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Welcome to World States!

Started by Dannflower Reguba, June 26, 2020, 10:25:10 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       Once again, welcome! I'm thoroughly excited about this addition to the RP board, and I'm really looking forward to what y'all have in store! This is a simple introduction to the board and the goals that are set by having it, rules will be posted in a separate topic. As I've mentioned in announcements leading up to this point, the idea of this board is to eventually build a directory full of RP'ing templates upon which GM's can refine a world of their own. Steampunk? Sci-Fi? Mythical? Magic? You want it, you can build it here and have it be open to the public for commentary, development, and, hopefully, induction into the directory! The Directory will be posted at a later date to compile all completed World States. Usage of a World State can be as simple as a quick note on the OP of an OOC: topic (I highly recommend a link to the specific World State to make things simple for your players) to let the players know what your world is going to look like before adding any changes that you desire for your rendition. At the time of writing this post, there's a lot more information to be brought, so I ask that y'all hang tight as the guidelines for this system are finished... That having been said, there's nothing to stop you from starting is there? The 5th RP tournament, small as it was, provided a preview of what I'm looking at, so if you've got a desire to get started on something of this nature immediately, consult the rules for the tournament worlds: and feel free to begin developing! Mind you, there are NO restrictions to the number of people involved! Go wild and get a party together! On the flip side, I would like you to know that the end requirements will likely be harsher than they were for the tournament. Cartography is going to be rather important for the success of this sub-board, as will patience and creativity. Creating a fully functional World is no easy task, but I can verify that it is, indeed, a task worth doing. The clay's in your paws now, let's see you mold something. ;)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This