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A few short things between a Squirrel and a Hare

Started by Mommui, July 04, 2019, 12:42:09 AM

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A few short things with my characters Tressa the Summer/Autumn Lady and Maggery McHathery Meadowcream

Tressa sat delicately on top of the large rock, which Maggery had watched her clean off as to not get her dress dirty, balancing the saucer of her teacup on her lap. Maggery found it a bit odd that Tressa kept a teacup on her. However, she said nothing of it as she sipped cold mint tea with the squirrelmaid, the afternoon sun rising above the treetops. The air was warm, and still humid with the airs of the sea despite the long stretch behind the pair. A gentle clink of porcelain brought Maggery's attention back to the present. "The sun seems to move like thy longears do, Autumn does seem nigh Miss Maggery." The hares aforementioned ears twitched annoyingly, "Miss Tressa-" "Lady Tressa" the squirrel maid interjected. Maggerys face grew sour, "Lady Tressa, I am a Hare, wot, and I would prefer to be called that!"
Tressa appeared to consider this for a second, before replying with a voice like dripping honey, "Aye, Longears"

Thmp, Thmp, Thmp. Maggery's footpaw made a thumping sound as she rapped it against the ground, impatient as a young dibbun waiting for supper. Tressa, however, didn't seem to notice this as she focused on pulling thread through the cloth which was spanned across her lap. Over, and over her needle went through and over, and through, and over, and through- Maggerys sigh was deep and dramatic, not wanting to watch this process a single second longer.
Tressa's eyes didn't waver, "If thou must act in such a manner, thy paws should take thine elsewhere." The haremaids eye moved between the squirrel and her hand annoyingly, "What are you even doin' to my garb?" "I am repairing it, good work takes a sunset's worth."
Maggery huffed, a little embarrassed, bare without her Long Patrol uniform on. The season didn't help, the cool breezes hinting at autumn made her shiver; her winter coat would not be in till the end of the season.
"I told thou may wear one of my things" Tressa said pointedly. "And drown in frills? No thank ye' marm!" The hare turned, pouting exaggerated, and looked towards the horizon. The first edges of dusk was showing, the orange-pink peeking over the trees. She suddenly stood up straight as an idea found root, "I shall go gather wood for a fire marm, dusk will be upon us soon." She marched off quickly, not hearing Tressa say under her breath, "Better than' talkin' thy ear o' mine off before frostbite can nip at it."

The Grey Coincidence

Profile by the wonderful Vizon.

Also, behold this shiny medal! How I got it is a secret...

Also, also, I am running fanfic conteeeeeests!


The Grey Coincidence

Ee be a welcomer, burr aye.

Can't pick my favourite XD
Profile by the wonderful Vizon.

Also, behold this shiny medal! How I got it is a secret...

Also, also, I am running fanfic conteeeeeests!