
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Verminlords of Greystone OOC

Started by Selmont Sharpig, July 30, 2019, 02:49:31 AM

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Selmont Sharpig

The mist hung heavy around the boat as it drifted closer to shore. All day there had been a noticeable lack of wind, culminating in the muggy weather the east cost found itself in. First mate Luke, of the fishing vessel Judith, held the ships wheel tighter in his hands as he peered out into the impenetrable fog.  His father, the ships captain, called to him.
"Keep a weather eye out ye hear, we're getting close."
He did not need the prompting. Searching desperately for shore and praying he had not wavered off course, the sweat was beginning to bead up on his brow. Something did not smell right. It was not the smell of salted fish gently rotting, that had become as familiar as his mothers home cooking, if somewhat less appetizing. No, this was in the air, as if the fog was laced with a potion that tensed the muscles and froze the heart. Vague shapes appeared, dancing hither and thither and tempting the sailors to follow. Luke could hear crashing waves and the sound of seagulls in the distance, but he could not tell how far.
"Watch out lad!"
Deep in thought and distracted by the noise, he had missed the shoreline rapidly approaching and threatening to beach them before they could react.
"Do I drop anchor father?"
"No time, bring her about to windward"
He did as his father asked, his confidence growing as the boat slowed down. Without speed from the wind, the large boat moved ponderously, but surely. Gradually they came to a near stop, and one of the deckhands dropped the anchor with a splash that seemed far too loud in the oppressive silence. The work was done mechanically and without comment as the dinghy was lowered into the water. Time seemed to drag on as Luke and his father rowed closer to shore. Much to both their surprise, they had moored so close to the harbour that as soon as the shape of the ship behind them disappeared, the docks   and houses materialized in front of them. 
"You tend to the boat while I arrange the specifics lad."
"Yes father"
Luke tied up to one of the shorter piers while his father disembarked and hurried off to the row of buildings adjacent to the harbour. The scale of the area was impressive, befitting one of the most important ports on the entire coast. The shipyards lay beside the port, and the sound of hammers and saws was endless.  Then it hit him. None of the usual noises of a harbour were to be heard. No chatter of sailors, no peddling of wares, no whispered giggles from the companions that seemed to be found wherever working beasts were. He felt an urgent need to warn his father. Leaping out of the boat, he began to man into the mist were his father mad been minutes ago. Reaching the first row of houses, he heard a struggle and changed course. Down a back alley, he found his father wrestling with two searats,  and holding his own by the looks of it. Hearing the steps from behind him, his father turned around and called to his son.
"Go! Get away and warn the crew! They're going to..."
His last words were cut off as the smaller of the two rats produced a knife and proceeded to slit the captains throat. All Luke could see was red, flowing and gushing from the ragdoll that used to be his father. Without thinking, he ran. Instinct propelled him into the boat and he was halfway back to the Judith before he began to process what he had seen. Grasping for the words he would use to explain what had happened to the crew, he jumped at the sound behind him. A sharp snap, followed by a splash, brought him back to reality and the situation before him. Yet more searats were on his fathers ship, and disposing of its crew with unholy pleasure. Looking into the sea, he saw the corpses of the crew. With all the haste he could muster he rowed away from shore, into the mist that promised concealment. After what seemed like forever, he felt that he was far enough to stop. He did not know how long he lay there, staring into nothing. All he could do was cry. He saw his favorite tunic had been soiled with blood. Not just blood, but his... he could not think of it. Minute stretched into hours, and darkness settled over the sea.

The first thing he saw was a black prow, followed by a black deck, and then, a black figure. He was too weak to move, though whether by physical effect or simply the weight of the day he could not say. He lay limp as he was picked up and dropped on the deck. Finally, he gave into sleep. He did not awake until the boat gently hit the rocky shoreline. As if in a trance, he stepped off and plunged his paws into the sea. Moving forward, he ran, picking up speed as the ground became firmer and the water became shallower. He could see the shape of his father in front of him.
"Only a little farther now lad."
"I'm coming father!"
"Who you callin father, scum."
Like a nightmare, his father morphed into a brutish stoat. Devoid of hope, he fell to the ground.
"Get in line wiv the others, scum.
Half walking, half being dragged, he found himself in a line of silent, broken creatures. They shuffled in unison, with not a sound among them or their guard. Finally they reached a set of gray stone gates manned by an array of vermin. They were addressed by a well clothed fox who read from a magnificent scroll.
"His lordship wishes to extend his most profound gratitude for your cooperation in this trying time. He wishes to inform you that the rebel leaders have been killed, and all those associated with them dealt with appropriately. That being said, each of you is here because we have reason to doubt your loyalty to his lordship. After ascertaining where your allegiances lie, you will be set free. Or hung from the tallest tower, depending on what we find. Luke, unable to contain himself any longer, burst out in protest.
"I'm not even from around here! There must be some mistake!"
"I can assure you, our officers do not make mistakes. However, seeing as you are not familiar with our laws, I will be sure to assign someone to inform you. Oh, and don't let me forget, as is the custom with strangers, may I extend my lordships most profound welcome to Nebelheim.

I warned you, don't say I didn't, I told you I would add unnecessary details. However, feel free to ignore it, I just saw an opportunity for a writing prompt and I took it. Apologies for my terrible image editing skills, I will remake my map because it's miserable to edit at the moment.

EDIT: I can fill in some more details of the city if you want

Jack the Quick

No, that's great! I love that you even got sort of a little intro here, it gave me some ideas for my sheet. Don't worry, I'll get it done soon.
'I ate the sharpest tool in the shed'

"Inconceivable!" ~Vizzini, The Princess Bride

"Art is never complete, only abandoned," ~Leonardo da Vinci

Long live the RRR!!

Selmont Sharpig

I should mention that when it comes to names I operate on warhammer terms: Obvious translations and psuedo Latin (Or German, or French) are to be expected. I still think Mordheim is a good name.

Jack the Quick

'I ate the sharpest tool in the shed'

"Inconceivable!" ~Vizzini, The Princess Bride

"Art is never complete, only abandoned," ~Leonardo da Vinci

Long live the RRR!!

Selmont Sharpig

It's the name of a town in warhammer fantasy, it gets destroyed by a meteor and provides the backdrop for a game. It literally means "Death Home" in a mix of Latin and German.

Jack the Quick

'I ate the sharpest tool in the shed'

"Inconceivable!" ~Vizzini, The Princess Bride

"Art is never complete, only abandoned," ~Leonardo da Vinci

Long live the RRR!!


'Mist home'.

It can be also spelt as 'Nibelheim' or 'Niflheim', and is the basis of many video game locations, the most important of those being Nibelheim from Final Fantasy VII, which is Cloud's hometown.
By what strange trick of fate do our paths cross anew?

Link to the Redwall Readership Restorers:

Selmont Sharpig

I just put it into google translate. Deibheim is another name I've been looking to use. It means "Thief home" but more importantly just sounds cool.


For those we cherish we die in glory.

Selmont Sharpig

Don't you think kill-kill the man-things would be more appropriate for this forum?


watch-watch what you say-say Clan Eschin about
For those we cherish we die in glory.


now I want to do a Ikit-claw type verminlord.
For those we cherish we die in glory.


just come in as a warlock engineer with Murder-death-kill devices and just start wrecking people's carrers

you know that would be awesome if the Skaven came to Greystone looking for Warpstone LOL, and they are like: why have you not conquered  all before you?
For those we cherish we die in glory.

Jack the Quick

Sigmar fans v Redwall lol

@Selmont Sharpig, I'm sorry but I'm going to be away the next two weeks, so I will unfortunately be unable to post until then. Don''t feel he need to wait for me to came back, and I still want to play, but I will have to wait until I return to get you the character sheet and make some posts in the game thread. Sorry, but I didn't know about the trip until the other day.
'I ate the sharpest tool in the shed'

"Inconceivable!" ~Vizzini, The Princess Bride

"Art is never complete, only abandoned," ~Leonardo da Vinci

Long live the RRR!!

Selmont Sharpig

Saul Goodman. Hope you have a nice time.