
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Splinter Island RP

Started by Izeroth, July 25, 2015, 12:04:50 AM

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 Captain Vrakkn Brokentooth stood on the deck of the Saltkeel, watching the sea. The waves washed against the sides of the ship, and the cries of seagulls echoed in the distance. There was an air of silence among the crew, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, a shout went out from the prow. "Land ho!" Called the lookout, "We're 'eadin' right fer tha island!"

Cornflower MM

Throwing pots and pans around in the galley, the (rather irritated) fox cook snorted as the shout went out. "Well, fine time to be tellin' me that!" She yelled. Rayne Redfur, as the fox was known wasn't in the best of moods because her bread had burned because someone had gotten into her way, and now she had to start the batch all over again - Plus, she was becoming forced to become increasingly creative to get edible food into the crew's bellies.

Stomping onto the deck, the irritable fox booted a random crewrat out of her way and squinted at the island. "Got enuff time ta finish mah bread." She muttered to herself.


Darasha the First Mate crossed the deck and climbed up onto the rail holding to the rigging as she looked out at the Island. Perfect an island to take on food and water. She climbed back down next to Vrakkn and said "I'll take a scout party ashore en tha row boat at yer command, find out ef any beat worth stealen' from lives dehre"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


 Vrakkn's mouthed curved into a wry smile. "We 'aven't come 'ere ter take on warter. Nay, I reckon dere's sometin' far more int'resting ter be found, 'an we're goin' ter need tha whole crew ter git it."

"'Ey!" Vrakkn called to the steersrat, "Bring us next ter tha island an' drop anchor! Tha last beast on shore is a dead treemouse!"

Cornflower MM

OOC: So, whatcha want me to do?


A grin slowly spread across Darasha's face, reviling her fangs in a menacing smile. "Yew 'eard 'im! Move da lot of ye," She roared as she pulled out her whip cracking it a breath away from a stoats ear "Move ye lazy lot o' codfish! or a'll kill ye meself!" And she cracked the whip in front of Rayne's snout.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Cornflower MM on August 13, 2015, 04:53:31 PM
OOC: So, whatcha want me to do?

OOC: Prepare to leave the ship with the rest of the crew.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Faiyloe on August 13, 2015, 09:47:16 PM
A grin slowly spread across Darasha's face, reviling her fangs in a menacing smile. "Yew 'eard 'im! Move da lot of ye," She roared as she pulled out her whip cracking it a breath away from a stoats ear "Move ye lazy lot o' codfish! or a'll kill ye meself!" And she cracked the whip in front of Rayne's snout.   

Rayne growled at Darasha. "I ain't doin' wot yer tell me. I got bread bakin' an' I ain't about to let it spoil. So getcher own hide outta me way!" She snarled.


Darasha growled and whipped out her dagger, "Da captain says get ashore," She said her voice low and menacing, "an when de captain says get ashore, e means GET ASHORE!" She shouted lashing at the foxes side with the whip. "ye kin do dis dead or alive, take yer pick..." She snarled.

OOC: Permission to lash her with the whip? I can take that bit out if you want.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Nah, you're good. You don't mind this bit, do you? I can take it out, if you want. Also, Iz, I can take out the part involving your breakfast table if you want. :P

BIC: Rayne shrieked, half in pain, half in anger. Catching the whip with her paw, she glared at Darasha. ""I will get ashore. AFTA I GET MY BREAD DONE!" She shouted, stamping her footpaw. "Unless, of course, you'd like ta explain ta the cap'n why his favorite bread ain't on his brekkist table?" She added sweetly.


Darasha yanked her whip from the foxes grasp and looked her strait in the eyes a wicked grin on her face. "By defyin' me ye defy de capin', et's 'is orders ye be disobeyen'," She said her dagger tracing Rayne's face only inches away from her muzzle. "Ye wan't me t' cut er ear off Capin'? she don't need dat ta cook," 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?