
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Wildflower Inn

Started by Mara the Wolf, October 31, 2020, 11:48:33 PM

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Crafter Man

Roughtail Jumped back with a squeal as the wolf's claws grazed the fur on his snout.  Then he began growling savagely, most rational thought being pushed aside for the time being.  He held the shard of glass in his mouth and began approaching his target on all fours, he was faster and harder to hit this way.

Jarky Thistlebrush

Isaac, startled by the rat's growl, turned away from Mayla and Fern. "Oh my," was all he could think to say. The fox was torn. Duck behind a table, or join the fight? The intelligent part of him said he should try to break it up- that way he would have the goodwill of almost every beast in the inn. But the rest of him had spotted the unattended strawberry fizz on the rat's table.
The following is a list of things to bring on holiday:
42 ~ Seb's Humility ~ Seb's toothbrush ~ Seb's soul ~ Half a Plane ~ Your Toothbrush ~ A creeping anxiety every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Pure Terror every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Death every time you look at your toothbrush

I had to move everything off the list but the bare essentials to make way for this:


"Thank you anyway"

Splash notices the fight and tries to trip Roughtail while he charges.
I'm about to go GREMLIN MODE

Crafter Man

Roughtail scurried over the otter-maids foot paw that was outstretched in an attempt to trip him, which would've been difficult seeing as he was already on all fours.  The rat made his way over to the wolf taking a non linear path and making his movements as erratic and hard to predict as possible.  When he thought the moment was opportune, he jumped out and attempted to latch onto her fur and clamber up on her back whipping his snout back and forth savagely.  His snout's grip on the glass shard had slipped a bit which rendered his slashing less effective.   

Flib Bigboat

Seatar started for the rat. "Git offa her, ye bilge rat!" She pulled out her curved sword. Ranala stood by the door, unsure of what to do.
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

Mara the Wolf

The wolf simply slammed her back, and the rat, against the wall behind them.
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Ebantu the Kararehe

 Fern and Mayla both leapt to their footpaws as soon as the fighting began. "Do you need a paw?" Mayla asked the big wolf, twirling her quarterstaff. Fern's dagger was in her paw and she had thrown her cowl back to prevent it hindering her vision if she needed to join in.
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

shisteer of nothing much

  Nitsyok, Faumyan and Romyan kept paws close to their weapons, but stayed relatively calm, remaining seated. Mara looked like she had things basically under control and jumping in would likely only complicate matters.
  They were still ready, though, keeping an eye on both the rat and the other beasts in the inn. Roughtail wasn't the only vermin in the area and, at this stage, it would be a good idea to make sure nobeast else got involved.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Crafter Man

The sea rat dropped the glass shard as he was crushed between the wall and the large wolf before falling to the ground gulping in air.  He'd gotten the wind knocked out of him, something that he'd experienced countless times before when roughhousing with other vermin, just not quite as hard as this.  The sudden shock of having the wind knocked out of him jolted the rat back to his senses.  He realized he was outnumbered, and even if it was a fair one on one, the wolf had the size and strength advantage over him.  Roughtail knew when he was beat, it was the fact that he'd fought that mattered.   

Despite the heavy blow, the rat recovered fairly quickly and rose to his feet, spitting blood from his snout as he did so.  He'd had fights like this many times on the Bloodyscab, and was quite used to losing them to far better vermin than himself.  Why's everyone acting so weird? Roughtail was used to cheering and shouting and laughing during his scuffles with other beasts, but instead everyone seemed to be gravely tense and quiet, watching him.  It was mildly unsettling to say the least and if the beasts around were hooting and cheering like normal, he'd have probably jumped back into the fight.  The glass had cut into his mouth a fair bit and the rat had to spit out a decent amount of blood before addressing the wolf and the inn as a whole.  "Ya do yur reputation as a wolf justice, I must say."  Roughtail laughed and spit out another mouthful of blood. "One day, -I'd like a rematch with me weapons."  He smiled toothily, showing his bloody teeth to the wolf before stumbling over to his table and downing another pint of ale.  He was feeling mildly dizzy, but in good spirits nonetheless.  He'd taken on a wolf, something he was sure few vermin had ever attempted even if it was just a playful scuffle. 

Mara the Wolf

Maut came downstairs just then, Veach on his heels, rubbing an eye. "Any reason why ev'rybeast's being so-" Then the two saw Mara's fight with Roughtail. "Oh. What's happ'ning?"

"That ungrateful rat decided t' attack Mara after she conked him on the head fer breaking one'a our tankards," Masika explained.

Mara grabbed the rat by the tunic and hosted him in the air. "Ya really think yer still welcome 'ere after ya tried t' slice my throat?" she growled. "Yer even stupider than I thought." She turned to everybeast in the room. "Whaddaya think? Should I throw 'im out, wit'out 'is weapons-?" A cheer came from Nyika and Maut, with an assenting nod from Masika. "Or should I take pity on this half-brained sea scum?"
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Crafter Man

Roughtail was completely bewildered as he was hoisted into the air.  He was used to scuffles like these uplifting the mood during gatherings, this one seemed to have the direct opposite effect.  "Ya attacked me!" He half growled, half pleaded.  "An' I wouldn't 'ave cut yur throat! What're ya insane, was but a scuffle.  Nothin' like a scuffle t' brighten up the mood eh?"  Would I've cut 'er throat?  Roughtail gulped at the large black wolf, now more scared than ever, "I'll pay ya back fer the stupid cup aight!" 

Mara the Wolf

The wolf brought the rat to her face so they were (literally) nose-to-nose. "Ya think this about a stupid tankard?! Ya've been nothing but rude, threat'ning, ungrateful an' disrespectful t' the beasts who saved your sorry, no-good, flea-bitten hide from the moment ya walked in here! And then ya have t' gall t' attack me, after I helped tend t' ya, simply over a bonk on the head!" The wolf bared her fangs, looking like she might bite him at any moment.
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Flib Bigboat

"Throw 'im out!" hollered Seatar. "Rats is vermin, 'e's just goin' t' cause more trouble for yas, 'tis best if'n ye throws 'im out!"
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

The Grey Coincidence

"Bit rich for you to call anyone vermin, isn't it, ferret?" Harlapple chided. The mouse sipped casually at his strawberry fizz, eyeing the October Ale with disgust. "I wouldn't throw him out if I were you." He went on, now adressing Mara herself.  "Nobeast was hurt, bar fights bring in crowds and thus revenue and really, tossing an injured beast into the rain sounds cruel." Even for your standards.. "Here, you said we had to share rooms. I'll take him up to mine and see that he doesn't cause anymore trouble." The mouse put on his most winning smile.
Profile by the wonderful Vizon.

Also, behold this shiny medal! How I got it is a secret...

Also, also, I am running fanfic conteeeeeests!

Crafter Man

The now petrified rat cringed away from the barred teeth of the wolf, shutting his eyes tightly as if he was scared to watch his own demise.  Then he had heard the voice of the mouse, so calm and collected, it almost made him feel like a stupid kit.  Regaining some confidence at Olaf's words, he opened his eyes and smiled at the mouse before turning to face the wolf. 

"Your goin' to tell me you've nay'r 'ad rude beasts, bar fights, or smashed glass in this inn of yurs?"  Roughtail chided rhetorically, spitting another glob of blood from his mouth and onto the floor below him.  He wasn't really surprised that the mouse had given him an out, it's what he would have done to a mate in a similar situation, but he was relieved nonetheless.  "An' yah, I think I'll head back to me room fer now, anything t' get away from the lot of yew."  He eyed the ferret with disgust, "Aye, I'm vermin an' I always will be.  Guess that makes ya an angle does it?"  He laughed, "I know a pirate when I see one, I've been lookin' at them me entire life, an' if I 'ad t' guess I'd say yew be some sorta slave driver so shut yur gob