
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Lady Ashenwyte, July 28, 2016, 04:31:39 PM

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Aimless Gallivanter

Dads Doubt Books
im gay!!!!!!

The Skarzs

Well, my dad certainly does. Heck, he doubts pretty much anything he doesn't think is correct.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Aimless Gallivanter

Deans Drive Burritos
im gay!!!!!!

Lord Daskar

Don't Dare Boys.

Denethor Doesn't Bake.  I like that one.

Dumb Dogs Bark.

When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheerĀ·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

LT Sandpaw

Dastardly Devious Baddies.

Deliberately Dangerous Bugs.

Destructive Democratic Bureaucrats.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Lord Daskar

Delthion Does Bite.

Delthion Does Bake.

Delthion Does Brake.

Delthion Does ? (It is here that I got stuck.)
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheerĀ·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

Wylder Treejumper

Delthion Dies Bald
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


Del's Dumpster Bread.

Don't Die Blue.

Do Die Blogging.

Dismiss Dumpy Boys.

Distressed Doctors Boasting.

Did Del Bellydance?

Don't Draw Bacon.

Does Dad Burn?

Didn't Die Before.

... I'm done ;D
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Lady Ashenwyte

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Russa Nodrey
