
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Overlord's Orders V

Started by Redwall Musician, December 26, 2011, 06:06:52 PM

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Redwall Musician

We are on to our next round of Overlord's Orders! Welcome one and all to Overlord's Order's V! I was lucky enough to become the overlord, or overlady (but you shall call me Queen). Please note the game-play below:

Quote from:  Overlord's Orders
The Rules
We will have an overlord, who will be all powerful and control the game.
Everyone else will be a servant of theirs to do his or her bidding, which will be a new assignment at the beginning of each round.
The game begins by the Overlord summoning everyone before them and questioning them about whether they got the thing they wanted.

Let's say the Overlord might have wanted a jeep to use.

Example Round:
Stage 1: Who failed?
The Overlord would question one person of everyone in the game (this would be random selection) and ask them why they failed to bring them the thing they wanted (which will invariable happen, no one ever succeeds).
Stage 2: Defenses
That person can then blame their failure on some random thing (like maybe an elephant destroying the jeep) or someone else in the game; anything to shrug themselves off from the immediate blame placed on them.
Pretty much everything goes at this point, following a rough outline of what happened based on the First Accused, who as stated before will be decided by the Overlord at the beginning of the round.
Everyone can blame someone, themselves, keep silent, or introduce some sort of new feature that happened while acquiring the item (in this case, a jeep). Eventually, the Overlord will process the information and decide who failed, or might just get tired of the arguing and randomly select someone at random.
Stage 3: Fault is fixed
The person chosen to have failed by the Overlord is then thrown out, vaporized, or something creative, by the Overlord's orders. The idea is to not be this person, and to survive as long as possible.

Likely, the Overlord will be choosing the best defenses as survivors.

One last thing, whenever someone says something, it becomes fact. It is what happened. If someone says an elephant destroyed a jeep, then anyone calling that person a liar is for certain lying; the jeep was destroyed by an elephant. What's up for telling for someone else is, for example, who set the elephant on the jeep. Things are bound to work a lot better that way.

Remember to keep things civil, stay inside the board rules, keep all hands and legs inside the game until it comes to a complete stop...
One final rule, keep spam, unless it's game spam, to an absolute minimum.

This will be similar to the other rounds we had. I advise that if this your first time playing this game, you should read one of the previous rounds to get a better sense of how this game will go:

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
If you wish to play this round, simply reply adding your name to this list:

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
3. Matthias720
4. Mad Maudie
5. Taggerung_of_Redwall
6. winifred

..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


I'm a bit hesitant to join this round as I'll be away for a whole week half way through... Would that matter?
Received mostly negative reviews.

Redwall Musician

If you still want to play, I'm willing to try to work around it. So it doesn't matter to me, but it's up to you.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Alright then, I'll sign up. When I think about it, I might still be able to post, but we'll see.

1. DanielofRedwall
Received mostly negative reviews.

Tiria Wildlough

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
3. Matthias720 (a strangely familiar face...)

Mad Maudie

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
3. Matthias720 (a strangely familiar face...)
4. Mad Maudie
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
3. Matthias720 (a strangely familiar face...)
4. Mad Maudie
5. ToR
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


count me in!
6. winifred

And may the best beast win! ;)
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...

Redwall Musician

I will post the first round tonight. Until then, sign ups will remain open.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Redwall Musician

OOC: Sign ups are officially closed!

1. DanielofRedwall
2. Tiria Wildlough
3. Matthias720
4. Mad Maudie
5. Taggerung_of_Redwall
6. winifred

And if anyone is wondering, I don't plan to make this game connected to the others, although there may be references to the other rounds.

Deep in the spring country side, there was a village. On a hill overlooking the village was the palace. It resembled a very, very large Roman villa, but around every corner was a new surprise. It had been designed by the queen.
She was once, as legend has it, a rich and greedy child. When her parents died, she was on her own. Leaving the safety of her caretakers, she retreated to the forest and there gained her power. She befriended the forest nymphs, the fairies, the elves, and soon build for herself a kingdom which spread over the land.
It was a quiet afternoon in her gardens within the villa. The only ones around was the gardeners tending their plants. Them, and the queen. She sat upon her high couch, laying looking up at the blue sky above. Suddenly, she produced a small flute from her tunic and blew into it. Instantly her most trusted servants were at her feet.
"I have some important guest coming tonight. They happen to love cupcakes. I've had my chef prepare her finest. But I need a few more things. Be back by six. I've got to get ready."
She then handed a paper to the servants and left. The paper read:
"To Do:
ToR and winifred:
Get mini chocolate chips at the chocolate shop

Daniel and Maudie:
Get fresh strawberries from the mountain

Matthias and Tiria:
Get my finest silver platter which is at my cottage in the forest

It was late. Stars twinkled from the sky above, casting their elegant light the the servants who stood nervously at the feet of their queen. They were in chains with guards standing on either side of them.
"I asked you to get simple things for my cupcakes! Instead Matthias comes back with a rock, Tiria arrives later on a pumkin carriage. Daniel and Maudie, you both are flying a dragon and scared away my guest, with no strawberries. And ToR comes back with EXTRA LARGE chocolate chips, and without winifred. We had to send a search party out to find her! One of you speak up and tell me what is going on!"
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Tiria Wildlough

Tiria bows low. 'Forgive me, almighty one. Matthias and I could not find your cottage at first, and when we did find it, we were going to be late. So Matthias said he'd take the silver platter and go the short way. I tried to tell him it was unwise, but he just pushed me into the stream. When I picked myself up, he was gone. I found the carriage near the stream, and brought it here, but I was chased by little monsters with whips. I think I saw Matthias making mud pies in a puddle as I was rocketing past. I don't know what he did that for, or where he got the rock, your majesty, I swear it!'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


"Our trip was all Maudie's fault. We got up the mountain quick enough, although she wouldn't stop talking so we had to play The Silent Game. We both picked as much strawberries as the basket could take. Then a dragon suddenly appeared, and I had to grab a sword and fight it off (it had started to attack us). Suddenly a wizard appeared. Maudie went over to the wizard, whispered something to him, and the wizard made our strawberries disappear. I asked her what it was for, and she just shrugged. Then, the wizard made my sword disappear. Maudie somehow jumped on to the dragon's back. I protested and said the dragon was dangerous, but as the dragon flew at me she pulled me up on to it's back as well! Of course, the guests were quite scared to see us riding the dragon, but blame Maudie, my Queen."
Received mostly negative reviews.


"Winifred suggested we go to Russia to get the mini chocolate chips. I told her you wanted them from the local store, but she would not listen to me, reason or common sense. So off to Russia she flew. I arrived at the store shortly, purchased the bag you desired, and was careful not to lose it. As I was coming back, by foot, as winifred stole our cart, the rebel showed herself.
"I told her I had the bag, and everything was completed, no thanks to her. However, she promptly stole the bag and ripped it up and threw it everything. Not sure how, but she then brought out very large chocolate chips from her pockets, and a giant cow trailed her. She said it was a cow. And it was a cow."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Mad Maudie

"the only reason i whispered to the wizard is because i new dragons loved strawberries i wanted the wizard to stop him from taking them but he did not obviously the wizard liked strawberries to and it attacked because Daniel was attacking it and it wanted the strawberries and well you know bad people come out at dark so i wanted to get home fast so i jumped on the dragon and pulled Daniel up with me sorry your guests were afraid of a dragon!"
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
