
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Overlord's Orders IV

Started by Matthias720, November 17, 2011, 06:02:35 PM

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Welcome to Overlord's Orders round four!

This round takes place about 20 years after round three. I'll try and make it different from the previous rounds, but there's no guarantee. We'll just have to see how things go. If you have previously participated in this game, don't worry, you'll be playing as someone else, other than the character(s) you have previously used.

And as a quick refresher, I'll repost the rules:
Quote from: Overlord's Orders IThe Rules
We will have an overlord, who will be all powerful and control the game.
Everyone else will be a servant of theirs to do his or her bidding, which will be a new assignment at the beginning of each round.
The game begins by the Overlord summoning everyone before them and questioning them about whether they got the thing they wanted.

Let's say the Overlord might have wanted a jeep to use.

Example Round:
Stage 1: Who failed?
The Overlord would question one person of everyone in the game (this would be random selection) and ask them why they failed to bring them the thing they wanted (which will invariable happen, no one ever succeeds).
Stage 2: Defenses
That person can then blame their failure on some random thing (like maybe an elephant destroying the jeep) or someone else in the game; anything to shrug themselves off from the immediate blame placed on them.
Pretty much everything goes at this point, following a rough outline of what happened based on the First Accused, who as stated before will be decided by the Overlord at the beginning of the round.
Everyone can blame someone, themselves, keep silent, or introduce some sort of new feature that happened while acquiring the item (in this case, a jeep). Eventually, the Overlord will process the information and decide who failed, or might just get tired of the arguing and randomly select someone at random.
Stage 3: Fault is fixed
The person chosen to have failed by the Overlord is then thrown out, vaporized, or something creative, by the Overlord's orders. The idea is to not be this person, and to survive as long as possible.

Likely, the Overlord will be choosing the best defenses as survivors.

One last thing, whenever someone says something, it becomes fact. It is what happened. If someone says an elephant destroyed a jeep, then anyone calling that person a liar is for certain lying; the jeep was destroyed by an elephant. What's up for telling for someone else is, for example, who set the elephant on the jeep. Things are bound to work a lot better that way.

Godmoding is pretty much disallowed if not entirely, powerplaying is allowed, just use it sensibly and don't go having somone else getting their leg bit off or something, but it mostly goes.

Remember to keep things civil, stay inside the board rules, keep all hands and legs inside the game until it comes to a complete stop...
One final rule, keep spam, unless it's game spam, to an absolute minimum.

If this is your first time playing this game, it would be very helpful if you reread at least one of the previous rounds, to get a better feel of how things work. Here are links to the first three rounds:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Also, do not hesitate to PM me any questions you might have about the game or any of my "rulings" at the end of each elimination round.

If you would like to join this round, copy/paste the list from the post above you and add your name to it. I'll try to update this main list daily. Registration will end on Monday, November 21st. There are only eight spots available, so sign up now!

And here's the list:
1. Trigoma
2. Redwall Musician
3. Plugg Firetail
4. Taggerung_of_Redwall
5. DanielofRedwall
6. Tiria Wildlough

Good luck to everyone! ^_^


ill sign up for it...though i have no clue wuts going on xD ima check out the previous game to get an idea of it. sign me up though :D
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman

Redwall Musician

1. Trigoma
2. Redwall Musician
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Plugg Firetail



1. Trigoma
2. Redwallmusician
3. PluggFiretail
4. ToR
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


1. Trigoma
2. Redwall Musician
3. Plugg Firetail
4. Taggerung_of_Redwall
5. DanielofRedwall.

Of course I'm in!
Received mostly negative reviews.


"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Still have three open spots here, and only around 24-hours left in which to sign up.

Tiria Wildlough

1. Trigoma
2. Redwall Musician
3. Plugg Firetail
4. Taggerung_of_Redwall
5. DanielofRedwall.
6. Tiria Wildlough.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Registration is now closed. Annnnnnd we're off!

Somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea, a large air ship flew silently at 100,000 feet above the water. The air ship, equipped with highly advanced cloaking technology, was invisible to all forms of detection, allowing its owner to travel freely across the globe. Inside, the ship was equipped with every luxury known to man. These luxuries, however, paled to the opulence of the room at the center of the great vehicle. This was the conference room of a great and powerful overlord. Rumor had it that the overlord suddenly appeared on day, out of thin air, with money, secret bases, and hoards of underlings. But of course, this was all just rumor. The conference room had a large table at the center, around which were seated six of the overlord's most competent servants. And of course, the overlord himself sat at the head of the table. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and wore a masquerade mask on his face, obscuring his identity. The overlord looked over his servants slowly, and then spoke.

"I have gathered you all here for an important mission. It is my desire to obtain a giant robot dog to serve as the centerpiece for my mansion's back lawn. You can find it on display at the World Fair. I don't care if you get the actual robot dog, or simply the plans to build one myself, but I want to have one for my own, on my back lawn, no later than nine days from now. Understood? Good. I look forward to your return."

NINE DAYS LATER - The overlord's mansion - Conference room 1C
The overlord gazed at the servants before him. "Let us do a quick review, shall we? I asked for a giant robot dog or the plans to build one, and to have it here by today. I look out the window here, and see that there is a very large hole in the ground, a construction crane, a stack of industrial-grade TNT, a pallet of iron ingots, and a bill for 550 pounds of chewing gum. That's not all, however. I picked up this morning's paper to see that the World Fair was, and I quote, 'called to an abrupt halt after six troublemakers in frog costumes flooded the Fair with 25 tons of goats milk.' Well here you are in front of me, wearing frog suits. Anyone care to explain how this fiasco occurred? You, Musician, tell me what happened."

Redwall Musician

Musician spoke "I was flying the hot air balloon. We had decided to land among the other hot air balloons in order to not attract attention. Daniel helped land it fine. Tiria and Plugg saw the cotton candy stand, and went off to get some before any of us could stop them. I teamed up with Daniel to go get a look at this dog, while Trigoma and ToR went to go distract the security.
"ToR and Trigoma got the guards away easily and Daniel and I got the dog easy enough. It was as we were on our way to the hot air balloon that Tiria and Plugg came running up with a group of people.
"'Of coarse we can give all of you good folks a ride,' Plugg said.
"Tiria ran up to us and said she was trying to stop Plugg from talking to those people and offering them a ride. By then ToR and Trigoma were there. That's when everything went down. There was a giant explosion in the hot air balloon next to ours, don't know what that was all about, something with the dude who was driving it. That's what left the giant hole. Sadly it damaged our balloon. We were stranded, and the people who Plugg had promised the ride to were getting suspicious and called security. ToR brought a bunch of gum to strap to some TNT we found at the bottom of our balloon. We threw the bombs at the guards and the bombs stuck to them. Trigoma found the iron ingots and was using them for something, don't know what.
"I decided I better try to find a way to escape. I ran off and was followed by everyone else. So we ran to the costume tent. When we came out, we were  dressed up as frogs. Our cover was blown when Plugg tripped on a goat's milk hose, and a bunch of goats milk came out everywhere. We escaped by a different hot air balloon. "
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"Overlord, [I ]bought the gum. Before we ran to disguise ourselves as frogs, I went back to the store and picked it up. I figured we might as well make use of [the gum]. And indeed we did. Before I tried my frog suit on, I went and purchased the plans for the robotic dog. However, Plugg and Musician had went and bought carelessly seven hundred goats. The largest with Tiria seated on top ate the plans I was holding. And of course the milk itself came from the hose, not the goats
"The goats were merely a problem that came later. We were just leaving the World Fair, aware that we had eight days left to get you your dog. However, as we exited and got several miles away in a pine forest, a gas knocked us all out. When we woke up, it was seven days later. We had only one left, and needed to act swiftly. I said to forget about the fair, and we'd go to Millesville and steal the dog there. I found the iron ingots that Trigoma still had, and the two of use whipped up a flawless plan and wrote it down. But a goat followed Musician and Tiria and ate them.
"But still I said we must keep on, with 20 hours left until we needed to return to your presence with the dog."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Mad Maudie

IS it to late to join?

And here's the list:
1. Trigoma
2. Redwall Musician
3. Plugg Firetail
4. Taggerung_of_Redwall
5. DanielofRedwall
6. Tiria Wildlough
7. Mad Maudie
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



"So that is when i decided to redraw the plans for the hot air balloon with Plugg while the rest went to retrived the dog. they were discussing a plan as they left but i was busy redrawing the plans. a goat ate it, but i remember them quite well. we needed to use resourses of cheap so we could spare it. we decided to make the balloon out of gum, and we would need alot so we bought 550 pounds worth. then Plugg got the great idea of setting up a crane with iron ingots. so we continued our plan when Tiria came running out of nowere singing 'old mcdonald had a farm'. we got distracted."
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


(OOC: Sorry Mad Maudie, the game's begun. You can join next round.

"Trigoma and Plugg stayed behind as I led the rest of us to Millesville. Don't know what they were doing, or why Tiria ran off shortly after the five of us left. Our second attempt at buying the dog went well, until we reached Millesville. The town got blown up as we arrived, and the store that sold robotic dogs had only one specimen surviving. I was about to steal it when Daniel broke the head off. He was trying to shield it though, as death-defying beavers were attempting to blow it up with laser guns. I hate laser guns."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away