
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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How to Speak Hiagish

Started by Mara the Wolf, January 24, 2021, 04:47:38 AM

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Mara the Wolf

Because we honestly need this topic! :giggle:
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general


Ah donnae zee why ah need ziz.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Cornflower MM

It's like..... Aussie highland lizard.

Quote from: Booklover on January 24, 2021, 10:48:33 AM
Ah donnae zee why ah need ziz.



Ah, I probably forgot to edit all of it after autoincorrect and accidental quoting. Should be 'vhy' as well.

Replace w with v, s with z (and th as well, I think), I is ah, dinnae, nae and so on for don't and no/t. Oi instead of 'i' sounds (like in time). Und instead of and. Miss off silent h's. in' instead of ing. V instead of double l (not in all cases? I'm not completely sure). Ye and yer nstead of you and your. Tae instead of to. (Actually, as could replace o in other cases as well. Say 'ach' a lot. Also 'major'

Examples of HIAG posts:
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on November 30, 2020, 07:19:14 PM
Vell, fer vone zin', vhen ye avready 'ave it und vhenever ye are on a different brovzer from Chrome ye're alvayz bein' azked if ye vant tae doonload/zvitch tae Chrome. Alzae ze pagez vill zuddenly refrezh vhen ye're roight in ze middle o' zummat. Ach...
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on November 30, 2020, 11:19:18 PM
Ach, vell tiz zat toime o' ze year again vhen Ah get off o' ze internet (at leazt fer everyzin' but zchool-related ztuff) fer Decembre und January. 'ave major 'olidayz av! Zee ye at ze beginnin' o' February! *Dizappearz viz a pop*
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on November 28, 2020, 09:34:45 PM
3 MAJOR zin'z tae zmoile aboot:

1. Gettin' on a Zoom meetin' viz yer family after nae zeein' zem in monthz!

2. Me Mum made a majorly deliciouz pumpkin cake viz cream cheeze oicin'. Zat iz definitely vone o' ze bezt cakez e'er baked.

3. On Froiday rereadin' yer ztory fer yer Advanced Fiction Vroitin' clazz, proof-readin' it, editin' it, revoizin' it, addin' information tae partz o' it, und foinally finizhin' ze final draft o' ze ztory und zubmittin' it- az vell az vroitin' ze 1-Page craft letter ye needed tae vroite along viz it und zubmittin' zat taae. Anozer clazz completed! Juzt ztudyin' fer und takin' Russian 'iztory exam, und zen zat'z ze end o' ze zemezter. Major!

Ah vill zay Ah'm zloightly out o' practize, zince it'z been a vhoile zince Ah've read Hiag'z poztz ozer zan ze vonez Ah juzt uzed az examplez. Ach. (Hiagizh, 'tiz major!)
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

shisteer of nothing much

Ye alzae need tae zet foire tae ev'rybeaztz' 'air. *zets foire tae Bookie's 'air* Ach.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Flib Bigboat

Ach tae ye tae. Many Ach'z.  :giggle:
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!