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Round 2: Swords of Freedom (Ready on All Fronts)

Started by BrookSkimmer, April 07, 2013, 07:16:14 PM

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The younger mouse merely nodded once to Sora at her apology. It wasn't really Marcus's forte to accept or give apologies, so he let Xbalantie do the talking on that part. Watching carefully from a few feet off, he wasn't sure if Xbalantie noticed him there or not as she prepped the materials. He went through the process in his head. Really it was a cunning move by whomever had created these rocks. Timballisto, probably. The vermin ship would be little more than ashes by the time they were done.

Marcus blinked as Xbalantie suddenly stood, leaving for no apparent reason. What was she doing? There was still work to be done. Oh, well. No matter. He could load them himself. Leaning over he used his knees and back to lift the stone in his strong paws, carrying it with little difficulty over to the nearest ballista. Once that was done, he continued repeating the process, loading the rocks into each ballista.

Leatho Shellhound

*Vannøyne began to help Marcus load the heavy rocks onto the ballista in a similar fashion, he wasn’t as strong as his companion but the work was manageable. The misty rain made the rocks slick, and in one occasion he almost dropped it.

“That would be great, to hurt myself before the battle.” He said more to himself than any one.

As he finished that work he sat down with his back against one of the heavy battle machines. There was a drop drop of water that fell from his nose guard. The light rain had also collected on his whiskers and fur, making small purls. The cold wind blew constantly, having no mercy on its victims. 

Tilting his head toward Marcus he said, “It will be quite a fight, won’t it. “ Getting no answer he began polishing his narwhal tooth sword, not that it needed it, but the pass the time. For he knew he had to keep his nerves calm for the upcoming battle, it would never do to be on edge when fighting. Waiting did just that.
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Tim nodded to Xbalantie. She was right, it was time to defend their home with force. It seemed some vermin had already landed on the shore. The others wouldn't be far behind! It was time to act.

"Give them a taste oft he ballistas Xbalantie." The words came quietly, with grim determination. No vermin would live that came to these shores, not if the Swords of Freedom had anything to do with it!

(time jump)

The fire stones whirled off into the patchy fog like comets. Though the ship was hard to see, it was a large enough target. Too large to be missed by somebeast who knew how to work to ballistas properly.  Timballisto watched through narrowed eyes as his handy work began to wreck havoc on the incoming ship. Convenient that the ship had begun to move closer, that made an even better target.

"They're getting into the boats. They'll be on shore soon enough."

He had been informed that those willing to fight from the cave dwellings were begin armed. Tim turned to those near to him.

"Xbalantie, keep the fire stones slinging. Aim at the small boats as they near the shore. Once they make it onto the shore, attend us. The fire stones could hit our own if we fire at vermin on the shore." Tim hoped the raining fire would deter the vermin.

"Marcus, you and Frost go tell Spera and Liv to be ready with our back up forces. We will not allow those who are not a part of the Swords of Freedom to fight unless necessary. Understood?" Their message would not be well received. He knew all those who loved their home would want to fight. However, Tim did not want more blood shed than needed. If the Swords could defend the coast they would do so.

"Vannøyne, Nevfae, Sora, make your way to the shore. These vermin need to know whose door they are knocking on. I shall attend you."

The time was at paw!