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Character Development Prompts

Started by Osu, February 28, 2014, 10:32:05 PM

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Sister topic to the Character Development Exercises thread.

The original Character Exercises thread was a really great idea, and I was always sorry SH left the forum before following through with it a bit. So in the interest of fleshing out our characters, here's a new thread for just that. Listed below are between two - five prompts to which you may respond to using one (or more) of your characters with a short story. Any length is fine. Completing the Development Exercises in the above thread is recommended as well.

The goal is to write a completed scene inspired by one (or more) of the prompts in order to solidify and/or fill in the blanks of your character's personality, worldview, abilities, flaws, back stories, and so on, with the ultimate intent of better understanding your character. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! And if you would like critique from other members on your scene, be sure to say so when you post it! Everybody is encouraged to comment on each other's scenes.

The prompts will change on a semi-regular basis, so keep an eye out! Everybody is welcome to submit their own ideas for prompts as well, so if you have an idea for something that would be a great way for roleplayers to work out some character details, please share it!

Prompts du Jour

Consider a principle your character has held strongly for any length of time. Now introduce them to an event/creature/situation/etc. that would cause them to doubt this belief/principle. Do they, ultimately, strengthen their belief, adapt to a new belief, or do they do something else entirely?

While stranded in a desert with only enough water for himself/herself for one more day, your character comes across an old, thoroughly unfriendly rat. The rat is obviously dying of thirst; how does your character react? What do they do (or not do?)

Your character meets you, their creator, by one means or another. Have a conversation. Describe what happens.

Describe your character's thoughts, feelings, senses, and actions during a life-changing event/situation/meeting/etc.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Ziz lookz major! A great sequel tae ze original topic by Something Horrifying (An' alaz zat ah 'adnae anzvered ze queztion zheet before). Conzider me vorkin' on vone o' zeze. Zat character-meetz-ye vone lookz major...
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


  I'm extremely interested in doing number 4...  Excuse me while I go and write that.  ;)

  EDIT:  So, the character I'm writing about is the same character I did in the development exercises.  Just gonna explain right now, (or try to explain) Kellei is blind, but she's not... totally blind.  (Arg, this would be easier to say if I had the whole fanfic in front of me, but unfortunately I have less than a chapter written.)  Erm, she can sort of see white flames where people should be, and believes they signify the heart of the person.  So... yeah.  That probably sounds weird, but it makes sense in my messed up mind.  I dunno, I guess you could say she's psychic in a way.

  But, anyway, this little blurb is based on the fourth prompt.

IV from the perspective of Kellei Clark
  "Class," Mr. Malcolm, my new teacher, began, "this is Kellei Clark.  She's from..."  He paused, and I heard his head turn towards me.  "Miss Clark, where exactly are you from?"
  I shrugged, turning so I could just barely see the white flicker of his heart-fire.  "I've lived in a lot of places."  This was my least favourite question to be asked by a new teacher.  Why did the class need to know my life story?  I was only going to be here for a few weeks anyway.
  "Er, where did you last live?" Mr. Malcolm prompted.
  "New York City," I replied, "but only for a few weeks."
  From the swishing of his skin against the rough fabric of his clothing, I guessed that the man was nodding.  "Okay.  And is there anything you'd like to tell the class about yourself?"
  I thought about this question for a moment.  Was there anything I wanted to tell them?  I could tell them how I liked to draw, or that I loved animals...  No, it would be best to remain silent.  So I shook my head, and the teacher guided me to my seat.
  It was as he did this that I realized just how many people there were in this classroom.  I could see at least twenty small white flames spaced evenly apart, each flickering to the beat of their child's heart.  It was dizzying, to say the least.
  Sitting down, I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a notebook and pencil, placing it on the desk in front of me before putting my bag underneath the hard wooden chair.  Then, as Mr. Malcolm began speaking, I started doodling what I pictured his face to look like.  An older man with a wrinkly face and a thick, dark mustache.  Maybe balding on top, with a weird comb-over?  Yes, that sounded like it'd fit the man.  And, of course, he'd be wearing thick glasses; all nerdy teachers did.  There would be dark, shaggy eyebrows above his heavy eyes, too, I was sure of it.  A large, round nose completed the look of dorky Mr. Malcolm, and now I just needed to put it onto paper.
  Right as I placed the sharp tip of the pencil against the paper, I felt something dull poke me in the back of the neck.  I froze for a moment, then turned, seeing a wavering fire that was slightly smaller than the others.
  "Kellei, right?" a male voice whispered.
  I nodded, but didn't speak.
  "I'm Jeffrey," he said as loudly as he dared.  I imagined him glancing at the teacher occasionally, making sure that he wasn't going to notice us.
  The corner of my mouth twitched upwards, and I replied quietly, "Nice to meet you, Jeffrey."  I tried to turn back around to face the front of the room, but the boy poked me again.
  "Are you blind?" he asked bluntly.
  I grimaced.  "Is it that easy to tell?"
  I heard him shrug slightly.  "Not really, but I can just kinda notice these sorts of things.  My little brother's blind, so I can see the signs."
  "Mmm."  Why did we have to be talking about my handicap?  Couldn't we talk about something else?  Anything else at all?
  Seemingly noticing my discomfort, the boy whispered, "If you're bugged about other people not understanding your pain, I'm in a wheelchair.  So, we're kinda in the same boat here.  Different parts of it, but definitely the same boat."
  It was an odd statement, but somehow his comment about the boat made sense.  Unfortunately, at this point the teacher had noticed us.
  "Jeffrey," Mr. Malcolm said, "eyes front, son.  You too, Kellei."  It seemed as though he noticed what he'd said too late, because he quickly added, "Er, sorry, uh, I meant..."
  I just sighed.
  The rest of class went by as slowly as any seventh grade history class did, complete with the declaration of an essay that needed to be turned in by the following Monday.  Today was Thursday.  My weekend was going to be fun.
  When the bell rang, the rest of the students stood, and my ears were filled with the irritating screech of dozens of chairs scraping against the ground.  Of course, my chair was among them, but I at least lifted mine so it didn't make nearly as much noise.
  The children walked towards the door, all their heart-fire around the same height, except for one small light.  Jeffrey.  The boy was wheeling past me, as I was waiting for the other students to leave before I went out of the room.  I didn't want to be trampled on my first day.
  "See you at lunch?" Jeffrey asked as he made for the door.
  I was pretty surprised to hear this question from his mouth.  After all, I wasn't the best at being pleasant or friendly, so when someone actually took five seconds to talk, it was... weird.
  "Er, uh, sure," I replied quickly, flashing a smile.
  "Great!"  I could hear a smile in his voice, and then his wheelchair squeaked as he rolled away.  "See you then!"
  Lifting my hand, I waved awkwardly.  "Bye."
  Had I just made a friend?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Zat. Tvaz. Major. Great job, mate!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


That was awesome! And it makes perfect sense. The thing about heart fire I mean. I might do this looks fun.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Jukka the Sling

Awesome! But I'm kinda wondering - what fandom is your fanfic about Kellei in?
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Quote from: Jukka the Sling on March 02, 2014, 02:19:25 AM
Awesome! But I'm kinda wondering - what fandom is your fanfic about Kellei in?

 It's a seeeecreeeeet.  ;D  (But she's human, not an animal, so that does narrow it down a tiny bit.  ;))

  Thanks, all!  I quite enjoyed writing that little scene, as it gives me insight to her past so I can better create her personality.  Show how broken she is later on, you might say.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


That was great, Rain! I thought it was very sweet, and we got a nice solid look at Kellei's personality.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Quote from: Osu on March 09, 2014, 06:47:02 PM
That was great, Rain! I thought it was very sweet, and we got a nice solid look at Kellei's personality.

  Thanks!  Although, looking back on it, I coulda done a lot to make it better (especially the ending, as I feel that was quite abrupt), but I'd say it was a good first try.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!