
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Long way 'Round

Started by Dannflower Reguba, April 16, 2018, 06:27:43 AM

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LT Sandpaw

   The sudden movement near wrenched Bryn's arms from their sockets as he was dragged along behind Liten, struggling to keep his footing. He failed, losing hold of the wolf's tail and tumbling into the snow head over tail, white powder burst and blinding him. Bryn picked himself up, spitting snow and brushing frost from his fur. "Gah, ouch, hey wait for me!"

   Scurrying onward Bryn trailed at the back of the group, chancing a glance over his shoulder at the oncoming white wall. The roiling tsunami of snow and ice surged across the land at breathtaking speed, covering the group that took them hours to cross in mere seconds. The unstoppable force howled like a army of wolves, and the edging wind whipped at Bryn's scarf and tail, whisking them about without his consent. The lad's heart dropped to his footpaws and he scampered forward as only a squirrel might, swiftly outpacing the larger, lumbering creatures whose endurance, though far superior could not contend with his fleet pawed speed. His teeth ached and his breathes were ragged and terrified, but he reached the trees first, setting his claws into the frozen bark scampering up into the lower branches, before thinking better of such an act and descending, hiding himself behind the forest giant's bulk.

   Peering out Bryn waved his paw, willing the three others to hurry. He shouted himself hoarse over the wailing wind, and he wondered if such power would kill upon impact or not. He certainly hoped not.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

  Plenith ran past Bryn, wanting to get further into the safety of the old-growth trees. He was terrified, and dared not look back to see if the others had followed him deeper. He only wanted to escape the gale and find some warmth.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

LT Sandpaw

     Casting one sad glance back at whom he assumed to be their surely doomed one-time companions Bryn scurried after Plenith not waiting to see the wolf's and otter's fate, the winter wind whipping as his tail and ears like frozen daggers. Whether they made it or not he did not know, all he knew was to keep close behind Plenith and he might still survive. The storm cut through the forest, even as Bryn rushed deeper, snaking around trees and sending flurries of ice whisking through the open spaces between the trees. For a moment Bryn thought the natural wall of wood would give altogether before the furious onslaught, and although the older trees groaned and the youths bent, they held true. Bryn crouched behind a tree, pressed close to Plenith his body shaking from shock and cold, his burning lungs sending great clouds of steam into the frigid dark forest air.

     "Do you think they made it?" He chattered pulling his cloak tighter around him. He had to raise his voice in order to be heard over the whistling wind and moaning trees. Bryn was glad he'd be incentivized to move by the marten earlier, even within the tree cover the wind cut like a knife through his cloak. "We need to find some sort of cover, or warmth." he managed over his shivering teeth clattering together. It wasn't even that cold, he was still wide-eyed over how closed they'd skirted death. "We'll freeze out here without a fire."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: A bit of PP (Corn), I'm assuming it's okay?

       Liten saw the two that made it, which made for one last beast, the otter. As he was making the trees, the wolf planted his feet, bent low and held an arm out towards Freen. He managed to wrap his arm around the base of her neck and drag her down under his cloak just as the rush battered it to the ground. As the initial shock let up, he pulled her up behind him as they sprinted deeper into the trees. He heard the others the very next moment and made his way to them, "Yes, we did indeed make it... Not too dangerous as long as you know what to do really." He turned the corner of a tree and sized up the situation before continuing, "We should be fine as of now, a little deeper and we can break some branches down to form tent of sorts against a tree or two. Drizzle some snow on top of the outside, and we should be safe enough to build a fire."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

Freen followed closely behind Liten, her eyes wide as saucers. The thought of thanking the wolf never crossed her mind. "Wouldn't the snow melt and drip on us?" She inquired, not wanting to get wet in the cold temperatures.

Dannflower Reguba

       "The branches should only cover about three quarters of the way around the stump, leaving a space for air to vent freely." Liten didn't stop to explain anymore as he padded further into the trees to find suitable branches for their prospective tepee, as well as wood dry enough to be burned... "A squirrel, an otter, and a marten....." he paused to plop a gnarled log onto his ever-growing pile of assorted burnables, "... And half a wolf." He sighed, the quest they were on seemed quite silly really, but there was a.... presence, of sorts. He couldn't put his finger on it, but even before the weasels' death, he had noticed something seemingly hidden in the air. A will so strong that it had survived the death of its' bearer, but it definitely didn't belong to the creature he had received the sword from... No, it was a will imbued into the sword... Liten grunted out a chuckle at the thought, "Snow's gone to my head too it seems." He trudged his way back to, "camp," hoping that at least some semblance of progress had transpired in his absence.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

Freen harrumphed, staring at the stump then figure retreating into the snow without an explanation. "Oi! Where are you going?" She called, but Liten didn't seem to hear her. She turned back to the stump, frowning at it. "Branches. Right. Just branches. Of any length and size, I assume?" She muttered with a scowl before looking at Plenith and Bryn, "Are you going to help, too, or not?" She snapped.