
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Brian Jacques Day and the Forum Extravaganza!

Started by DanielofRedwall, February 05, 2020, 06:34:48 AM

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February 5 is typically a sombre occasion for our community as we mark the anniversary of the passing of the author that brought us all together, Brian Jacques.

This year, we wanted to do something particularly special to celebrate this community and what the spirit of Redwall means for us all. We are pleased to announce our next Forum Extravaganza!

What else is happening? Well, in response to the suggestions you have provided us so far, we have a good mix of big and small. Here's what you can look forward to in the following few weeks:

  • A A brand new Role-playing Board event, hosted by none other than @danflorreguba!
  • A much smaller role-playing tournament entirely for laughs!
  • Activity-based point systems! Our favourite!
  • An avatar switch!
  • Cool prizes!
  • Scavenger hunts!
  • Plenty more to be announced!
Of course, what's an extravaganza without a theme? This year, we are turning things on its head (literally) and celebrating SUMMER! That's right, while all of you Northern Hemispherians are up there freezing your paws off, the rest of us down here are having our fur burnt off. So, to help you all escape your miserable weather, ring in the upcoming Summer Olympics in Tokyo, and acknowledge that the Southern Hemisphere is clearly superior in every way (ADMIN NOTE: that final point is the opinion of this writer alone and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff as a whole) we are going to have a summer party!

I hope you are all as excited as we are! To commence proceedings, head over here for our Opening Ceremony and here for an official a toasting topic!
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