Want to Duel, anyone?

Started by Cornflower MM, January 07, 2014, 07:23:10 PM

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Cornflower MM

Want to Duel, anyone? Please let me know! I'll be checking this thread regularly. I'll post a sheet later, and you (Whoever you may be; I'm saying that whoever duels with me) can decide where we are. And the first person to reply gets the honour of dueling with me, so long as you check the thread often!!


I may think about dueling you... I'll check back when I've decided later.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM


Hmmm... Eh, why not?

Name: Argj
Species: Peregrine Falxon
Gender: Female
Skills: Almost never misses.
Weapons: The law of tooth and fang :P

Edit: oops. Actaully female.
~Just a soft space boi~

Cornflower MM

Alright, Han, you're out of luck! Blaggut, please check the thread every time you're on.

Name: Arya
Weapons: Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword.
Other: Trained very well. Almost never is defeated.

What shall the setting be?


I'm thinking near a cliff-ish zone, where my aerie (falcon den thing) is. I'm nursing eyases (chicks) so my mothery instincts are high. Maybe you'll be In the area near my nests without knowing it, and I'll be able to attack u? Oh and also, an aerie is basically a flat just off in the cliff where the chicks are.
~Just a soft space boi~

Cornflower MM

I know what an Aerie is. (Not spelled that way, but I forgot how! :D) Alright, you want me to go put up the thread?


~Just a soft space boi~