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Mythrandale, The Realm of the Norsebeasts.

Started by AbbotAlf0805, July 23, 2012, 01:18:13 AM

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This isn't really one fanfic but more of a land in the FAR north seas. It's is an island with a Viking-like culture. I will be making different short stories about the island.

This is the first tale...

         In Redwall Abbey an old mouse was seated by the fire with a swarm of dobbins around him.
"Leave mister Fengal alone." said old Badgerpa Stone getting the dibbins back so Fengal could finish his meal.
"It be ok 'tone... Let the youngins have 'ome fun while they be young." said Fengal tapping his wooden cane on the ground. The dibbins all crowded around Fengal with their eyes opened wide and ready for a story. Fengal smiled at the and said,
"Now listen closely youngsters. Tis be the the tale of me 'omeland. The isle 'o Mythrandale.."

          "Roth! Roth where are you?" said Fengal walking along the boardwalk in the Mythrandale town of Daurgsa looking for his friend Roth. He walked past a barrel and Roth jumped out scaring Fengal.
"Bwhaha! You should see ye face Fengal! Ha!" laughed Roth. Fengal didn't think it was that funny,
"Roth your father needs you!" Roth climbed out of the barrel saying,
"Wait, for what?" Fengal shook him saying,
"The other tribes!!" Memory hit Roth and he sprinted for the fort yelling over his back, "Tell Freta to save me a dance at the Green Serpent tonight! Drinks on me!"

         Fengal shook his head and walked off to go to work at the tavern. It must be hard being the chieftains son and all... he thought.

    Roth ran into the stone fort that his family lived in and grabbed an apple. He took a bite out saying, "Hello mum!" His mother, Queen Namia, was walking up the stairs that led to the throne room and she replied, "Roth! What are you doing? Get some better clothes on and get to the throne room! The other tribes are gathering at our castle to discus ending the wars." Roth sighed and walked to his room.

      King Nido was very old. He had been in many wars and wore an eyepatch over one eye. He sat on his throne half asleep when he was awakened by a slammed door. He jumped up to see Roth walking in in his armor.
"Ah.. Son! Good to see you showed up!" he said sitting back down. Roth nodded and smiled at his father. He sat down next to his brother, Ikol.
"Well don't ye look 'appy.." said Ikol under his breath. Roth pointed his hammer at him,

"Wot did ye say?"

"I said mind ye own skin!"

"Shut up that's a lie!"

"Why don't ye try me and we'll see who's the lair!?"

"Guess I will!"

"Enough!" yelled Nido silencing the boys, "When the other tribes arrive you two must behave well. Heh.. To think ye two be only 20 seasons!" Roth and Ikol fell silent sheepishly.
      Queen Namia walked in and said, "The moles have been spotted at the entrance of the city and the otter's longboats are sailing in from the north coast." Nido nodded and motioned for his wife to sit down.

          After the four other tribes arrived, the chieftains of the tribes spoke with Nido. After four out of the five tribes agreed on peace; Jekkar, Chieftan of the Otters, slammed his paw on the table saying,
"Nido this is madness! Why should we form one tribe? Me and my otters like our independence!" then pandemonium broke out. The moles and squirrels began arguing (the moles and squirrels always hated each other), Nido tried to calm the otters downcwhile the badgers were enjoying the quarrel. Roth whispered to his mother,
"This might take a while..."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


A few years later...
Roth looked out over the barricade at the oncoming raiders charging the plaza, "Chief Brome, I don't know how much longer my Vikings can hold off Ikol's troops. I wasn't prepared for a full on war!" Brome barely heard the mouse because at that moment he stuck his hat on a stick, stuck over the barricade, and then pulled it back to see 3 arrows in it, "Eek. Now I understand Lord Roth, but that you for answering our call for help, your clan has been the first o the Viking nations to aid us." Roth nodded and spotted Brome's sister Rose caring for the wounded in the plaza, "Rose! Get them inside! This isn't safe for them!" Rose nodded and brought the villagers inside of the town hall as several arrows landed where she ha just been. Brome shot an arrow over the wall but missed badly, "blast it, Roth you need to leave."
"You heard me, you need to go before Ikol and his raiders show up, now listen to me carefully, head south down to Mossflower country, to a place known as Redwall Abbey, there you will find warriors capable of helping us, tell them you came from Noonvale, now go!" Roth nodded and sprinted away from the scene, leaving the city he saw the barricade fall from a distance and Ikol assume a foothold on the mainland. Now a warlord to be reckoned with.

FYI, these stories will be a little short, so please go with it, if you have a problem with them, PM me and let me know, I'll try to fix it ASAP. thanks!