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Adventure for the Crystal

Started by Lady Ashenwyte, December 21, 2017, 05:26:55 PM

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Lady Ashenwyte

You are walking the docks of Salamandastron Town, worry edging your belly. There are no coins in your purse and no beast will take you on for any sort of odd jobs, even though the town is always expanding. You consider leaving to Redwall, but the road is long and dangerous and you are not willing to take on a habit and relinquish your life, a life poor but oh so free! As you make the turn to the inn where you stay, you spot a poster on the wall. It's slightly grimy, but you can see what it says..

In a land far from home....

There does lie a crystal, a gem so precious one could buy the whole of Mossflower with it and a gem so luminous one could mistake it for a sun!

It is said to be guarded by a thousand serpents and beasts so ferocious wolverines and badgers are like mayflies before them!

It lies across the great ocean, a place where corsairs roam the waves and worse things roam under them!

Are you an adventurer, a beast so bold to venture into this land and return with the gem? Are you a brave beast, a mighty beast, and more importantly, will you be a rich beast?

Ask for Captain Mateo at the Dawntreader', and it is you who will find this out!

The poster's not well put together, but you head to the inn with your mind scrambling at the possibilites. Does such a gem even exist? Well, one must find out, and it's not like you'll be doing anything else anway. You sleep, dreaming of great serpents and colossal battles, and when you wake up you head to the Dawntreader', a ship that's clearly seen better days. You see a badger seated on a wooden desk on the dock near the ship, and approach him.

"Ah, Mateo, is it? I'll assume you're one of those adventurers looking to find the crystal. I'll need you to tell me your details, for potential legal matters and the lot, eh?"


(Welcome to an RP, haven't run one in a long time. This'll be a good ride, strap in.)

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Sounds like fun on a bun. Gotta start somewhere, so count me in; I'll try my best! (Though I'm not sure what you mean for stuff like traits and details... Some info on that would be nice so I can finish this!)

Name: Sandy
Gender: Female
Age: Eleven Seasons
Traits: Heroic, Quick-Witted, Short Tempered, Slightly Meek
Appearance: Brown-furred squirrel with blue eyes and scruffy fur, wears a blue tunic with faux gold trim with black boots, as well as a matching cap with a white feather in it.
Details: Sandy was, at one time, a pirate, not like most woodlanders. Her crew betrayed her one day, however, and sold her off as a servant; she eventually broke free, and is looking to either start a new crew, join an existing one, or just find fame and fortune by treasure hunting.

Lady Ashenwyte

By traits I mean important bit's of the character's personality, and for details just put down things that don't fit in the others like her history and the like.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


And there we go! Now we just need some more people to join!

LT Sandpaw

Count me in.

Name: Pintal O'Farlly Barnabo
Species Hare
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Traits: He possess loud projecting voice, loves writing action and being generally dramatic. He's outrageous and perilous with a dash of good humor in the mix.
Appearance: Outfitted in a crimson red campaign jacket, black breeches and outlandishly large sea boots, Pintal's costume is finalized with a large tricorn hat with a seagull feather. He's short for a hare with a large potbellied stomach, and a bristling mustache which twitches furiously when he talks.
Weapons: Sling and stones, with a basket hilted rapier.
Details: Pintal O'Fally Barnabo is a playwright at his core. The hare is well known within the Mossflower area for his plays and shows of immense quality. Of course not everybeast knows the secrets behind the scenes. Barnabo goes on the adventures himself! Sure he exaggerates for the purposes of story but no one can really claim for certain where fiction meets reality, but the old dog Barnabo will claim it's all true. But as of late there had been little opportunity for grand tales. So of course when a notice appeared requesting volunteers for a great adventure Pintal Barnabo was first in line, luggage in one paw and quill and book in the other.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lady Ashenwyte

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


This might actually lure me back to RPing. I'll probably make a CS in a couple of days.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Lady Ashenwyte

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on December 28, 2017, 12:48:08 AM
This might actually lure me back to RPing. I'll probably make a CS in a couple of days.

Great, welcome on board the Dawntreader'!

Quote from: TorryEllis on December 22, 2017, 06:25:53 AM
And there we go! Now we just need some more people to join!

Could she be a bit older? Eleven seasons is a bit young for a pirate captain. (Also how a squirrel became a pirate is something that should be in details unless you want to reveal it during the RP)
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Actually I'm going to be in Edinburgh for a few days so scratch that.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

@Lord_Ashenwyte I believe you meant to say, "Could she be a bit older."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Lady Ashenwyte

Quote from: danflorreguba on January 01, 2018, 02:04:09 AM
@Lord_Ashenwyte I believe you meant to say, "Could she be a bit older."

Ah, thanks for spotting it.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.