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Blood and Vinegar (A Roleplay) - OOC Discussion/Sign-Ups

Started by Krantor the Brutal, October 13, 2017, 11:01:08 PM

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Krantor the Brutal

Hi guys,

I have an idea for an RP:

Story: The evil Wolf Lord Adoranz the Barbarian strikes from the South conquering all in his path. The Badger Lord Sharpstripe goes out to meet him. From this confrontation, Sharpstripe dies and Salamandastron falls to the vermin, and the Long Patrol is disbanded. Adoranz seeks to expand his empire further, and nothing is opposing him. Not until a young hare, an old veteran from the Long Parol rise up and gather a rabble of woodlanders to fight the Wolf. Meanwhile, a hare and his company go in search of Darkstripe, a young badger, the son of Sharpstripe, who is travelling in search of his destiny.

You can have up to, maybe, 3 characters first (subject to change). Here is the Character sheet:

Charater Sheet
Age (Seasons):

And the characters:
Lord Sharpstripe (Krantor)

Name: Lord Sharpstripe
Age (Seasons): 65
Species: Badger
Weapons: Sword
Background: Descendant of the Badger Lord Russano the Wise, he wishes to keep the peace in all the land of Mossflower.
Appearance: An elderly badger, his stripes greying, with brown eyes. He wears a blue tunic over  his chainmail.
Personality: Very protective of all good things, he will resort to any measures to accomplish this. But in times of peace, he is commonly very mild, but is prone to anger.
Adoranz the Barbarian (Ashleg)

Name: Adoranz the Barbarian
Age (Seasons): 32
Species: Wolf
Weapons: Claws, Teeth, and Battle axe
Background: From the lands farther south than where Loamhedge is, and descended from a race of tyrannical wolves, their empire expanded during the events of Rakkety Tam and following books, and eventually reached the majestic Salamandastron.
Appearance: A dark grey wolf with glowing green eyes and scarred. He wears a black tattered tunic over a tattered purple shirt and a green necklace.
Personality: Just as all vermin lords, ambitious, rude and won't accept defeat And gets what he wants even if it means someone's got to die.

Name: Darkstripe
Age (Seasons): 25
Species: Badger
Weapons: Mace
Background: Son of Sharpstripe, he he seeks glory for Salamandastron, and will return upon the news of its fall.
Appearance: A young badger, with brown eyes he looks like his father. He wears a brown tunic over a blue shirt.
Personality: Takes after his father, but is much more mild in a situation than he, a trait from his deceased mother.
Krantor's Character 1

Name: Ballo Fredelchop
Age (Seasons): 21
Species: Hare
Weapons: Short sword
Background: A young chap, who was recently promoted into the ranks of the Long Patrol, that is, until it was disbanded. Now, he is conspiring to gain Salamandastron, with the help of an old friend.
Appearance: Young hare of sandy fur and dark eyes. Wears a grey tunic and a white shirt with brown trimmings.
Personality:Young and sprite, his first concern is to help all good. However, he is quite hasty in decisions, but bides by the advice of his elderly compatriot.
Unimanigative's Character 1

Name: Selsdon Ottley
Age (Seasons): 27 Seasons
Species: Mouse
Weapons: A simple dagger, generally.
Background: Born and raised in Mossflower, Selsdon never particularly wanted to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and become a farmer; so as soon as was old enough, he left, seeking adventure and glory.Within a season he had returned to the farm, having failed spectacularly on his quest. He worked the farm for the next nine seasons, until he heard of a rumor that Salamandatstron had fallen, but a veteran of the Long Patrol was forming an army to retake it. Sensing a chance for redemption and greatness, Selsdon went out in search of this hare, with a dagger at his waist, and the chance to be called a hero driving him forward.
Appearance: While Selsdon would like to believe otherwise, he truly is a rather average looking mouse. Slightly taller, perhaps, but not anymore muscular than any other farmmouse. The most striking thing about Selsdon is that one of his ears is missing a chunk, the result of Selsdon trying to impress a girl he fancied with his dagger. He tends to wear a purple tunic over a cream coloured linen shirt.
Personality: Vanity has always been Selsdon's most dominating trait. He seeks fame and prestige, and while he believes that he would always make the right choice when confronted with it, regardless of the outcome, in truth his morals and ethics are not particularly important to him. He can be a bit dimwitted at times, and his sense-of-humor is terribly underdeveloped, but he does have an excellent sense for danger.
Unimanigative's Character 2

Name: Wurthjorg the Ghost
Age: 32 seasons.
Species: Stoat
Weapons: Keeps a dagger at his belt, and various poisons in a satchel he has with him at all times.
Background: Born in Southern Mossflower, quickly gained the reputation for stealth when he was young, as many neighbor's possessions wound up in his paws somehow. After being run out of his home village, he traveled for several seasons, before coming across an aged stoat who claimed to have been a legendary assassin. After learning from him, Wurthjorg killed the stoat, and set off to find anyone with a use for his services...
Appearance: Despite the epithet of "The Ghost" being attributed to him, Wurthjorg is actually a dark grey stoat, with streaks of silvery fur around his eyes. He is small, but wirey. His eyes are a pale blue, standing in stark contrast with the darkness of his fur. He typically wears dark robes, with a cord around the waist, and a simple canvas hat he stole from his mentor.
Personality: Despte his stature, The Ghost has an intimidating presence, brought  about by force of will. Once given a task, he will follow through with it with little regard for cost of lives, ither than his own. Unlikely many vermin, he is fairly sentimental. He takes something from each of his victims, to remember a job well done. Wurthjorg is very aware of his surroundings, and makes sure to plan an escape route whenever he enters a building.
Skarzs' Character 1
  Name: Rjuffen (ryoo-fen) 
Age: Young adult 
Species: Wolf 
Weapons: Layered steel longsword 
Background: Rjuffen is the son of the wolf Lord of Rakar, from the land of the Barkhills far away. His father sent him on a voyage on an exploration vessel in an attempt to help the young wolf to grow within and without himself, as Rjuffen would never be able to do so under the shadow of his father's accomplishments.  Having been trained in both survival and fighting from a young age, Rjuffen had been deemed capable of joining the exploration, but, and he would not say it aloud,  he was eager to be leaving Rakar.   
Appearance: Rjuffen is average height for a wolf, broad shouldered but not incredibly muscled. His fur is gray and white with streaks of brown along his head. He wears a gray and green tunic, with brown pantaloons and a black belt. Beneath the tunic is a shirt of chainmail. 
Personality: The wolf is a quiet sort, often secreting himself away from others. He is aware of what he is capable of, but is often afraid to show any pride for himself. Stifled, in a way. If one were to know him well enough, he may talk openly, but it is few creatures who call him friend.
Scott's Character 1

Name: Major Cordindu Lankshire.
Age (Seasons): 34.
Species: Hare.
Weapons: Fencing sabre and sling for far range.
Background: Major Cordindu is an old Long patrol veteran, he has stayed the rank of major for 7 season that is until the Long patrol was disbanded he joined Ballo to try regaining Salamandastron.
Appearance: He is a standard sandy colored hare with bright blue eyes, he has a monocle in his right eye and wears a red long sleeved tunic with golden trimmings.
Personality: He is a caring, patient, forgiving old hare who is much like a father.
Scott's Character 2

Name: Rift Backlark
Age (Seasons): 20
Species: Squirrel
Weapons: Bow and a dirk
Background: Rift did not like sitting around doing house chores he liked tree hopping adventure and shooting a bow which he is a deadshot at, he wasn't allowed  to leave his father's drey so  he decided to climb out of the chimney in the roof after accomplishing this he got his ash stave bow and his brown feathered arrows and ran off in seek of adventure and he has been wandering ever since.
Appearance: a little smaller than a normal red squirrel, he has navy blue eyes, wears a green short sleeveless tunic a sheath on his side for his dirk and a red and green quiver for his brown arrows.
Personality: really adventurous fierce and willing but sometimes he is to eager.
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Scott McLamok

"A knife, thrown just right, can accomplish wonderful things." -Cayde- 6

"I'm ready! How bout you?" - Emile-A239

"If you win you live. If you lose you die. If you don't fight, you can't win." – Eren Jaeger

"Keep your wits sharp and your blade sharper." – Mandalore the Destroyer

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons." - General Douglas MacArthur

This is the Way.


I'd like to jump in! I'll try and get a character sheet up soon.
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3


This seems like an excellent way to get back into things!  ;D

Name: Selsdon Ottley
Age (Seasons): 27 Seasons
Species: Mouse
Weapons: A simple dagger, generally.
Background: Born and raised in Mossflower, Selsdon never particularly wanted to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and become a farmer; so as soon as was old enough, he left, seeking adventure and glory.
Within a season he had returned to the farm, having failed spectacularly on his quest. He worked the farm for the next nine seasons, until he heard of a rumor that Salamandatstron had fallen, but a veteran of the Long Patrol was forming an army to retake it. Sensing a chance for redemption and greatness, Selsdon went out in search of this hare, with a dagger at his waist, and the chance to be called a hero driving him forward.
Appearance: While Selsdon would like to believe otherwise, he truly is a rather average looking mouse. Slightly taller, perhaps, but not anymore muscular than any other farmmouse. The most striking thing about Selsdon is that one of his ears is missing a chunk, the result of Selsdon trying to impress a girl he fancied with his dagger. He tends to wear a purple tunic over a cream coloured linen shirt.
Personality: Vanity has always been Selsdon's most dominating trait. He seeks fame and prestige, and while he believes that he would always make the right choice when confronted with it, regardless of the outcome, in truth his morals and ethics are not particularly important to him. He can be a bit dimwitted at times, and his sense-of-humor is terribly underdeveloped, but he does have an excellent sense for danger.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Krantor the Brutal

"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

Captain Wortshire

"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"

Krantor the Brutal

So what do you guys think should be the main vermin horde? Foxes?
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

The Skarzs

Does it matter?

Also, I'd like to use my character from the Hero of Redwall RP, the foreigner wolf. Is that okay?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Krantor the Brutal

Not really.

What would be his role be? It would be interesting. So I guess you could.
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

The Skarzs

The fact that he is a wolf is just interesting since the big baddie is one too. It could allow him to enter Andoranz's group, find out he's not good, and then escape. Then the good guys won't trust him and it will be fun. ;D
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Krantor the Brutal

"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

Wylder Treejumper

Very interesting! I'm trying to get back into roleplaying, so I'll get a character up soon.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

Krantor the Brutal

Sharpstripe, Darkstripe and Adoranz are up for grabs and won't count as part of your character count.
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein

The Skarzs

Good to know.

  Name: Rjuffen (ryoo-fen)
  Age: Young adult
  Species: Wolf
  Weapons: Layered steel longsword
  Background: Rjuffen is the son of the wolf Lord of Rakar, from the land of the Barkhills far away. His father sent him on a voyage on an exploration vessel in an attempt to help the young wolf to grow within and without himself, as Rjuffen would never be able to do so under the shadow of his father's accomplishments.
  Having been trained in both survival and fighting from a young age, Rjuffen had been deemed capable of joining the exploration, but, and he would not say it aloud,  he was eager to be leaving Rakar.   Appearance: Rjuffen is tall and thin like most of his species, and wears a dark gray tunic with white pantaloons. His fur is gray, silver, and white with some hints of brown between, with dark gray ears and piercing blue eyes.
  Appearance: Rjuffen is average height for a wolf, broad shouldered but not incredibly muscled. His fur is gray and white with streaks of brown along his head. He wears a gray and green tunic, with brown pantaloons and a black belt. Beneath the tunic is a shirt of chainmail.
  Personality: The wolf is a quiet sort, often secreting himself away from others. He is aware of what he is capable of, but is often afraid to show any pride for himself. Stifled, in a way. If one were to know him well enough, he may talk openly, but it is few creatures who call him friend.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.