble, and she wasn't about to risk her skin to get him out of it.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Izza on June 02, 2016, 03:10:22 AM
Braski Tyrro, a field mouse, groaned and rubbed his head. The last thing he remembered was getting deeply involved in a drinking game at the Inn with a couple of burly searats. They had kept buying him drinks and he had kept drinking them. Now his entire world was swaying back and forth as though he was on the sea.

He groaned and found that the air tasted like salt. Where in the world was he? He opened his eyes, and found himself peering off the edge of a ship. He was on a ship. Having never been on the sea more than once or twice, this alone was enough to freak Braski out. The fact that his paws were manacled topped it off. He spewed the contents of his stomach onto the deck and retched.

"What th' devil have ya done to me ya bloomin lobster bellies? Someone get me out of these blasted things!"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on June 02, 2016, 04:02:21 AM
Darius looked over, startled. He had earlier mistaken the unconscious mouse for a sack, albeit a rather furry one. Now he was proven wrong, and winced in sympathy as the mouse lost last nights meal. He chuckled at Braski's insult, finding 'Lobster Bellies' to be rather humorous.

"Ach, I haven't insulted them yet, and I'm still stuck in these chains. I like your style though, mouse."

Darius looked back at the captain, preparing an insult in his mind.

"Cap'n, I hate to break this to you, but you're a lumpish, clay-brained bugbear."

Not done yet, Darius looked at Tom.

"As fer yew, you'd struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel."

Darius knew that antagonizing the captain and Tom probably wasn't the best of ideas, but he was enjoying the captain's growing irritation with him. Anyways, Darius was an able-bodied beast, and knew that the captain wouldn't kill him, though some lashings were to be expected at the very least.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on June 02, 2016, 04:22:01 AM
"Apparently the' cappins smarter n' you, capturing ye like that. As fer you mouse, I'm glad ye finally decided to join us. We was about to throw ye overboard, seeing as ye were tipping the boat wid yer fat belly.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on June 02, 2016, 04:34:11 AM
The weasel laughed as Bracki threw up all over the deck, then fell silent as he started spewing forth something else; insults.
"Well, lobster bellies? I'm partial to a nice bit o' lobster meself. But ye have t'understand somethin'. I'm the' Cap'n, so I gives the orders. Not you. I thinks ye'll be cleanin' ya stomach contents up once yer freed."
The weasel's eyes widened as Darius stared speaking again.
"Is that so? Two cheekybeasts from the same load, eh? I've 'ad enougha yew, hedgepig. Show 'im what we does wit' disobedient crew. Both of 'em!"
Two searats grinned at each other, picking up whips and striding towards Darius and Bracki.
The captain turned back to the creatures let out of their chains.
"Alrighty, steward. A party sounds real fine. Yew go an' organise it. Riverdog, why don't ya go with cookie an' 'elp 'im make some vittles fer this party. BUSHTAIL! WHAT'RE YA STILL STANDIN' AROUND FER? GET UP THE RIGGIN' AND START LOOKIN' FER THINGS!"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on June 02, 2016, 04:45:03 AM
Tenny jumped, squeaking in her panic, "Yessir!" She said shrilly, scampering away. She got out of the cabin, and only slowed down once she got to the mast. Tenny stared up at the swaying pillar of wood and gulped. She wasn't that great at climbing, outside of her natural squirrel abilities(she never ever practiced), and the idea of climbing a swaying piece of wood with no real handholds made her stomach drop with fear.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on June 02, 2016, 04:58:42 AM
"Wot a wunderful idea capn! I'll take the crew below decks and show em round. Best give the squirrel an opportunity to see where she'll be sleepin too." Tom took all of them below the deck of the ship and whispered quietly in their ears "hshpshshphshsshshpsh" after which they disbanded to perform the duties they had just been given.

OOC: all the whispering will be pm'd to the slaves.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on June 02, 2016, 05:32:28 AM
OOC: Wait, I'm confused... Weren't two of them still chained up?
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on June 02, 2016, 03:11:47 PM
OOC: Also, I was under the impresison that the captain had told two other vermin to deal with Darius and Bracki.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on June 02, 2016, 03:40:47 PM
OOC the idea is that Tom is saving them from that
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on June 02, 2016, 07:20:41 PM
OOC: Gotcha

BIC: Darius was skeptical, preferring not to trust Tom, and still confident that he was at least somewhat accurate in his description of Tom's intelligence, but went off to grab a keg of beer, being one of the stronger creatures below decks.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Izza on June 02, 2016, 07:43:49 PM
Not being the brightest of creatures, Braski wasn't entirely sure how to do some of the tasks Tom had assigned. With a sigh, he resided himself to the task of keeping the crew occupied. He walked above decks, into the center of the pirates and, not entirely on purpose, fell flat on his face. The sea and drink were not treating his stomach and head kindly, and this seemed to be one of the easier methods of keeping them busy.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Faiyloe on June 02, 2016, 10:33:58 PM
Rossda listened carefully to every word that Tom said. She still felt like his sniveling was disgraceful, but Darius and Braski's approach was just fool hardy. In fact it was down right counter productive. However the idea of going to the kitchens appealed to her. There would be food and a knives there, and if what Tom said about the cook being sympathetic there would be information as well.

"Ah'll be en the kitchen ef yew need meh," Rossda said to Tenny before she headed off to the galley. 
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Groddil on June 03, 2016, 03:47:49 AM
The weasel, quite annoyed that Thom had rescued Darius and Braski from their whipping, resolved to punish them later. Let the party go on, he could do with a stiff drink lately. Ignoring the thought for the time being, he passed Braski, who had tripped over yet again.
"What's th'matter? 'Aven't got yer sea legs yet, matey? Well, I suggestes ya finds 'em soon. Next time I sees ya fall over, ya get a lash. Errey time ya trips, more lashes. Once th'first time, twice the second time...wot comes after two? Ah, ya get th'picture. I doesn't 'ave time fer crew that can't take three steps without screwin' somethin' up!"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Izza on June 04, 2016, 02:00:03 AM
At the mentions of possible lashings and without Darius around, Braski finally found his footing.

"Er, aye! I'll be outta your way right this second cap'n, your lordship, king, general sir!"

Seeking to get out of the grouchy weasel's sight, Braski ducked into the nearest doorway. He found himself in the crew's quarters. As his task was to distract them anyway, this actually played into Braski's hands. Making a conscious effort not to tremble with fear, he called them around a table and produced an old grubby deck of playing cards.

"Ahoy there mateys, gather round, now I'll wager none of ya can beat me in a game of crazy eights!"

Braski was cheating, of course, but the exciting game and the competitive nature of the pirates kept almost the entire crew huddled around the little table.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on June 04, 2016, 09:44:38 PM
Darius walked back to Tom, holding a large keg of beer, being exceptionally careful not to accidentally spill any. As an after though, the hedgehog had grabbed some tankards and had them on top of the keg. Just in case.

"I've got the keg," he grunted, setting it down. "What do we need it fer?"
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on June 05, 2016, 03:54:08 AM
"A'ight," Tenny waved goodbye to Rossda half-heartedly at the otter left, and stood still for a moment, unsure of what to do. Looking around, Braski was keeping the crew occupied; she'd seen him go into the crew quarters, and shouts fit to curl her ears were coming from the room. Rossda, of course, had gone into the kitchen. And Darius was heading back towards Tom with a keg of drink and tankards. There didn't seem to be much left for her to do. Except getting the chairs, and she'd seen them. They were awful big.

But she wanted to be free as well, so she hopped over to the kitchen, where the chairs were stored, and after a quick hi to Rossda, began dragging on back out to Tom. It scraped on the wooden floor loudly, but she made it back to Tom, as well as Darius, who'd reached him by now. She paused then, keeping quiet to listen to what Tom would say.
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Thomas Barkshield on June 07, 2016, 05:41:02 PM
OOC: I tried to send a pm but it didn't Work so I'll just use a spoiler.

alright, here's the plan, we get the pirates drunk then steal.some supplies. Knives, boots and suchlike. Make sure not to steal too much, cause that would get suspicious."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: W0NWILL on June 07, 2016, 06:02:29 PM
Tenny flopped over the chair she'd dragged over, "I know 'ow t' box." She offered. She wasn't the biggest or strongest creature, but she was fast, and could bob and weave like anyone's business. Her da had been one of those boxing hares, and he'd taught her once she was old enough. "An' we can tear up stuff t' make slings. An', um..." She thought, "I dunno wot else."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Izza on June 10, 2016, 01:11:45 AM
Braski, who was now sporting a purplish looking black eye, poked his head into the room -

"Whellll, this'll be too easy mates. The fellows in there only just mentioned how's there wasn't anything to drink around our little card came. So I told 'em we'd play some old fashioned Circle Of Death. They has to drink every time an ace is drawn, and I'll be making sure the aces come up at the right time, if you catch my meaning. Leave it all to me chaps! And, er, Darius mind bringin that barrel over to the quarters for me? It looks right heavy."
Title: Re: Escape from the Saltsprayer
Post by: Unimaginative on June 10, 2016, 03:56:41 AM
Darius grunted as he lifted the barrel, before struggling over to where Braski had directed.