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Steampunk Fanfiction

Started by Thomas Barkshield, September 17, 2014, 01:36:48 AM

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Thomas Barkshield

This is a fanfiction based in the world of my roleplay (Go check it out). First chapter will be up soon!

Thomas Barkshield

Chapter 1
Sir William Pitt Senior was on a carriage to his mansion in the heart of Redwall city. He was tired after a long day of working on the new ##:1046-90 anti airship gun but it was finally ready for shipping later tonight. The first working models were to be sent to Salamandastron military base, for use against corsairs that had been raiding the nearby town. When he finally reached home he decided to go through the back and bypass his servants and their constant pestering. He was going straight to the lounge to meet his wife. When he reached the lounge he was surprised to find it empty. Strange, she was always there to meet him every day. Perhaps she was feeling under the weather and in bed, recovering. He sighed and was starting towards the bedroom when he heard sobbing coming from the kitchen.He rarely ventured into that part of the house so it took him a minute to fin the door. When reached the kitchen he found the friar sitting on a chair bawling her eyes out. Upon further questioning he discovered the source of her sorrow.
"It was orrible it was. The poor old missus, sitting there dead. I called the police, but they said they already new about it. Said summat about puttin you behind bars they did. Oh lackaday It were arful."
Quite startled by this news William ran to the bedroom and threw the door open to find his lovely wife dead, her head caved in with the table lamp. Then he heard the doorbell, and the sound of feet marching towards him reached his ears. A squad of policebeasts burst through the door and demanded William put his hands up.
"William Pitt, we arrest you in the name of the law."
"On what charges?"
"First degree murder of your wife."
"What? This is preposterous! I am a respectable citizen! I.."
Two burly hares reached out and grabbed William by the shoulders.
"Get your hands off me!"
"You are a murderer. The punishment for murder is death Mr Pitt. Take him away"
At that moment William pressed a button on walking stick that released a cloud of specially formulated gas from a canister hidden in Williams cane. It worked by attacking the eyes, blinding everyone not wearing special goggles designed by William. As the policebeasts went blind William took the opportunity to escape through the window onto the vines that covered the house. Once on the lawn he raced towards the port and hoped reverently that a smuggler willing to take him to safety was in town. Just as he reached the airship docks he saw a familiar face coming out of the police station. It was Rodger Whathisname, Wildeberry, thats it! Rodger Wildeberry, the man they had hired to ship the new guns to Salamandastron. But what was he doing coming out of a police station? William didn't know and he didn't care. This man had an airship, and William needed one. He started running towards him.

Thomas Barkshield

Chapter 2
Rodger Wildeberry was an honest cat running an honest business. At least as far as the authorities were concerned. In reality he was a smuggler, specializing in rum. He did own a real cargo company, but it was only a front for his more underground dealings. His latest shipment was born for salamandastron and he had the perfect cover for it. He had accepted a job from the Pitt company on an express shipment of weapons to the military base on the mountain. Always plenty of hares who would pay a good price for a cask of rum. Everything had been going as planned until he decided to treat himself to a quick swig of ale at the local tavern. A quick swig had turned into a couple of tankards and before he knew it he was spewing out his life story, smuggling endeavours and all. In accordance with his luck a police Mole who just happend to be a literal Mole was stationed there that night. At lest he hadn't clearly identified his ship, but it was only a matter of time. Now Rodger was sitting in a dank cell, silently plotting his escape. Well, actually, he was making quite a lot of noise. But that was all part of the plan, and after a mere 10 minutes of howling a stocky guard came to Rodgers cell. All the guard had to do was open the door, and Rodger would grab him, rough him up a bit, and make a mad dash for freedom!
"Hey, housecat. Shut up"
The guard drew his sidearm and fired a sticky substance onto Rodgers mouth through the bars.
"Hard to squeal when yer mouths stuck hey cat?"
Rodger would have come up with a witty retort at this point, he was sure, had his mouth not been glued shut. He managed to scape the substance off his face, but quite a bit of it was still stuck to his frontpaws. He decided he would wash it off later.
"Sigh, time for plan B I suppose." He muttered under his breath. He began to take a small explosive from a compartment in his goggles, and placed it on the lock. He simply had to detonate it from a safe distance and he would be free. He pressed the button filled with a feeling of exhilaration. But the explosive didn't go off. He waited for one minute, then two. Finally he decided that he would have to go to plan C: Manual detonation through punching. He was winding up for the swing when the same angry guard stepped around the corner.
"Wot dew ye think yer doing House..."
But it was too late for Rodger to check his swing, and the small explosive blew the lock to cinders, not to mention singing a few of Rodgers hairs. The guard ran to raise the alarm, but he was not fast enough for Rodger Wildeberry. After relieving the guard of his sidearm he proceeded to the front desk so they could return his stuff. Hw walked up to the haremaid at the desk and demanded his possessions. An armed convict can be quite persuasive. He stepped out of the police station and was met by the clean evening air. "Lifes getting too easy for criminals like me" He said to no one in particular. Little did he know his hardest job yet was running towards him. 

Captain Tammo

Nice story! I hope you keep it going til the end!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Thomas Barkshield

I will have chapters 3 and 4 up soon.