Historical Associatian Of Space Time Continuem Breaking and Free Cupcakes

Started by Blaggut, June 14, 2015, 06:38:40 AM

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This new, glorious, association is dedicated to the invention of a time machine. The organaztion is headed by The Fuhrer, Napoleon, and Lee/Grant. They got here by a one way time warp, and need to either 1) Get back, or 2) Bring their friends here

Here's our current experiments:

The Refridgarator Box 30,000: A large cardboard box that one stored a Refridgarator. It has a microwave taped to the top.

The Dogshed: A dog-house with a lot of useless gears and what-nots superglued onto it.

The Clock-Er-Ator: A clock taped to a an old plank. It is spray painted gold.

Please, please, unveil your ideas. This is a very serious occasion, that's why I didn't put it in the Cellars. No joking, loud noises, or racket. Thank you for your compliance.
~Just a soft space boi~


*A void ship rips threw space time and lands on the ground near the organizations meeting* *The hatch opens and the Author walks out* I heard you where having a time travelers meeting and I... *Sees the assortment of things on the lawn* Oh I see. Perhaps I could be of assistance.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


A cocky man would quickly stride towards the group.

"Sir, I kindly implore you to take your junk rider from space or whatnot off our backyard laboratory area. We have serious buisness and machines that may be harmed. Thankyou.
~Just a soft space boi~


*clears throat* Exscuse me. It is mam to you and It is a void ship, perfect for time travail. The void is out side of time so by using it as a medium I may go from here to the void to any time I wish. Besides I found this *Hands Blaggut a pamphlet advertising his meeting* in the void which means you must have succeeded... at least partially. Either that or you will be the cause of a great disaster. I am here to help make sure you don't blow this city off the face of the map... or out of the history books. Anyway, do you mind If I have a look at these? *Waves hand at contraptions*
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?