
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Started by The Skarzs, July 10, 2018, 08:30:02 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       Dann pulled himself up, feet not particularly happy with his recent decisions. Kneeling down next to Jukka, he reached for her neck to check her pulse as he started to talk to her, "Look me straight in the eye, but don't stare hard, try and keep your vision relaxed. As for the swimming, you freaked out and fell in freezing cold water, your body almost certainly went into at least mild shock from the surprise of the impact and temperature. Compound that with your lack of familiarity with your current physiology and this being your first time in the water with fur and full clothing, I'd say your experience with swimming was all but moot there for awhile... How's  your breathing feel? Is there any difficulty or catch that makes it painful or difficult? Any sense of nausea?"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Jukka the Sling

Jukka's breathing was still rapid, and a raw, burning sensation still lingered in her nose and throat, but she couldn't detect any difficulty or nausea.  She shook her head.  "No... I don't think so."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

The Skarzs

  Skarzs regained consciousness as water was dumped onto his head, and he sat up quickly. "Aaah, where's Jukka!" he cried. Immediately, his paws went to his mouth, where he felt the pain from his stumble. His jaw was swollen, and he could taste blood. His tongue felt like he had been chewing on it.
  "She's over there." Skipper stood over him, pointing his paw downstream where Dan and Corn could be seen tending to the ferret, and Drakken was approaching them. Skarzs hopped out of the boat, dashing off toward them, hoping Jukka was alright.
  "Thank God!" he said. Jukka was able to sit up and communicate. "Are you okay?"
  Drakken looked at Skarzs curiously from his foreign words, but turned his attention back to Jukka. "Yes, are you alright? I'm sorry I wasn't able to help sooner. I had no idea what happened."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Jukka the Sling

OOC:  Sorry for not posting sooner!  A ton of real-life stuff has come up.

Skarzs looked terrible -- his jaw was swollen, and was that blood she was seeing?

He was asking if she was okay.

"Yeah, I think so," she answered, despite how tired she felt.  "I could ask you the same thing!  What happened?"

Drakken was crouching next to her too, asking the same thing and apologizing.  "Yeah, I think I am," she said.  "You're fine.  I don't know what happened either... I guess I'm just clumsy today."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

The Skarzs

  "I guess we'll both have to be more careful," Skarzs said, touching his jaw. Ow, he thought. He hoped he hadn't loosened a tooth.
  Skipper Rush came up behind them and looked down at Jukka. "If yer all done playin' around, the shrews 're ready to depart. Let's hope no one else falls off durin' the voyage, 'cause we might not turn around for 'em." With that, he went back to the boats, shouting for them to start setting sail.
  If it had not been for his temperament, Skarzs would have had educated the otter on some choice new words from back home. As it was, though, the cougar still stared at Rush, hoping he could sense his anger. "Come on, guys," he said to his friends. "We really ought to go, I guess. You want some help, Jukka?"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Dann's next exhalation sounded more like pressurized steam. A few moments passed as he sat there, weighing options, "Yeah, help 'er up slow, and take your time. Drakken, please stay here with them, I don't want you to get caught up in the blast," This last word had been spat out like a curse, "And don't a single one of you even think about getting involved, this problem dies here, I just hope the cost of their pride doesn't exceed the value of Noonvale." Before anybeast could properly register what he said, he was off at a quick clip. He arrived at the campsite shortly, and took even less time to find his target, a particular logboat. There was little to separate this boat from the others, a little wider and longer, but the contents were as good as he could hope. It was laden with medical supplies, weapons, even a portion of the Redwall fare they had bothered to bring along, a boat meant for someone Log-a-log trusted, a boat who's handlers had just turned their backs. The squirrel's stomach lurched at the thought of what he was about to do as his right foot came to rest on the partially beached vessel, "For those I Love, I will do great..." watery commotion ground the bustle of the camp to a halt, "AND TERRIBLE THINGS!" The logboat was jolted out of it's position, floating off into the stream whilst spilling plenty of it's contents into the waters greedy grasp. Dann whirled on the crowd he had suddenly, violently amassed with a maniacal smile plastered on as hard as could be , wretched, raucous laughter dredged from the darkest perversion of villainous joy scratched it's way through the morning air preceding a heinously sarcastic voice, "Isn't. That. FU-NNY?" He stood there, as if some demonic jester, come to grace them with the humor of vengeful irony, "Why. Aren't. You. Laughing?" He scanned the crowd slowly, allowing just a drop of his malice into the otherwise amused eyes, "It's only the second time, not a chuckle? Maybe some more?"

OOC: Italics aren't showing super well, but those are supposed to be thoughts. Totally should've gone to bed, work's gonna suck tomorrow, but boy was that fun to write... Been awhile since I got to sink into it like that.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

Corn's jaw had dropped at the Skipper's rude behavior, and she glared at his receding back as she reached, helping Jukka to stand. "Wait, what are you-" She called after Dann as he left speedily, cutting herself off with a frown. It had been obvious he hadn't heard and Corn knew that they wouldn't be able to change his mind even if he had. "Shall we?" She asked, gesturing along the path with a sigh. What was important was that they all stayed together and in one piece, and at the rate they were going, Corn wasn't sure either of those things were going to be a given.

OOC: Sorry for the mild PP, Jukka, hope you don't mind

Jukka the Sling

Jukka's eyes widened at Skipper's remark, but she didn't bother saying anything in response to him.

"Maybe," she answered Skarzs, and then Corn helped her to her feet.

And then Dann said something so out of the blue that Jukka was left blinking in surprise as he took off for the shrew camp.  "What on earth?" she muttered; then to Corn, "Yeah, let's go."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

"Hey, actually, do y'all mind if I run ahead?" Corn's eyes narrowed at the woods ahead of the trio. She really didn't have a good feeling about what was going on at the camp, and it would take a few minutes longer than she'd like with the waterlogged Jukka. Corn didn't bother waiting for an answer, just throwing a "Cool, thanks!" back over her shoulder as she dashed ahead.

It didn't take the squirrel very long to draw close to her destination, even with the added trips and stumbles. Dann's laughter could be heard through the trees and Corn started to slow down, not wanting to charge right in the middle of. . . Whatever it was. She arrived at the outskirts of camp with the stream (And Dann) on her left, and her eyes widened almost comically as she heard the last of what he'd been saying. There was scrape marks on the embankment by his footpaws and she'd passed the boat floating downstream - It wasn't too hard to piece together what had happened. Corn was unnoticed so far and she stepped a few steps back, hoping to stay that way for a little longer at least.

The Skarzs

  A dozen shrew rapiers were drawn and pointed at Dan's throat. The Log-a-log went right up to the squirrel's face, his grizzled countenance a mask of anger. "Are you out o' yer ever-lovin' mind, boy?" he bellowed. "What th' devil has gotten into you?"
  Skarzs heard the yelling, and shook his head in disbelief; there was no way Dan had done what he did. There was a splash as Drakken dove into the water to retrieve the logboat before it drifted too far downstream. "Sorry about this, Jukka," Skarzs said, picking her up in his arms and hurrying toward the commotion. He did not want to leave her there, and someone was going to need to put out the fire Dan had just started.
  "Dan, you idiot, what're you doing?" Skarzs cried when he saw the swords directed at him.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       "Gotten into me?" A look of shock was quickly replaced as Dann dropped the act, shouting in rage, "GOTTEN INTO ME!? How dare you try to pull that after how unforgivably vile you've all been acting! A boat of supplies is turned over and you're ready for blood, but when somebeast else's life is endangered suddenly it's FUNNY!?" His ears perked up as he heard Skarz on his way, "Idiot nothing Skarz, I'm putting an end to this garbage here and now before these worthless, misbegotten excuses for ditch filth put you and Jukka in danger or worse!" The squirrel had turned to address his compatriot, and now whirled back around with his arm out, batting down the rapiers, "And get those over-grown needles out of my face! You're a shame on Redwall, and a shame on Mossflower country! Every record the lot of us have pored over told of unmatched hospitality, a shared commitment to the benefit of all rather than personal grudges or gains!" His eyes narrowed as he attempted to look every shrew and Rush in the eyes, "But all I see from the lot of you is a conglomeration of disgusting traits held together by some misbegotten logic and a pack of poor excuses." Gaze traveling back to Log-a-log, Dann gave his ultimatum, "So what's going to happen is that you and the Skipper will apologize to my friends and promise that you'll treat them with some respect and dignity as you would anybeast else. Do so, and we can start over from scratch, I'd rather we got along and worked efficiently than have to deal with this kind of bad stuff, but I will, under no circumstances, allow you to be so inexcusably awful towards my friends... As the leader of the Guosim, would you stand idly by if somebeast else started to mistreat one of your own? I'm not their leader, none of us are, but I won't stand for such things regardless."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Jukka the Sling

By now, Skarzs had put Jukka down, and she stood there on her own two shaky footpaws, shocked by the ferocity of the exchange playing out before her.  Dan was right, though -- the Skipper and the Guosim had been none too friendly towards them, and it had to stop.  Given the rapiers pointed at him, though, that might be easier said than done.

"What should we do?" she whispered to Skarzs, eyeing the shrews' weapons nervously.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

The Skarzs

  "I don't know," mumbled Skarzs in response to Jukka. He stepped forward, his heart beating quickly. As much as he did not want to raise tensions even further, he needed the shrews to know he was there, and to help Dan if need be, even if it was to calm the squirrel down.
  The Log-a-log blinked, looking at Dan sharply. "Alright, boys, put yer blades up. We ain't enemies here." He waited until the other shrews removed the rapiers from Dan's neck. "Sorry to upset you so badly, master squirrel. I don't think the lads meant any harm. Ye need to understand, creatures fall overboard all the time. I 'd no idea the missy couldn't swim." He looked behind where Jukka was standing. "Looks like she's alright, though. An' Drakken's got the logboat, I see."
  The shrew went up to Jukka and bowed. "My apologies, miss. My Guosim shouldn't have made light o' what 'appened."
  Skarzs nodded as he heard Log-a-log's apology, then gave Dan a serious look. This wouldn't end it all permanently.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Jukka the Sling

She looked down at the Log-a-log and nodded.  "Thank you.  It's alright."

It wasn't.  But she was in the habit of being polite, and she didn't know what else to say.

The only reply she got was a nod from Log-a-log before he turned away.  Well, fine.  He obviously didn't care.

Wondering what would happen next, she gazed across the sea of shrew heads and found herself making eye contact with Cress on the other side.  The ottermaid gave her a sympathetic grimace, then mouthed, "Sorry."  Jukka smiled back, but the escalating noise of the arguing shrews prevented her from saying anything properly.

Where was Corn?  Jukka craned her head, trying to spot her.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

Corn had stayed hidden through the rest of the confrontation - She didn't want to hop in at the wrong moment and screw everything up or, worse, endanger Dann. Still, she watched with baited breath, ready to do something, even if she wasn't sure what. She flinched when the rapiers were drawn and pointed at her friend, and she almost called out but then Skarzs and Jukka came rushing up, passing her. Skarzs jumped in headfirst without taking any time to look at what was going on and Corn cringed more. She wasn't sure how the situation could go more wrong, short of blood being spilled, but at that point it seemed like they were heading that direction.

The squirrel let out a shaky breath as apologies were exchanged and rapiers put away. Dann was entirely right, and while she wished there could have been fewer blades involved, she was glad that the prejudice had been addressed and would (hopefully) stop. Corn melted out of the treeline, ignoring the glances from the shrews and making a beeline for Dann, who was still by the riverbank surrounded by shrews. "Are you okay?" She asked, somewhat frantically, once closer. Logically she knew he was unharmed, she had seen most of what had gone down and he looked fine, but she still needed to make sure.