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OOC/Sign-up: The Mysteries I: A Mountain's Call

Started by Muse, November 06, 2011, 06:41:20 PM

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I had this idea for a serial of rps. I really want to dig in deep to the beginnings. Where does Luke's tribe come from? We here of his father, but nothing more. Who built Kotir? What was the first Gousim of Gouraf tribe? Who built Loamhedge? What are on the far reaches of the Redwall-verse? And, my favorite....


So here we'll delve into the latter, with the discovering of the great mountain herself. Quick thing. Remember this is ancient, ancient lore. This is before Redwall and Salamandastron, the two beacons of civilization. So all characters should be.. brutal, uncouth, almost, and even for the good, savage. No nice swords or well-made bows. If not a blade, it should really be flint or seashell. We'll need corsairs, some mountain hares, and an otter tribe. Up to three characters.

Detracale Spike-Fist- The very devil. A tremendously large searat, with claws as long as daggers, hence his name. Comes from the northern seas. His weapon is a massive, one sided, flint battle-axe. Commands a horde crew of three, primitive ships, much like viking ships. Firast to find Salamandastron.

Pes- a salamander who commands a salamander horde that lives in the mountain, and is soon attacked by Detracale. Red and yellw markings.

Foxuld- a badger from the north. Travels to south. normal looking, uses flint throwing axes. Carries his daughter, Gorse, with hism. (Gorse sound familiar?)
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Plugg Firetail

I like this idea

Name:Ronja Gemstripe
Species:red fox
Weapon:A flint single-bladed axe
Other:Loner. If anyone gets mad at him stay away. Has silver stripes running down his back and into his tail.


Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Tiria Wildlough

You should make one about how Green Isle was discovered. :D

Name: Ness Rhulain
Species: Otter
Age: Young - she doesn't know how old she is.
Gender: Female
Occupation: First High Rhulain...but only just. ;)
Other: She was an oarslave, and was rescued by the Badger Lord, but had so many arguments with him that she ran away and was captured again. The ship she was on was wrecked in a storm, and Ness washed up on the shore of Green Isle. The otterclans were living apart, and having all sorts of feuds and skirmishes. Ness did her best to civilize them. She has a flint-tipped spear.

Name: Brennar Wildlough
Species: Otter
Age: Older - she doesn't know either.
Gender: Female
Occupation: One of the first otters among the otterclans to decide that Ness wasn't bonkers. ;D
Other: Her weapon of choice is a bolas - the thing Shang Damsontongue had in The Outcast of Redwall. I'll get more on her later, right now I don't have time. ;)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Ooooh good idea. Im also going to do the first wearat and the first everv ship.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


This sounds really interesting!
I'd like to have my corsair character in command of one of Detracale's ships.

Name: Yakutal
Occupation: Corsair master of the Long Shroud
Species: Rat
Seasons: middle seasoned
Weapons: Spear with flint head

Name: Gerran Widepaw
Occupation: Northern hare warrior and tribe leader
Species: Hare
Weapons: flint axe


Ok we need say one more hare at least a few more corsairs and at least one more salamander.

Edit: I'm starting now, but we still need more people.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


ok could i be one of the otters living on green isle and i show you around and stuff, and im sort of the leader of the castle till you arive
Species:River otter
wears tight long unic with leather bracers and a belt
Weapons:Two dirks and sling and stones but can use any weapon


Okay. So what will hapen is Foxuld will come to Green Isle, then they'll set off as adventurers and run into Detracale, kay?
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Mad Maudie

Name Lilith
Species hare
Age around 18
Gender Girl
Apparel sandy-colored fur, Black Tunic, crimson cape, Weapon belt,
Weapons Dirk, small bow 'n' arrow, short sword.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Troy Troodon

Name: King Harraie
Species: Monkey
Sex: Male
Occupation: Anatagonist

Weapons: Scimatar, Lance, Thalcate (Don't know speling)
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Sweeeet dude that's awesome. So here's what'll happen. You and your monkeys hate the otters of Green Isle, where you live. So, you two are always fighting. Then, you can smuggle onto the otters' ships when we go to Salamandastron. You will join with the corsairs to fight. That sound good?
(But, can you make your swords not very elegant-looking? We are at a primeval time, so there is not much technology. Thanks!)
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Troy Troodon

The swords I can modify, but just outa curiousity can I use my elephants too?
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Wow you're goin' all in, aintcha  ;)

That's a great idea, but wait. This is going to be a series of rps, and, in the next, our heroes are goin' to go explorin'. Down south. Keep them in reserve, okay? But I really can't wait to see them.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Troy Troodon

So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.