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[Tammo's Competition II] Exerpt from Sixclaw.

Started by One-Eye the wildcat, June 30, 2019, 07:03:50 PM

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One-Eye the wildcat

Just so you know, this takes place in a modern Redwall. If you don't understand it, the realization is that Deyna is here to help One-Eye win a war. If you like it, go to for more of the story.

Sixclaw gripped her rifle in her paws, nervous for the coming conflict. I hope we make it out alive.

    Suddenly, the vehicle jerked to a stop, and One-Eye addressed his fighters. "All right, I'm going to try to reason with these newcomers. Lug, Ironhook, you come with me. For all of you in the truck, if I shout for backup, you come out and wreak havoc. Aim for paws, and shoulders. Try not to kill if you can help it. Clear? Alright." the tall wildcat put his helmet on, and walked out, followed by the two huge mustelids.

    Outside, Deyna approached the vehicle, followed by Blackpaw, Nimbalo and Henbit.

    The two parties met, and Deyna addressed One-Eye. "I am Deyna of Redwall. This is Nimbalo the slayer, this is Blackpaw, leader of the desert rats, and Henbit, second in command of the desert rats."

    One-Eye regarded the group. "Are you a fighter or are you a foe?" asked the wildcat.

    "We are friends, come from Redwall to help the Dragon queen.. I mean, Skullians," but by that time, One-Eye had his scimitar out, and ready to kill.

    "So it is foe! I NEED BACKUP!" yelled One-Eye. The skullians immediately unloaded out of the van, and started firing.

    Deyna drew his sword. "Stand down, whatever, whoever, you are. We are just passing through."

    "Fight or die, woodlander." said One-Eye.

    "If you want a fight, then you have one." said Deyna, attacking with a quick stab, but finding it parried almost immediately.

    "YAHARR!" yelled One-Eye, slashing, and dodging with high speeds.

    Deyna recovered from the onslaught, and swiped at One-Eye's throat, and slamming his rudder in the wildcat's back.

    The two warriors fought on, evenly matched, until Deyna swung the sword of Martin up under One-Eye's chin, catching the wildcat off guard, and causing him to drop his scimitar. Deyna kicked the wicked looking weapon away. One-Eye snarled and drew his rifle.

A burst of gunfire hit the sand in front of Deyna, One-Eye's excitement at finding a worthy opponent causing him to miss with every shot.

Soon, the wildcat was out of ammo, and drew a knife, slashing wildly and knocking the sword of Martin out of Deyna's grasp, and getting hit by several punches.

"DIE, SWAB!" yelled One-Eye, scoring his claws down Deyna's head, and sinking his fangs into the otters arm.

Deyna screamed and smashed One-Eye in the face, tearing the helmet from One-Eye's head, and slamming him into the sand, presumably knocking him out, before Deyna collapsed from exhaustion.

The otter got back up. Deyna had taken a serious beating. Clawmarks, bruises, and several large cuts peppered the otter's body. Deyna lurched towards his sword, before hearing a menacing growl.

The otter turned around and stared as One-Eye pushed himself into a crouch. The bloody wildcat rumbled a snarl as bloodwrath came over him, and spat out a large fang.

Deyna realized what the wildcat's blood-red eyes meant, and prepared himself for the inevitable tail-kicking.

One-Eye lunged at Deyna, venomous iron tail barb raised, claws ready, and foaming-at-the-mouth mad.

"STOP!" yelled Sixclaw, positioning herself in front of the charging wildcat.

One-Eye stopped, and the bloodwrath faded out of him.

"Okay, can you two try not to kill each other for five minutes? Thank you. So Deyna, You say you came from Redwall to help us?"

"Yes I did." said the otter, glaring at One-Eye. "Wait, who's Us? Who am I even fighting?"

"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is One-Eye, but my full title is Boss One-Eye the warlord, commander of the Skullians."

Suddenly, Blackpaw ran up. "You're One-Eye! So... That must be Bootbrain, and I think that's Longtail."

One-Eye chuckled. "You're correct. I guess you've done some research."

"All he does is eat, read and sleep." added Deyna, earning himself a cuff on the ear from Blackpaw.

"Anyway, we want to help you win the war." said Sandy, walking up.

"My advice, go home. You don't want to get involved in this." said One-Eye.

Bootbrain trundled over. "A few extra fighters wouldn't hurt."

One-Eye sighed, "Fine." the wildcat then picked up his helmet and tapped a button on the side. "Coggs? It's me. I think we're gonna need a few troop transports over here."
"What will become of us? Where will we go, we who wander this vast wasteland in search of our better selves?"

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."
Long live the RRR!!