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Empires and Warlords

Started by Myrkin, December 06, 2012, 08:07:46 PM

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Location: Southern sand dunes

Duari and Skorpy. You wake up next morning, rested and ready to do anything you put your minds to. The same can be said about your army.

What do you do?

Your army:
500 foxes, lizards, and other smaller animals



Location: Rofnard's Castle, Island of Deathlia

Once you are alone, your father comes closer and says: "I've waited a long time for this, son." A proud smile shows on his face. "Tomorrow you will sail out to bring riches, might and glory to Deathlia. It won't be easy, but I have faith in your abilities. I know that, unlike your brother, you won't be a disappointment."

He frowns a bit at memory of your late brother. Your father has never been very fond of him, to say the least. Just as quickly as it appeared, the frown has vanished. Harman takes out something out of his pocket and hands it to you.

"I know that if she was alive, your mother would want you to have this," your father says. He gives you a silver-chained necklace with amber resembling the shape of a fish. "Every time I was going to the sea, she made me wear this. To keep me from harm, she said. Or maybe it was supposed to keep me from other maidens," he chuckles. "You might not need any lucky charms, but it is yours now."

What do you do?

Your army:

480 weasels and stoats
20 monitors of your personal guard
10 warships

Location: Deathlia's port, Island of Deathlia

You return to work. Meanwhile, Grock realizes he was tied up by you. For a moment he struggles to free himself, but in vain. Eventually, he tries to get as comfortable as he can and... falls asleep.

What do you do?



Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

Balock Scorpian. Your orders are swiftly carried out and soon you have several outpost and patrols observing the southern side of the Broadstream.

In the meantime your recruits have gotten so good, that they can be called true soldiers now.

As the sun starts to touch the horizon in the west, you are informed that your scout from the north, a raccoon, has returned. He was injured and now he lies in infirmary.

What do you do?

You army:

250 soldiers
Sakon Shima with 300 soldiers (away on the mission)

Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

Sakon Shima. You scouts salute you and quickly move out. Soon you follow with the rest of your army. You're getting closer to village. The first thing you notice is the smell of smoke and... something else. Then you see it: a dozen or so of wooden buildings on fire. One of them is already completely engulfed by flames. Between huts you can see a few bodies. Some villagers must have been killed while trying to put up a fight. Or maybe Black Coats decided that some beasts were too old or weak to be of any use to them.

What do you do?

You army:

300 soldiers



Location: Badger Lord's chambers, Salamandastron

"Hmm... Good point," Urthan says. "A smaller group will travel faster and woodlanders will receive our help sooner. Take one hundred soldiers, General. I'll make sure that Brigadier Hawthorn will follow after you as soon as possible with 200 hares. I wish you luck, Iccu. Show those slavers how members of Long Patrol fight. Dismissed."

What do you do?

You army:

300 hares   

OOC: I wasn't sure if by "split the hares into two groups" you meant split one hundred you want to take with you or split three hundred hares that are already under your command. I took the second option, hoping I had interpreted your words correctly. :)


Name: Dranfor Rofnard
Location: Deathlia, The Castle

Dranfor took the amulet and looked at it fondly, he then put it around his neck and hugged his father. "Thank you father."

~ + ~ + ~

Name: Bragatogg
Location: Deathlia's port

Bragatogg looked at Grock, struggling feebly before falling asleep.

~ + ~ + ~

Name: Skorpy
Location: Southern Sand Dunes, personal quarters.

Skorpy got up and walked over to his master's tent.


Name: Iccu
Location: Salamandastron

"Yes sah!" Iccu saluted and turned on the spot. She went from the forge room and into a small meeting place the hares used during the day. As always, a few hares off duty were about, one of which was Brigadier Hawthorn. "Hoi!" She said, using her favourite way of getting others attention non-formally, "I need a 'undred good hares for patrol, and smash some vermin blighters, wot!" Almost immediately, the twenty-so hares in the room were jumping up and clamoring for a patrol spot.

rakkety tam

Name:Balock Skorpian
Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

Balock swiftly goes to the infirmary and goes straight to the raccoon. '' what happened friend who did this to you. ''


Name: Sakon Shima
Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' the horror the poor villagers i will avenge them. but we do not have time to save their houses. but 10 of you stay here and look for survivers. if you find some go back to the main base with Balock. but send one of you to tell me. if you do not find survivers come back to me but be sure to be careful we cannot alert the enemy. alright we need to keep moving 1..2..3..march''
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace



Location: Southern sand dunes

Skorpy. You arrive at your warlord's tent. You're briefly stopped by guards and then let in. It looks like Diuari has just awakened.

What do you do?

Your army:

500 foxes, lizards, and other smaller animals



Location: Rofnard's Castle, Island of Deathlia

Harman hugs you back with a chuckle. Then he steps away. "Well... I better leave you now. Tomorrow is your great day and the last thing you need is one old fox keeping you up all night talking. I and Anya* will see you in the morning." After saying that your father leaves.

*Your sister.

What do you do?

Your army:

480 weasels and stoats
20 monitors of your personal guard
10 warships



Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

The poor raccoon says weakly: "I was going back from my scouting mission... I was attacked... By a big adder... I barely escaped it..."

"Stop talking and drink this," says a squirrelmaid, coming to a bed on which the raccoon lies. She puts a cup to injured scout's lips. You can smell some healing herbs. The healer says nothing till scout drinks everything down. She turns to you.

"He was bitten in the arm. The injury isn't dangerous. Not on itself, that is. However, he was injected with poison."

What do you do?

You army:

250 soldiers
Sakon Shima with 300 soldiers (away on the mission)

Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

Sakon Shima. You march after Black Coats group. Soon the soldiers you left in village come back. They report they found more villagers, but not living ones. The scouts, who watch the enemy, inform you from time to time on their moves. The Black Coats still travel towards east. You spend all day on following them, when the sun starts to set. Your scouts report that the enemy is putting up camp.

What do you do?

You army:

300 soldiers



Location: Badger Lord's chambers, Salamandastron

Iccu Torsorem. The news spread quickly and merely half hour later the meeting place is filled with excited hares, who want to join you. You can count more than one hundred of them. Brigadier Hawthorn comes closer. He salutes with a grin. "You stirred them up nicely, Sah. You wouldn't get more commotion even if you threw a fish in the midst of group of hungry gulls."

What do you do?

You army:

100 hares with you
200 hares with Brigadier Hawthorn


Name: Rofnard
Location: Deathlia Castle

Rofnard went to the balcony and looked outside, "Tomorrow this Sea  will be mine!"

rakkety tam

Name: Balock Skorpian
Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' hmmm we cant go hunt after it. we wouldnt stand a chance face to face with it. so set up some outposts to the north but make them high above the ground so the adder can not get you. and you can see it from far away and once you see it shoot it with a bow.'' Balock said to 12 of his troops. ''we cannot have him running around endangering my men and my people so go on and do that''.


Name: Balock Skorpian
Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' alright we shall make camp a little bit back. and two of my men will always be watching the black coats. you two go and watch the camp and one of you come back after 2 hours or so and get another beast to watch them. ''

OOC sorry about me being so absent christmas chaos ya know lol
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


OOC: No prob


The sun rose up over Deathlia. And so did Rofnard. He went to his throne and rang a little bell. The servants came in. "Get me my Generals!"

OOC: I need another general, BLB(Buckler the Leg Buckler) is gone


Name: Iccu
Location: Salamandastron

Iccu laughed, "And then it would only be half as noisy." She added, in a more serious tone, "Lord Urthran says you're to follow me with two hundred more. Smaller groups travel faster, don't'cha know."



Location: Southern sand dunes

Duari and Skorpy. Since neither of you says anything, I assume you're having a staring contest. Let's see.

For Duari I roll... 5

For Skorpy I roll... 20

Skorpy has won a staring contest in such an awesome fashion that from this day on Duari will feel great shame every time he remembers this moment.

What do you do?

Your army:

500 foxes, lizards, and other smaller animals



Location: Rofnard's Castle, Island of Deathlia

Dranfor Rofnard.  No long after your servants have left, the generals arrive. They stand on attention, awaiting your orders.

What do you do?

Your army:

480 weasels and stoats
20 monitors of your personal guard
10 warships

Location: Deathlia's port, Island of Deathlia

From moment the sky started growing gray, the Deathlia's port has been filled with commotion. Crew members are preparing their ships to sail, soldiers are gathering on shore, waiting for the time they can board the sea vessels. Officers shout their orders, trying to keep this organized chaos from becoming unorganized.  Since most of the preparations have been made days and weeks before, soon everything will be ready for arrival of ruler of Deathlia.

Bragatogg. You're making last minor fixes on the ship you're belonging to. You're helped by Grock, who is still angry with you for what you did the other day, although he might not remember exactly what you did.

What do you do?



Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

The healer gets back to helping injured raccoon. Those 12 soldiers establish some outpost to the north.

The next morning you are awakened by alarmed cries. You exit your headquarters and you almost bump into one of your guards, who points in direction of Broadstream: "Look to the river, Sire."

You see at least a dozen big rafts on the Broadstream. All of them are steered by otters, who seem to do it with almost no difficulty. This must be the holt from the west you heard of from your scout. They get closer to the bank, obviously intending to land.

What do you do?

You army:

250 soldiers
Sakon Shima with 300 soldiers (away on the mission)

Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

Sakon Shima. You and your army spend most of the night on sleeping. However, a few hours before the dawn you're awakened by your guards. They report to you that for three hours none of last watchers has returned to get replaced by another soldier.

What do you do?

You army:

300 soldiers



Location: meeting place, Salamandastron

"As you command, General," Hawthorn says with a salute. "I'll set out as soon as I organize the rest of this noisy lot. Unless they organize themselves and leave quicker than either of us. They are so eager to fight, that I wouldn't be surprised if they did just that." He shakes his head in what is supposed to be a disapproving manner, but can't help but smile.

What do you do?

You army:

100 hares with you
200 hares with Brigadier Hawthorn


OOC: Buckler the Leg Buckler is gone? As in forever gone or just temporarily inactive?


OOC: Is there an OOC topic where I can sign up for this?



Quote from: Romsca on January 07, 2013, 11:54:06 PM
OOC: Is there an OOC topic where I can sign up for this?
Look at the second page, it should be there.

Quote from: Myrkin on January 07, 2013, 11:06:08 PM
OOC: Buckler the Leg Buckler is gone? As in forever gone or just temporarily inactive?
Not sure, I think it's only temp. But in the mean time you can replace him, beign the GM.


Name: Dranfor Rofnard
Location: Deathlia Castle

Rofnard turned to his Generals. "Treeflyer, you'll take four ships. And you, you'll take four more. I'll leave one here, and the other will be my HQ ship."

Name: Bragatogg
Location: Deathlia port

Bragatogg turned to Gruck. "Are the repairs finished on your side?"

rakkety tam

Name: Balock Skorpian
Location: north side of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' you sir go tell the men to be prepared for an attack we dont know if they are hostile. Balock said. hello and welcome to my humble abode how may we help you.''


Name : Sakon Shima
Location: woods north of the Broadstream, Northlands

'' hmm this is not good you two go silently and quickly to check on them report back to me as soon as you can''

OOC sorry i didnt post sooner i was sick well i still am sick

rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


Name: Duari
Location: Tent

Quite peeved that Skorpy had won, Duari snapped, "What's the status with the army? Why aren't you out training them now?"


Name: Skorpy
Location: Duariz tent

Skorpy looked at his master. "I have come to tell you that the troops are ready for battle."