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Crossed Swords Stats and Results

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 27, 2013, 11:14:42 PM

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This board will be used to record the statistics and results of the 3rd RP tournament.

Official log for judging of Crossed Swords contestants.

Official Running Ranking:

Liv Aegis: 69
Sora Shirosaki: 69
Marcus: 68
Nevfae: 66
Spera: 67
Golfar the Veil: 64
Xbalantie: 63
Vannøyne: 59
Vela Menkar : 53
Gavin-Asher: 51
Navarre: 50
Sculrig: 49
Farril: 47
Frost: 34
Carr Marsh
Sula Grillet
Grollo Carento
Skral Kodzar


Judging for character forms and ranking listed below. All forms judges upon the form existing in the character listing thread. As with the judging of posts during the tournament, character forms are a summation of all participating judges results.


Character Description Sheets:

Judging for character sheets is on a 1-3 scale, with more points equaling a better score.

The following categories are being judged  for points:

Originality (please remain Redwall appropriate)
SPAG (SPelling And Grammer)

Vannøyne/ Played by Leatho Shellhound

Interesting name choice
Nice idea with the eyes
Good use of the narwhal tooth
The idea of the lost mousemaid good
No problems

Running Total: 8

Marcus/ Played by Ceteruler

Detail: 3
Very good physical description
Very well written history, helped me understand the character's personality
Originality: 2
Good connection to Luke and Martin, interesting
No problems

Running Total: 8

Liv Aegis/ Played by Icefire

Detail: 3
Description of the shield lovely
Very good detail over all
Originality: 3
First person writing a good take on the character sheet
The last name of the character and her signature weapon, very good
No problems

Running Total: 9

Name: Xbalantie (Shiv-uh-lon-tie) Shoreside/ Played by Danflorreguba

Detail: 3
Very good physical description
The description of her as "steel" great
Originality: 3
Character's name quite original
Weapons choice interesting
No problems

Running Total: 9

Spera/ Played by Rainshadow

Detail: 2
Originality: 2
Character history story good
No problems

Running Total: 7

Sora Shirosaki/ Played by WarriorOfMossflower

Detail: 3
Good all around description detail
Originality: 3
Great name choice
Eastern influence interesting
No problems

Running Total: 9

Grollo Carento/ Played by Buckler the Leg Buckler

Detail: 2
Originality: 2
Lost toe, interesting
One spag error

Running Total: 6

Nevfae/ Played by W0NWILL

Detail: 2
Originality: 3
Good clothing choices, especially gull cape
Interesting choices for personality, liked it
No problems

Running Total: 8

Carr Marsh / Played by HeadInAnotherGalaxy

Detail: 2
Originality: 2
Liked the idea of vermin shaving their head
Some spag errors (capitalization)

Running Total: 5

Golfar the Veil/ Played by BloodGullet

Detail: 3
Great descriptions
Originality: 3
Love the veil/ face injury idea
Excellent history
No problems

Running Total: 9

Sula Grillet/ Played by Jetthebinturo

Detail: 2
Like the idea of slanted eyes
Originality: 3
Good personality choice
History well written
No problems

Running Total: 8

Skral Kodzar/ Played by Mattio

Detail: 1
Originality: 2
Like that the lizard is brown not green, interesting
No problems

Running Total: 6

Farril/ Played by PluggFiretail

Detail: 1
Originality: 1
Good history choice
No problems

Running Total: 5

Navarre/ Played by Romsca

Detail: 2
Originality: 2
Interesting not being able to swim
No problems

Running Total: 7

Vela Menkar / Played by 321Tumbler

Detail: 3
Good physical description
Good personality description
Originality: 3
Great history
No problems

Running Total: 9

Sculrig/ Played by Tam and Martin

Detail: 3
Great descriptions overall
Originality: 3
Very well done overall
Some spag errors (capitalization)

Running Total: 8


Frost played by Dannflor

Detail: 1
Originality: 1
Some errors

Running total: 4


Gavin-Asher played by Redwaller

Detail: 3
Orginality: 3
Good story
Some errors

Running Total: 8


As more sections for judging commence, points will be added to each contestants section of this thread.


Judging for the first week of posting will be based on the following criteria:

Description (are there details? Does it draw the reader in? Is it enjoyable to read?)

Plot Movement (Does it move the plot forward? Does it invite others to post a response?)

SPAG (Is it free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors?)

These criteria will be used on the two posts of the competitor's choice.

A third mark will be given for overall flow and feel of all posts made by the competitor during the week. Judged on a 1-3 scale.

Scored on a 1-3 scale, based on the result of two judges. BrookSkimmer and DanielofRedwall.


^ Yes, I'm not judging this time around in a roleplay tourney.  So you don't have to try and please me. :P
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


BLOODSPINE CREW: Results Round 1

Farril, played by PluggFiretail
Description: 2, 2
Overall, description flows well. You've given him personality through posting what he's thinking.

Plot Movement: 1, 3
The posts move the plot forward adequately.

SPAG: 3,1
One misuse of word, run on sentences throughout.

Overall: 2, 2
Your posts move things forward, and you've done well working on Farril's personality.

(total: 16 )

Running Total: 21


Golfar the Veil, played by BloodGullet
Description: 3, 3
Great description!  Especially liked the part about the lantern light on beast's faces.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Good writing with other characters in mind.

SPAG: 3, 1
Various punctuation problems throughout.

Overall: 3,3
I enjoy your character very much!

(total: 22)

Running Total: 31

Carr, played by HeadInAnotherGalaxy
Eliminated>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not make three posts
Rule 3: If you do not post at least three times per week you will be disqualified, unless you tell BrookSkimmer through PM in advance as to why you can't get the three posts in.


Sculrig, played by Tam and Martin
Description: 2,2
Adequate overall.

Plot Movement: 2,3
You've done a lot to include other characters in your posts to keep things moving.

SPAG: 1, 1
Make sure you make a new line for each time you're speaking to a new character.

Overall: 2, 2
You've done well taking advice in not autoing others. Thank you for making adjustments to your posts.

(total: 15)

Running Total: 23

Gavin-Asher, played by Redwaller
Description: 2,2
Good description.

Plot Movement: 2,2
Good thinking of having your character fix the sail.

SPAG: 3, 3
One small typo

Overall: 2,2
Only signify two posts for judging next time please. Looking good overall.

(total: 18)

Running Total: 26

Navarre, played by Romsca
Description: 2,2

Plot Movement: 2,2
Good job adding some emotion into things.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems.

Overall: 2,2
Good flow throughout, solid posting, could use more depth.

(total: 18)

Running Total: 25

Skral, played by Mattio
Description: 1,1

Plot Movement: 2,1

SPAG: 1,1

Overall: 1,1
Not a lot of movement here. Needs more detail and more character development.

(total: 9)

Running Total: 15

Vela, played by 321tumbler
Description: 3,3
Good job being creative with this.

Plot Movement: 2,2

SPAG: 2,2
A couple spelling errors.

Overall: 2,2
You've created an interesting character.

(total: 18)

Running Total: 27


SWORDS OF FREEDOM: Results Round 1

Liv Aegis, played by Icefire
Description: 3, 3
Very well done!

Plot Movement: 3,3
Good inclusion of the other characters around Liv in your posts.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems!

Overall: 3,3
Very well written, quite impressing.

(total: 24)

Running Total: 33


Marcus, played by Ceteruler

Description: 3,3
Especially liked the metaphor with the plant. Very nice!

Plot Movement: 3,3
Well done!

SPAG: 3,3
No problems

Overall: 3,3
I really enjoy Marcus as a character. I'm excited to see what happens with him. Excellent work overall!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 32


Vannøyne, played by Leatho Shellhound

Description: 3,3
Your first post was especially well done. Good job! Loved the description of the ocean.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Good work with the posts about the ballista being out of order. Gave interest to the plot and more for people to post about.

SPAG: 1,1
Multiple SPAG errors. Spelling errors, wrong word usage, some talking sections need to be broken up a bit more.

Overall: 2,3
An enjoyable read for sure!

(total: 19)

Running Total: 27

Sora Shirosaki, played by WarriorOfMossflower

Description: 3,3
Really liked the description especially in the first post.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Really good.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems

Overall: 3,3
You've developed a good character to work with!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 33

Xbalantie, played by Danflorreguba

Description: 3,3
Great job! The way you describe the inner thoughts of the character really adds a lot.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Well done!

SPAG: 2,2
Some SPAG errors. Wrong word usage, incorrect capitalization, punctuation errors in speaking sections.

Overall: 3,3
I really like this character! You've done well with her!

(total: 22)

Running Total: 31

Spera, played by Rainshadow

Description: 3,3
Really liked to development in the post with the tulip.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Well done!

SPAG: 3,3
No problems!

Overall: 3,3
Spera is just a great character, she adds so much to the story. Great job!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 31

Nevfae, played by W0NWILL

Description: 3,3
Great job!

Plot Movement: 3,3

SPAG: 3,3
No problems

Overall: 3,3
A very interesting character. I'm interested to see what she does later on in the tournament.

(total: 24)

Running Total: 32

Frost, played by Dannflor

Description: 2,2
Good description.

Plot Movement: 2,1
Not much interaction with the other characters.

SPAG: 1,1
Multiple SPAG errors throughout.

Overall: 1,1

(total: 11)

Running Total: 15


SWORDS OF FREEDOM: Results Round 2

Liv Aegis, played by Icefire
Description: 3
This was just great!

Plot Movement: 3
Again, good inclusion of other characters in your posts. It helps move things along!

No problems!

Overall: 3
This is so great to read! Love it!

(total: 12)

Running Total: 45

Marcus, played by Ceteruler

Description: 3
I really like the way you describe what is happening!

Plot Movement: 3
Very good!

One small wrong word choice.

Overall: 3
I enjoy Marcus as a character very much. You have made him believable and real!

(total: 12)

Running Total: 44

Vannøyne, played by Leatho Shellhound

Description: 3
Very well done!

Plot Movement: 3
Nice job getting that ballista fixed! You move things along just fine.

Again, multiple SPAG errors. Mostly in the second judged post. There were misuses of three words and a few spelling mistakes.

Overall: 3
I really like your character!

(total: 10)

Running Total: 37

Sora Shirosaki, played by WarriorOfMossflower

Description: 3
Wow, this was just great!

Plot Movement: 3
Yep, really great!
No problems

Overall: 3
Such a good read! Thanks for your writing!

(total: 12)

Running Total: 45

Xbalantie, played by Danflorreguba

Description: 3
Looking really great!

Plot Movement: 3
Nice going! I like how you moved things along as far as the action.

No problems!

Overall: 3
Keep going like this, it's great!

(total: 12)

Running Total: 43

Spera, played by Rainshadow

Description: 3
Good describing items like the trunk with the dagger inside!

Plot Movement: 3
Looking great!

One small misspelling.

Overall: 3
Really a good read! Your posts are looking great!

(total: 12)

Running Total: 43

Nevfae, played by W0NWILL

Description: 3
Very well written.

Plot Movement: 3

No problems

Overall: 3
I like the type of character you've made this hedgehog. Good job!
(only two posts, but communicated why.)

(total: 12 )

Running Total: 44

Frost, played by Dannflor

Description: 1
Not very much detail.

Plot Movement: 1
Not much interaction with the other characters.

Multiple SPAG errors throughout.

Overall: 1

(total: 4 )

Running Total: 19


BLOODSPINE CREW: Results Round 2

Farril, played by PluggFiretail

Description: 2
Overall, description flows well. I loved the kit waiting to go the fair line!

Plot Movement: 3
The posts move the plot forward  without a problem.

Looked really good this time!

Overall: 2
Lookin' good all around!

(total: 10 )

Running Total: 31


Golfar the Veil, played by BloodGullet

Description: 3
I really like how you describe what's going on! Great work! Also, I love reading Golfar's accent.

Plot Movement: 3
Very nicely done!

Not nearly as many issues this time! Good job! One word repetition, one word misuse, and two spelling errors.

Overall: 3
Really great to read! Excellent work with this!

(total: 11)

Running Total: 42

Sculrig, played by Tam and Martin

Description: 2
Good portrayal of action scenes.

Plot Movement: 2
Very good moving things along in the second thread.

Wording was hard to read and not well formed. Spend more time tailoring your sentences.

Overall: 2
Good job with this, keep working on your writing style. It's coming along well!

(total: 7)

Running Total: 30

Gavin-Asher, played by Redwaller

Description: 2

Plot Movement: 2
Interesting choices for your character.

One misspelling and one word choice error.

Overall: 2
Looking pretty good here!

(total: 8 )

Running Total: 34

Navarre, played by Romsca

Description: 2
One post had lots of good stuff, the others were lacking.

Plot Movement: 2
Second post was great for moving things along.

One small problem.

Overall: 2
Nice character development. One post was really strong, the other lacked.

(total: 9)

Running Total: 34

Skral, played by Mattio
Eliminated>>>>>>>>>>>>> did not make three posts (made no posts within time limit)
Rule 3: If you do not post at least three times per week you will be disqualified, unless you tell BrookSkimmer through PM in advance as to why you can't get the three posts in.


Vela, played by 321tumbler

Description: 2
Interesting description of doing the stitches.

Plot Movement: 2

Three errors, some spelling, some wrong word choice.

Overall: 2
Not bad, work on moving the plot along.

(total: 8 )

Running Total: 35


SWORDS OF FREEDOM: Results Round 3

Liv Aegis, played by Icefire

Description: 3,3
Just beautiful. Very well laid out. I felt like a was seeing the battle through Liv's eyes.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Plenty to work with here.
Very original, especially liked the moment where she surveyed the war and then her charge afterwards. Very touching. Excellent posting.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems!

Overall: 3,3
Your writing is fantastic!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 69

Marcus, played by Ceteruler

Description: 3,3
I got a great feel for Marcus' drive while reading this. Good work!
Very nice detail.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Really nice job.
Very nice, I liked how you weaved the character's back story through the duel.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems
No errors

Overall: 3,3
Another excellent round for you!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 68

Vannøyne, played by Leatho Shellhound

Description: 2,2
Mid level here. Not bad, but not much detail.
Could have been a bit more detailed.

Plot Movement: 2,2
Posts were lacking depth of character. Mostly just fight moves.
Some nice moves, I liked how the trip saved his life, but fairly basic moves.

SPAG: 3,3
Much better this round!
No problems

Overall: 2,2
Good job!

(total: 22)

Running Total: 59

Sora Shirosaki, played by WarriorOfMossflower

Description: 3,3
Just wonderful!
Excellent detail.

Plot Movement: 3,3
I love her inner dialogue.
VERY nice posting. Brilliant moves and dialogue, and a very touching last post. A pleasure to read.

SPAG: 3,3
No problems
No worries here.

Overall: 3,3
Very well done!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 69

Xbalantie, played by Danflorreguba

Description: 3,2
Though lacking as far as word count, I get a great sense of your character in your posts.
Could have been a little more detailed.

Plot Movement: 2,3
Not bad, could use some more depth. Posts were quite short.
I liked your mocking comments, and some good moves.

SPAG: 3,2
Overall just fine.
A couple of errors (for example "She poked a couple of times with her dirk to get a read on her opponent, took a moment to calculate" doesn't make sense), but nothing major.

Overall: 3,2
You handled the fighting well.

(total: 20)

Running Total: 63

Spera, played by Rainshadow

Description: 3,3
Very well done.
Wonderfully detailed.

Plot Movement: 3,3
I loved reading your character's development in these posts. Very nicely done!
Very original posting, especially liked her pleading to Hooktail.

SPAG: 3,3
Looks good!
No problems.

Overall: 3,3
So good to read. Nice work!

(total: 24)

Running Total: 67

Nevfae, played by W0NWILL

Description: 3,3
Well done. Good meaty paragraphs here!
Good detail.

Plot Movement: 3,3
Written like a champ!
Beautiful posting, the ending was very touching. Great writing.

SPAG: 2,2
No problems
A couple of errors in the last post, but nothing major.

Overall: 3,3
Very impressive round here!

(total: 22)

Running Total: 66

Frost, played by Dannflor

Description: 2, 1
You are improving but still needs more detail.
Could be a bit more descriptive.

Plot Movement: 2, 2
Not bad, but there was not much besides fight moves in your posts. Write more about how she is thinking.
Fairly basic overall, but a few good moves in there.

SPAG: 2,2
This looks much better!
A couple of errors, but nothing major. Some capitalization errors, some misuses of words and a few misspellings.

Overall: 2,2
No posts were marked for judging, I used all of the posts in general.

(total: 15)

Running Total: 34

BLOODSPINE CREW: Results Round 2

Farril, played by PluggFiretail

Description: 2,2
Not very much depth here.
Could have been a bit more detailed.

Plot Movement: 2,2
Fight moves look good, but need to add more. Your posts are very short.
Some nice mocking, but fairly basic dueling moves.

SPAG: 2,2
Some misspellings
A couple of errors ("proper", not "propper").

Overall: 2,2
Not bad but lacking as far as solid posts.

(total: 16)

Running Total: 47


Golfar the Veil, played by BloodGullet

Description: 3,3
This round was beautifully done.
Fantastic detail, you almost wrote a novel there in your first post. XD

Plot Movement: 3,3
Just awesome, nothing else to say.
I liked the back story with his mother, and the ending was very touching (which seems to be the buzzword for this round).

SPAG: 2,2
A few typos and grammar errors.

Overall: 3,3
I wish you were not dropping out! Your writing is wonderful.

(total: 22)

Running Total: 64

Sculrig, played by Tam and Martin

Description: 3,3
Your writing improved dramatically this round.
Very nice detail.

Plot Movement: 3,2
Good job using the salt marsh.
A little bit confusing as to what you were doing at times.

SPAG: 2,2
Huge improvement!
A couple of typos and grammar errors, but nothing major.

Overall: 2,2
So much improvement!

(total: 19)

Running Total: 49

Gavin-Asher, played by Redwaller

Description: 2,2
Good but needs more depth. I liked the first post but went down hill after that. Mostly just fight moves with nothing else going on.
Very nice first post, but afterwards it became less detailed.

Plot Movement: 2,3
You need to develop your character more.
Some nice moves.

SPAG: 2,2
Lots of run on sentences and multiple misuses of commas.

Overall: 2,2
Not bad, you held your own. Just go for more depth in the final round.
No posts were marked for judging, I used all of the posts in general.

(total: 17)

Running Total: 51

Navarre, played by Romsca

Description: 2,2
Pretty much mid ground on this. Not bad. Could have added more than just fight moves.
Could have been a bit more detailed.

Plot Movement: 2,2
Good job moving the fight along.
Solid, but basic.

SPAG: 2,2
A few small grammar errors

Overall: 2,2
Would have liked to see more than just fight moves.

(total: 16)

Running Total: 50

Vela, played by 321tumbler

Description: 2,2
Loved how she used "magic" powder. Good use of her skills. Not very much depth to your character.
Could have been a bit more detailed.

Plot Movement: 3,3
This was well done.
Clever posting, I liked the flame trick.

SPAG: 2,2
A couple of errors.

Overall: 2,2
Keep working for character depth. I want to know more about Vela.
Only mark two posts for judging.

(total:  18)

Running Total: 53