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intrest and collection topic

Started by phoenixfoden, May 20, 2013, 07:54:32 AM

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well i made this topic so we can chat about things we are really big fans of or things you enjoy collectin,it can be books,movies,games,stamps,model planes...anything!

ill start off
well i am a huge fan of welkin weasels books i can talk all day about them,most thimgs furry i love.
bats,wolves and weasels are my favorite animals.
i love cartoons like tom and jerry and pretty much anything pre 90s
my favorite game is the witcher 2 (kinda like the lord of the rings)
i also like talking about cars especaly classic and japanesse sports cars.


  Well, if we're talking about collecting, my computer has collected a bunch of books I've started writing and then left there to die a slow, painful death of forgetfulness.  :P
  I like to collect books that aren't my own, of course.  ;)  I own a couple of Redwall books (maybe five?).  I'd really like more, but unfortunately, I can never find them at any stores.  :-\
  I used to collect tiny dog models, as well as tiny horse models.  I had a bunch of them that I'd set up in different areas to create a scene (I had small store-bought buildings:  Barns, stores, pens (horse pens, like ones you'd keep a horse in) and such).  I don't know what happened to all those models, but I have a feeling that they're lying broken somewhere deep in my closet.  :P
  I guess you could also say I collect sketchbooks.  I have about 3 or 4 filled sketchbooks in my room, and two that are partially full (one is for my art requests, the other is for random drawings).
  I have a basket full of finished art requests (I rip them out of the sketchbook so I don't have to carry a big book around everywhere.  Just a clipboard) on a bookshelf.  I like to keep them somewhere where they won't get damaged, so if I ever lose the pictures on the computer, I can just go and re-scan them.

  Yeah, you could say I collect stuff.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


ive just finished one sketchbook so i just keep that around to show people my drawings and charicters.i also have a sketchbook full of cars i drew when i was 10 its cool to have a look at the ideas i had.


Quote from: phoenixfoden on May 20, 2013, 07:54:32 AM
well i made this topic so we can chat about things we are really big fans of or things you enjoy collectin,it can be books,movies,games,stamps,model planes...anything!

ill start off
well i am a huge fan of welkin weasels books i can talk all day about them,most thimgs furry i love.
bats,wolves and weasels are my favorite animals.
i love cartoons like tom and jerry and pretty much anything pre 90s
my favorite game is the witcher 2 (kinda like the lord of the rings)
i also like talking about cars especaly classic and japanesse sports cars.

HOORAY! Another Weasel lover!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


they make the most wicked bad guys and the coolest good guys  :)