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The Great Gonff Fanfiction Contest: "Every Rose Has Its Thorns"

Started by Gwen A. Mouse, August 19, 2014, 07:25:36 AM

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Gwen A. Mouse


...but it will be finished on time. And hopefully with even a semi-satisfying ending, instead of anticlimactic blah. Yeah, anyway, thank you all again for feedback. Heheheh- now you all know what I felt at the end of Changes, by Jim Butcher. (The only one in the whole series that had a cliffhanger ending. And I had to wait like three weeks to get my hands on the next book.)

And now I'm going to stop wasting time here and finish writing.
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

Gwen A. Mouse

Eh, sort of finished. Here's what I have now, and will post the rest either later tonight or early tomorrow.

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Before Martin or Rose could react, a shocked yelp and the sounds of a scuffle emanated from the ground in front of them. The two mice stared in bewilderment, until Rose noticed an opening in the loam, just beyond the tree root. She pointed it out to Martin. "There!"

Only pausing to load his sling, he leapt into the opening. "Redwaaaaall!"

The space was only dimly lit, and Martin was barely able to make out the forms of Gonff and his attacker. The tall, lithe beast hit out at the rotund mouse, knocking him back. Gonff hit the wall with a thud and slid down it, senseless.

Martin charged forward, sling whirling, and brought it down towards the mysterious creature. The beast lifted a forearm to block the weapon, which wrapped around its arm. The warrior pulled on his sling, now trapping his foe's arm, and drew his sword.

He was not quick enough, however, and the beast got its free arm around Martin's throat. The warrior felt the beast's arm constricting, cutting off his air. He struggled vainly, distantly aware of hearing Rose's voice. "Martin, is everything alright? Martin! You'll not leave me out here all night. I'm coming down."

"No, Rose!" he choked out, causing the beast holding him to squeeze tighter. "R-run!"

Oblivion quickly enveloped the warrior mouse, erasing all cares from his mind.

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When he woke, Martin realized that he lay on cool stone, not far from the edge of a lake. Keeping carefully still, he opened his eyes. His sword and sling were gone. Gonff was lying unconscious only a few steps away, but Rose was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she had gotten away. Then he heard something behind him, and closed his eyes, feigning sleep.

Somebeast, rather young-sounding, spoke. "On'y a couple o' mice. Is that what all th' ruckus was about, Caltrus?"

"Ye should've seen 'em fight, Fennan. The maid gave me more trouble'n both o' them, an' with 'er paws tied, too. Nearly bit m'bloomin' nose off. Don' get too close to 'er when she wakes." This beast's voice was low and gruff.

Martin's hope that Rose had escaped disappeared. At least it seemed that she had put up a good fight. Pawsteps echoed, and a new voice joined the other two. This one was definitely feminine, and colored with a strong Northern accent. "Ach, have ye no' a lick o' sense, ye great lump? Put tha' underused brain o' yores tae work."

The second voice, Caltrus, answered. "Poppy, me darlin'! I thought ye were cookin' supper?"

"Ah was before ye dragged these puir creatures in. Have ye ever known mice t'be badbeasts? If they're no' treated well, Ah'll quit usin' mah ladle tae cook wi' and put it tae use crackin' heids."

Fennan interrupted excitedly. "Look, that'n's wakin'!"

Martin opened his eyes as the beasts moved away from him. They were otters, dressed in simple, homsepun garments. While they gathered around Gonff, their attention on the reviving mouse, Martin sat up and looked around.

He was in a large cavern with a lake at its center. Gaps in the roof let in sparse amounts of moonlight, which sparkled prettily on the lake. Lanterns hung on the walls, and several tunnels led out of the main cavern. Rose was lying near one of the tunnel openings, her paws still tied.

Martin stood, surprised to find an otterbabe at his side, sucking on a paw. The babe regarded him curiously, then seemed to come to a decision. He used his unoccupied paw to grab hold of Martin's tunic hem, then stood quietly, apparently content.

The warrior smiled at the babe before turning his attention back to Gonff and the otters. Gonff sat up carefully, rubbing his head. "It feels like a full-grown badger sat on me," he groaned. Then he took note of the beasts around him. "Hello. None of you goodbeasts would happen to have a meal ready, would you? I'm starved. Hold on- where's Martin and Laterose?"

The female otter stepped forward and offered him a paw, helping him stand. "Good tae see ye're no' harmed. Your companions should be wakin' up any time..." she trailed off as she turned to show Gonff where Martin lay, only to see him awake and standing. She placed a paw on her hip and waggled her ladle at him. "How long have ye been standin' there withoot sayin' aught? Males never have any sense. Ach, an' there's where wee Master Artul has got tae, the scamp."

At the mention of his name, the otterbabe smiled and let go of Martin's tunic to wave a chubby paw. He had already taken hold of the garment again by the time Martin made his reply. "Excuse me, marm, but if somebeast could explain exactly what happened, I'd be much obliged. The last thing I remember is being strangled."

Caltrus coughed in embarrassment, and Poppy whirled on him. "Ye did what? Ah've half a mind tae throw you in the pot for supper!"

"But darlin', they attacked me first," the slim otter insisted. "I was on'y defendin' the holt."

Poppy snorted. "So ye knocked 'em all as senseless as yersel', did ye? I doubt they did ye any harm, or meant any."

Gonff chimed in. "Aye- we were just passing through the forest, and I fell down a hole. Then somebeast was trying to punch me. Martin jumped in then, I think..."

Martin nodded. "That's right. I heard the noise and jumped in with my sling, ready to defend my friend."

Caltrus squirmed under Poppy's angry glare. "Well what would ye do if somebeast dropped in on top o' ye?"

The female rapped him sharply between the ears with her ladle. "Away wi' ye, ye lang-legged beanpole. Ah'll handle oor guests. Fennan, go help in the kitchen. Caltrus, find a place for them tae sleep. An' will ye take Artul wi' ye?"

But the otterbabe would have none of it. His only response to Caltrus' coaxing was to grip Martin's tunic tighter. Gonff laughed. "The young 'un seems to like you, matey! You'd best let him stay."

The babe nodded solemnly and Caltrus gave up in disgust as Fennan, unsuccessfully trying to smother his laughter, fled the room. "Right. Ye're in charge o' th' rascal now," Caltrus grumbled, then set off down one of the tunnels.

"Right, now let's see aboot wakin' up yon lass, an' gettin' supper."

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*bows* I am very sorry for my procrastination, this will be completed. (Though not technically by October 1st, as it's going to be midnight here in a few minutes.)
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

Gwen A. Mouse

Here's the rest! I do hope that things make sense, and the ending doesn't seem too rushed or abrupt. And who knows? Perhaps the otters will make future appearances in other fanfics.

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By the time they had awoken Rose and explained the events to her, she was more than a little angry. "You mean to say that I fought for your life- and my own- for nothing? I have not complained against my captivity or your terms yet, warrior, but now you can surely see what bound paws can cost."

She turned an icy glare on Gonff, who was disguising his sniggers as sneezes. "And I do not see what is so amusing, thief."

Gonff coughed, shaking his head. "No? It seems that you've picked up a shadow."

Martin and Rose each looked down in surprise- Martin to find only a wrinkled spot on his tunic hem, and Rose to find a smiling, paw-sucking otterbabe grasping her own tunic. "Oh," she said softly. "Hello, young one."

Gonff winked at Martin and said, "Well mate, I guess he's set to stick with Laterose now." Artul nodded once, then tried to imitate Gonff's wink, only managing to blink both eyes. All three mice laughed at the babe as they went in to dinner.

After a delicious and hearty meal, they were led to a hallway with doors covering several openings in it. "These are the bedrooms. Ye two can take a spare one," Poppy said, pointing one out to Martin and Gonff, "An' Miz Rose can sleep in mah room taenight."

"Are you taking little Artul as well?"

Rose looked to Poppy. "Wouldn't he prefer to stay with his parents?"

She shook her head sadly. "The puir babe doesnae have parents, no' any more."

"Oh." Rose flashed Martin an uncertain smile. "Perhaps he'd best stay with you two tonight."

Nodding assent, Martin stepped forward and picked up the grinning otterbabe. "How does that sound, Artul?" The tiny creature nodded once, still sucking his paw.

"Good night then, Laterose, Miz Poppy." Nodding politely, Gonff followed his friend into their room. There, two comfortable cots were set up, with their packs stowed underneath. "Good night, Gonff."

"Good night, Martin. And to you, Artul."

The only answer was the quiet sound of an otterbabe sucking his paw.

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The next morning over breakfast, Martin and Gonff explained their journey to the otters. "We're on our way home, mates," the thief grinned. "And I've got a wonderful mousemaid waiting for me." He began humming cheerily as he ate, leaving nobeast in doubt that the feelings in that particular relationship were reciprocal.

Caltrus, who was spreading jam on a fresh scone, eyed the mice. "Where's home?"

Martin, caught with a bite in his mouth, swallowed and said, "Redwall Abbey."

Poppy looked up sharply. "Fennan, start readyin' five packs fer a week's journey."

Martin watched the young otter dash off, smiling. "Five packs, marm? Are you planning to join us?"

"Aye. 'Tis been too lang since we've paid the abbey a visit."

Rose, who had been sitting in stunned silence, regained her voice. "You are from Redwall? Both of you?"

Poppy gave her a curious look. "Ye're no'?"

"No. I'm from Noonvale. Why didn't you tell me? I would have let you pass with no trouble."

Martin shrugged, and Gonff elbowed him playfully. "It probably just slipped our minds, eh, mate?"

"Well I was a bit occupied with the knife at my throat."

The maid broke eye contact, looking down at her plate guiltily. "I'm- I'm sorry about that."

Caltrus and Poppy had been following the conversation curiously, so the mice explained their current situation. When they were done, Poppy insisted on going with them. "Wee groups are just whit bandits an' vermin look for. Even if ye can handle them, ye'd rather no' have tae if ye can avoid et, right? Weel, the bigger the party, the less likely et is that ye'll have trouble."

They all packed up and set off right after lunch. Martin and Gonff led the way, followed by Poppy and Rose, and lastly, with Caltrus bringing up the rear. Even little Artul had managed to wheedle his way into the party and he was strolling happily next to Martin, once again holding onto the mouse's tunic hem.

It was about two day's uneventful travel later when Rose suddenly halted by an ancient oak giant. She placed a gentle paw on the trunk, tracing familiar scars in the bark. "This tree marks the edge of my father's lands, warrior. One step more and I'll be farther from home than I've ever been."

The small party came to a stop. Poppy looked at Caltrus and cleared her throat pointedly and commenting, "We'll start setting up camp for taenight. Caltrus, go back tae that stream for water, an' take Artul. Gonff, help me wi' collecting some firewood, will ye?"

In short order, the only beasts left standing there were Martin and Rose. He regarded her in silence for a while. Finally she looked up to meet his eyes. In her own were pain, sadness, and longing for home. "Laterose, I cannot take you further away from your home. If you wish it, you can return right now. However," Martin ducked his head, almost shyly. "If you wish it, you can also come to Redwall with us, at least for a visit."

They stood in silence again, each thinking their own thoughts. Finally Rose took a breath and broke the silence. "Warrior- Martin. My family will be worried for me. I cannot go with you. But perhaps I will visit. Soon."

"That would please me."

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The next morning, the group parted ways- Caltrus was going back with Rose, as far as the holt at least, and the others were continuing to Redwall. As they set out, Gonff had to smile at Martin's absent-minded state. "You've come to like her, haven't you?"


"Rose, of course. And I think she fancies you."

Martin snorted. "Right. That's why she threatened my life when she met me. Come on, Gonff."

He strode forward purposefully, humming a cheerful ditty. "What has you in such a chipper mood then?"

The warrior considered for a moment, a grin spreading across his face  "The  roses with the most thorns are often the most beautiful, don't you think so?" he mused. Then he sighed happily.

"It's good to be going home."
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

The Skarzs

I liked that; the ending to the story didn't seem rushed, and all the conversations felt very natural. Of course, it didn't have the descriptive paragraphs usual to one of Brian's works, but I could sense in it a connection with the real books.
I'd like to think of this as an alternate-universe-type story, where something prohibited the happenings of the actual books, but caused a new history. Anyways, I thought this was well-written, and enjoyable to read. I think you'll have a good chance with the contest. ;)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gwen A. Mouse

"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor