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Rose got concussed, the rp

Started by Istar Crossbridge, February 19, 2015, 04:00:10 AM

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Istar Crossbridge

OOC: the battle is over, and Rose has been asleep at Polleekin's ever since. Everyone is waiting and watching. Soon, it will have been a full day since she was knocked unconscious.

IC: Everything was hazy, and the first thing Rose was aware of was a blinding headache. She let out a little cross between a groan and whimper, and suddenly the area around her exploded into action.

"I think she's waking up, everybeast," exclaimed a voice that was optimistically hopeful.

Shapes moved, and Rose squinted her eyes tightly closed, and let out a whimper. As awareness returned, she decided that there wasn't much she could think of, besides the pain. The hopeful voice, that Rose had slowly begun to recognize as Brome, came back.

"Does your head hurt, sis?"

A slow nod.

"Here," he said, handing her a small cordial of something, having to help her hold it as she fumbled a bit. "Take just a sip."

A sip was taken, and she slowly started to rise. Brome helped her keep balanced while somebeast --Grumm!-- stuffed a wad of pillows under her.

"Hurr aye, Miz Rozer, usn's were mighty afeared fur you." He leaned in to give her a hug, which she slowly returned.

She took a deep breath, realised exactly how fortunate she was, and began to laugh.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

Martin had been forced by Polleekin to go out and get firewood. He had barely left her side since he'd killed Badrang. As he was was coming back he heard a laugh - Rose's laugh! The mouse dropped the firewood and ran up the remaining stairs somewhat noisily, but stopped just out of sight. After a moment, Martin drew in a deep breath, banished all his worries (What will Rose do? What if she hates me? etc. etc.), and walked calmly up the stairs. But if anyone looked closely, they'd notice the mouse's paws shaking.

Istar Crossbridge

Rose heard the clatter of firewood and the rush of footpaws, and the sudden pause puzzled her. Looking around as her abrupt chain of laughter ended, she realised she didn't see Martin. Doubt filled her as to why he would have stopped.

"Come on in, Martin! Oh, I'm so relieved."

Her near uncontrollable giggles returned full force, and then she realised something Hey, I've never laughed like this! Why would I be doing it now? I still feel like myself, but... what did Badrang do to me? Oh, who cares, we obviously won... About halfway through the second thought, her laughter guttered out.

Brome was looking at her with nervous shock, like she'd suddenly become someone he didn't know, he was backing away, as though she were a thing that he didn't know what to do with. Grumm hugged her warmly, and then backed a little ways away.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Lady Ashenwyte

OOC I  thought I was Polleeiekin?
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Istar Crossbridge

OOC: I realise it's really bad to take control of another player's character without permission, but maybe we could agree that it would be in character for Polleekin to give Martin things to do to occupy his paws and thoughts? Is that okay? And if it isn't, Cornflower, could you amend and say that Martin chose to do it himself because he was tired of worrying? If neither of those options are available, we can say that Brome ordered Martin to do it, for his continued sanity and health. Brome is currently being played by me, and that sounds in character for him.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

OOC: I've PMed Ash about it, but it's his call. Now, are we going to RP or not?

Istar Crossbridge

OOC: You didn't see my post?

Quote from: Istar Crossbridge on February 23, 2015, 05:27:04 AM
Rose heard the clatter of firewood and the rush of footpaws, and the sudden pause puzzled her. Looking around as her abrupt chain of laughter ended, she realised she didn't see Martin. Doubt filled her as to why he would have stopped.

"Come on in, Martin! Oh, I'm so relieved."

Her near uncontrollable giggles returned full force, and then she realised something Hey, I've never laughed like this! Why would I be doing it now? I still feel like myself, but... what did Badrang do to me? Oh, who cares, we obviously won... About halfway through the second thought, her laughter guttered out.

Brome was looking at her with nervous shock, like she'd suddenly become someone he didn't know, he was backing away, as though she were a thing that he didn't know what to do with. Grumm hugged her warmly, and then backed a little ways away.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

OOC: No, my apologies. I was a bit preoccupied.

BIC: "Come on in, Martin! Oh, I'm so relieved." Martin heard, then laughter. The mouse frowned, but then smiled. at least she's happy and awake, right? He thought, finally entering the tree house. Cautiously approaching Rose, he asked, "How are you feeling?" He noticed his paws were shaking badly and made an effort to control them,

Istar Crossbridge

OOC: Sorry too, my dad's been sick.

IC: "We lived," she said, still shaking like she wanted to laugh but also wanted a grip on her behaviour. "We lived!"

Rose tossed her arms about Martin and pulled him close with a big grin. Then, she noticed his nervousness, and her good mood just changed, in little more time than an eye would blink.

"What's wrong?" She looked around her, as if realising why everybeast --nearly everybeast-- had been gathered about her. "Did I almost die?"
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

Martin certainly wasn't expecting Rose to hug him like she did, but inwardly blew a sigh of relief. . . . Until she asked her next question. Then he snorted. "Oh, I should say you did almost die, Rosey! It's been almost a full day since the battle, and you've been unconscious for all of it." The mouse said softly, considering moving Rose's paws if she didn't stop hugging him soon.

Istar Crossbridge

She laughed again, drawing her paws back halfway.

"I thought so. But it's good I didn't." She couldn't stop herself from smiling halfway through the statement. It was almost like she was referring to a choice made over whether or not to go pick berries on an overcast day.

She folded her hands over her waist.

"So, how is everyone?"
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

Martin blinked in amazement as he slyly scooted over to the side. "Uh, fine, I guess." He said, with a Help! look cast to Polleekin when he was half-way sure Rose wasn't looking.

Istar Crossbridge

It took Rose a few seconds to notice that Martin had scooted over, and hunched. Luckily, she had looked, and he wasn't looking at her when she slumped.

"Brome, why am I thinking so fast?"

He looked at her quizzically.

"You mean slow, right?"

"No, they're fast. They come fast, and they go fast. If I wasn't still tired..." Her face grows shocked, and she almost swallows her tongue. She glances with embarrassment towards Martin. "Never mind. That was..." She looks embarrassed, but then, it disappears. She looks almost calm.

"Rose, do you remember what we were talking about?"

"Not so much,"she says, curling up.

Brome walked over to her, face full of pity. He wrapped her in a warm embrace. Rose looked at him like he'd grown an extra pair of heads, and leaned away.

"Rose, the way it looks, only one person was badly hurt." It all happened so fast. She knew what was happening, and her face didn't have time to change from downcast to furious. That was good. Her breath hitched. "You."

Well, there was the fury and frustration, if you cut out the intensity of them. She stretched, feeling her bones crack, and groaned from exertion.

"Grumm, I feel hot in here. Can you come out with me?"

She near flounced her way out, not quite forgetting her anger or the cause of it, but still managing to lose nearly all the details. When she got outside, she was thoroughly drained, and still full of questions.  Well, she thought with a smile, she'd change their thoughts about her. She had to.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.

Cornflower MM

Martin looked after her with a thoughtful look on his face. "Brome, you know, it's almost like she never spent the u past day laying on that bed, unconscious.  I'm glad. She'll fight through this." He said confidently, then he went to go find the wood he'd dropped.

Istar Crossbridge

Brome called out to Martin.

"I hate to say this, but beasts who get hit on the head never turn out well. They're always a shadow of who they were. She's not the Rose we knew, Martin."

Meanwhile, from outside, a slow, wistful humming began. The voice was unquestionably Rose.
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

"But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us."

Have the last say the Dark Side does not.