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Random oneshot about luke

Started by Lilian of Oceanna, July 19, 2013, 02:49:55 AM

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Lilian of Oceanna

 recently i got bored, since i am writing a story about martin/rose where Luke is alive, i decided to write this. tell me if you like it and maybe someday i'll post the story it accomanies.
Here goes:
The set of sequences takes place durring and after Legend of Luke.
A mouse and a squirrel struggled to reach the surface. Both were covered in injuries from the battle they had just endured. Both had expected to die when the ship sank,  but somehow they were alive. Above them,  a boat was floating,  a face leaned over the side. As the mouse and squirrel lost consciousness,  several otters leapt into the water and pulled them onto the it.
"Who could they be?" Wondered one of them. Their leader glanced at what could still be seen of the vessel.
"Whoever they are,  they've just rid the seas of Vilu Daskar!"
"We must help them then. They have done a great deed." His wife said. So they did.
Seasons later,  Luke decided it was time to find his son. He and Ranguvar thanked the otters for their kindness and were dropped off at the beach near the caves. If they had arrived 2 days earlier,  they would have found Martin and company,  but they were gone now. Luke Made his way to the cave that had once been his home. Empty as it was,  Luke knew someone had been there recently. There were pawprints in the sand.
"My son was here." He declared.
"How do you know it was him?" Ranguvar asked him.
"Father's instinct. Perhaps he's not far away. We'll stay here for tonight." Luke remembered something and went over to the wall. Removing a stone,  he peared inside a hole. Inside was something wrapped in a cloth.
"I cant believe it! After all these seasons it's still here!"
"What is it?" Ranguvar questioned,
"Sayna's sword. I hid it there when she died. I was going to give it to Martin if he ever wed, but then I left..." the squirrel simply nodded. That night Luke dreampt.
A mouse stood in the cave,  she smiled at him.
"Yes. Its been a long time I know,  but there's something I am supposed to tell you. Our son is alive and well. The otters told you his tale, and he has heard yours. If you go south, to a place called Redwall,  you will find him." Luke smiled,
"I'll see my son again!"
"Yes, and perhaps I shall be permitted to speak to you again. I must go now. Remember go south to a place called Redwall." Sayna faded away. When he opened his eyes,  Luke saw that it was morning.
"We are going to travel south." Luke informed Ranguvar after breakfast. She did not question him.

"We've got guests today." Columbine informed Martin and Gonff.
"We should go greet them." Martin suggested.
"You two run along. Gonff if you've stolen any of my pies,  now would be and excellent time to inform me so that I can make more in time for dinner." Columbine told her husband. Gonff had a obsession with stealing pies from the Abbey kitchen.
"I may have...."
"Gonff! Get yourself out of here before I kill you!" Columbine exclaimed. Gonff fled,  followed by a laughing Martin.

"You seek Martin? He lives here." Abbess Germaine was telling Luke as the two entered. Martin stared at Luke, disbelief flooding his mind.
"Here he is now." Sister Amyl said. Luke looked at him,
"My son!"
"How is this possible,  you're dead!?" Gonff looked back and forth at the two mice,
"What's going on?" He asked.
"I'm Luke,  surely Martin has spoken if me?"
"Yes.  Martins right though,  aren't you supposed to be dead?" Gonff replied.
"I survived. Some otters helped us." Luke explained.
"So it really is you!" Martin said.
"Yes,  but I understand if you don't want it to be. I did leave you for quite awhile..."
"That's ok. I would never of come here if you hadn't." He replied. And so,  father and son were reunited.
This might be a bit cheesy, but i'd still like to here what people think, so if you have any thoughts feel free to comment.


That was a nice story! I liked it very much!
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3