
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Mossflower Insane Asylum

Started by Rainshadow, April 23, 2014, 04:05:51 AM

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  OOC:  Just reminding y'all, it would be most preferable if you had a minimum of ten sentences in your posts so that the characters can be developed and the plot can be moved forward more quickly.  :)

  Shem flinched as he heard a knock on the isolation room door.

  "Misser Colder?" an old male voice asked.  "You ready fer lunsh, now?"

  The otter nodded, then realized, Oh, wait, he can't see me.

  Of course he can't see you, idiot, a shrewmaid scoffed.

  A hedgehog-sounding voice replied, Aye, not unless 'e can see frough walls, right?

  Shem rolled his eyes.  "Er, yes, you can bring it in."

  "Ooh, lunch?" Lucas asked, suddenly appearing on the cot beside the otter.  "I hope it's soup today like we had yesterday.  The soup was so good!"

  The dog glanced at the mouse, irritated, and stood, stepping closer to the door.  "Shut up, Lucas," he growled.  "It's my lunch, not yours.  Okay?"

  The rat stuck out his lower lip in a pout and promptly disappeared, leaving Shem in the room alone.  That is, until the door opened and a weasel stepped in, carrying a trolley laden with food.  It was mushroom soup today with a berry pudding for dessert, which would have been good, except that the otter didn't like pudding.  It always smelled like it had poison mixed into it.  Still, he accepted the tray, placing it on the small table as he warily watched the weasel.

  The cook glanced at Shem, then at the food.  "Well?  You gon' eat mah cookin'?"

  "Oh, uh, yes... thank you."  Shem sat down on the small chair and picked up the wooden spoon, quickly tasting the soup.  It was good, but there was something funny about it.

  "Er, there's no... poison in this, is there?" he asked, looking uncomfortably at the bowl.

  Sighing, the weasel answered, "No, Shem, fer da umpteenf time, da food don't 'ave poison.  It never 'as poison.  Arright?"  Without waiting for an answer, he pushed the trolley out of the room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind him.

  "Ooh, pudding!"  Lucas appeared in the chair opposite Shem and took the bowl of pudding, sticking his claw in and licking it.  "Mmm, blueberry."

  The otter rolled his eyes and picked up his spoon, eating his soup in silence.


  Overseeing luncheon in the White Wing was one of the chief's favourite tasks, for he got to see the beasts interacting with one another and, most importantly, he got free vittles.  Currently the hare was standing in line behind a sweet old she-mouse, who was being served a tiny portion of salad by one of the many cooks.

  "Thank you, Charles," she said with a smile before walking away to a table.

  "My name's not Charles," the ferret sighed as the old beast left.

  Artur chuckled and stepped up to the grey beast.  "H'oh, it's quite h'alright, Barnabas, she doesn't know better.  Now, can I get h'a bit o' salad there, wot?  It looks fantastic today, h'I must say."

  Barnabas scooped up the green leaves and put them on Chief Greenwick's tray with a tired smile, then put other various vegetables and toppings on before the hare stopped him.

  "That's good, sah.  Must save room for some h'other vittles, y'know?"  He patted his plump girth and winked, then took some cutlery and left for a table.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Ok," Grace said then the lunch bell rang. "There it is," She sifted her load and then opened the door a shrew employee was passing and graces stooped him and handed him the load of laundry saying she had to take Carthy to lunch. 


Luna knocked on the door again she was getting hungry and she wanted out. Then suddenly everything started reprimanding her at once at the top of there voices. She ran around the messy room. Turning this way and that trying to face the verbal attackers. Yelling back retorts screaming to be heard over the bombardment of words. She beet on the wall and threw the stool again knocking over the table and it just got louder  and louder till she curled up in the corner and covering her ears started to cry.   

OOC: Could one of the staff come and find her... She has been pretty loud it is hard not to notice that.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Carthy cheerfully followed Grace to the lunch room, whistling a tune he made up as he went. "Thanks for letting me out of my room." said the Shrew.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Dag Downyfur

Alder was in the lunchroom, and, having finished his meal, sat at his table, tapping a beat with his paw. The ferret was in one of his hyperactive sort of moods, though he was far from his worst. He had been one of the first to lunch, so while most beasts were still getting their food and finding tables, he had already eaten. Somewhat bored, he hummed a random song absentmindedly.

OOC: that's a short post, but I'm just introducing him, sort of. Incorporating myself into the roleplay. So, next post will be longer, because I'll have more of a point to it XD
Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith