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A New Life At Sea

Started by Tiria Wildlough, October 13, 2012, 08:37:36 AM

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Eostra hardly glanced at Hunt and said 'Who asked yew antbrain? Anyway if da squirrel refuses ta join den da cap'n 'll have to cut 'im up.' Eostra sneered at Hunt and went into the cabin to sharpen her weapons.

Tiria Wildlough

'Too right I will,' sneered Captain Baltor, suddenly coming up behind Delkon. The squirrel shuddered. Baltor went on. 'I ain't scared to chop yer up. So decide before I decides for ya.'
Delkon screwed up his face. This was possibly the biggest challange he had ever faced. Finally, he opened his eyes. 'Fine. I'll join your crew.'
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RaKe NiGhTfUr

Ghost watched the treedwellar agree to join the crew


As Eostra closed the cabin door she quickly pressed her ear to it eager to know what was happening, she listened to what Baltor said and then headed for a chair. She sat down on the chair and began sharpening her dirk thinking  about what she had heard 'So da squirrel finally decided ta join.' she sighed and threw the dirk at the cabin door listening as it made a 'thunk' sound as it hit the wood, she got up and pulled out the dirk with ease before placing it in her belt.


OOC: So I need someone he's attached to (at least a little bit) so that he has someone he can (sort of) count on/help. Also, if he doesn't quite speak right, I apologize, I'm not as well versed with vermin talk in Redwall as I would like. And I will wake him up and make him interact, I'm just testing out the waters with this guy. And feel free to abuse him, he is supposed to be abused somewhat after all.

Vad wiped his forehead with his paw, his leg was giving him trouble again after being in the same spot for the last hour but he had finally finishd his work repairing the hold from the last battle.

Something exciting must be going on, on the upper deck. All that g'd awful yellin' and noises. Didn't sound like a fight, no reason to go up. So instead of joining the rest on deck, he went to his bunk for some well earned relaxation. He had first watch tonight, so best get the sleep when he could. 'Sides he'd find out what was goin' on up there soon enough. Although, whether he'd be told or he'd have to force someone to tell him, was still unknown. You didn't live long if you couldn't tell which way the wind was blowin'. The last thing he thought before his quick snooze was 'I gotta get me some fresh fish viddles, stupid cook couldn't smell a sea rat from a pine'.


  OOC:  Hunt (my character) can be Vad's buddy.  Hunt is sort of depicted (in my mind) as a character who tries to look after his crewmates, even though he doesn't really enjoy it.

  BIC:  Hunt sneered back at Eostra before walking away.  He stood by the squirrel and jumped as the captain started speaking.  He was very surprised when Delkon decided to join.  He then turned and grinned at the door leading to Eostra's cabin.  "'Ear that, Eostra?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Vad had just shut his eyes when the ship tossed him off onto the floor. 'Fer the, aw'. There was a gaping hole in the exact area he had just patched up. It was stupid he knew but he looked out newly made hole, he squinted. Pulling out an old beat up telescope from his bag, it was a ship. He muttered some curses under his breath, it was hermaphrodite brig, seasoned pirates used those. If the noise on deck was any indication the crew already knew. Putting his telescope away he took out two of his knives, best make himself useful. He dashed up the stairs readying himself the inevitable battle ahead.

OOC: A  hermaphrodite brig is a boat with two masts, one of which is square rigged,, it is also known as a brigantine. The telescope came from a corpse from a battle before, he looted it off a dead body before they sunk the boat. So... hopefully this gets the story moving along.

Guess we're ignoring this... carry on then =D.


OOC:Rain, Eostra is in the cabin so she wouldn't have heard what you said as her ear wasn't at the door anymore.

BIC: Eostra leaned aginst the wall before going out back onto deck, she looked at the squirrel who looked relived and happier then he had been. Eostra knew what had been going on but she decided to pretend she didn't 'Hunt, what happened 'ere? Why is da squirrel grinnin' like a daft duck?'


  Hunt chuckled.  "Wot, ye didn't 'ear?  Wot's 'is face is now an official crewbeast."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Eostra feigned suprise and put a hand to her fore-head 'Well blow me! I t'ought we were gonna have ta chop up some landlubber for da fishes.'
She chuckled and circled the squirrel before asking the captin 'Wot will ya use da squirrel for? 'e probably hasn't even seen a poper ship neva mind sailed one.'