
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Ice (OOC)

Started by Griffen, December 19, 2014, 08:37:32 PM

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                                                         Before Time Dies
                                                                 Your Eyes
                                                                Will Realize
                                                                 Real Lies

     "Winter came over eight decades ago for the first time, it still hasn't left. We, as a village, used to grow mass amounts of wheat. That was our prime export, the only way to keep our village alive. Ever since that first frost our fields would no longer grow the precious wheat. After the first two months our granary ran out of food, and then there was panic. Our village slowly was dying, but thankfully the prophets arrived. A title given themselves, because they claimed to have foreseen this everlasting winter, and traveled a great distance to get here. With them they brought two large bags of seeds, which they claimed would grow in the cold snow and save the village. At first we were skeptical, but what choice did we have. We tried to trade everything and anything for the seeds, but the prophets were set on only one thing. A sacrifice of five, which would need to be the oldest in the village, and a temple would need to be built for the prophets in which they may conduct the offerings. To whom they we're offing we still don't know. Another month passed before the cold and hunger forced us to build the temple. We started using wood from the houses of former owners and most of us had to live together so that our own houses could be used for the temple. We weren't able to watch the sacrifices, but the prophets did show us how to plant the seeds. Only a few weeks past before the plants were fully grown. They were called Papei and Locat. Papei fruited fist sized grapes, which could warmup a fully grown badger. Locat grew a type of cotton much thicker, which could keep us from freezing. Our village thrives yet again, trading with other villages also harmed by the winger. As for the prophets, they are still here. They no longer require sacrifices, but are in charge of funerals. The prophets say they can see when someone will die, months in advance. They perform a living funeral, and the casket is made of ice, which they toss deep into the lake. So there you go young ones, the history of Yithee. I needed to tell you this so that you might pass on our history to your children and their children. For my time, as predicted by the prophets is soon to come." ~Cali

Hello all! Long time since I've posted on here! Had this idea pop in my head while working the other day, thought maybe y'all would want to give it a shot. Post your character sheets and wait for aporvial, no more than two characters as of now and please make them unique :)

(There is magic in this RP, however you may not give your character any magical abilities. If you would like to however, you may MSG me and ask. Further along in this Rp you might devolop/learn a abilitly or one that you choose.)

@@@@This is for those who have not played in my RP's before, I do not allow players to power play (hurt other players without permission) however as the RP leader I am able too and I'm also able to give permission [Which I will give hardly ever, so please don't ask(I just hate seeing a fight scene between two people go on for 5 pages)]. Not to worry whenever I do, which isn't often its not that bad. Since there will be no power playing make sure your character doesn't do anything stupid. Because there is no way a mouse is going to dodge an arrow from ten feet away. But if you do get your character in a pickle, ( and you dont want him/her to die) then atleast make sure there is some form of consequence for your actions or lack of.@@@@

As far as the plot goes, just re-read the first bit and try to guess what its going to be about. See y'all later!

Dannflower Reguba

       How dare yeh Griff! You get on and start another OOC: thread WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ME! How dare ye!  :P I'll probably end up joining at some point, I'm a sucker for magic.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Skarzs

Mm, I'm kind of interested in joining this, though I haven't quite figured out the plot.

However, I would like to ask if your RP "Eclipse" will be continued; it's been a while since that was started and it would be interesting to see it through.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.