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Unga Bunga! - The Caveman Game

Started by Groddil, August 15, 2016, 07:40:06 AM

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This game is a bit like an evil clone of Roleplaying, Survive the Crimson Sunrise, and Making it up as we go along. Enjoy.

(BTW, this first post has cannibalized the first post of StCSI, if anyone notices. :P)

So, this is an idea I thought up after playing StCS. Players will each assume the role of Chieftain of a tribe of cavemen. The tribes face constant hardships and war for territory, eventually leading to one player having full control of the area (and winning). We'll run it in a similar way to the three thingos I've listed above, with each player controlling a tribe and going about their daily business of hunting, gathering resources, and finding new things to bash together. There'll be hazards to deal with, other players to brutally slaughter, and the ever-present fun of finding out all that time you spent researching granted you the ability to learn that, hey, hedgehogs DON'T make effective toilet paper. Who knew? If you want to join, then pick a tribe from the list at the bottom of this post.


The Host: This is me. The host is responsible with keeping the game flowing, killing off characters and controlling a wide variety of things from the environment to tribes not represented by forum members.

The Players: Forum member players are responsible for their tribe's safety. The tribes could be killed off at any point and in any way, and have two major things to deal with. One - elemental safety. They need to make sure they are safe from the environment and from non-player enemies. The best way to do this is to set up a village with some sort of safety contraption - walls, bone charms to warn of enemies, spikes. The more creative and efficient the defense, the more likely they are to survive. Their other main concern is other players. Players can plot against one another and kill each other's tribes off.

Resources: This game is all about making sure that your cavemen survive. Send them out regularly to hunt and gather food, as well as other resources like metal or plants (for use in making new stuff). Occasionally, I will provide a special location or event, which can be pursued for some pretty snazzy rewards. Tribes can fight each other for the loot, try to split it, or just ignore the event entirely. If you don't manage resources, your tribe will probably die out.

Research: Initially, most tribes will start off as nothing better than a bunch of naked savages, running around eating berries and hitting each other with clumps of dirt. To improve this, you must RESEARCH! If your cavemen spend time investigating things and messing around, they'll discover new things, which can be anything from fire, to weaponry, to DIPLOMACY! (which lets you attract new tribals to join you). In addition to researching ideas, you can also have other, friendly tribes teach you things (often in exchange for something else). Research and resources must both be managed effectively in order to make your tribe a powerhouse of the Prehistoric Times.

Environment: This game's main environment is a valley, filled with forests, rivers, and plains. The valley is surrounded by mountains, and outside it, you can go north to a frozen tundra, or south to a desert. These locations all have their own strengths and weaknesses. The valley has easy access to a lot of resources, but is filled with strong enemies and will likely be sought after by other tribes. The will be an easy place to find water, if your tribe has that skill, but food will be slightly lacking (and the animals are all very hardy). The desert, on the other hand, is very scarce in terms of resources, so you will most likely have to steal from other tribes, but has very little competitors for territory, allowing your tribe to expand swiftly. Also, while your tribe can be nomadic, constructing a village will make you much more likely to survive, no matter where you are.

Raiding: This is the most fun aspect of the game. You can decide to have your tribe slaughter another tribe. Fun! It could be in your best interest, as it moves you closer to being the last tribe. You could also be peaceful, and hope that in return no one will attempt to attack your tribe. To attack other tribes, simply send the host a Private Message detailing how you plan to murder this person. The more elaborate and innovative your plan, the more likely it is to succeed. If you plan to destroy an active player's tribe, you will be less likely to succeed. Less active players are easier to destroy. The host will write in how the raid occurs. There are generally three ways of accomplishing this: A full-on, daytime, slaughterfest, which is more likely to succeed in destroying the target, but any survivors will know who you are, a sneaky, nighttime raid, which is less likely to wipe out the opponent completely, but will not let them know who it is, or by slowly picking them off, which is both stealthy AND effective, but will take much more time, and leaves your tribe vulnerable while your warriors are away.

Tribal Alliances: Two players can decide to join their tribes permanently (by marriage, giving peace offerings, etc, which means that two players will control one tribe) or temporarily joining together to defeat your enemies. This will occasionally make some tribals angry, so expect deserters if you make an alliance with former enemies. In addition, a combined tribe will use up more resources, but is much more powerful, has a larger territory, and can spend more time hunting and researching. If the tribe seems to be crumbling, you can decide to break the Alliance and run. Keep in mind that this will more or less force the two tribes into being enemies.

Winning: The host will kill off tribes who do not put up good defenses or don't post often enough. The game will continue until there is only one tribe (merged or otherwise) remaining. It's worth remembering not to neglect research, as a tribe with steel weaponry and gunpowder is much more likely to win than a tribe with no possessions or intelligence whatsoever, that survives by biting the heads off frogs.




Tribe Name
Starting environment: Where the tribe lives at the start of the game.
Style: Tribes fit into two categories: Nomadic (Do not benefit from villages, meaning they are more likely to avoid enemy raids entirely, but will not obtain as many resources) and Settler (Benefit most from settling in a village, but are more likely to be attacked).
Backstory: Optional.

Also, make sure to specify if you want to have good prior knowledge (to start strong), or a higher research speed (to get stronger faster).


Lord Daskar

Tribe Name: Daskaria
Starting environment: The Southern Edge of the Valley.
Style: Settler.
Backstory: Optional. Maybe Later.

Also, make sure to specify if you want to have good prior knowledge (to start strong), or a higher research speed (to get stronger faster). I'll try Good Prior Knowledge.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheerĀ·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

LT Sandpaw

 Hm... I'll give it a shot. Its a unique idea so we can give it the benefit of the doubt.

Also will stats such as how many people are in our tribe, and what resources we have, our tribe's leader be recorded on the first page, or do we have to keep track of that stuff ourselves?

Sandpaw's Tribe

Tribe Name: Elestra    Plurals: Elestrian/Elestrians

Starting environment: Mountains

Style: Settlers

As far back as the Elestrians can remember they were wandering families on the great plains, moving from place to place gathering what they needed from the land. They had plenty, and very few threats to their way of life. Occasionally the families would meet to howl to the moon as the wolves did.  However this age of plenty soon ended as the world warmed and a drought came over the lands, the plains rapidly turned to deserts and the sky burned with a ferocity unseen before then. The Elestra people soon began to die out, as they were unused to these new conditions. As water became scarcer and the families became few and far between an elder watched as the creatures followed the moon and left that land. Gathering the remaining families he too followed the moon as it fell in the sky, leading them all to the distant mountains.

Here life was much harder, colder, but here also was so much more. The Elestrians found caves in the mountains to live in, to hide in when the weather grew harsh. Here they learned to fight the mountain lions and bears, to run with the swiftest deer, and to climb like the mountain goats.

As they discovered, a harsh life gives way to a brighter future. The Elestrians grew smarter and stronger, fierce, and proud. They praised the moon for its deliverance, worshiping it as a goddess. By her light they learned to walk their mountain homeland. For they were a new, and stronger people.   

Starting Skill: Faster researching.


"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Quote from: LT Sandpaw on August 15, 2016, 09:00:42 PM
Also will stats such as how many people are in our tribe, and what resources we have, our tribe's leader be recorded on the first page, or do we have to keep track of that stuff ourselves? First page, in the spoiler.

Both accepted.

Fatch of Southsward

Sorry I didn't see this until now. I might suggest a new name for the topic to make it more eye catching. simply "Unga Bunga" Sounds like a spam topic from the cellars. If I had realized it was a game, I would have joined right off the bat!  :)

I will put up the details of my tribe soon!  ;)
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~

LT Sandpaw

I added a bit of history, I wasn't sure what to add, so I just did some barebones type stuff. ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


I'd like a spot, but I'm too tired and my neck hurts too much right now. Give me a bit.
~Just a soft space boi~
