
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Overlord's Orders IV

Started by Matthias720, November 17, 2011, 06:02:35 PM

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"The 'stupid stuff' that Musician finished with being trying to convince Musician to stop being angry and return to work for you, Overlord. She is not a good listener. We painted, but Daniel had unduly rushed into things. Musician was concerned about her clothes, and fought a lot, regardless of her reasons, speckled so much with misunderstandings. I tried, after all the incidents relayed to you now, to finish the fourth untouched wall. I painted a lot, trying to finish it to satisfaction. And I did fairly, it is almost finished and well-done. Unfortunately, incidents mentioned prevented me from ever finishing."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Redwall Musician

"And some other 'stupid stuff' you did was push Daniel's face into the paint can and kick a hole in the wall to better create your My Little Pony thing. I was only angry for a second. But when I ignored ToR's silly jokes, he thought I was mad.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Daniel nodded in agreement. "Yes, ToR did dunk my head in paint. It wasn't pleasant. Also, it was true that I said 'ToR and little-miss-lazy Musician better stop this nonsense.' However, I said that for a good reason, not to insult the two, but to get them working. Sometimes, if you insult someone, they get really angry and go 'I'll show him whose a little-miss-lazy!' or whatever. That was the reaction I hoped I'd get from them, but it had thr opposite effect, as already said, unfortunately. I also did rush a bit in too painting, but that was because the other two kept complaining about the work you had given us before we started, so I wanted to show them how easy or 'fool proof' the job was. Also, even though I was working slowly ad carefully for most of the time, the other two were working incredibly slow before the contest. I think that is why they thought I was rushing in to things."
Received mostly negative reviews.


"I was not trying to duck Daniel's head in paint. Musician was brawling both of us around the room for over an hour, and in that time my hand was out of my control after being cracked into the wall. It hit Daniel's head and pushed it into the paint. I soon dried it off and apologized. As for the My Little Pony mural, Musician had said it looked pathetic and to kick a hole in the wall, on the grounds that it would fit her 'masterpiece' on the eastern wall. You see, she had kicked three large holes there earlier. So I was forced to inflict a centimeter-wide hole in the wall, which I soon painted over to amend."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Redwall Musician

"Actually Daniel pushed me into the wall for no good reason causing the holes. I wasn't even talking and he pushed me.
"As for 'brawling for an hour' you mean I got in between Daniel and ToR when they started to argue over which My Little Pony was the best. They kept pushing and punching me, so I fought back. The only hard blow I got was smashing ToR's hand against the wall."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"No good reason?! I think not! First: I tripped on a paint bucket and fell on you. Second: I was walking over to calm you down, as you were going out of control at ToR."
Received mostly negative reviews.

Redwall Musician

"I wasn't going out on ToR. He grabbed my scarf and claimed he needed it for a rag. I pushed him aways, and you Daniel freaked out because he left a hand print on your wall. Then you and he started fighting, and I continued painting. It wasn't until you bumped me did I realize that you had been going at it and I broke you two up."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"The scarf Musician referred too was a rag, and a scarf. It was a rag modified to be a scarf. As such, I picked it up from the floor and gave it to Daniel to use, after Musician, indirectly, became responsible for ducking his head in paint."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


"That is enough of that! Your mudslinging is terrible, and I am having difficulty not getting rid of all of you. One of you, however, appears to have been a particular instigator in this problem. Daniel, you were clumsy, uncoordinated, and not at fault. I commend your efforts to quell the argument between your fellow servants. Now as for you two, I must to decide which one of you will have to go, and I have just the way to do it." The overlord reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin. "Call it in the air." And with that he deftly flicked the coin into the air.

OOC: ToR and Musician, first one to post chooses their side of the coin.


OOC: What's your method? Are you going to be flipping a real coin?

Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


OOC: Yeah, that's pretty much it.

"ToR has called heads, and the result is......tails! ToR, you have one minute to pack your bags, and then you must leave the fortress, forever. Of course I have to wipe your memory first, but you won't remember it. Anyway, have a decent existence, I guess. You just made one too many mistakes."

After ToR had departed, the overlord turned to his underlings. "You know, I'm not just wiping his memory and letting him go. No, instead I'm wiping his memory, and making him working full-time as a pawn for life-size chess tournaments. Somehow the punishment seems fitting."

"Now I bet you two are wondering what your next task will be. Truth be told, I don't know what I want you to do. So, uh, your challenge will be....hmmmm....coming back tomorrow. Yeah, that's it. Your challenge will be to get here in the morning, promptly at 10 AM, sharp. I won't make it easy for you though. Hehehe."

- The Next Day - 5:37 PM -
"Now I expected you two to be late, very late, but I didn't expect this late. I know that you were surprised this morning, when you found that the entire fortress had been completely changed, with new hallways, doors to nowhere, and rooms within rooms, but I was sure one of you would figure out my puzzles and get here by 10 AM. The challenges weren't THAT hard. But at least I'm not mad with either of you. On the contrary, I haven't had this much fun in ages. I've monitored you progress on the closed-circuit monitors, and I have to say, it was greatly amusing to watch the two of you compete to get here before the other. I left the sound off while I was watching you, because I wanted to hear what you two had to say about it first. Well then, tell your overlord what happened as you maneuvered through the Wonderland-esque world I designed. What happened to you? Don't be shy; speak up."

Redwall Musician

"Well, when we first started off, we just randomly picked which passage to go down," here Musician pointed her finger waving it back in forth, "One potato, two potato, three potato four and which ever passage we landed on, we went down. Then Daniel said we should try to judge which way to go by noting the position of the sun and then going north, blah, blah, blah. And I said we should just ask some of the guards where the room was. So we used both techniques, sometimes they led us a little further before we got to a dead end, and other times they led us to another fork in the hall. There was that time we found a bag of spilled pretzels (not from us) and I picked one off the floor and ate it. Daniel was grossed out, so, I didn't offer one to him. And whenever we got annoyed by each other, Daniel stole one of my hair clips, and then I licked my hand and touched his arm. He always let go of the clip in order to clean his hands with a baby wipe."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"What Musician said was completely true. At the start, we both asked each other what annoyed each other the most. Musician said people stealing her hair clips, I said people licking their hands and then touching me. So, whenever we got annoyed at each other, we did those. This promoted 'team spirit', as instead of yelling at each other, we did that. It worked, we worked quite well together for most of the time. It took quite a while to get closer, but eventually we found it. But then, when we were near the end, I saw the room. I pointed to it and said 'there it is!', but she didn't believe me. She looked, but she said she couldn't see it. I told her to get her sight checked, but she didn't seem to like that. She started yelling at me, so I stole a hair clip. This made her even more mad, and she pushed me to the ground. I fell, but then she tripped over my feet and she got knocked out. I had to drag her to the room, further delaying our progress. She came around at the door of the room."
Received mostly negative reviews.

Redwall Musician

"I don't need my sight checked. It's you Daniel, who needs your whole face checked. I noticed that a trap was set next to the door, and said, 'Don't you see-' but Daniel cut me short and said 'Oh, go get you sight checked'. He then started to go towards the door, so I yelled, telling him to stop. When he stole my hair clips and continued walking, I pushed him and he just barely missed the knife which came down (for it was the trap). Unfortunately, as I was going to help Daniel up, I tripped, and as he said, he had to drag me to this room."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"Actually, I did see that trap. I tried telling Musician to not go until I stopped the trap. I knew how to disarm the trap from previous training, so I tried to stop Musician from getting in my way. But every time I tried to tell her, she interrupted me. So I stole her hairclip and walked towards the trap to disarm it. She then pushed me, making me lose my balance and set off the trap. So, not only did she interrupt me, but she made me set off the trap and nearly kill myself. Although, she did try to help me up. But, she was so clumsy she tripped over and, as mentioned, I had to drag her the rest of the way."
Received mostly negative reviews.