Briar's Rehabilitation Home for Vermin

Started by WoodenSpoon, April 03, 2013, 10:09:50 PM

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"So, what are yeh gonna make, Miss Annemarie?" Janar asked, feeling a little dissapointed.
I LOVE 80's music.


  "Well," Annemarie said, peering out the window and into the orchard, "we could go pick some more blueberries.  It shouldn't take too long."  She smiled at Janar.  "Yes, let's go pick some more berries.  That way we can have our blueberry cake.  I'm sure that all of the residents would love blueberry cake!"
  With that, the squirrelmaid promptly walked out of the kitchen and outside, intending to go to the orchard.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Sure thing, Miss!" Janar said, following Annemarie.
I LOVE 80's music.

swift paw



Ferus  wiped the grime out of his eyes and turned in the direction of the voice. "Seen?" His once clear voice was cracked with a bitter cynicism. "No, I haven't seen anyone." He lowered his head and started running his claws through the dust. "And my ears have not been assaulted by that old spikebottoms screeching today. Must not be around"

  Briar left the building and started inspecting the neat row of houses. Some movement from the kitchen door caught her eye. "Annemarie?" She called out. "What are you doing out? The inmates will be wanting their breakfast soon." There was a hint of scold in her voice as she focused on the pretty young cook. Neglecting her duties wasn't like the maid.
   Briar then saw Janar. She felt her expression soften. "Good morning, Janar." She had a fondness for the rat. He was proof she was right. Vermin could learn to be peaceful creatures.

 Osmund had his mouth full of scones when he saw an assistant chef glare at him. He swallowed guilty and looked around. Where had Annamarie gone? Janar? The otter was a bit too flippant to be worried, but he was concerned. He was certain that somewhere along the way he had neglected his guard duty. If it was noticed, things could get a little uncomfortable. Ah well. Nothing bad was happening. As long as he paid more attention, no one would notice.

OOC: I am so sorry for not replying sooner. I was delayed, and then started putting it off. I do have a job now, but I will try to make replying to this part of my bi-daily routine.

Ungatt Trunn

Grodlle looked frusteratidly at Ferus. He had had several run-ins with him before. He siged. "Well," he said, "Better go and find Briar...".
He looked around untile he saw her talking to Janar. "Finally!" he muttered to himself as he made his to were Briar was standing. "Hey, Briar" he called out, "theres something I need to talk to you about..."

Life is too short to rush through it.


    Briar looked up. Then she frowned. "What is it Grodlle?" She could feel a headache coming on. No... that was a blatant lie. She thrived on straighting out twisted situations. Already she was feeling a surge of energy. "Is there trouble this early in the morning?"

Ungatt Trunn

"Um, yes ma'am" Grodlle said, figeting on the spot. "It seems that somebody has stolen some berrys from the kichens". He continued "We don't know who took, ma'am".

Life is too short to rush through it.


  "Yes," Annemarie agreed, nodding.  "That's why I'm out with Janar.  We had intended to make some blueberry cake for breakfast.  I thought that all the residents would enjoy some cake.  But somebeast took the blueberries, so Janar and I were going to pick some more.  We wouldn't want to deprive anybeast of cake, would we, Janar?"  She winked at the rat, knowing how much he loved her cake.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


   Briar's frown deepened. "I see." She straightened her apron in a business like fashion and fingered her club. "Annemarie, Janar, you may go on to the orchard. I wouldn't want to miss out on blueberry cake myself." There was the barest hint of a smile as she said it. She turned to Grodlle. "We should take this seriously." She spoke the words like an order. "It is just a dibbunish prank now, but if we tolerate it, it could lead to far more serious thefts."

Ungatt Trunn

"So....what will you have us do, miss Briar?" Grodlle replied.

Life is too short to rush through it.