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Dungeons and Dragons

Started by W0NWILL, March 18, 2016, 12:06:55 AM

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I know that lots of folks here roleplay online, but are any of you tabletop gamers? I play DnD very often, and Savage Worlds when I want a modern setting.

Hopefully everyone here knows what DnD is. If not, prepare to be schooled. Aw yiss. It's a roleplaying game, like the ones in the roleplaying section. I know, that made my mind go kablooey as well! Roleplaying games in the roleplaying section? Whoda thunk? Anyway, it differs from the ones we do online in that it takes place around a table, dice are rolled to determine the outcome of what you try to do, and the gamemaster has a much bigger role in the game than play-by-post. I could go on, but I probably shouldn't get into too much depth since I could talk about this for hours.

I sorta have three DnD groups, which is insanely lucky. All fifth edition. One at the local library on Thursdays, where I play a Dwarven Cleric named Dwarf, one with my dad and his friends Sundays, where I play a Halfling Rogue(most original character ever) named Tym, and one online with a few close friends, where I play a Human Wizard. And I may sorta start DMing one on Fridays soon. Yeah. I may or may not have a problem. I'm not too sure.

I roll to see if I have a problem.


I always wanted to but my friends that would've played it with me don't talk to me any more... So sad. XD


Quote from: Ashleg on March 18, 2016, 01:37:42 AM
I always wanted to but my friends that would've played it with me don't talk to me any more... So sad. XD

Similar here, except nobody in my school (or town) even plays it. I tried to get a couple guys into it, but it never caught on.


Oh dear, that's unfortunate. It's really a great game once you get into it. It's hard at first learning all the rules and everything, but then it picks up once you actually sorta know what you're doing.

I dunno what to tell ya, Groddil, if literally no-one in your town plays it. But Ash, there might be some people nerdy enough you haven't met yet.

Or there's some places online where you can play DnD. I dunno what sorta community you'd get there, though. Probably not a very good one.


Quote from: BatLord on March 18, 2016, 01:48:25 AM
Oh dear, that's unfortunate. It's really a great game once you get into it. It's hard at first learning all the rules and everything, but then it picks up once you actually sorta know what you're doing.

I dunno what to tell ya, Groddil, if literally no-one in your town plays it. But Ash, there might be some people nerdy enough you haven't met yet.

Or there's some places online where you can play DnD. I dunno what sorta community you'd get there, though. Probably not a very good one.

There's, but unless you're running an adult game, you get no players.

Aimless Gallivanter

Aw man I've never played DnD but I really really want to!
I tried to set one up with my friends once, but my parents shut it down because for some reason they think it's demonic????
im gay!!!!!!


That's odd, but not particularly odd.

I've played DnD once. I don't think it's particularly confusing if you've played any kind of RPG before, which I have. I want to play it more but I no longer know anyone who does.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


@Grod: Yeah, that sounds about right. I've heard of a few others, but considering, prooobably not.

@Aim: Dear. It really isn't. It's a fun little game that just happens to worship satan XP that is very heavily fantasy. I've heard stories of people who think it leads to demon-worship, but that's far from the truth. Nah, I've made some pretty good friends through DnD, people I wouldn't have met otherwise.

@Jet: Hm. I've severely underestimated how lucky I am with my groups. Maybe I could try setting something up here. *shrugs* It's a little hard to do over the internet if not everyone has the source book, but it's possible.

Aimless Gallivanter

Quote from: BatLord on March 18, 2016, 01:58:57 AM
@Aim: Dear. It really isn't. It's a fun little game that just happens to worship satan XP that is very heavily fantasy. I've heard stories of people who think it leads to demon-worship, but that's far from the truth. Nah, I've made some pretty good friends through DnD, people I wouldn't have met otherwise.

People here call me Galli ;) I know it isn't!! That's just what my parents said, so I couldn't play :(
im gay!!!!!!


I bet when I get to high school there'll be someone. Hopefully. :p


   Woo! 5e and Savage Worlds! (Never played Savage Worlds, but it seems awesome for a low-fantasy setting if you mess with the Wild Card die a bit.) I also really love 3.5 and Pathfinder (particularly our chimeric amalgamation thereof) but 5e's a lot easier to comprehend for newbies.

   Ooh! On that note, I have a dilemma. I need a title for my Conjurer- he likes cloud spells and blinding people, he dislikes velociraptors and Enchanters. Titles should be along the lines of "The Unknowable," "of Seven Forms," or "Lightningcaller." You get as many syllables as people think you deserve- so in my case probably not more than 4-6. The character has a high opinion of himself but powerful wizards make for humbling company. Currently the best I have is "Of Shattered/Interrupted/Broken/Mistrd Gazes/Sight/Eyes/Vision," but I'm not so sure about that. Difficulty to make fun of is a plus; the Figjter DMPC is obnoxious.

@Galli: That's really unfortunate. I'd suggest you ask them to research it further, there's a lot of good counter arguments to the 'satanic panic' out there. (It's also worth reading about Satanism, though something tells me your parents probably wouldn't approve of that either. It isn't what you think.)

Lady Ashenwyte

Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on March 18, 2016, 01:52:52 AM
Aw man I've never played DnD but I really really want to!
I tried to set one up with my friends once, but my parents shut it down because for some reason they think it's demonic????

I never found the logic in that belief. Roleplaying as an elf wizard who is a secret alcoholic doesn't have anything to do with the spiritual.

Anyway, D&D sounds like the jam, but I prefer wargames.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.