
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Mafia: Lie or Die

Started by Rosie Willowwater, March 30, 2018, 03:26:49 AM

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Rosie Willowwater

I am going to regret saying this, but I will probably get the next Mafia post up sometime this week :)

EDIT: Yup, I regretted saying that xD Finals should be over soon so I will have more time then!

Rosie Willowwater

Yellow, Orange, and Purple stood in silence for an uncomfortably long time, staring at Green's lifeless body.

"Oh dear, quite a stalemate now, whatever will you do to save yourselves?" remarked the Crazy Psychologist's voice over the speakers that surrounded the corners of the labyrinth, which the group barely barely gave a moment's thought.

"Alright, I can't just forgive something like this again. Green clearly did not die by accident. One of you must have taken their mask off." Yellow said, their voice trembling slightly.

"Alright Yellow, I don't know what that Psychologist guy told you before you got into the elevator, but this isn't some innocent experiment." Orange said defensively "Purple and I were told that we could only trust each other, and only two people would be able to exit the labyrinth alive. I don't know about Purple, but I didn't want to be one of the people left behind."

Yellow clenched their fists, clearly fuming "I was told that too but I wasn't going to go along with it! I don't think you truly realize what a mistake you have made. Don't you care about those people you just killed?" Yellow stood frozen for a moment as they watched Orange and Purple intently, searching for any signs of attack.

Purple moved up to Yellow and put a hand on their shoulder, not realizing the great threat they posed to them."Hey, hey, it's okay. We don't have to do that anymore."

"That doesn't change the fact that it happened!" Yellow snapped, their voice getting shrill.

"Look, I understand that I shouldn't have killed Green, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Let's just move on, Yellow." Orange said exasperatedly, taking a couple steps closer to Yellow.

"So it was you!" Yellow screeched, turning their attention on Orange. With the two people they knew to be murderers so close to them, Yellow started to panic and swiped at Orange, pushing them away and nearly knocking off their mask as well.

Orange stood frozen, terrified at how close they were to meeting the same fate as Green, for they saw Yellow as just as dangerous as Orange was to them. To protect themself, they turned and ran away from the others.

When they were out of sight, the Psychologist's speakers could be heard again, along with what sounded like the crunching of popcorn, "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you Orange, that's the room where I keep the-" a garbled shout is heard followed by complete silence, "Oh... oh dear... too late.... Darn, this was just starting to get good. Well, Purple and Yellow, now that there are only two of you..." a click is heard over the speakers and blaring music begins playing throughout the labyrinth, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"

"I am this close to bashing those stupid speakers to a pulp." Yellow grumbled before dashing away from Purple, knowing how quickly they had mindlessly followed the Psychologist's orders before.

They were attempting to run back to the room filled with beds and food but they made a wrong turn and found themself in a large room with climbing obstacles scattered throughout, and a pit in the center. Unlike other rooms in the Labyrinth, the pit did not seem to be very deep and the bottom was cushioned with pillows.

Yellow turned to leave, but Purple had soon caught up and was standing in the doorway behind them.

"Well isn't this just perfect! I had hoped you would have found this room. I made it just for this occasion," the Psychologist added once again, "And to make it even more annoying, whoever falls down the pit will not die, but be stuck in agonizing boredom for forever, sitting in a blank marble pit. Good luck!"

"Oh no..." "Oh no..."


Day 3

Orange Mafia (Dead)

One Mafia dead, One Mafia alive, One Doctor dead.


Alright, back into Rosie voice. This is the point where the game will change into more of a Roleplay-esque style. Because there are two players left and one of them is the mafia, the rest of the game will be a duel! Here are the rules/guidelines:

#1. The platforms and obstacles scattered throughout the room are marble structures/squares of varying sizes with ladders and sometimes ramps. You can introduce these when you interact with them during the game, but you must specify what the structure looks like in your post so the other player can follow. (Note: please do not just add a structure whenever you need it. This match needs a victor, and cannot be morphed to be set up in either player's favor.)

#2. As I said in my last point, this match needs a victor, which will be chosen when one of the two players falls into the pit. If you have fallen by all laws of logic, reaction time, and agility of college-students, admit defeat and fall. You may attempt to save or catch yourself if you really want to, but I might intervene and discount your save if it is too illogical. If you are unsure about a post, mention me at the end and I will make sure it isn't too far-fetched. :)

#3. Hand-to-hand combat is the encouraged way to fight, but if you want to be creative and use other items you hold, like throwing your sock, go for it.

#4. Have fun, and be creative! If all goes well there might be some surprises too. ;D


Yellow here. Great story Rosie! I really like how everything has played out so far, especially the fact that you haven't killed me off yet. How long that is going to last I have no clue, but at least I can try! ;) I have never participated in any forum battles other than the cellars' craziness, although I do like D&D, so we will have to see how this plays out. Congrats to Purple too for surviving this out with me, shame it has to end like this. Welp.


"We don't have to do this." I eye Purple warily and clench my hands to stiffen my resolve. "We have a chance to disregard everything that Psychopath has told us to do and just move on." I scan the room for all possible exits and, finding none, return my gaze to meet Purple's as their form blocks the only doorway. My mind is racing trying to find any possible alternative for this situation I had found myself in.


Oh, a duel.  Interesting.  I don't really have any experience with dueling either, so I guess this fight may be more equal.


"But if we disregard everything, what's to say that he won't kill us both?  Although, he might kill us both anyway.  And even if one or both of us make it out of here alive, we'll be facing a life sentence for murder." *sudden pause* "Hey, you're just trying to distract me!  We don't have much of a choice but to fight."


"Don't blame me for your own wandering thoughts! And I didn't murder anyone, thank you very much! I do agree that we can't trust anything he says or does, and he is obviously is super rich and probably incredibly influential, but that can't mean the only option we have is to kill each other?... Right? There has to be another way." Regardless the words coming out of my mouth, I slowly back towards one of the platforms, knowing that height might give me the advantage if push comes to shove, though hopefully not literally. I wasn't really fond of the idea of falling down a pit today, not after watching Red and Indigo meet the same end.


"Huh.  I hadn't though that this was some rich and influential guy.  For all we know, it could be" *suddenly falls silent* "But that's besides the point.  Even if we find out who it is, nobody would believe us.  Sorry it comes to this, but fighting is our only option. *raises arms* Let's get dangerous!


At those words I scramble up a ramp backwards so that I am still facing Purple, and find purchase on the top about 3 feet above the ground and 5 feet away from the center pit of boredom and doom. Having taken dance lessons for the past two decades I was confident in my balance, if not my strength. I readied myself to kick Purple in the jaw if they made any advances.


*sees Yellow's height advantage*
*runs to the other end of the room, then slides on the floor all the way to the ramp with the hope of grabbing Yellow's ankles*


I stumble and slide to the floor of the platform as one of my legs is caught. I kick my free leg at Purple's face in a panic, attempting to yank my ankle away in the process.


"Oh, my nose!" *puts finger under the nose, realizes it's bleeding*
*throws the blood on my finger at Yellow with the hopes of blinding them temporarily*


My own intact nose wrinkles in disgust. My gag reflex goes off and I repress the urge to throw up all over Purple. The mask caught most of the blood before they reached my eyes. Now free from their grasp I scramble up to standing again and stamp on their fingers hard with my heavy construction boots before shoving them to the edge of the platform.


Hmm, they don't seem to be handling the smell of blood very well...
*takes a few steps away from the edge*
*lets a bit more blood drip on the palm of my hand*
*stretches out arm towards Yellow*

Rosie Willowwater

"Oh NO!" The Psycho says as he loudly slurps what is left of his strawberry lemonade and continues cronching on popcorn.


Ignoring the Psycho yet again, I am disturbed that this was the course Purple decided was best and stare at their bloodied hand with some trepidation. After a moment's pause I grab their wrist and pull them past me off the edge of the platform.


"Ew, gross!  Can you keep that to yourself until the fight is over!"
Suddenly Yellow's mask falls off!
"I had a feeling it was you.  Sorry I have to do this, you're a great person..."

*after being pulled over the edge, clings onto Yellow's legs, and slowly tries to climb back up*