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How would you live?

Started by Banya, February 16, 2016, 10:54:46 AM

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Cornflower MM

Quote from: LT Sandpaw on February 19, 2016, 04:55:54 PM

I think the most undoable of all the life styles would be to live in a town or settlement. During the Middle Ages towns were riddled with disease and the stench could be smelled from miles out. I think that being hungry some nights would be overly superior to living in filth. Though arguably wanderers probably didn't smell all that better.

Its really a lose, lose scenario. All in all living in that time period would be difficult, short, and unhealthy which leads me to think I wouldn't want to live that way. But the nomadic lifestyle would be the best that I could think of. Especially amongst the shrew tribes where they settled and then moved on after the crops are harvested, wandering where the tribe pleased would be, in my opinion the best of a bad situation.

*Sighs* Yet another example a sto why I don't venture into these boards often. You're way over-thinking, Sand.

I'd probably be a mix of Nomadic/Roving and Agrarian/Settled. Staying in one place for anywhere from a month to a year or two, then wandering for as long as I wish. Sounds like a good life. No one to bug me if I don't want, able to backtrack if I need to, able to see and do so much.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Conrad the Painless

Definitely militaristic. One common theme in the Redwall books I've noticed is that there seems to always be the looming presence of evil. I would like to prepare myself for any attack, whether it be bandits or an organized horde. I would be willing to sacrafice a comfortable lifestyle in order to defend myself, thus, utilizing my environment, setting up traps, strategic geographical placement, ect. 
"Our Lord and Savior.....The Easter Badger, shall pierce the darkness with his scepter and  guide us through the night...."