A compendium of Common Curses, Hexes, Jinxes, Spells and Charms

Started by Hickory, May 12, 2015, 03:10:23 PM

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Avada Kedavra! - Killing Curse
Crucio! -Cruciatus Curse - causes extreme pain
Imperio! - Imperius Curse - controls the target
Sectumsempra! -Causes major slash injurys upon victim
Petrificus Totalus! - Body-Bind Curse - freezes the victim until counter-curse is performed
Reducto! -Reductor Curse - blows stuff up
Impedimenta! - Impediment Hex - Slows and/or freezes victim

Locomorter Wobbly! -Jelly-Legs Jinx - Causes victim's legs to collapse.

Tarantallegra! - Dancing feet spell
Aguamenti - Water spell - causes water to spout from wandtip
Locomotor – spell causing object to float (e.g. Locomotor trunk)
Lumos - spell that gives off light
Nox – spell that extinguishes light
Accio – summoning spell
Diffindo – spell that splits fabric
Defodio – spell used to carve rock
Protego – defensive shield
Expelliarmus – disarming spell
Confundus – bewilderment spell
Engorgio - spell causing object to increase in size

Obliviate - Memory charm - allows caster to modify one's memory
Expecto Patronum! Patronus Charm - repells dementors and Lethifolds.
Alohamora – unlocking charm
Wingardium Leviosa - levitation charm
Avis – charm causing twittering birds to burst from wandtip
Orchideous – charm causing flowers to burst from wandtip
Silencio! - Silencing charm
This compendium is for those who don't recognize my spells, curses, jinxes, hexes, or charms. Continue to monitor it, it willl be constantly changed.

EDIT: Special thanks to Banya for providing several spells and charms!
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Ashenwyte

Saying 'Charge' at your army would be twice as efficient.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


I think you'll find that jelly-legs is actually Locomotor Mortis. Come on sage, I don't even like Harry Potter
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


No, it's not. Any incantations I didn't know myself were gotten from the Harry Potter wiki.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


@Jet: both of you are incorrect.  Locomotor wobbly is right, but Sage has got it spelled wrong.

Locomotor mortis is a leg-locking curse; it's fitting, considering the Latin roots.

Locomotor – spell causing object to float (e.g. Locomotor trunk)
Alohamora – unlocking charm
Wingardium Leviosa - levitation charm
Lumos - spell that gives off light
Nox – spell that extinguishes light
Avis – charm causing twittering birds to burst from wandtip
Orchideous – charm causing flowers to burst from wandtip
Accio – summoning spell
Diffindo – spell that splits fabric
Defodio – spell used to carve rock
Protego – defensive shield
Expelliarmus – disarming spell
Confundus – bewilderment spell
Engorgio - spell causing object to increase in size

These are just the ones I know off of the top of my head.  It's been four years since I last read the books, but this is Harry Potter.  Don't doubt me.


"Avada Kedavra!" + "Patronus" for protection and that's all you will ever need  8)

Mmm, maybe "Imperio" as well.
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Add Protego!
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


(Disclaimer: I have the harry potter knowledge of... Uh, of someone who read a few of the books like five years ago. :P)

   I've always found it kind of funny that Harry Potter spells are mostly just mangled Latin or English, or possibly the two mashed together.

(But then, I'm not really one to talk... My D&D wizard uses 'Acro!' as the verbal component for Acid Splash. :P)

   Speaking of D&D, I notice a number of... Since the terminology seems to be overly specific, I'll just use 'spell' as a catch-all... Yeah, a number of spells that are fairly common themes for magic in various settings. They have D&D matches. Probably nobody cares, but I'll list them anyway.

Avada Kedavra- Power Word: Kill
Crucio- Power Word: Pain
Imperio- Dominate Person
Sectumsempra- Any number of spells. Tenser's Sword would work, as would Field of Icy Razors or even a cantrip as simple as Throw Object, if you happen to have lots of knives handy. Lots of things cause slash wounds, nothing (as far as I know) makes them just appear without slashing someone up.
Petrificus Totalus- Hold Person causes paralasys, but has a finite duration. Flesh to Stone turns someone to stone, and it goes on until Stone to Flesh is cast on the subject. You might be able to convince your game master to let you use Permenancy to make Hold Person permenant, but it isn't in the rules.
Reducto- Disintigrate. Also works on people, albeit less effectively because they can roll to resist.

Impedimenta- Slow. For paralass, Hold Person. For freezing to stone, Flesh to Stone. For freezing someone into ice... Actually, I don't know of a spell for that. There's plenty of ways to kill people by smashing ice into them, though.

Locomorter Wobbly- (what the heck) Wither Limb. You have to cast it twice to affect both legs.

Tarantallegra- Otto's Irresistable Dance
Aguamenti- Create Water. It's worth noting that this is a Cleric spell, meaning a Wizard can't actually ever cast it in D&D.
Locomotor- Mage Hand for light things (>5 lbs), Unseen Servant for heavier things (>20 lbs), Telekinesis for big stuff (not sure.)
Lumos- Light makes an object glow, Dancing Lights is a more versatile spell that makes orbs of light float at your will but has a shorter duration.
Nox- Darkness
Accio- Summon Monster 1-9, Summon Undead 1-9. Various other spells having to do with interplanar portals can also be used to indirectly summon creatures.
Diffindo- Oddly specific. Doesn't exist. Fabricate can be used to make fabric from a pile of string, but I don't think there's anything specifically designed to tear it.
Defodio- Stone Shape/Wall of Stone. Not sure if Stone Shape is a spell that wizards can cast, it might be Druid only.
Protego- Shield and Mage Armor are both Wizard spells, and Shield of Faith is a cleric spell.
Expelliarmus- Telekinesis, Grease. (Grease is fun- Hey, guess what, your sword is covered in butter. Try not to drop it!)
Confundus- Confusion. (This one is really dangerous- The target might babble incoherently, or they might randomly attack anyone in sight.)
Engorgio- Enlarge Person for people, Polymorph Any Object for other things.

Obliviate- I think there is a spell for this one, but... It's from a splatbook called Book of Vile Darkness which has super evil stuff and if memory serves, the name isn't forum appropriate. Regardless, it's SUPER evil.
Expecto Patronum- Nothing that specialized exists in D&D. However, Magic Circle Against <alignment> (Chaos, Good, Law, Evil) can repel certain creatures of that alignment, Repel pushes away all creatures, and Consecrate has a few repelling powers against Undead.
Alohamora- Knock
Wingardium Leviosa- Levitate, Telekinesis, Fly. Levitate allows only vertical movement, no horizontal flight. Fly removes those limitations, and Telekinesis can be used on objects but requires continued concentration.
Avis- (what the heck) Has no match...
Orchideous- (what the heck) See above.

Cornflower MM


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Wylder Treejumper

I'm pretty sure there are cantrips for avis and orchideus
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.