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The Pirates of Redwall. The Dead Beast's Chest

Started by AbbotAlf0805, June 10, 2012, 01:12:31 PM

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          In the ghostly ship, The Bloody Spike, lived Drask Rondox. Drask Rondox was an undead otter corsair that was cursed to roam the seas forever with his undead crew. It is said that Drask Rondox was an escaped slave from Marshank and left to sail the seas. Drask Rodox has killed many creatures on the Mossflower coast and many seek revenge.
          Cap'n Barbossa William Sparra and his ship, The Black Abbey, hates Drask Rondox but is mortaly afriad. He has crossed blades with in another story. But Cap'n Sparra plans on ending Drask's career.....

NOTE: This short story is set between The Pearls of Lutra and Mattimeo. This is also a sequel to the book, The Blade of Noonvale. It is simitainiuosly going on during anthor Redwall fanfic, The Outlander.  

Chapter One

             In the local Agutrot tavern, The Corsair's Delight, Cap'n Sparra is trying to get some supplies for his jorney.
"Fine! take your blasted ale!" complianed the mercant storming off.
"Well that went well. Now yuo two get these barrels on my ship!" commanded Cap'n Barbossa Sparra to his crew as he was supplying up for his jorney.
"Where's Jukkarus?" he asked his men. "Don't know cap'n. That squirrel's always running off."
"Hm.. your right on that Frod. Well go find her then!"
"Yes cap'n!"
Barbossa and his crew were about to head out when Barbossa heard somebeast yelling. He turned around to see Frod And Jukkarus running back onto the ship. "What took ye so long?" asked Barbossa.
"We got delayed cap'n. Some rats thought they could get some cash outta us but nope." replied Frod. Then Barbossa shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well then mateys... Get back to ye post."
"Aye aye cap'n!" then they ran off.
"Are you ok Barbossa?" said a sweet voice behind him. He turned around to see his wife, Elizabeth, walk out of their cabin. "Hello dear," said Barbossa turning around and walk up to his wife. She gave him a hug and said, "Oh Barbossa. Why do we have to go catch that awful Drask?"
"Because if we don't then the seas won't be safe."
"The seas arn't safe with you sailing them," she said smiling.
"For us I mean."
"Ok then guess so dear." replied Elizabeth. Barbossa noticed that she wasn't wearing a nice dress like she loved.
"Honey why aren't you wearing your normal dress? Your wearing.. pirate's garments?"
"Well I can't sail the seas well in a dress." she said putting on a pirates hat.
"Ok then." he said turning to his crew and saying, "All hands on deck!! We set sail now!" then the whole crew got to work. They set out the sails, hauled up the anchor and set sail.
"Where we headed cap'n?" yelled Stormwyte, an albino badger who was the ship's navigator.
"North! but stay to the shore line!"
"Aye aye cap'n!" yelled Sromwyte.
"Frod! how much food inventory?" asked Barbossa opening the hatch to the lower deck.
"About... one season sir!"
"Alright we will have to find more supplies when we hit half a season's worth of rations." replied Barbossa closing the hatch. That otter was good at rationing out food so Barbossa didn't worry.
"Jukkarus!" yelled Barbossa as the black squirrel came out fron below.
"Yes cap'n?"
"climb the sails and get to that crow's nest. Call for me when ye see alot of caves on the shore."
"Aye aye Cap'm!" said Jukkarus climbinf up the sails and up to the crow's nest. Barbossa walked to the bow of the ship and looked out over the seas and said, "I'm coming back Drask...."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Chapter Two

            "A ship off in the distance cap'n!" yelled Jukkarus throwing her spyglass to Barbossa. He looked through the spyglass and saw a ship with a very strange sail it had some sort of a paper like sail and a very strange bamboo hull.
"What do you make it out to be Barbossa?" asked Elizabeth looking through the spyglass. He took the spyglass back and said,
"It is no doubt a ship from the land of Jima.. But i'm trying to find out from the flag..." He squinted through the spyglass and said to himself in a low voice,
"Sandokhan..." He ran to the mast and hoisted his flag. The vixen shogun would remember him. He then hoisted the flag of Cap'n Barbossa Sparra, the sword of Martin the Warrior crossed with the blade of Noonvale under a rose with a black background. He got back to the bridge and watched the ship he saw the feint figures of the shogun's men scappering around. He looked at Elizabeth and said,
"Maybe they forgot all about me." Then right at that moment a balista bolt plunged right into his ship right between his legs.
"Or not! Men fire back!!" Then the ships turned broad side to each other and began fireing back and forth. The shogun's ship had taken many hits and started stagering for shore.
"Hit em hard!! Now!!" Then The Black Abbey sent out a barage of bolts and sank his ship. Barbossa was about to drink some rum when he looked through his spyglass and saw Sandokhan swim on shore.
"What the?! Ah forget him he won't be seeing his home for a while." said Barbossa,
"Continue on corse of Luke's Caves!" 
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Chapter Three

          "Land ho!" yelled Jukkarus throwing her spyglass to Barbossa. He looked through and saw Luke's Caves.
"Lay the anchor and get out a longboat!" yelled Barbossa as his men lowered down a longboat into the water.
"Jukkarus! Frod! Kaili! And Elizabeth you can come too! All of you get in!" yelled Barbossa jumping into the longboat. They all got in and made it to shore. Barbossa said, "Alright now! Elizabeth you come with me. Frod go with Kaili and search that cave. Jukkarus you guard the boat." Then they all said, "Aye aye cap'n!" and ran off to do their jobs. Barbossa walked up to the biggest cave with Elizabeth and went in. He lit a torch he found on the wall and found the cave almost as if it was once a house. He saw shelves and beds and tables. He imidiatly began looking through the shelves. Elizabeth was looking around in wonder. She hade never seen anything like this. Barbossa opened one shelf and pulled out a scroll. He looked at it and said,
"This is the thing we came for. Lets get back to the ship." They ran out of the cave and walked to the longboat. Frod and Kaili had brough back a small chest. Barbossa opened it up to find a strange compass. He picked it up and said, "This is strange," then he looked at Frod and said,
"I wish I had some rum..." Then he saw the arrow on the compass point towards a rock. He walked up to it and looked behind it and saw a bottle of rum.
"Shiver me timbers!" said Barbossa getting back to the longboat.....
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


AbbotAlf says he is no longer interested in continuing this story.

Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra