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RP: Corsairs Are Tricky Things

Started by Criya, November 06, 2011, 10:22:38 PM

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Corsairs Are Tricky Things

In this roleplay, you can either play as a corsair on the ship Wavespine, or play as a woodlander in or out of Redwall Abbey. OR you can be somebeast at Salamandastron. This is how the Wavespine came to battle with Redwall!!!! I'll begin. We roleplay from the position of the all-knowing narrator and assume our cast is full. Just join in, no forms required! Just include small hints as to what you are! -EDIT Actually, you can post some info and start RPing! ^^

Criya the fisher stood on the prow of the Wavespine, her black ship. Her crew stood behind her. Fishers are the most feared vermin among land or sea. One moment they'd be saving your life, the next slipping poison in your drink. Fishers are tricky things, and Criya was no exception. Her night-black fur was what modeled the Wavespine. Aboard the ship were porcupines from her land. Her crew was made mainly of ferrets, stoats and weasels. Criya didn't like rats or foxes. Foxes were sly. There was one fox aboard her ship, though. The vixen and seer, Rheu. Criya looked out again at the choppy waters.
"Heh. We came all der way from Isla, 'our 'ome, jus' ter fin' th' open sea! 'Ow d'ye like that, shipmates?" Criya said.
One nervous ferret spoke up. "I likes it, Cap'n, but, we ain't seen land fer days!"
Criya instantly took out the whip she kept around her belt and whipped the ferret overboard. "An' we'll be gettin' ter it soon, scumbag!" She spat. Fishers were tricky things. "Anyone else got a word ter say?" The crew fell silent. Criya allowed herself a smirk.
Criya's never to be trusted. No matter HOW pursuasive she is.
"I'm going to be your friend and hug you, and love you, and- OH! Look! Your head!"


Well, here usually we just do a signup sheet that's seperate from the actual rp. Wait and see what a moderator says.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


The roleplay can go without them from the creator's choice. It shouldn't make things too difficult. Most of the sheets I've seen don't have too much info that would make their absense an issue.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


All righty then. Less gooo.

Mastjack Rack glared at Criya as she sauntered into her cabin, leaving his brother, Ropejack Stack on the deck. The big rowan ferret jogged over to Stack and helped him up. "Just stay quiet, buckoe, an' ye won't get hurt."
His scrawny brother spat over the side. "Huh. That un's gotta go!"
Oarjack Grack, their third brother, joined them, along with their last, Steeljack Krack, and his mate, the beautiful ferret Gwent. They nodded in agreement. Then a blustering voice shook them awake.
"Get thyselves ready, scum of the sea!'" Dintkreen, the cruel porcupine bosun, said in his strange, halting speech. The ferrets joined the rest of the crew, loathing stabbing Dintkreen as he strode away, unaware.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: This what I'm supposed to do? ???
BIC: Skalzena Bloodclaw the fox sauntered out of her cabin and slammed the door carelessly. She glowered at Dintkreen. The vixen hated the porcupine with all her heart, and wanted nothing more than to slip her thin, razor-sharp dagger between his ribs. But she decided to wait and choose her moment...
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Ropejack Stack twirled the rope deftly and knotted it onto the bowstrip lighting-quick. he twanged it, nodded in satisfaction, and yelled up the rigging.
"Oi, Rack! 'oist 'er up!" His, brother, high up the mast, gave him a claws-up and yanked hard on another rope, then, with the agility of a squirrel, scurried down the mast as the sail billowed out.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Criya looked over at the rowan ferret brothers. She wanted to have a word. She slunk up the mainmast, gripping the slick wood with her large claws. She snuck up on Ropejack Stack and suddenly appeared in his line of sight. She fingered the khopesh tucked inside her belt.
"'Ello, Stack. I 'ear youse has got problems wid Dintkreen. Yew knows they're only aboard as galley slaves. And food." Criya winked at Ropejack Stack and dropped from the mast, walking up behind Dintkreen, who was barking out orders to the oarbeasts. Without warning Criya drew her khopesh and pinned Dintkreen to the deck with one strong par, then beheaded him with one strike. "Get Brinnty out 'ere! Tell 'im ter git 'is stew pot gurgln'. Needlepig stew tonight!"
She grinned and sheathed her khopesh.

(Sorry if I'm a little inactive. Grounded for two weeks.)
Criya's never to be trusted. No matter HOW pursuasive she is.
"I'm going to be your friend and hug you, and love you, and- OH! Look! Your head!"


OOC: ok ill just my form here since's there is no where else
Occupation:Corsair on WaveSpine, assassin and mercenary for criya
Wears:Leather Bracers, Black cloak down to ankles and long tunic
Weapons:2 Scimitars and 4 Dirks and more but can use any weapon
Species:Fox, Normal Colour


Okay! Welcome to Corsairs Are Tricky Things! ^^ Just a little tip for the future- Criya doesn't like foxes that much! XD
Now introducing the Redwall section of Corsairs Are Tricky Things! You can roleplay dually on both places so that you don't have to be torn between what you want to roleplay as! XD

Abbess Yarrow sat down gently on a blanket. It was a pleasant, sunny day in Mossflower. Her tiny paws brished the grass and it tickled her paws. She looked over at the Dibbuns, singing the DAB chant. "Last one to the picnic gets no plum cordial!" She called over in a singsongy voice.
The Dibbun leading the procession suddenly stopped and a molebabe behind him ran into him.
"Hurr, thurr Guffy, plum corjal!" She said, starting to run towards Abbess Yarrow, who was pouring a few cups of plum cordial for the babes. A tiny shrewbabe named Wuffle started running after the molebabe. Wuffle tripped over his own tail and fell on his nose. A dark shape about twice the size of Wuffle swooped down and grabbed him, taking to the sky. It was a crow named Favar that Redwall had taken in two seasons ago. Ever since Favar learned to fly, he'd been messing with the Dibbuns.
Favar dumped Wuffle down in front of Abbess Yarrow, knocking over a cup of the sweet cordial. "Oh dear," The Abbes said, setting Wuffle upright. "I guess I'll just have to get some strawberry fizz."
Criya's never to be trusted. No matter HOW pursuasive she is.
"I'm going to be your friend and hug you, and love you, and- OH! Look! Your head!"


OOC:no problem ill just change to a weasel, it was my seconed choice and i wasnt really to keen on playing a fox at the moment


OOC: Okay. ^^

A stoat named Brinetail spotted land first. It was a huge mountain, looming up out of the shoreline. Minutes later the Wavespine hit the shore. Instantly, hares surrounded the ship. One badger stood at the front of the crowd.
"I am Lord Turnnpaw Fire Eyes. We do not welcome vermin at Salamandastron." The badger boomed. A hare seconded him.
"Ach, weel, th' h'only vermin we welcome is dead 'uns."
Criya stepped off of the ship, aided by the only fox on the ship, Rheu.
"Hello, friends! I come from a strange land far away from here! Any vittles?" She opened her arms wide. Without warning she spun around and killed the weasel nearest to her. "'E was tryin' ter slay me." She pointed lamely at a dagger in his paws.
Criya's never to be trusted. No matter HOW pursuasive she is.
"I'm going to be your friend and hug you, and love you, and- OH! Look! Your head!"

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: @Criya, Skalzena is a fox, but she doesn't really go in for double-dealings too much. You don't have to worry too much about her. ;)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Ropejack grinned. Two deaths, first Dinktreen, then Snazel, the grub-swipin' weasel. Things were looking up.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Criya looked over at Ropejack Stack. He seemed to be enjoying himself. She walked over to him and clapped him on the back. She then turned towards Turnnpaw Fire Eyes.
"This is me advisor and first mate, Ropejack Stack." Criya declared. Seeing Ropejack's look of surprise, Criya leaned over. "Promotion. It just gets better an' better for ye, doesn't it."
Abbess Yarrow looked over the walltop longingly. She sauntered off to bed, the DAB organisation marching along behind her.
Unknown to them, mean eyes were watching them.
Criya's never to be trusted. No matter HOW pursuasive she is.
"I'm going to be your friend and hug you, and love you, and- OH! Look! Your head!"


Mastjack Rack and Oarjack Grack watched their brother with little disguised disgust and anger. A promotion, eh?
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse