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Kingkiller Excerpt [Tammo's Contest II]

Started by Jack the Quick, July 16, 2019, 03:39:57 PM

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Jack the Quick

Okay, I'm really not sure if this works, but I think it does. Enjoy!
Warning: Kingkiller spoilers

Moonfur smiled to himself as he listened to Hairpaw trying to convince some of the crew to commit mutiny against him. It was a pitiful attempt. Most of the crewmembers just laughed, saying that Blackblood, Moonfur's first mate, would kill them all. Moonfur leaned forward in his desk chair, examining the charts in front of him. Taking a quill pen from his ink pot, he drew the form of the huge hare mountain, then the strange abbey that the shrews had told him about. Leaning back again, he thought of how ridiculously foolish Hairpaw was being. He was making plans for mutiny in the cabin right next to the Captain's own! Sighing, Moonfur closed his eyes to listen to Hairpaw's plans.

"Come on, hearties. Are weh not corsairs? If weh are num-a-rus e-nuff', weh can take our stoopid Captan an' his mate down!" Hairpaw cried, looking in the little dictionary he had found in one of the shrewmother's pockets to make himself sound more educated, and therefore more convincing.

"Ha har, yew'll never take down ol' Moonfur an' Blackblood. They're some 'o the bestest fighters in all of the fleet, aye, an' the two bestest fighters on this ship! In add-ijon teh dat, 'e's the best suited fer Cap'n 'ere. 'o d'ye expect ta take 'is place?" asked Three-ear, roaring with laughter at the thought of overthrowing his Captain as he peered over Hairpaw's shoulder at the dictionary. Unlike most corsair crews, most of Moonfur's was perfectly content with their captain. He treated them fairly and kept their ship in good order, though he was subject to random bouts of rage. Moonfur heard the rusty creak of the door beside his opening, then the rough slam as it closed. Moonfur smiled Whoever it was would certainly be heading for him, or at least would eventually. Hairpaw was a good sword, but he was a little too ambitious and disrespectful. Many of the crew had been wondering for a while why he hadn't just killed him already. Moonfur's answer was always the same. He'd get him when the time was ripe.

Someone knocked on the door. Moonfur smiled, he had been right. "Come in," he said.

The door opened slowly, and a searat's head popped through the crack. Moonfur gestured towards the seat across the desk from him. "Sit, Greywhisker, isn't it?"

The searat sat down, his sinewy muscles bulging as he sighed with relief. "Th-thank ye and yes, sir."

"Yer most welcome," Moonfur said, pouring a glass of wine for himself and Greywhisker. "Now, tell me exactly wot that traiter Hairpaw was sayin'." he said, getting strait to the point and drawing a bone-white dagger, testing it against his claw to prove his point.

Greywhisker gulped audibly, taking a large gulp of the Elderberry Wine to calm his nerves before answering. "H-he was sayin' 'ow if weh banded all together weh could take ye and yer mate down."

"Ah, I see. 'E 'ad no plan? Just charge up an' slay us all?" Moonfur roared with laughter, slamming his paws on the table, making Greywhisker jump with fright. "On'y a complete fool 'ould do dat, 'specially makin' 'is plans roight next door to the very ferret 'e's plottin' against!"

Greywhisker pulled his chair back with him, trying to get out of the way of his Captain's flailing arms, the dagger in his hands. "Y-yes sir. 'E said that ye'd be drunk an' asleep, 'cause 'e said dat ye'r a lazy ol' fool," Greywhisker nearly fell out of is chair as Moonfur slammed his dagger into the wood of his desk.

"Oh, 'e did, did 'e? Well, ye knew better, didn't ye, Greywhisker me ol' messmate?" Moonfur asked, getting up from his seat and walking around his desk to where Greywhisker was seated and putting his arm around his shoulders. "Now, I need ye to go an' fetch, me mate. Ye know the one, 'e goes by the name o' Blackblood!"

Greywhisker needed no second bidding, he left immediately, almost breaking down the door in his rush to exit. Only once he was a little ways from the Captain's cabin did he realize where he was going. Greywhisker stopped dead in his tracks as he processed that he had just been sent to fetch the most dangerous and unpredictable beast onboard. Blackblood the black fox was a master assassin, and he was loyal only to Moonfur. No one else. Greywhisker swallowed and kept moving. He would rather disturb the fox's rest than incur his Captain's wrath by not getting his mate.

All of a sudden, three rats came out of nowhere, bringing Greywhisker to the ground. He tried to dry for help, but one of the clamped a hand over his mouth. A second rat stood up and nodded at the two others.

"Wedgenose, Splitear, 'old 'im down. I'll make 'im speak," the second rat said, obviously in command. The other two rats, Wedgenose and Splitear, nodded back, pulling Greywhisker's arms and legs apart, forcing him eagle spread. Greywhisker couldn't move a muscle without dislocating his own limbs.

The lead searat leaned in closer, revealing his face. "Weh 'eard ye talkin' te tha boss, ye filthy traitor. Ye deserve ta die, aye, and in a nice 'an gruesome way," Hairpaw said, drawing a skinning knife. "Unluckily fer ye, all of the others 'eard ye as well. So know I've on'y got these two 'ere with me, 'cause you scared all the others off," Hairpaw inched closer, bringing the knife close to Greywhisker's neck. Greywhisker whimpered in fear. "So I got tha parfect punishment fer ya. I'll skin ya alive!" Greywhisker screamed, the other rats having removed their paw to hold him down. Hurriedly, Hairpaw clamped a paw over Greywhisker's mouth. "D'ye think anyone 'eard?" he asked Wedgenose worriedly. The other rat shrugged, though he looked a little nervous as well.

Suddenly, Splitear fell over, a dagger in his throat. A black fox came out of the darkness, a dagger in one hand and a sword in the other. Hairpaw and Wedgenose stood up and advanced on Blackblood. Taking his opportunity, Greywhisker fled down the hall. As Wedgenose lunged at the fox, Hairpaw turned and threw his knife at the fleeing Greywhisker, taking the other searat out. A scream rang out from behind Hairpaw. He turned around and gasped. Wedgenose was standing right in front of him, a dagger through one of his eyes and a sword through his stomach, staring right through Hairpaw with clouded, sightless eyes. The body toppled forwards. Hairpaw stumbled back as the black fox walked towards him.

"Captain Moonfur will want you alive," the black fox said. Hairpaw tried to run, but suddenly there was a sharp pain on top of his head and everything went dark.

Moonfur grinned broadly at his first mate as he entered. he motioned for the black fox to take the seat across from him, the same one that the now-deceased Greywhisker had previously occupied. As he sat down, Blackblood unceremoniously dropped the unconscious Hairpaw on the floor beside him.

"Ah, Blackblood, me ol' messmate. 'ow's it goin'?" Moonfur asked.

Expressionlessly, Blackblood responded in his low, raspy voice."I found thiz 'un in the 'allway. 'E was conspirin' wit two oder of de crew."

"Aye, but 'ow'd ye find 'em?" Moonfur asked, listening carefully to the room next door, finding that it appeared that they had dispersed.

Blackblood let out a barking laugh, one that would've startled most of the crew due to it's unexpectedness. "Haharr, dis 'un an' de oder two 'er threatenin' Greysomethin' or de oder. When I comes out 'o de darkness an' kills ze oder two."

"Ah, I see. Er, wotever 'appened to ol' Greywhisker?" Moonfur asked, fully understanding the black fox's strange accent.

"Arrr, this 'un here trew a dagger at 'is back," he answered, lifting Hairpaw's immobile body upwards.

Moonfur's expression darkened. "So 'e's now charged with mutiny an' murder?"

"Arr, sar."

Captain Moonfur stood up, motioning at Blackblood to do the same. "Go rouse meh crewbeasts. I've got meself a punishment teh issue."

"Arr, me sarr."

"Oh, an' don' ferget teh get somebeast teh clean up the bodies," Moonfur said, picking up Hairpaw's limp body and walking out the door and towards the deck.

Blackblood walked down the hall to the crew cabins, examining the woodwork around him. The Poison Terror had been designed for shore raiding, causing it to have been built with light materials. The wooden beams overhead were plainly designed, except for just behind him, where the Captain's cabin was. The woodwork there was intricately designed with scenes of destruction. Walking further down the hall, Blackblood knocked on one of the wooden beams. It was hollow, most likely to make the ship as light as possible. Reaching the crew cabins, all Blackblood could hear was the snoring of the crewmembers. Blackblood paused. That didn't make any sense. Only just a little while ago, a whole bunch of them had been joking around down the hall. There was no way they had all fallen asleep so fast. Creeping up to the door, Blackblood put his ear against it.

"Harharhar, that Hairpaw, wot a fool. 'E don't know muck abowt an'thin', 'pparently. 'E couldn't even tell us a proper plan!" one of them called out, sounding like a searat to Blackblood's keen ears.

"Har, ye're roight thar, Dryfin, 'cept 'e moight not even be the biggest fool 'ere," a second vermin commented. This one sounded like a weasel.

"Oh, is that so? 'O'd that be?" Dryfin asked.

"Dose fools Splitear an' Wedgenose. Dey 'cided teh side with 'Airpaw."

"Hahar, yer right! Ye always were da clever one, Foulnut me bucko." Foulnut roared, slapping the weasel on the back. Blackblood reached for the door handle, deciding that these beasts meant no harm towards his Captain, when another voice spoke out.

"Well, oi fer one think dat 'Airpaw might be roight 'ere, oi thinks ol' Monnfur's goin' mad!" an unidentifiable nasally voice rang out.

"Hahar, so yer a fool too?" Dryfin cackled. Blackblood decided the time was ripe. Throwing open the door and drawing a small metal mallet, Blackblood stomped in. Everyone in the room turned their heads towards the intruder. One, a rat by the name of Sixfang, Blackblood identified immediately as the nasally voice, jumped up with fright.

"Talkin' treason, eh? Filthy vermin," Blackblood spat, throwing the mallet at Sixfang's head. The rat collapsed in a heap on the floor. At this point, the rest of the crew in that cabin had woken up. "Youse two," Blackblood said, pointing a dirty claw at Foulnut and Dryfin. "Take dat foolish rat onte the upper decks. The Captan'll want 'im fer 'is punishments."

Dryfin rose shakily. "P-punishments?"

Blackblood grinned maniacally. "Yas, fer de fools. Hairpaw an' Sixfang."

The weasel and the rat gulped, though they picked up Sixfang's linp body and walked out the door. The rest of the vermin in that room just stood there, a little surprised by the recent happenings.

"Well, wat are ye waitin' fer? Git up on ze decks! De Captan wants ye!" Blackblood shouted. Immediately, the rest of the vermin in the room fled to the upper waited until everyone had left, then he left as well. He continued with the same process in the other three crew cabins, though he was unable to find any other traitors. Once he had cleared out the last room Blackblood turned, about to follow the last of the crew to the upper deck, when a large wooden beam fell onto his head. He was suddenly hit with a huge headache. He staggered about, clutching his head.

"Aye, make it stoop!" he cried, slamming his head against the wall in desperation. Suddenly, we felt an overwhelming urge to sleep. Before he even had the chance to consider it, Blackblood's world went dark.

A fox stood alone on the beachhead, shivering from the cold. He did not understand how he had gotten there, who he was, or even what he was. The waves were crashing against the tall rocks, sending sea spray every which way. Deciding that the cold was too much, the beast who did not understand who he was fled back towards the cliffs, caves, and protection. Reaching the caves, the fox settled down in the blankets he had found, already there when he had arrived. As he lay there, he did what he had done for the last few days. He thought. Well, it can't really be called thinking. He thought about lost thoughts. He didn't know how to speak, to communicate, he didn't know who he was, or what he was. He had no memory of anything at all.

The next day, the black fox rose from his rest and left the caves, doing what he always did. He headed for the shoreline to watch. For anything. Usually, he saw nothing. Only water and water, and the occasional shark, though he didn't know that what he saw were those things. This time, however, it was different. There was a large ship on the horizon, coming what looked like right at the fox. The fox didn't move at all, fear and emotion being strangers to him. A few minutes later, the ship had driven right up into the beach. A white ferret with a black diamond patterned tail exited the ship on small wooden plank, followed by three searats. The ferret walked right up to the fox, looking him up and down, sizing him up. The ferret was impressed. The fox was built strongly. With large, sinewy muscles running along his entire body. The ferret decided that he wanted this fox in his crew. The ferret, like most sea vermin, was blunt and straight to the point.

"Oy, foxey, me matey. 'ow'd ye loike te join meh crew?" the ferret said. Upon receiving no answer, the ferret tried a new tact.

"Alroight then, ye don't want teh talk, eh? Well, oi'm Captain Moonfur, Captain o' this foin vessel 'ere, the Poison Terror."

The fox still did not respond. In fact, he looked quite confused. Suddenly, Moonfur was struck with an idea. "Hmm, don't know 'ow teh talk, eh? Well, Moonfur," the ferret said, pointing one dirt caked claw at himself. He pointed behind him at one of the searats next. The rat hesitated, trying to figure out what his Captain meant. After a moment, he answered.

"Monkon," he said quickly, hoping his Captain hadn't noticed his failure to realize the obvious hand signal. Moonfur had, and he ground his teeth in annoyance. What an idiot. He really needed a new first mate. Then, he pointed a finger at the black fox. "Naow 'tis yer turn."

The fox still did not understand. All of a sudden, Moonfur realized that maybe this fox had had a complete loss of memory. That would explain the lack of fear, the apparent inability to speak and the confusion. Faking a smile, Moonfur advanced towards the fox. It wouldn't hurt to try, he had archers posted back on his ship that would kill the fox at the slightest sign of danger.

"Ah, 'tis you, er, Blackblood! Weh lost ye at sea quoite a while ago. Weh had thought ye had drownded!" seeing the fox continue to not speak, even look more confused, Moonfur sighed and tried again. Pointing a claw at the fox, he said one word. "Blackblood."

Uncertainly, the fox pointed a claw at himself and repeated the word. "B-Blackblood?

Moonfur half-smiled, this was going to be a difficult process. But a worthy one. Motioning for Blackblood to follow, Moonfur headed back to his ship, his rats and Blackblood right behind him.

Blackblood came awake with a start, sweat dripping down his face. He still remembered when that had happened, but he hadn't thought about it in the slightest in a long time. It was strange for such a vivid memory to come at him so suddenly, it was strange enough to terrify the black fox.

"A-are ye fine, matey?" a searat said nervously, coming down the hall from the deck.

Startled, Blackblood turned and answered harshly. "Arr, o' course oi'm fine. Wot could be wrong? Woi're ye 'ere?"

"The searat crept back nervously. "I-I was sent by the Captain teh get ye arfter ye didn't show up fer the pun'shments. Ye were all thrashin' abowt-like."

Blackblood smiled reassuringly at the rat, then lunged at him, putting his hands around his neck. After a while, the rat stopped struggling. Blackblood let the body drop to the ground, the spoke.

"None shall, see moi weakness, none at'all."

The black fox walked up the stairs to the deck, finding the whole crew amassed in a semi-circle around the terrified rats, Hairpaw and Sixfang. Moonfur stood right in front of the soon-to-be-punished, tapping his foot impatiently. When he noticed Blackblood, his face brightened considerably.

"Ah, Blackblood, me 'earty. Ye're 'ere! An' jus' in toime fer the pun'shments!" he cried.

"Yes sarr. Wot're ye doin' fer da pun'shments?"

Moonfur grinned wickedly. "Hahar, yew'll see. Oh, where's Clubsnout?"

"Da rat ye sent fer me? Oh, 'e had a traj'cal axe'dent. Noaw, ken weh start?"

"Oh, yes, weh ken. Dryfin, Kinda, tie 'em up. Foulnut, since my bosun ain't 'ere at da moment, come 'ere," Moonfur said, motioning for Foulnut to come to him. The weasel came, puffing his chest out proudly.

Pulling Foulnut towards him, Moonfur whisperd in his ear. "Bring one other beast asides Dryfin an' Kinda with ya teh the woodlands asiign two beasts teh each pris'ner, an' tell them teh spin em' each around five times, two klicks apart from each other. Once dat's done, get outa dere. Get it?"

Foulnut scratched his head. "Er, I thunk so. Why're ye given' 'em sucha weak pun'shment? Dey did some bad stuff, I thoughts."

Moonfur seized the weasel by his head and cuffed his ears. "Dat's fer me teh know and ye an' de oders teh find owt. Naow go! Off with ye!"

Foulnut ran off, yelling at Dryfin, Kinda, and his chosen other two. Moonfur sighed, looking up at the night sky. The moon was glowing brightly. Desperate times made for desperate measures, including giving up punishments. Grumbling to himself, Captain Moonfur of the Poison Terror retired to his cabin."Ha har, yew'll never take down ol' Moonfur an' Blackblood. They're some 'o the bestest fighters in all of the fleet, aye, an' the two bestest fighters on this ship! In a-add-ijon teh dat, 'e's the best suited fer Cap'n 'ere. 'o d'ye expect ta take 'is place?" asked Three-ear, roaring with laughter at the thought of overthrowing his Captain as he peered over Hairpaw's shoulder at the dictionary. Unlike most corsair crews, most of Moonfur's was perfectly content with their captain. He treated them fairly and kept their ship in good order, though he was subject to random bouts of rage. Moonfur heard the rusty creak of the door beside his opening, then the rough slam as it closed. Moonfur smiled Whoever it was would certainly be heading for him, or at least would eventually. Hairpaw was a good sword, but he was a little too ambitious and disrespectful. Many of the crew had been wondering for a while why he hadn't just killed him already. Moonfur's answer was always the same. He'd get him when the time was ripe.
Someone knocked on the door. Moonfur smiled, he had been right. "Come in," he said.
The door opened slowly, and a searat's head popped through the crack. Moonfur gestured towards the seat across the desk from him. "Sit, Greywhisker, isn't it?"
The searat sat down, his sinewy muscles bulging as he sighed with relief. "Th-thank ye and yes, sir."
"Yer most welcome," Moonfur said, pouring a glass of wine for himself and Greywhisker. "Now, tell me exactly wot that traitor Hairpaw was sayin'." he said, getting straight to the point and drawing a bone-white dagger, testing it against his claw to prove his point.
Greywhisker gulped audibly, taking a large gulp of the Elderberry Wine to calm his nerves before answering. "H-he was sayin' 'ow if weh banded all together weh could take ye and yer mate down."
"Ah, I see. 'E 'ad no plan? Just charge up an' slay us all?" Moonfur roared with laughter, slamming his paws on the table, making Greywhisker jump with fright. "On'y a complete fool 'ould do dat, 'specially makin' 'is plans roight next door to the very ferret 'e's plottin' against!"
Greywhisker pulled his chair back with him, trying to get out of the way of his Captain's flailing arms, the dagger in his hands. "Y-yes sir. 'E said that ye'd be drunk an' asleep, 'cause 'e said dat ye'r a lazy ol' fool," Greywhisker nearly fell out of is chair as Moonfur slammed his dagger into the wood of his desk.
"Oh, 'e did, did 'e? Well, ye knew better, didn't ye, Greywhisker me ol' messmate?" Moonfur asked, getting up from his seat and walking around his desk to where Greywhisker was seated and putting his arm around his shoulders. "Now, I need ye to go an' fetch, me mate. Ye know the one, 'e goes by the name o' Blackblood!"
Greywhisker needed no second bidding, he left immediately, almost breaking down the door in his rush to exit. Only once he was a little ways from the Captain's cabin did he realize where he was going. Greywhisker stopped dead in his tracks as he processed that he had just been sent to fetch the most dangerous and unpredictable beast onboard. Blackblood the black fox was a master assassin, and he was loyal only to Moonfur. No one else. Greywhisker swallowed and kept moving. He would rather disturb the fox's rest than incur his Captain's wrath by not getting his mate.
All of a sudden, three rats came out of nowhere, bringing Greywhisker to the ground. He tried to cry for help, but one of them clamped a hand over his mouth. A second rat stood up and nodded at the two others.
"Wedgenose, Splitear, 'old 'im down. I'll make 'im speak," the second rat said, obviously in command. The other two rats, Wedgenose and Splitear, nodded back, pulling Greywhisker's arms and legs apart, forcing him eagle spread. Greywhisker couldn't move a muscle without dislocating his own limbs.
The lead searat leaned in closer, revealing his face. "Weh 'eard ye talkin' te tha boss, ye filthy traitor. Ye deserve ta die, aye, and in a nice 'an gruesome way," Hairpaw said, drawing a skinning knife. "Unluckily fer ye, all of the others 'eard ye as well. So know I've on'y got these two 'ere with me, 'cause you scared all the others off," Hairpaw inched closer, bringing the knife close to Greywhisker's neck. Greywhisker whimpered in fear. "So I got tha parfect punishment fer ya. I'll skin ya alive!" Greywhisker screamed, the other rats having removed their paw to hold him down. Hurriedly, Hairpaw clamped a paw over Greywhisker's mouth. "D'ye think anyone 'eard?" he asked Wedgenose worriedly. The other rat shrugged, though he looked a little nervous as well.
Suddenly, Splitear fell over, a dagger in his throat. A black fox came out of the darkness, a dagger in one hand and a sword in the other. Hairpaw and Wedgenose stood up and advanced on Blackblood. Taking his opportunity, Greywhisker fled down the hall. As Wedgenose lunged at the fox, Hairpaw turned and threw his knife at the fleeing Greywhisker, bringing him to his knees, a dagger in the back of his neck. A scream rang out from behind Hairpaw. He turned around and gasped. Wedgenose was standing right in front of him, a dagger through one of his eyes and a sword through his stomach, staring right through Hairpaw with clouded, sightless eyes. The body toppled forwards. Hairpaw stumbled back as the black fox walked towards him.
"Captain Moonfur will want you alive," the black fox said. Hairpaw tried to run, but suddenly there was a sharp pain on top of his head and everything went dark.

Moonfur grinned broadly at his first mate as he entered. He motioned for the black fox to take the seat across from him, the same one that the now-deceased Greywhisker had previously occupied. As he sat down, Blackblood unceremoniously dropped the unconscious Hairpaw on the floor beside him.
"Ah, Blackblood, me ol' messmate. 'ow's it goin'?" Moonfur asked.
Expressionlessly, Blackblood responded in his low, raspy voice."I found thiz 'un in the 'allway. 'E was conspirin' wit two oder of de crew."
"Aye, but 'ow'd ye find 'em?" Moonfur asked, listening carefully to the room next door, finding that it appeared that they had dispersed.
Blackblood let out a barking laugh, one that would've startled most of the crew due to it's unexpectedness. "Haharr, dis 'un an' de oder two 'er threatenin' Greysomethin' or de oder. When I comes out o' de darkness an' kills ze oder two."
"Ah, I see. Er, wotever 'appened to ol' Greywhisker?" Moonfur asked, fully understanding the black fox's strange accent.
"Arrr, this 'un here trew a dagger at 'is back," he answered, lifting Hairpaw's immobile body upwards.
Moonfur's expression darkened. "So 'e's now charged with mutiny an' murder?"
"Arr, sar."
Captain Moonfur stood up, motioning at Blackblood to do the same. "Go rouse meh crewbeasts. I've got meself a punishment teh issue."
"Arr, me sarr."
"Oh, an' don' ferget teh get somebeast teh clean up dem bodies," Moonfur said, picking up Hairpaw's limp body and walking out the door and towards the deck.
Blackblood walked down the hall to the crew cabins, examining the woodwork around him. The Poison Terror had been designed for shore raiding, causing it to have been built with light materials. The wooden beams overhead were plainly designed, except for just behind him, where the Captain's cabin was. The woodwork there was intricately designed with scenes of destruction. Walking further down the hall, Blackblood knocked on one of the wooden beams. It was hollow, most likely to make the ship as light as possible. Reaching the crew cabins, all Blackblood could hear was the snoring of the crewmembers. Blackblood paused. That didn't make any sense. Only just a little while ago, a whole bunch of them had been joking around down the hall. There was no way they had all fallen asleep so fast. Creeping up to the door, Blackblood put his ear against it.
"Harharhar, that Hairpaw, wot a fool. 'E don't know muck abowt an'thin', 'pparently. 'E couldn't even tell us a proper plan!" one of them called out, sounding like a searat to Blackblood's keen ears.
"Har, ye're roight thar, Dryfin, 'cept 'e moight not even be the biggest fool 'ere," a second vermin commented. This one sounded like a weasel.
"Oh, is that so? 'O'd that be?" Dryfin asked.
"Dose fools Splitear an' Wedgenose. Dey 'cided teh side with 'Airpaw."
"Hahar, yer right! Ye always were da clever one, Foulnut me bucko." Foulnut roared, slapping the weasel on the back. Blackblood reached for the door handle, deciding that these beasts meant no harm towards his Captain, when another voice spoke out.
"Well, oi fer one think dat 'Airpaw might be roight 'ere, oi thinks ol' Moonfur's goin' mad!" an unidentifiable nasally voice rang out.
"Hahar, so yer a fool too?" Dryfin cackled. Blackblood decided the time was ripe. Throwing open the door and drawing a small metal mallet, Blackblood stomped in. Everyone in the room turned their heads towards the intruder. One, a rat by the name of Sixfang, Blackblood identified immediately as the nasally voice, jumped up with fright.
"Talkin' treason, eh? Filthy vermin," Blackblood spat, throwing the mallet at Sixfang's head. The rat collapsed in a heap on the floor. At this point, the rest of the crew in that cabin had woken up. "Youse two," Blackblood said, pointing a dirty claw at Foulnut and Dryfin. "Take dat foolish rat onte the upper decks. The Captan'll want 'im fer 'is punishments."
Dryfin rose shakily. "P-punishments?"
Blackblood grinned maniacally. "Yas, fer de fools. Hairpaw an' Sixfang."
The weasel and the rat gulped, though they picked up Sixfang's limp body and walked out the door. The rest of the vermin in that room just stood there, a little surprised by the recent happenings.
"Well, wat are ye waitin' fer? Git up on ze decks! De Captan wants ye!" Blackblood shouted. Immediately, the rest of the vermin in the room fled to the upper decks.

The weasel and the rat gulped, though they picked up Sixfang's limp body and walked out the door. The rest of the vermin in that room just stood there, a little surprised by the recent happenings.
"Well, wat are ye waitin' fer? Git up on ze decks! De Captan wants ye!" Blackblood shouted. Immediately, the rest of the vermin in the room fled to the upper decks. Blackblood waited until everyone had left, then he left as well. He continued with the same process in the other three crew cabins, though he was unable to find any other traitors. Once he had cleared out the last room Blackblood turned, about to follow the last of the crew to the upper deck, when a large wooden beam fell onto his head. He was suddenly hit with a huge headache. He staggered about, clutching his head.
"Aye, make it stoop!" he cried, slamming his head against the wall in desperation. Suddenly, we felt an overwhelming urge to sleep. Before he even had the chance to consider it, Blackblood's world went dark.

A fox stood alone on the beachhead, shivering from the cold. He did not understand how he had gotten there, who he was, or even what he was. The waves were crashing against the tall rocks, sending sea spray every which way. Deciding that the cold was too much, the beast who did not understand who he was fled back towards the cliffs, caves, and protection. Reaching the caves, the fox settled down in the blankets he had found, already there when he had arrived. As he lay there, he did what he had done for the last few days. He thought. Well, it can't really be called thinking. He thought about lost thoughts. He didn't know how to speak, to communicate, he didn't know who he was, or what he was. He had no memory of anything at all.
The next day, the black fox rose from his rest and left the caves, doing what he always did. He headed for the shoreline to watch. For anything. Usually, he saw nothing. Only water and water, and the occasional shark, though he didn't know that what he saw were those things. This time, however, it was different. There was a large ship on the horizon, coming what looked like right at the fox. The fox didn't move at all, fear and emotion being strangers to him. A few minutes later, the ship had driven right up into the beach. A white ferret with a black diamond patterned tail exited the ship on small wooden plank, followed by three searats. The ferret walked right up to the fox, looking him up and down, sizing him up. The ferret was impressed. The fox was built strongly. With large, sinewy muscles running along his entire body. The ferret decided that he wanted this fox in his crew. The ferret, like most sea vermin, was blunt and straight to the point.
"Oy, foxey, me matey. 'ow'd ye loike te join meh crew?" the ferret said. Upon receiving no answer, the ferret tried a new tact.
"Alroight then, ye don't want teh talk, eh? Well, oi'm Captain Moonfur, Captain o' this foin vessel 'ere, the Poison Terror."
The fox still did not respond. In fact, he looked quite confused. Suddenly, Moonfur was struck with an idea. "Hmm, don't know 'ow teh talk, eh? Well, Moonfur," the ferret said, pointing one dirt caked claw at himself. He pointed behind him at one of the searats next. The rat hesitated, trying to figure out what his Captain meant. After a moment, he answered.
"Monkon," he said quickly, hoping his Captain hadn't noticed his failure to realize the obvious hand signal. Moonfur had, and he ground his teeth in annoyance. What an idiot. He really needed a new first mate. Then, he pointed a finger at the black fox. "Naow 'tis yer turn."
The fox still did not understand. All of a sudden, Moonfur realized that maybe this fox had had a complete loss of memory. That would explain the lack of fear, the apparent inability to speak and the confusion. Faking a smile, Moonfur advanced towards the fox. It wouldn't hurt to try, he had archers posted back on his ship that would kill the fox at the slightest sign of danger.
"Ah, 'tis you, er, Blackblood! Weh lost ye at sea quoite a while ago. Weh had thought ye had drownded!" seeing the fox continue to not speak, even look more confused, Moonfur sighed and tried again. Pointing a claw at the fox, he said one word. "Blackblood."
Uncertainly, the fox pointed a claw at himself and repeated the word. "B-Blackblood?
Moonfur half-smiled, this was going to be a difficult process. But a worthy one. Motioning for Blackblood to follow, Moonfur headed back to his ship, his rats and Blackblood right behind him.

Blackblood came awake with a start, sweat dripping down his face. He still remembered when that had happened, but he hadn't thought about it in the slightest in a long time. It was strange for such a vivid memory to come at him so suddenly, it was strange enough to terrify the black fox.
"A-are ye fine, matey?" a searat said nervously, coming down the hall from the deck.
Startled, Blackblood turned and answered harshly. "Arr, o' course oi'm fine. Wot could be wrong? Woi're ye 'ere?"
"The searat crept back nervously. "I-I was sent by the Captain teh get ye arfter ye didn't show up fer the pun'shments. Ye were all thrashin' abowt-like."
Blackblood smiled reassuringly at the rat, then lunged at him, putting his hands around his neck. After a while, the rat stopped struggling. Blackblood let the body drop to the ground, the spoke.
"None shall, see moi weakness, none at'all."
The black fox walked up the stairs to the deck, finding the whole crew amassed in a semi-circle around the terrified rats, Hairpaw and Sixfang. Moonfur stood right in front of the soon-to-be-punished, tapping his foot impatiently. When he noticed Blackblood, his face brightened considerably.
"Ah, Blackblood, me 'earty. Ye're 'ere! An' jus' in toime fer the pun'shments!" he cried.
"Yes sarr. Wot're ye doin' fer da pun'shments?"
Moonfur grinned wickedly. "Hahar, yew'll see. Oh, where's Clubsnout?"
"Da rat ye sent fer me? Oh, 'e had a traj'cal axe'dent. Noaw, ken weh start?"
"Oh, yes, weh ken. Dryfin, Kinda, tie 'em up. Foulnut, since my bosun ain't 'ere at da moment, come 'ere," Moonfur said, motioning for Foulnut to come to him. The weasel came, puffing his chest out proudly.
Pulling Foulnut towards him, Moonfur whisperd in his ear. "Bring one other beast asides Dryfin an' Kinda with ya teh the woodlands asiign two beasts teh each pris'ner, an' tell them teh spin em' each around five times, two klicks apart from each other. Once dat's done, get outa dere. Get it?"
Foulnut scratched his head. "Er, I thunk so. Why're ye given' 'em sucha weak pun'shment? Dey did some bad stuff, I thoughts."
Moonfur seized the weasel by his head and cuffed his ears. "Dat's fer me teh know and ye an' de oders teh find owt. Naow go! Off with ye!"
Foulnut ran off, yelling at Dryfin, Kinda, and his chosen other two. Moonfur sighed, looking up at the night sky. The moon was glowing brightly.  Desperate times made for desperate measures, including giving up punishments. Grumbling to himself, Captain Moonfur of the Poison Terror retired to his cabin.

'I ate the sharpest tool in the shed'

"Inconceivable!" ~Vizzini, The Princess Bride

"Art is never complete, only abandoned," ~Leonardo da Vinci

Long live the RRR!!