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To Kill an Eagle ((OOC and Sign-Ups!))

Started by Ashleg, April 25, 2017, 04:02:25 AM

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Long and not that scary.

What happens when Redwall meets American Indians?

Foreword by Vickbald:
"How do you shatter an eagle?
According to legend, not blade nor stone can successfully break an eagle.
The eagle can
cry, of course--and many a tear has it shed. Eagles cry all the time. The downside is that crying is temporary.
It is known that a shattered mirror is a useless mirror, as is a nest without its egg.
If to
shatter is to make useless, than the only way to make useless an eagle is to kill it.
What better way to kill the eagle than by stealing his only son?"

An Eagle's Tears: Rethought

The Eastern Tribe has woken up to a terrible sight: their beloved Chief, Eagle Heart, is dead, but does not appear wounded. His young son is nowhere to be found.
The only clue the tribe has left of ever finding out what went on are a few scattered tracks that were skipped as the perpetrators made their hasty escape.
All paws point to the Northern Raiders, a powerhungry band of traveling vermin headed by the evil Vickbald the Voyager.

This is a kind of "chase the villain" scenario, taking place in an Arizona-esque desert, Far East of Redwall Abbey (note: NOT in America). Basically, the big goal is to hunt the ferret Vickbald down and save the Dibbun while developing characters and relationships as we go.

If you were in the ORIGINAL RolePlay and you want to use your old character, do it!
However, please no more non-Redwall species characters/good vermin/evil woodlanders. The existing ones get a pass.

The Eastern Tribe is *mainly* made up of otters, but is also home to other species and a few vermin as well! As stated before, the raiders are only vermin.

Ranks and Characters:
Eastern Tribe:
Eagle Tears- Chief
Chosovi- Warrior
Fishpaw- Warrior
Gosnih- Dibbun
Dawn- Warrior

Northern Raiders:
Vickbald- Leader
Stalks-in-Shadow- Raider

Dancing Flame
Raging Rapids


My Forms:

Name: Fishpaw
Age: 20
Species: Pine Marten
Appearance: Fishpaw is a rather scrawny marten with hazel eyes, and whiskers that are always bent or twisted in some way. His fur is light brown unlike most martens, except for his left paw, which is the same cream/yellow color as his belly. He wears red feather earrings on both ears and a lot of patterned bracelets, along with a (slightly oversized) ragged black tunic that he probably found in the dirt somewhere.
(Also, his fangs stick out whenever he smiles.)
Weapons: His dad's old bow and arrows.
Personality: Snarky, manipulative, immature. He tends to jump into things without much thought and doesn't listen to his father's wisdom. It's rumored that he's aspiring against the tribe, but he denies it whenever somebeast brings it up.

Name: Chosovi (meaning bluebird)
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Species: Otter
Appearance: Unlike his adopted son, Fishpaw, Chosovi is large and strong, always with a determined look in his blue eyes. He has sleek brown fur and large paws, and wears a headband decorated with beads and blue feathers. He has a matching sash he wears across his chest.
Weapons: A decorated spear and a short knife.
Personality: Friendly, brave, and serious when need be. He's intensely loyal to the tribe and, despite his appearance, prefers when there's no action going on.

Name: Gosnih
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Species: Otter
Appearance: Gosnih is a young otter with green eyes, dark brown fur, and a black waist cloth (not to mention a neckerchief of the same color). Underneath it hangs a necklace with an eagle's talon attached to it, which was given to him as a gift by Eagle Tears.
Weapons: None, although he has sharp otter pup teeth and throws rocks really well.
Personality: Gosnih is playful, timid, and a quick learner. He is smart; if he knows he's in danger he'll likely flip out and have a tantrum.

Name: Vickbald
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Species: Ferret
Appearance: Vickbald is sneaky and powerful. He is well built and lithe, and has a long tail with a crook in it. His fur and patterns are average for a ferret, and he wears a yellow and white sleeveless cost with a rapier and dirk in his belt.
Weapons: A rapier and a dirk.
Personality: Fearless and cunning, not to mention wise. He isn't the type to randomly murder his own followers and instead uses other methods to keep them loyal.
That isn't to say Vickbald is not evil, he is. He just has a greater understanding of feelings and therefore is able to manipulate them.

This is a remake of @Leatho Shellhound 's "The Eagles Tears". I have officially adopted Vickbald and Gosnih as my own, with his permission.
It looks long and scary, but don't be scared. Drop a form in!
Note: if you disappear for a very long time without notice, we have permission to adopt out/kill off/get rid of your character.
This is OPEN! I wrote a lot, but don't fear!


Quote from: Groddil on March 13, 2016, 11:13:21 PM
Name(think American Indian): Stalks-in-Shadow
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Northern Raiders
Age: Middle-Aged (46 seasons)
Species: Groundhog.
Appearance: Stalks-in-Shadow is short, with dark brown fur and piercing green eyes. She wears tattered rags to disguise her true self, an expert killer. A master of stealth, Stalks-in-Shadow blends easily into the rock of the canyon.
Weapons(limited to knives, bows and spears if part of the tribe): A bow and a rusted knife.
Personality: Stalks-in-Shadow keeps to herself, and is very cold and quiet in conversation. The other raiders suspect that she is just a soulless husk, a demon, whose sole purpose is to kill.

Name(think American Indian): Dancing Flame and Raging Rapids
Gender: Male (Dancing Flame)/Female (Raging Rapids)
Allegiance: Loners (Seem to follow the Tribe, but technically not a part of it)
Age: Adult (32 Seasons)
Species: Coyote
Appearance: Dancing Flame and Raging Rapids may be twins, but that doesn't make them identical. Dancing Flame has rough and gritty red fur, stained by dust, with bright red eyes. Raging Rapids has blue-grey mottled fur (Think: Blue-Heeler), smooth with the occasional rough patches, as well as cool blue eyes. Both coyotes are quite thin, as if malnourished, but very quick as a result. In the way of clothing, they both wear grey loincloths, with a rough brown shirt over their chests.
Weapons(limited to knives, bows and spears if part of the tribe): A spear apiece, a burning torch (Dancing Flame), a young alligator on a leash (Raging Rapids).
Personality: The two coyotes are rather eccentric, appearing mad to the unwatchful eye, but actually rather intelligent (if you can get past the riddles). These two tend to finish each others sentences, but other than that, the tribe don't actually know that much about them.


Leatho Shellhound

I like what you've done! I'll just post this here for everyones convenience.

Name: Eagle Tears
Age: 18
Species: otter
Appearance: He is big for his age, with light brown fur and eyes of the same colour. He lived up to his name when he slew an eagle with only his claws and teeth. He made a grand head dress out of the feathers he got from his kill. Eagles Tears wears a blue waist cloth with a slender knife in the back of his belt. He also wears a neckless with two chicken feathers on it and a pair of light brown leather boots.
Weapons: Slender knife, and a a javelin.
Personality: He is very compassionate, though firm. He is very protective and uses his skills as a warrior to defend his tribe, friends, and family. The chief's son was like a little brother to him and was training him to hunt and lead. After he was taken, Eagles Tears showed his other side, that of indefatigable drive for justice and skillful warfare.
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Dannflower Reguba

       I like this idea immensely, hopefully everyone finds their way back  :D

Name:  Dawn

Age: 23

Species: Cheetah

Appearance: Her fur is a tad more to the tan side than yellow, though the traces of yellow are still quite evident. The spots contrast sharply with a pure black. Her eyes are ocean blue, and just as deep and sparkling. Her fur is unusually soft and smooth, and her tail grew slightly thinner than average. She's a bit smaller than most cats, but her physical prowess does not seem to have suffered. Her frame may be diminished in comparison, but it's been toned down to a tee. Her clothing consists primarily of a simple, neat, sleeveless skin tunic dyed a mid range, earthy brown with a pair of jagged, zig-zagging blood red patterns on the sides. She wears the same material wrapped around the bottom half of her shins, slipping down under her feet once, leaving her ankle and front of the feet exposed. Her tunic is belted with a darker brown variant that matches her herb bags. Dawn possesses a couple variants of herb bags, primarily the over-the-shoulder, satchel style used when out and about collecting, and the more secure over-the-back, pack style used for long trips, chases, field work, etc.

Weapons: A Tomahawk  (used as a tool) sheathed by the left hip, handle hanging loosely from the belt. A Knife (both a tool, and a vital instrument for her healing practices) sheathed securely on the back-right of her belt, just poking out above and behind the right waist.

Personality: Dawn is a very caring individual, compassionate, kind, generous, peaceful. She can be quiet or bubbly, everything depends on her mood, and who she's with. She loves those in her tribe, and has assisted almost every member in some way or another (be it curing a minor disease, sealing vital wounds, watching children, listening to matters of the heart, etc.). Simply put, she loves her people. She has never fought with them, but she's always been there, running through whatever carnage has ensued to sweep away a fallen friend and administer healing.

History: Dawn wasn't always a part of the tribe, all that is known of her previous family and tribe is that they seemingly wanted her to be picked up by her new one due to where she was found. She was quite young at the time, and a family of otters took pity on her, choosing to raise her as their own. Ever since, she's lived and learned with her new tribe, acquainting herself with the various herbs and vegetation that offered an opportunity to heal, as scattered as they were. Aside from that she's always loved nature, running through a swift breeze, diving into a cool puddle, climbing the many rock formations. Once she turned 14, Dawn started getting placed on scouting parties, a couple years later and she was also getting placed on war parties. Her healing skills were highly respected, even more so on the battlefield due to her ability to get the wounded out of the fray, and quickly. Despite her time in these violent confrontations, no beast has seen her fight with the others, outside of shoving an assailant or two with a staff she might have picked up on the way. However, a scouting party she was on was late getting back one afternoon. Searchers were just about to be sent out when the Cheetah clambered back, the majority of her body covered in blood. After being sat down, she explained in detail how their party was ambushed by another group, though they had no mark by which to be identified. The other two members were slain, and that was all they could get out of the teary cat... But there was one other thing that a few with strong noses couldn't help but notice. The scent of the blood she was covered in was not only that of her own, and the two from the camp, but also of one other beast that couldn't be identified.

       I would like to keep the majority of my character intact from the original, though I have made a couple minor changes to keep consistency with the landscape/environment.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Cool, that makes four of us.
If nobody else joins soon then I'll start it, but I'll leave this open in case they do.

LT Sandpaw

I'll get around to making a character.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro



Krantor the Brutal

"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein


Yes. But Groddil is banned, Sand is away for the time being, and I don't know if @danflorreguba and @Leatho Shellhound still want to do this.

Krantor the Brutal

So if i were to join, I would have to wait for them, out of courtesy.
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein


I mean, I guess it can be just me and you, but if so you should take multiple characters or something.

Krantor the Brutal

We could. Do we use the same info already given for the characters?
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein