
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Snow, a tale of Redwall

Started by cluneythescourge, April 29, 2013, 03:28:14 AM

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ok... this is a story i started about 1/2 a year ago, but got bored of...(writers block)... i thought that maybe i should post it and see what you lot bally well think!!! :P :P

The waves of the cold North Sea pounded endlessly over what had once been the hull of the most feared ship to ever sail the seas. Beasts did not fear the ship alone, it was her captain that terrified them. Maddox Swordclaw! The Deathshadow! A name that struck fear into everybeast that heard it. Of course, they did not fear Maddox without reason, the pitch-black ferret was the most ruthless killer since the time of the Wearats. He was much smaller than most males of his kind, but that did not lessen his physical prowress, or his ruthlessness. Maddox was not overly concerned over the wreck of his ship, his goal did not lie in the salty waters of the sea nor any in any distant land far from Mossflower. No, his goal lay in the depths of the lush, green forest of Mossflower. Redwall Abbey! The calm that had settled over Redwall and the surrounding countryside over the last few seasons was about to be shattered!


Chapter One
Child of Snow

Redwall abbey shone pink in the early morning sunshine. An old mouse poked her head out of her window. The mouse's name was Leila, the abbess of Redwall, though she did not look it. The somber green of a her habit was stained in multiple places with black ink. An avid writer, Leila was rarely seen without her small notebook and a a pen and ink. Small square spectacles perched on the end of her nose almost hid the mischievous glint in her pale blue eyes...


I like it. It shows promise- if you decide to continue, that is.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Chapter One cont...
     Abbess Leila hurried down into the grounds and into the orchard. She was passed by a group of Dibbuns (the Abbeybabes). Leila scooped up a shrewbabe named Dina. The babe twithched her nose at the Abbess in indignation. "It'th not nithe to gwab a yittle Dibbun yike dat, marm!" she lisped.
Leila pretended to scowl fiercely at Dina. "Why aren't you in bed naughtybeast? I should skelp your tail!"
  Dina's best friend, a mischievous molebabe by the name of Darby nearly fell over with chuckles, "hurrhurrhurr! you'm skelp dat Dina roight foine Muvver Abbess! She'm bees a likkle razcalar!"
  The Abbess turned her 'stern' stare on him, speaking mole dialect as well. "Oi'll skelp you'ms tail roight after Miz Dina, Darby. You bees an even gurter razcalar then her!" Dina rolled her eyes. "You won't skelp us's tail 'cus we be's only h'infant Dibbuns!" The Abbess smiled, set Dina down and took her and Darby's paws, "you're right, come on breakfast is soon!" The three wandered across the lawn and were interrupted by a bomming knock oc teh abbey gate.


Yo ppl, so my other personage got deleteified (is that a word, even? Oh well, I like it) so I am no longer cluneythescorge. I will continue my story in this user...  :D
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


Chapter Two
Deep in Mossflower Woods, Maddox's troops were making camp. High in the tree tops was a shadowy figure. The beast was an otter by the name of Falaon Darkmoon. He was a young otter with shiny black fur. He was garbed in a simple, dark red tunic and a warm black cloak. Falaon held a bow in his left paw and a quiver of arrows an his back. The otter watched the vermin for a time then lept away from tree to tree, as skillfully as a squirrel. He finally reached his destination, a small hut of woven willow branches in a tall hemlock. Seated Ed outside the hut was a young squirrel maid. The maid had snow white fur and dark almond shaped eyes. She looked up huffily when Falaon dropped to the branch in front of her. "Why do you always get to do the fun stuff?" she grumbled.
    "Because on a night like tonight, that white fur of yours would have stuck out like a sore paw, you should know that by now, Celia." the older otter said. Celia sniffed disdainfully at him,"I knew that, log-tail. Plus, sore paws don't really stick out all that much. I wonder where that phrase came from. Do you, Fal?"
The otter just shook his head, smiling slightly at his friend. Celia was rather small for her age and was also remarkably pretty. Clothed in a red tunic and black cloak like Fal, but Celia didn't carry a bow. Instead she wore two dirks thrust in her belt. The young squirrel looked every inch a warrior. "So what did you get from the vermin?" She asked.
"They're headed straight for Redwall. We've go to get there first." Suddenly, an arrow flew out of nowhere and hit Celia in the arm.
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


Chapter 3
Leila called to Fur by, the hedgehog gatekeeper, to open the gate. Standing outside was a young otter carrying a young squirrel. He was swaying with exhaustion "Vermin band, less than a score of kilometers away... look out!" then, he fainted. Leila turned to the Dibbuns. "Dina, Darby, go get the mole crew tell them that there is an injured beast out here and to bring stretchers. Tell Sister Bluet to get her stuff ready,  then you may go to Friar Ellum and tell him that I said to give you some candied chestnuts." The babes dashed off yelling, "hoooooooraaaaaay! candied chesknutters!" Dina spotted Foremole coming out of Cavern Hole. "Foremole! Foremole! Muvver abbess gots some h'injured beasts! bwing stretchers she sayed to tell yew!" Then Darby toddled up to Sister Bluet's infirmary " sista! siata! Foremole's comin' wiv some h'injured beats!"... (to be continued)
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


Celia wandered alone through the deserted corridors of some great building. up ahead she saw a faint, glimmering light and ran towards it. An immense tapestry of a mouse in armour hung before her. The mouse stepped out of the tapestry, reached up and took down a deadly sword that hung above the tapestry and pressed it into her paw. the mouse gazed at her with warm brown eyes and spoke
"Celia, Child of Snow, take my sword.
Use it to defend Redwall, your new home,
Death's Shadow will come from the North,
Stay vigilant, my child, be brave.
Now sleep."
the young squirrel maid was plunged into the depths of dreamless sleep

end of chapter three[/tt]
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


Chapter 4

Maddox was in a foul mood. His troops were restless and becoming unruly. they needed something to amuse them. The black ferret turned to his two nearly-constant companions, Sailyn, a vixen soothsayer/healer and Bloodfur, a large weasel with red-tinged brown fur, "We need to give them something to amuse them." Maddox stated. Bloodfur nodded, "Aye, Cap'n, I was thinking the same thing, but what?" The captain stroked his chin. "how many oarslaves survived the crash?"
"Only six, sir, the stripe dog, the mouse maid , the squirrel, that old hedgehog, and those annoying rabbets." Sailyn replied. An indignant gasp rang out from where the captives were tied. "Rabbits?! I'm no RABBIT! For the love of celery, I'm a hare!"
"Aw, shuddup, you!" the guard, a stoat named Stoneskull, grumbled. The haremaid, who had spoken, rolled her eyes and muttered "Shut up yourself, Rockhead, wot! Rabbit? I don't even LOOK like a flippin' rabbit!" the mouse maid, Lily, chuckled softly.
Maddox's evil features curved into a grin. "I know how to amuse the troops." He glanced at Bloodfur, "assemble the troops." The ferret then beckoned to Stoneskull, "You there, untie the squirrel and bring him here." the stoat did so and the lad was dragged up before the ferret captain. he (the squirrel) was about seventeen seasons old, with red-gold fur, a thick fluffy tail and brown eyes. His left ear was notched and there was a scar on his left cheek, his arm were strong after four seasons of rowing. Maddox paced around the squirrel, who stood stiffly and stared straight ahead. "What's your name, boy?" the ferret asked
"Damien Raptor, Cap'n."
(to be continued)
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


(chapter 4 continued...)

Falaon woke up in a comfortable bed. "Where am I?" he croaked, his throat very dry. "Is this Redwall?"
"Was that your intended destination?" A soft voice inquired. Fal whipped His head around. Seated next to him was an ottermaid garbed in the novice robes of Redwall. He nodded, "yeah." the ottermaid smiled, "Well, you've reached it! I'm Hazel. What's your name?"
Fal blinked a couple of times. "Uh... Falaon?" Hazel tipped her head to the right, looking slightly puzzled, "You sure? 'Cause you don't seem very sure." Fal nodded "Yeah, I'm sure, quite sure. Do you have any water?" the ottermaid nodded and handed him a mugful, which Fal downed in one go. Just then, an old mouse walked in. Hazel leaped to her feet. "Mother Abbess, he's awake." The mouse smiled at both ooters
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


(chapter 4 continued)
"I noticed that, Hazel." the mouse then turned to Fal. "I'm Mother Leila, the Abbess. What should we call you?" the otter sat up. "I'm call Falaon Darkmoon, Mother, most beasts call me Fal. Where is Celia?"
"Your friend? At breakfast. It's been two whole days since you came here." The Infirmary door opened and Celia walked in.
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.


I am moving this story to a different topic 'cause i started it in a different user which i deleted and can't figure out how to delete a post so am changing this to a different topic... isaid that already, didn't i? anyway... It's gonna have a new name, too
I hate it when a package says 'easy open' and you need a scissors, a knife, a crowbar, a gun, and a light-saber to open it.